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Trading Secrets - education, business & zesty Brazilian sauce

Education Podcasts

Welcome to Trading Secrets: a podcast about tools, techniques and education on window treatment installations as well as the everyday struggles of our profession. I am your host Roger Magalhaes and to spice things up, I mix those conversations with a bit of zesty Brazilian sauce. As an immigrant from Brazil living in America for over 20 years, I've learned that hard work and perseverance pays off. But THAT, does not happen overnight. What’s the secret to keep moving further up? #1. Keep your eyes and ears open to new opportunities #2. Don't be average, go the extra mile #3. Always look at your glass as half as full, no matter what. Each episode runs between 12 - 18 minutes long and a new show comes out every two weeks on Friday mornings. Thanks for listening and see you soon! Please consider reviewing our podcast here:


United States


Welcome to Trading Secrets: a podcast about tools, techniques and education on window treatment installations as well as the everyday struggles of our profession. I am your host Roger Magalhaes and to spice things up, I mix those conversations with a bit of zesty Brazilian sauce. As an immigrant from Brazil living in America for over 20 years, I've learned that hard work and perseverance pays off. But THAT, does not happen overnight. What’s the secret to keep moving further up? #1. Keep your eyes and ears open to new opportunities #2. Don't be average, go the extra mile #3. Always look at your glass as half as full, no matter what. Each episode runs between 12 - 18 minutes long and a new show comes out every two weeks on Friday mornings. Thanks for listening and see you soon! Please consider reviewing our podcast here:





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E#018 -15 Educational Opportunities with Trading Up Consulting

Trading Up Consulting and Trading Up Academy are filling a huge void in the window fashion industry by providing knowledge & education when it comes to window treatment installation and customer service. Our goal is to raise the standards for the window fashion industry as a whole, one window covering at a time. Today, I am going to list all of the services we offer so you can take advantage of them and become a top-notch professional in the window treatment installation industry, too. Some services are totally free and some require a bit of an investment. Don’t forget to stick around until the end to get a sneak peek into what’s coming in 2023. To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#017 - Room for Improvement in the Window Fashion Industry

You might just be starting out in the industry or maybe you’ve been in business for decades. Nonetheless there is one common feature for all successful companies, regardless of size or years in business. And today, we are going to leverage this feature to help your company thrive in 2023. Before we dive in, we have some exciting news regarding the Trading Secrets Podcast! On top of the audio version that you are familiar with, I will also now be recording the show on camera to be uploaded on YouTube. If you are in the car or at the gym, the audio is a great option. However, YouTube is a great way to be discovered all over the world and our main goal here is to spread the word about becoming a top notch installer, right? So, the more ways we can do this, the better. And as a bonus, you will have some visuals along the way! You can find a link to our Youtube channel below! On today’s episode we are sharing another real life situation where the provider made some small mistakes that made a big impact on the customer. How we can apply these mistakes and fixes to our own businesses, and why doing a GREAT job the first time matters but keeping up the good work every single time is KEY in any successful business. To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#016: The Insurance Policy for Window Treatment Installers

Welcome back to the Trading Secrets Podcast. This show is sponsored by WCAA - the Window Coverings Association of America. Their mission is to make available educational and networking opportunities, to encourage a code of ethics for fair practices, and to work for the betterment of the window coverings industry. Today we’re talking about “The Insurance Policy”. Most people (myself included) are not big fans of paying insurance premiums. If you add up the amount you have paid for insurance over the years, it would probably shock you. But on the rare occasion that something goes wrong, you are glad that you did, right? The peace of mind just knowing that you are protected is priceless and that’s what we are talking about in today’s show. Stick around to hear a few prime examples from my career that show you exactly why you need an “insurance policy” and how it will save you many headaches moving forward. Please send your comments and suggestions. Thanks so much for your support and always remember: Never Stop Learning. Until next time! To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#015: Details Matter in the Window Treatment Industry

A large portion of the window fashions industry is dedicated to discretionary income: Getting consumers with money to spend on things they want versus things they need. For that reason, these consumers can be very selective about the professionals they choose to work with. Today I will share a few tips for you to stand out as a Top-Notch Installer and win those consumers over. Be sure to listen through to the end as I list five concrete tips to becoming a TOP-NOTCH window treatment installer; tips that will make the client want to recommend you to friends and family for years to come. This show is sponsored by Smartpad Pro - a complete CRM system for the window treatment industry. Please send your comments and suggestions. Thanks so much for your support! To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#014 - The Kaizen Way: Window Treatment Installer Tips

In today’s episode of the Trading Secrets Podcast we are talking about the kaizen way. This is one of my favorite Japanese words and concepts that I apply to my life and my business that has really made a huge impact not just on myself but those around me too. We talk a little on mindset, goals, and real world examples of how I apply the kaizen way to my overall life and why you should too. Have you heard of the kaizen way before? You likely already apply some of these principles to your everyday life, and if not, you will be inclined to after listening to this episode! Always remember: Never Stop Learning :) Roger Please send any feedback or suggestions my way at To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#013 - Celebrating Small Victories in the Window Fashion Industry

In case you didn’t know … I’ve almost left this Earth four times. And I wasn’t even 25 yet. Intrigued? In this episode of the Trading Secrets Podcast, we discuss the importance of not celebrating just your biggest victories, but your small accomplishments too. As someone who has worked so hard to get where I’m at today, and has almost lost my life several times along the way, I find it so important to stop, process and celebrate each step of this journey. Be sure to listen through to the end of the episode where I share a recent personal story that gives you a great example of what we’re talking about today and reminds you why you should never stop pushing the envelope and surpassing your “comfort zone” (whatever the heck that is)! Please send any feedback or suggestions my way at To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#012 - Hidden In Plain Sight: Tips for Window Treatment Installers

Unless you are trying to avoid being discovered by the FBI or the IRS, your name should be all over the place … Confused? Don’t be. In today’s episode of the Trading Secrets Podcast, we will be discussing the importance of SHOWING. UP. Including SEO strategies, proper business etiquette, and marketing tips and tricks to set you apart. I even share a recent personal story to give you an example to work from. As always, be sure to listen through to the end of the episode for my “bottom line” and how you can up your game starting right. this. second. Why wait? Please send any feedback or suggestions my way at Today’s episode is brought to you by: To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#011 - Mr. Know It All: Strategies for Window Treatment Installers

On today’s episode of The Trading Secrets Podcast we are talking about ego and the long term effect it can have on your business. You all know how important continuing education and learning is to me, and in this episode, I lay out all the reasons it should be important to you too (Including the ever-so-important ego check sometimes).. In fact, this episode’s idea originated from someone else! Read on to hear more on that story … Be sure to read through to the end of the episode where I give you four main strategies that I apply to my businesses in regards to today’s conversation. Please send any feedback or suggestions my way at Today’s show is brought to you by Smartpad Pro To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#010: Should I stay or Should I go?: Window Treatment Installer Tips

Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Trading Secrets Podcast. In today’s show, we are going to talk about the importance of networking events and seminars and why attending home shows can help you become a better professional. Consequently leading you to more success! This episode is brought to you by WCAA - the Window Coverings Association of America. Their mission is to make educational and networking opportunities available to its members. When you join WCAA, you will never be in business alone. With the international window covering Expo (IWCE) happening in April, everyone is talking about the show. The question is: Should you stay home or should you attend? Be sure to listen to the end of this episode for tips & tricks on how to best prepare for your first live event and my top reasons for attending (P.S. These events were and are a GAME CHANGER for me and my business). I hope to see you in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2 weeks for the convention. Please send me your suggestions and feedback. I surely appreciate your support! To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#009 - Avoidable Mistakes; Window Covering Dealer Edition

On today’s episode of Trading Secrets Podcast I will share with you an installation project that resulted in an unhappy client, unhappy installer, and unhappy dealer. In every industry, companies strive to provide the best service for their clients and our industry is no different. That’s why today’s episode is so important. Stick around as I share 3 avoidable mistakes dealers can make and provide suggestions on how to prevent these in the future. More happy clients, happy installers, happy dealers AND maybe a few more 5-star reviews. Today’s show is brought to you by Smartpad Pro To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#008 - Installation Startup Course: Education for Window Treatment Installers

Why I created the Installation Start Up Course Brought to you by WCAA (Window Coverings Association of America) In today’s show we are going to talk about what the installation course is and why I created it! If you are in the industry, you can probably agree that window treatment installation or the window treatment industry as a whole are not something that people are very familiar with. Because of this, we (as installers) often receive many questions about what exactly it is that we do and how this is *actually* an industry and possible career. I did not believe that this could be a rewarding career when my cousin told me that he was installing window shades. I’ve been in this industry for 15+ years and we are seeing more growth potential now than ever before. Be sure to listen to the end to learn what is included in this course, how affordable we’ve made it, and how you can become involved in one of the fastest growing industries to date. Head here to sign-up for the Installation & Start Up Course To learn about WCAA To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#007 - One Major Goal in 2022 for a Window Treatment Installer

In today’s episode, let’s talk about motorization and home automation, along with how you need to get involved in this trend ASAP. This trend has been on the rise since 2006 and is now exploding exponentially. This is the first show of 2022, and at the start of every new year, people start making lists and resolutions of things they want to change and do in the year ahead. Businesses are no different – you should be sitting down to plan out your expectations and goals as an owner, employer, or employee for the next 12 months. Motorization is making more and more of an impact on our business. Everything in your home is becoming integrated; there are smart locks, smart thermostats, and more apps than you can count on to link it all together. As with other aspects of your home, window treatment motorization is becoming very popular for ease of use and for safety reasons. Dealers and decorators are still afraid of offering products like this because of a lack of confidence. Knowledge is the main barrier to selling automation and motorization because dealers don’t know what is involved. Fabricators are also facing those same fears. As an installer, if you are walking away from those projects due to a lack of knowledge, you are losing a lot of money. Make it your goal to learn this year. Communicate with others in the industry, join Facebook groups, and follow industry leaders on social media. Talk to your sales reps about options and look to brands that are leading the way to make sure you have the tools you need to make this trend work for you. WCAA: Window Covering Association of America To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#006 - One Word and Nine Meanings: Window Treatment Installer Tips

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about one word and nine meanings. This one word represents 9 qualities that any top-notch installer needs to have. Last week I received a Christmas card from my graphic designer, designed by her with one word on the cover. That word was gratitude, but she had also turned it into an acrostic, meaning each letter of the word represented another word. This inspired me to create a version for window treatment installers. Gratitude itself is the quality of being thankful, appreciative, and returning kindness. Window treatment installers provide a service that isn’t necessarily needed but wanted, so I am always grateful for the work I have and that people want to work with me. In my version of gratitude, the G stands for great. Always go above and beyond in your installations. R stands for resilient. Not everything will always run smoothly and you have to adapt. A stands for adaptable which ties into resilience. T is for trustworthy. We are going into peoples’ homes, and it is important to foster trust with your clients. It takes time but you can earn it. Next, the letter I stands for insightful. You have to understand the products and the project inside out. You need to be able to answer your clients’ questions. T is for thoughtful, which is related to insightful but also means you think ahead to make your installation as effortless as possible. The letter U stands for uninhibited; you need to be comfortable working with new people and unfamiliar situations. D stands for dependable, which is one of the most important qualities you can have. E stands for engaging. Interact with your clients, designers, and suppliers. Smart Pad Pro Dionne Katinas - DK Design Agency To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#005 - Seven Way To Put Safety First In Your Window Treatment Business

In this episode we are going through seven ways to put safety first in your window covering business. This includes proper ways to load your van, cordless treatments, as well as what installers can do to keep themselves and others safe. First, it’s important to define what safety is. It comes down to recognizing hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. One tip is to mind your dimensions. Otherwise, you will be unhappy with the outcome, and so will your clients. Isolate if you need to so you can focus on your measurements. You don’t want to rush this part of the process. Not too long ago, I was doing a job on an island. I drilled through the wrong side of the fabric, and this mistake cost me another day of travel. It was on my dime because it was my mistake. Simple mishaps can lead to big problems, especially when safety is involved. If you make an error, you can also damage the homeowner’s property by mistake. That’s why it’s so important that you have the insurance needed to protect yourself and your business. I don’t see insurance as an expense, but rather an investment. There are so many ways in which you can put safety first, namely the several shared in this episode. As professionals, we should never cut corners on the job. Doing things the correct way may take a few more minutes, but it’s always better to be safe than to be sorry. Visit our sponsor Window Coverings Association of America To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#004 - Virtual Window Treatment Installer Pro a.k.a. VIP Card

In today’s episode we are going to be talking about Virtual Installer Pro – or VIP – card. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had access to a seasoned installer that you could ask all your installation questions to, bounce ideas off of, and get advice? I’m here to tell you how you can access all this and more with the VIP card. I didn’t come up with the original idea for the Virtual Installer Pro card. Originally, my virtual assistant Belinda Wasser from Rocket Girl Solutions came up with the idea. Instead of invoicing and paying separately every time I need her help, Belinda came up with the idea to buy chunks of time in advance that can be redeemed within one year. Every time she provides a service, she tracks how much time she has spent On Mondays, she sends me a statement showing how much time I have used and how much is remaining. I thought this was an incredible idea, and with her blessing I created the Virtual Installer Pro card. With it, I am trying to provide an affordable service for people to ask their questions and get advice from without fear of feeling stupid. With the VIP card, there are no stupid questions. I offer 4 different packages, from 1 hour up to 25 hours. Each card offers an expiration date and rate. The more you buy, the more you save. Bronze is 1 hour with a 9-month expiry, Silver offers 5 hours and a 12-month expiry, Gold offers 10 hours with a 15-month expiry, and Platinum offers 25 hours with a 24-month expiry. I am here to help. Thanks to this episode's sponsor SmartPadPro To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#003 - Don't You Dare To Ask Me That!: Window Fashion Industry Advice

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the problems I have faced with social media. It’s been difficult finding someone to help me create content that is engaging and true to me and my business. In trying to be efficient with my time, I realized that I don’t do social media very well. I enjoy the interaction with customers and colleagues, but I am not very good at playing the algorithms. I decided to start working with someone to help me create and curate my social media posts. Initially, I worked with someone for 3 weeks on my social media. Suddenly, she stopped communicating with me and I have been unable to contact her since. The next person I worked with was recommended by colleagues. I was supposed to create a shared folder with logos, etc. for her to pull from, but I became busy and she posted without allowing me to proof the post first. When I explained to her that I wanted to verify posts before she sent them, she took great offense. We realized we were not a good match. Now, I am working with Emily Moore, owner of Lingows Media in Denver. The experience has been totally different than with the previous people. Emily and her company have made a great effort to understand my needs and my business needs. If you are in the service industry, no matter how long you have been in business, you have to understand that your business is not about you. Your business is about your customer. That is why Emily’s approach worked so well. It is your job to provide a service to your client. Learn about Lingows Media Visit our sponsor SmartPad Pro To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#002 - Details Matter in the Window Fashion Industry

In today’s episode we are going to be talking about the little details that can make a big difference. If you are in a service-based industry, every step of your customer interaction is important and should be given the same amount of care. Recently, I woke up to find our condo was chilly, despite the thermostat reading 72. The pilot light in our HVAC system was out. It took me an hour to get it going and then, a few days later, it went out again. I called a friend of mine who works as a technician fixing these kinds of things. He never called back, so a few days later I gave him another call and, again, he never called back. I contacted a company that has a good reputation and our initial dealings with them were great. They made the whole process smooth. We purchased a new system, and the installation was efficient, friendly, and they kept everything clean. A few days later, we noticed there was a leak in one of the pipes. We called the company and made an appointment. They gave me a window between 7:00AM and 9:00AM. Come 8:30AM, no one came. Finally, the workers arrived over an hour late, no one called me to let me know they would be late. This time, the workers were messy, less attentive, and less efficient. The point is if you have multiple staff members in your business, you need to train them all the same way. Go out on jobs with each staff member, make follow up calls with your customers, and check up on how people are performing out in the field. Show respect to your customers and their homes. Shoe covers To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#001 - If you are afraid of money, money will be afraid of you!

When I first started my company in 2006, I planned on creating a giant company with fleets of vans and employees who worked while I counted money and lived the American dream. I got to a point where I had 2 vans and 3 guys working for me, but I would get calls from clients saying they would rather have me come out and do the work. My guys did good work, but they would sometimes leave a mess or leave things out of place. I didn’t like getting those calls. So, I started thinking about how I could better control the installation environment. I could do all the work myself, but then I’d have no time to grow the company. Ultimately, I decided to increase the dollar ticket amount on my sales. How? By selling a better product, like an upgrade to go along with the sale. Products like remote shades have been increasing in popularity as technology becomes more accessible. Don’t be afraid of these products! You can learn about them and ask those who do know about them for help. There are 3 main problems in our industry right now that are preventing people from making money, which I’ll explain in even more detail in the episode. The first is that custom shades are still an expensive product. However, don’t be afraid of telling your customers the cost. Your job is to offer the best options available to your customer. The second problem is that dealers don’t have the necessary knowledge to sell these types of products, meaning they avoid selling them. The third problem is that there are not enough qualified installers. I urge you to try out the product for yourself and learn about the process. Check out the blog post here To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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E#000 - 'Lobstah', shoe shine box and being fired for doing a good job!

Welcome to the first episode of the Trading Secrets podcast. I’m your host Roger Magalhaes, and for today’s episode I want to introduce myself, let you know what this podcast is about, and why I decided to create this show. Originally, I am from Brazil, but now I am based in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. I believe I was born an entrepreneur. When I was little, I would pull my shoe shine box around the neighborhood asking everyone I saw if they needed their shoes shined. I attended vocational school at 14, learned a profession, and would work and attend school at the same time. When I was 19, I went back to vocational school and learned robotics. My first job in the USA was washing cars, but I immediately knew it wasn’t enough for me. After some training and searching, I was able to become a truck driver, which eventually led to becoming a vacation driver. That meant more money, but it also meant being on call 24/7. Four years later, I bought my house and renovated it by myself. Once the remodeling was finished, I realized I missed working with my hands. My cousin worked as a subcontractor installing window coverings, so I shadowed him for one day and knew it was for me. Now, after working hard and learning everything I could, I own my own business, I’m a columnist for Window Fashion Vision Magazine, I am the installation instructor for the fast-track program at WFCP, and a board member of the WCAA. In September of last year, I started my second company: Trading Up Consulting. I hope that through this podcast I can raise awareness of my trade, educate newcomers, and build a strong community. To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger


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Coming Soon 🎙️🕗🥁

Welcome to Trading Secrets: a podcast about tools, techniques and education on window treatment installations as well as the everyday struggles of running a small business. I am your host Roger Magalhaes and to spice things up, I mix those conversations with a bit of zesty Brazilian sauce. As an immigrant from Brazil living in America for over 20 years, I've learned that hard work and perseverance pays off. But THAT, does not happen overnight. What’s the secret to keep moving further up? #1. Keep your eyes and ears open to new opportunities #2. Don't be average, go the extra mile #3. Always look at your glass as half as full, no matter what. I hope to see you soon! To learn more about me, my background, and my goals within this industry, head here. Instagram Facebook Google Reviews Youtube Checkout The Wise Community here to learn how to Install like a Pro! And always remember, never stop learning. Roger
