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The Struggle is Real: Financial Independence Strategies for Young Adults

Education Podcasts

This show is for 20-somethings who want to expedite their journey to financial independence. Have you ever asked yourself, “If money wasn’t an issue, what would I do with my life?” If not, think about it because you’ll need an answer sooner than you think, but my guess is, you have. You’ve thought about an alternative career path, starting your own business, or spending more time developing your hobbies but the major factor holding you back is money. I want to solve that problem for you. On the show, we’ll answer questions like: *What are the best investment strategies for early retirement? *How much money do I need to retire early? *How do I negotiate a higher salary or raise at my current job? *What are some profitable side hustle ideas I can start today? *What are the best strategies for budgeting and managing my money? *What frugal life hacks can make everyday purchases more affordable? *How can I withdraw funds from retirement accounts penalty-free before the traditional retirement age? *What are some long-term strategies for building wealth and financial security?


United States


This show is for 20-somethings who want to expedite their journey to financial independence. Have you ever asked yourself, “If money wasn’t an issue, what would I do with my life?” If not, think about it because you’ll need an answer sooner than you think, but my guess is, you have. You’ve thought about an alternative career path, starting your own business, or spending more time developing your hobbies but the major factor holding you back is money. I want to solve that problem for you. On the show, we’ll answer questions like: *What are the best investment strategies for early retirement? *How much money do I need to retire early? *How do I negotiate a higher salary or raise at my current job? *What are some profitable side hustle ideas I can start today? *What are the best strategies for budgeting and managing my money? *What frugal life hacks can make everyday purchases more affordable? *How can I withdraw funds from retirement accounts penalty-free before the traditional retirement age? *What are some long-term strategies for building wealth and financial security?



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6 Essential Skills to Have a Successful Career (and Make More Money) | E139 Dave Lamont

As someone pursuing early financial independence, it is almost guaranteed that over time, a lot of your wealth will come from investment growth but as we all know, it takes money to make money. The first $100,000 of your net worth is a lot of hard work: you need to make income, live below your means, and aggressively save. And through all of this, your career will be the backbone of this process. Improving the skills that will make you more valuable is an important journey throughout your 20s. If you put effort in the right places, you will quickly become a high performer and be paid accordingly. So with that in mind, what should you be focusing on? There are technical skills that will be in high demand in the future (think AI, cybersecurity, logistics) but these are industry-specific. There are also a set of skills that no matter what career path you pursue, will always pay dividends. Today, I’ll be talking about the latter with Dave Lamont. Dave knows a thing or two about this subject as he’s built an incredible career for himself and not slowing down anytime soon. Dave is the CEO of Renfrew Business Group and president of Renfrew Chrysler, Lloydminster Nissan, and Royalty RV. In this episode, Dave shares 6 essential skills that led him to his success with the hope that you’ll find career success as well no matter how you define that. So let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with former hockey player, car enthusiast, and Author of Crank It!...Dave Lamont. Key Takeaways: More of Dave: Crank It! A Playbook for Succeeding in Business and Life: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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A Plan for Breaking Up With Your Financial Advisor (for Those Who Don’t Like Confrontation) | E138 Tess Waresmith

You’ve been pouring into your personal finance education and you’re starting to feel more empowered to manage your investments. You might have even played around with online calculators and realized how much that 1% advisor fee is really costing you. But years ago, when you were less confident and didn’t know better, you hired someone to help you with this. They grew into someone you call a friend and although you know the math and feel capable of handling your investments on your own now, you’re having difficulty cutting ties. It’s not easy to break up with someone especially if they have treated you well, answered your phone calls, and have been sending you an annual Christmas card. But I help you with the hard things and it’s time. With this in mind, how can we make this a smooth process, set ourselves up for success, and respectfully and professionally break up with our financial advisor? Well, that’s today’s conversation. To help me unpack this topic, I invited on Tess Waresmith. Tess is a financial coach that helps people feel confident with investing. But this wasn’t always the case. After socking away a ton of money working on cruise ships after she graduated, Tess hired a financial advisor to help her turn her savings into real wealth. But after some bad advice and other financial mishaps, Tess lost $80,000 and had to reset. Through a lot of self-education, she learned how to invest on her own through simple, yet effective methods. In this episode, Tess shares the math behind the real cost of a financial advisor. She shares an easy step-by-step process for breaking up with your advisor and how to handle objections if they push back. We also talk about when it might be appropriate to hire help and who might be the right person for that situation. Let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the aerial aerobatic and high diving financial coach…Tess Waresmith. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Free Guide: 26 need-to-know investing terms: More of Tess: IG: WealthWithTess ( More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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5 Affordable Yet Fun Date Ideas | E137 Samantha Vigneau

Dating is expensive. There is no way to sugarcoat it. Between dinner, drinks, parking, entertainment, and more…the costs quickly add up. I was reading an article and they surveyed 2,000 Americans to find out the average person has spent $3,025 over the last year on dating. That’s a little more than $250 a month and it didn’t include indirect costs like new clothes, make-up, and haircuts. Even as someone in a long-term relationship where Gaby and I have similar financial goals, and the advantage of using coupons and hitting happy hours without social ridicule, we still spend a fair amount on dates. It is because creating shared memories is important to us…but so is financial independence. So whenever it comes to dating, how can we maximize fun without breaking the bank? Well, that’s what I have in store for you today. My friend Samantha Vigneau and I created a list of 5 affordable and fun date ideas. My challenge to her was each of these ideas had to be less than $50 for two people and she hit the mark with many ideas being little to no money at all. This was a fun episode to make. I know many of us are dating right now let it be you’re looking for someone or in a relationship and going out and making memories together is important. So how do we find the balance between that and our financial goals? This episode will answer that. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the Host of Single Status…Samantha Vigneau Key Takeaways: More of Samantha: Website: Instagram: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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First Time Real Estate Investor? Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes | E136 Dustin Heiner

If you’re interested in early retirement, you have to consider how you will afford life when a paycheck isn’t hitting your bank account every other Friday. Of course, my favorite method is investing in the stock market. This provides dividend income and the ability to sell your stocks when you need to but there is another obvious method out there - real estate. I don’t know how we’ve gone 135 episodes without extensively discussing investing in real estate. It may be because it isn’t something I currently participate in but it has my attention. When I think about my draw-down method, there is hesitation on what I would do if I felt like we were in a down market and I’m wondering if rental income would give me much-needed stability through my early FI years. So I’m putting some effort into learning about it and if you do the same, there is one educator you will likely run into: Dustin Heiner. Dustin is the Host of Master Passive Income and is on a quest to help one million people get started investing in real estate. He is of course a real estate investor himself and at the age of 37, was able to quit his job because he had enough passive income from his real estate investments. In this episode, we discuss three common mistakes that Dustin wants you to know about before you buy your first property. Our goal in this conversation is to prevent you from making mistakes that Dustin had to learn the hard way early on. So if you’re interested in real estate investing, let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the father of 5 and successfully unemployed…Dustin Heiner. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Free Course: More of Dustin: Website: Instagram: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Learn to Improve Your Commitment and Follow-Through | E135 Matt Worthington

Even with an aggressive savings rate, reaching financial independence will take 10 to 15 years assuming the market plays nice with you. Stack on paying off debts and saving for large purchases like a wedding, a new car, or your first home, we can see how this is going to be an extended journey. Throughout that journey, how do we stay committed and follow through with our goals? This is not an easy answer, especially in the age of instant gratification and social media. So I turned to my friend Matt Worthington who has followed through with many impressive goals. When he started college, he committed to graduating debt-free. This required working multiple jobs, saying no to distractions, and an unhealthy amount of frugality but he made it happen. Then he wrote a book about it which is a feat in itself. Finally, over the last year, he’s accomplished several physical challenges including completing a half-ironman, finishing 75 hard, and running an ultra marathon, which required a focused training plan and a lot of mental toughness. It is easy to write off Matt as someone born with these gifts but I promise you that wasn’t the case. Don’t worry, we’ll get into that story. My hope with this episode is you pull out inspiration to continue following through with your commitments, financial goals, or anything you have your mind set on right now. So if you’re looking for that inspiration, let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Mister Reinvention himself…Matt Worthington. Key Takeaways: More of Matt: Instagram: Riser Network: Riser Podcast: Ultra Productive: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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This is the REAL Meaning of Being Frugal (and It’s Not Depriving Yourself) l E134 Joel Larsgaard How to Money

When I say the word frugal, what comes to mind? Do you think of your penny-pitching sibling? Or your coupon-clipping aunt? Your co-worker that always brings their lunch? The reality is, frugal means something different to everyone. Frugality is a spectrum, and I believe it can be extremely beneficial to live your 20s with a healthy amount of frugality. Split rent with roommates. Shop at value-based stores. Avoid overspending on luxuries like new cars or fancy clothes. Winning these battles early on can pay dividends, literally and metaphorically, down the road. But frugality can go too far. Your 20s aren’t the time to deprive yourself of everything at the expense of saving money. So how do we find that balance? What are some signals that we’ve gone too far? And what can we be doing now so we don’t have to worry about frugality so much in the future? Joel Larsgaard, Co-Host of How to Money, will be answering those questions today. Joel is a recovering frugalite. After experiencing his parents going bankrupt when he was 12, he vowed not to let money impact him in the same way. In his 20s, he worked two jobs, used his bike as a primary source of transportation, and scoured the internet for the best deals. As Joel entered his 30s, he realized he might have taken frugality a little too far. At times, being frugal tested his relationship with his wife and had him make short-sided decisions that might be considered cheap versus frugal. Joel will admit that he doesn’t have it all figured out now but I can tell he’s found a much healthier balance today. He still loves riding his bike but works less and isn’t afraid to spend money on quality items he loves. I enjoyed my conversation with Joel because I can see myself following in his footsteps. I can often get lost in the bigger picture of financial independence. FI is not a number but instead, the flexibility to reimagine what life could look like. So if you’re ready to experience what life could look like, let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the craft beer lover and co-host of How to Money…Joel Larsgaard. Key Takeaways: Mentions: HTM Money Mission Statement: More of Joel: Website: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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How to Ask for a Raise: Step-By-Step Process to Make the Ask & Actually Get It | E133 Andrew Giancola

You’re a top performer at work. Your manager routinely praises you and you’ve been taking on more responsibilities as your team and your company grows. With all of these positive indicators, a thought has been in the back of your mind - “I deserve a raise.” Those 2 to 3% increases you’ve received the last couple of years aren’t making a major difference to your financial situation let alone keeping up with inflation. Even with this information though, you haven’t gotten the courage to talk to your manager. Maybe your company is going through a difficult period or you have a great relationship with your manager and you’re afraid this conversation would add some tension or awkwardness. So what are you going to do? This episode is going to kick off with my friend Andrew Giancola breaking down some of the math behind why you can’t continue to ignore this problem. I’ll let him share the details but essentially, negotiating a raise every few years will make a drastic impact on your earning power. We are talking mid-6 figures or more! This can’t be ignored…but it also needs to be handled professionally. Busting into your manager’s office demanding a raise because you’re fed up with being underpaid isn’t the solution either. So once again, what are you going to do? The good news is you don’t have to answer that question because Andrew will do it for you. Andrew Giancola hosts The Personal Finance Podcast, where he helps listeners discover how to easily save, invest, and grow their money to build generational wealth. One of Andrew’s favorite topics to discuss is how to ask for a raise because he knows how impactful yet sensitive it can be. In this episode, we are going to walk through his step-by-step process of asking for a raise including initiating the conversation, proving your worth, making the ask, and getting a yes. I love his system because it is built around intentional communication and it is going to make it easy for someone that is nervous to approach their manager. I also think his step-by-step process won’t leave you looking like someone ungrateful but instead, treated like a professional that knows their worth. If you’re interested in making more money and getting on the path to early financial independence make sure to hit the follow button because we will be covering both of those topics extensively this year. Alright, I hope you enjoy my conversation with…the man who went from living paycheck to paycheck to becoming a millionaire by 32…Andrew Giancola. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Asking for a Raise E-Book: More of Andrew: Website: Podcast: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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How to Launch a Side Hustle While Working Full-Time | E132 Genuinely Genesis

One of the keys to building wealth is increasing your income. Most 20-somethings don’t have a savings problem, they have an income problem. You’re trying to pay off student loans, graduate from a college lifestyle, and invest for their future all while working with an entry-level salary. While I believe the fastest way to increase your income is focusing on your primary source of income, aka being a top performer at work and negotiating salary increases because of that, I’m also a fan of rolling up your sleeves and hustling to make some additional income on the side. Not only is side hustling a great way to make some extra cash to deploy against whatever financial goals you have right now, it is also a great way to learn about business, develop additional skills, explore other career paths, and most importantly, learn how to independently make money. So with all of this in mind, I invited my friend Genesis on the podcast to discuss side hustles. Know as genuinelygenesis on Instagram and TikTok, Genesis has been hustling since she was a kid selling coconut popsicles on the side of the road in Bolivia. Growing up low-income, she learned firsthand how to turn her hard work into cash. Now in her 20s, she’s graduated from selling popsicles to working in big tech full-time but she’s still hustling on the side, growing a real-estate empire and content business. In this conversation, Genesis and I are going to answer a ton of questions about side hustles including whether are side hustles even worth it, how to make time for your side hustle, how to convert this hard work now into passive income in the future, and most importantly, ideas for your first side hustle. What should I do is always the biggest question I get when discussing side hustles. So aside from some of the side hustles Genesis discusses in this episode, here are 5 other ideas you can consider for your 1st side hustle: This is going to be a great episode. One of many that we have planned for this year so if this is the year you get serious about your financial future, hit the follow button because there are a whole lot more of these episodes coming. Let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with…Hispanic-American, first-generation college student, and miss poor but no more…Genuinely Genesis. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Side hustle workbook:


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Using Geo Arbitrage to Save a Ton of Money and Reach FI/RE Sooner | E131 Rachel Covert

It’s hard living a frugal life. I’m constantly questioning myself whenever I do things like taking leftovers from a free corporate lunch or doing date night at 4pm so we can get happy hour pricing. Although these frugal practices are simply a journey all 20-somethings need to live through, it’s not what I want to be doing forever. But what if I told you you could live it up now while also accomplishing your financial goals like paying off student loans or heavily investing to reach financial independence early? This could be a reality with a strategy called geo-arbitrage. Ignore the fancy words, the concept is simple. Have a steady income in a strong currency, then spend money in a cheaper country. Imagine this, you live in New York City, making $70,000 a year and your monthly costs are $5,100. You work from home and can easily pack up and leave so then you move to Mexico City where your monthly costs are $1,900. That’s a difference of $3,200 or over $38,000 a year. A decision like this magnifies your savings rate and allows you to make some serious progress on your financial goals in just a few short years without sacrificing your comforts like a spacious apartment or trying new restaurants a couple of times a week. If you are open to an idea like this but don’t have a portable job or you are not ready to move, the same strategy could be applied to reduce your final FI target number. Instead of needing $1.5M dollars maybe you only need $700,000 to retire to a more affordable city. This is what today’s guest did. Rachel Covert retired early at the age of 36 from her high-stress job in fashion and decided to move away from expensive NYC. She’s been fairly nomadic the last few years but currently resides in Portugal. In this episode, we dive deep into geo-arbitrage. Rachel will share examples of low-cost-of-living cities you could move to, prices you can expect to pay, how to prepare for a change like this, and more. Once again, if you are adventurous and have career flexibility this could be a really powerful strategy you could employ. Let’s learn some more about it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the early retiree and world traveler…Rachel Covert. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Compare the cost of living: More of Rachel: Get the Free Lifestyle Spotlight Spreadsheet: Instagram: @rachel_talksmoney More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Former Inmate on Believing in Yourself, Creating Your Comeback, and Proving Them Wrong | E130 Nate Dukes

For today’s episode, we are going to pause our money content to share a powerful story. With 2024 quickly approaching, I’m sure you’re giving thought to some changes you’d love to make in your life. It could be that you want to eat healthier, repair a relationship, feel more confident, tap into your true potential, or anything of the sort. But maybe those ideas come with some discouragement. If it is something you want to change now, it is probably something you’ve been thinking about changing for a while. I’ve been there. I make empty promises to myself that “next Monday is whenever I start” and of course, that day comes and for some reason, I’m still acting the same way and not taking action on that promise. 2024 is going to be different for both of us though. No more empty promises. We are going to prove to those who have been doubting us, our parents, friends, partners, but most importantly, ourselves. And there is no better story to end our 2023 content with and leave us feeling empowered like my friend Nake Dukes. This guy has gone through a lot from hugely successful business owner to being behind bars after getting caught stealing a car. I don’t want to ruin this reinvention story so I’m going to leave it there. This one is a great one to play in the car for everyone to hear out loud as you’re headed to Grandma's house for the holiday celebrations. This story originally aired years ago as episode 41 and has been a fan favorite ever since. This is the last episode of 2023. Thanks for an amazing year. I had so much fun creating content for you in 2023 and I’m even more excited about 2024. As a reminder, moving forward we’ll be publishing bi-weekly on Wednesdays to make some space for some other projects we have in the works. You’ll see our content shift in 2024 with a major focus on money so if this is the year that you are dedicated to taking control of your finances, make sure to hit the subscribe button. I’m working on February content right now and our guest lineup is so incredible so far so you don’t want to miss out. Oka, enough teasing. I hope you have an amazing end of your year and happy holidays. Let’s get to the interview. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the innate turned author…Nate Dukes. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Pay it forward program: More of Nate: Book (Amazon): Website: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at...


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4 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions that Will Set You Up for Financial Success in 2024 (and beyond) | E129

I’ve noticed that New Year’s resolutions have been taking some heat lately. I get it, it is totally illogical that a single predetermined day is chosen for everyone to start a major life change and by February, most of us have given up on our grand changes and retreated back to our normal lives. But there is something about a fresh calendar year that gives me hope and naturally makes me prioritize the changes that I’ve been putting off. I think with intentionality and some realistic level setting, New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be something you feel guilty about by February. But what do I mean when I say intentional and realistic level setting? Have you heard the quote, “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade?” Well, that summarizes why New Year’s resolutions get their bad rep. We set unrealistic expectations - to completely reinvent our career path, pay off 6-figures in student loans, or to go from super spender to super saver. These goals are just impractical - at least in a short timeline such as a year. Here is the thing - you don’t need to solve all of your money problems in one year. You just need to point the sail in the right direction. So what would be more practical New Year's resolutions related to money? Well, that’s what we are going to talk about today. Here are 4 realistic financial goals that if accomplished in 2024 will set you up for a decade of success. Key Takeaways: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Realistically, How Much Does It Cost to Have Kids? | E128 Maya Corbic

I’ve always dreamt about becoming a dad. I know little moments like teaching them the ABCs, running them to soccer practice, or helping them pick out their prom outfits are going to bring me a lot of joy. I’m even ready for the challenging moments like sleepless nights, pre-teen outbursts, and difficult “growing up” conversations. One thing that I’m not sure I’m ready for is the cost of children. I was reading a survey and apparently, the average cost of raising a kid from 0 to 18 years old in the United States is $237,000. And I’m not quite sure I would be on the low end of the average. I agree with Maya Corbic, our guest today, that you can’t put a price on the love that you’ll have for your child but the financial impact has to at least be considered in your decision-making progress. How much does a pregnancy cost? What financial milestones should I accomplish before having a child? Can I realistically afford to take care of a child right now? These are all questions that will be answered in today’s episode. As I mentioned, we’ll be talking to Maya Corbic. She is the creator behind the popular Instagram page where she is helping parents raise financially savvy children. She is also the author of “From Piggy Bank to Stocks: The Ultimate Guide for a Young Investor” where she introduces children (and honestly parents) to the exciting world of investing. This is a great episode for anyone considering parenthood and also soon-to-be parents as we discuss a lot of early childhood cost savings tips. Let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the 1st gen immigrant, CPA, and energetic mom of 2…Maya Corbic. Key Takeaways: More of Maya: Instagram: From Piggy Bank to Stocks: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Did You Forget These 4 Financial News Headlines From 2023? | E127

We are closing up on 2023 and I thought it would make for a fun episode to recap some of the top financial news headlines from the year. Being a fellow money nerd, this year provided many interesting headlines that were fun to follow and watch play out. And looking back at it all, these stories reminded me of an important lesson that I’ll share at the end of this episode. Key Takeaways: Mentions: The Best Interest (Does the Debt Ceiling Affect Your Finances? - E57): More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Avoiding the Comparison Trap: 5 Powerful Ideas to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others | E126 Hayley Dawson

Today we dive deep into a universal struggle that affects us all: the comparison trap. In a world fueled by social media highlights and curated success stories, it's easy to find ourselves measuring our worth against others. This happens to me all of the time. I see someone else’s life: the promotion, the new house, a fancy vacation, their business success…and start frantically wondering why I don’t have that yet. Setting aside dismissing my own successes, never once did I stop and think…is that something I actually want? With the highlight reels and the constant moving of our own goalposts, it is easy to see how our definition of success would start to get muddy. We slip into allowing others to define it for us and fall back into the never-ending loop of the comparison trap. It’s time to take back control, use comparison as inspiration, not envy, and define success on our own terms. To help us do that is my friend Hayley Dawson, Founder of The Blocks. Hayley and I immediately connected over many of our shared interests including unpacking the unique struggles of today’s 20-somethings. On top of overcoming the Comparison Trap, we discuss why your goals aren’t timebound to your 20s, why quitting should be celebrated, and how to make decisions based on what matters to you. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Tenants: The People on the Frontline of Britain's Housing Emergency by Vicky Spratt ( More of Hayley: Instagram: @_theblocks More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Your Year-End Financial Checklist: 8 To-Dos to Complete by December 31st | E125

The holiday season is in full swing and I’m so excited to spend the next month celebrating with friends and family. With all of the parties and get-togethers, it will be 2024 before we know it. But before we say goodbye to 2023, I have a few things I want you to check off your to-do list. In today’s episode, I’m going to give you a financial checklist of 8 tasks you may want to consider doing by Dec. 31 to tidy up your finances. Don’t worry, all of these tasks take 30 minutes or less so you can get back to enjoying the holidays. So if you’re ready to set yourself up for financial success in 2024, let’s get into the 8 tasks on the end-of-the-year financial checklist. Key Takeaways: Mentions: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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How to Find the Courage to Move Out of Your Hometown, Change Your Career, and Embrace Major Changes | E124 Kay Cote

I love big, life changes…said absolutely no one ever. Significant life changes like moving out of your hometown, changing career paths, or ending a significant relationship are terrifying even if you know it is what you should do. It takes proper planning and a lot of courage to follow through with these major milestones. These decisions have never come easy to me. I was terrified to quit my first job. It took me over 6 months to pull the trigger on moving out of my hometown. And I don’t even want to talk about the countless relationships that drug on because I didn’t have the courage to end them. At the end of the day, they were all the right decisions. The only thing I regret is not making those decisions sooner. I needed some encouragement from my friend and today’s guest Kay Cote. Kay knows a thing or two about change. Growing up outside of Fargo, North Dakota, she’s learned to embrace these big life decisions. She’s lived in South Africa temporarily, tried RV life, quit her corporate job to become an entrepreneur, relocated to Austin, and most recently, decided to take a chance on a career change by jumping into the music industry. Through Kay’s story and her PIVOT method, by the end of this episode, we’ll be feeling equipped to say yes to that hard decision and embrace the change that comes with it. So if you’re ready for that, let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the minimalist, storm-chasing fanatic, and shuffle dance queen…Kay Cote. Key Takeaways: More of Kay: Website: Instagram: thekaycote More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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8 Side Project Ideas: Earn Money and Build New Skills Without Leaving Your Day Job | E123

Do you currently feel like you’re stagnant in your career? Like you haven’t learned a lot lately and are living the same work day over and over? Or maybe you want to expedite your professional growth as you’re looking to take the next step? Well, this is the episode for you because we are going to be talking about how starting a side project can solve these feelings and 8 ideas for projects that you can start today. Key Takeaways: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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Turn the Page in Your Career with Effective Reading Techniques | E122 Nick Hutchison

What kind of impact would it have on your career if you could be mentored by Tim Ferriss, Brene Brown, Cal Newport, Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, Ryan Holliday, James Clear, and Carol Dweck? This is a handful of the top thinkers from the last decade and the great news is, we can receive their mentorship. No, unfortunately, they don’t have a special lottery program where you can enter to win a free mentoring session but they do have something even better, a book. Yes, all of these top thinkers are also authors and they’ve condensed the knowledge they’ve gained from decades of experience into an organized format that costs less than $20 even free if you’re savvy about it. Today we are talking about the power of books. My friend Nick Hutchison from BookThinkers is going to teach us how to boost your career through effective reading. Nick and I get into all kinds of reading techniques like note-taking strategies, how to read faster, finding time to read, and when to stop reading a book that isn’t serving you. If you’re ready to take your career and life to the next level by reading impactful books, then this episode is for you. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the creator of BookThinkers a massive online community of book lovers and the author of the newly minted book, Rise of the Reader…Nick Hutchison. Key Takeaways: Mentions: $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No ( More of Nick: Personalized Book recommendation: DM Nick at Buy the book on Amazon: Learn more about Nick: Learn more about BookThinkers: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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3 Career Killing Habits That You Can’t Afford to Keep | E121

In this current series, we’ve been deep-diving into blueprints for how you can take control of and accelerate your career with various professional growth strategies. Assembling a personal board of advisors and reading books are amazing avenues for taking steps forward in your career but we also want to be playing defense and ensuring we aren’t taking any steps backward. We don’t want to be putting all of this hard work in only to be paddling upstream. Over the first decade of my career, I’ve noticed 3 career-killing habits that can set young professionals back regardless of their talents. If you want to ensure that you aren’t slipping into one of these habits and what to do if so, well, this episode is for you. Key Takeaways: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at


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The 10 People You Need on Your Personal Board of Advisors | E120 Pete Schramm

Have you heard of this concept before? A personal board of advisors. I think it is kind of interesting. Many companies have a board of directors who help advise and guide them on key decisions. Why shouldn’t we have a similar group to rely on? Especially as early career professionals, we face many critical questions about career pivots, job opportunities, work-life balance, purpose, leadership moments, and more. When I started thinking about it, assembling a personal board of advisors is a must for high-performing professionals. We can’t do this all alone. We need guidance and support from a diverse group of professionals. But I have so many questions about how to actually execute this concept. Who should be on my board? How do I ask them? How often do we meet? How do I make sure it is meaningful for my board members too? So I invited my friend Pete Schramm to the podcast to tell us how to assemble a personal board of advisors and to get all of our questions answered. Pete is the CEO and Founder of Latitude, a software company focused on employee connection, and the author of Pathfinders, Navigating Your Career Map with a Personal Board of Advisors. This is a really powerful concept so I am hoping you take what you learn today and run with it. Key Takeaways: Mentions: Episode 108: 7 Local Events Where You’ll Meet Your Next Boss, Mentor, or Business Partner More of Pete: Book: Pathfinders, Navigating Your Career Map with a Personal Board of Advisors LinkedIn: More of The Struggle is Real: Find show notes and more at Follow us on Instagram at
