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piano teacher primer

Education Podcasts

The only podcast for piano teachers just starting out! Each week Angela Toone, nationally certified piano teacher, will bring you actionable, accessible, fun ways to teach concepts with your very own students. Pro tips from the very best advice. How to teach piano lessons from the very beginning, and change the world one student at a time!


United States


The only podcast for piano teachers just starting out! Each week Angela Toone, nationally certified piano teacher, will bring you actionable, accessible, fun ways to teach concepts with your very own students. Pro tips from the very best advice. How to teach piano lessons from the very beginning, and change the world one student at a time!



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72. technology helpers for piano teachers

In this episode I tackle tech! Sharing the very few technologies I have braved figuring out to help make life easier as a piano teacher, and bring in some educational fun! I also enlisted the help of my friend Wendy Brewster, a fabulous piano teacher with a knack for apps. I share some of her favorites as well. Enjoy and happy teaching AND happy tech-ing! canva.com note rush getasitegoing.com use code Angela365 MyMusicStaff use this link for a free month! flash note derby ningenius musictheory.net rhythm swing musescore.org pianomarvel piano maestro earpeggio kahoot.it


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71. Pro Tips with Patricia Kelsey Graham

This sweet, warm, kind, musical, dedicated, creative Grandma-lady was my piano teacher through all my elementary years. She's been teaching since 1962, and has 16 studeents to this day! You'll hear how she started paying her aunt Mabel 50 cents for each piano lesson, to all these years later and the students she calls "music friends" that have made her life full and sweet. Talk about a mom job, she has done all of this while raising 6 of her own children. She shares a few more than 3 prime tips for beginning piano teachers Here are some things she taught me: -sandwich the constructive between the compliment -have a solo recital when students finish a book -group classes were called "piano parties" -be creative and always try something new -the two piano book with Classical pieces we referenced is Favorite Classics accompaniment by Lancaster and Renfrow Don't miss my interview with Pat Graham angelatoone.com/


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70. "play" money

Make extra money--->teaching children to play---> Play games to teach---->children play to learn---> Play with children--->while making money---> Make money to play more with your own children---> Be there as mom of your own children--->while helping other children---> Play the piano--->and you get to play with them! This is an excerpt from this week's "why I teach wednesday" email, and in this week's podcast I expand and explain with a multi-level "play" on words sign up for "why I teach wednesday" how I teach a first lesson free video demonstration masterclasses and courses angelatoone.com


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69. "growing" money

Another one of my hobbies is gardening, but for aliving I’m growing piano students. Think for a minute of what you are growing as a piano teacher. Not only students getting taller than their teacher, but they are growing in knowledge week in and week out, month after month, recital after recital. Growing in their abilities to play more and more complex and beautiful pieces, having varied experiences, and making new friends. AND your income can grow and grow to move the needle of your financial goals, increase memories with your own family, and go into your own personal growth. So teaching piano is not just a job, it’s money for growth. Growing students, improving piano teachers, and increasing your income at the same time. Grow your knowledge of piano teaching with my courses at angelatoone.com


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68. teaching piano = freedom

Teaching piano has given me freedom in the following ways: 1. As a creative person 2. As a mom 3. As a saver 4. And as a professional I explain how teaching piano has given me freedom of creative expression, freedom of flexibility, freedom to finally be able to pay for stuff, and expand my mind and friendships ...just to name a few... Only 4 spots left for the piano teacher primer LIVE, 4 weeks to either jump start or upgrade your piano studio with specialized help from an expert! piano teacher primer LIVE Starts Thursday May 2 also check out episode 39 angelatoone.com/


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67. not teaching piano yet? start here

Curious about sharing your love for music? Thought about teaching piano but unsure where to begin? This podcast episode is the perfect starting point! Come along as we unravel the secrets to successful piano teaching, from finding your teaching style to building a thriving student base. Let's turn your passion for music into a rewarding career together!" ⁠how I teach free video demonstration⁠ How to Find Piano Students FREE Masterclass Listen to these podcasts next: 3 to-dos before starting to teach piano teaching the musical alphabet landmarks and intervals...this is the way! 3 ways to teach rhythm...you choose the way! . angelatoone.com


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66. Success Stories

Some more piano teaching success stories comin at ya, but instead of from my own students, we have 3 of my clients. Piano teacher successes happening all over the country! From Utah to Kentucky to Georgia. They share a bit about their different studios, how they run things, and some things that have helped them along the way. Renee is a former schoolteacher, teaching piano is her retirement plan. Kirsten teaches in students' homes through the Volz system. And Kelsey teaches at a private school after school hours. So fun to hear different teaching circumstances as a bonus to this episode. So enjoy hearing from Renee, Kirsten, and Kelsey. HOW TO FIND PIANO STUDENTS FREE CLASS piano teacher primer course angela's courses


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65. Success Students

On this episode I mini-interview 2 of my actual students one current and one past: Mary and Tyler. They each have overcome a lot to be able to perform as well as they do. They share what has been helpful as they've learned to manage performance anxiety. Check out my next masterclass "Performance without Anxiety" Where I can teach you teachers what I taught them, and so much more! Performance without Anxiety Masterclass Memorization Mastery Replay angelatoone.com/ piano teacher primer course


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64. performance without anxiety

Heart beating, palms sweating, breathing faster, hard to concentrate….you know what that means….stage fright or performance anxiety. Something we all deal with to some extent, and our goal is not to stop feeling nervous, but work with it, and bring in the good feelings with helpful thoughts! Inthis episode, I share what has worked for me as a pianist, what I learned from my college professors, and my own experience as an independent studio teacher. And of course what has worked for my piano students! We discuss the thoughts that cause those physical sensations, and what to replace them with Much more in-depth discussion, including the similarity between feeling nervous and excited, what students think others think about them, what experts have taught me, and more personal experiences, at a live zoom masterclass on this topic. mark your calendars for: Thursday April 11th 10:30 am Mountain Tiime


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63. by heart, teaching memorization

Have you or your students experienced these worst-case scenarios? Mortifying! Traumatic even! I know from experience! I share some masterful ideas to help students play by heart. I‘d recommend pausing this episode and clicking on episode 41 “teach how they learn, 3 sensory modes” for an overview of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners. In this episode 63 I talk specifically about how to teach piano memorization differently to the 3 different learning styles. One thing that helps us all….Starting places! Have you heard of them? . Let me show you these and more memorization hacks in a live Zoom Masterclass next week: Memorization Mastery. Thursday, March 21st. 10:30 am Mountain time. See you there! . how I teach free video piano teacher primer course scales and chords secrets masterclasses


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62. Pro Tips with Rachel Ehring

Dr. Rachel Ehring is a true creative! She shares all the many hats she wears, and the solutions she has found and developed for each. We talk: link All the things! Here are her top 3 tips for beginning teachers 1. Don't try to do everything. It's easy to get "shiny object" syndrome and want to try everything you hear about, but you have to choose what is going to be the most useful thing right now and focus on that 2. That being said...don't be afraid to try new activities, games, tools. You will start to build an arsenal of activities that you can use "on the fly" if you have a squirrely student or one who is having a hard time grasping a concept. 3. Stories are a great way to connect with students. You can use storybooks about music. I've also created short "sound effect stories" that I use with my beginning students to teach simple musical concepts. Speaking of stories, characters and stories can be fantastic to help students memorize, details to come about techniques to teach Memorizing Mastery and Performance without Anxiety! Dynamic Accompanying Course Waitlist Dynamic Piano Teaching Podcast ⁠Episode 15: Janet Hart on Piano Detectives Club⁠ TopMusic Piano Podcast Etsy Store (Sound Effect Stories) More piano teaching resources on ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠how I teach a first piano lesson video⁠⁠ piano teacher primer course⁠


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61. tough conversations with piano parents

Bravely take on any potentially challenging conversations with piano parents to bring the collaboration of student, teacher, and parent together all for the students' successful piano education. Things like Student not practicing all their pieces Recital piece not ready in time Cutting back studio Raising prices And tips for communicating any change in your studio More piano teaching resources on ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠how I teach a first piano lesson video⁠⁠ piano teacher primer course⁠


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60. Pro Tips with Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Everhart -neurodiverse students

Have any piano students on the Autism spectrum? How about ADHD? Dislexia? Maybe they are just very wiggly? If you haven't had the pleasure of teaching piano to students with different challenges, we will fill you in.... You teach them...differently! Pop in my conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Everhart where she shares her own struggles from herself and her students, and some of the solutions she has found. A true expert in the field, a Piano Teacher Pro. Her top tips: 1. Observe. Keep notes on your lessons what worked and what didn't 2. First teach the student, keep them at the center 3. The best teachers are students, keep learning! Facebook: Creative Piano Pedagogy Instagram: creative_piano_pedagogy Website: www.elizabethdavispiano.com More piano teaching resources on angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠ how I teach a first piano lesson video ⁠⁠piano teacher primer course⁠


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59. tips for tired piano teachers

As a mom of 4 kids I get it! In this episode I share a few quick tips and some longer term solutions for tired piano teachers.


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58. Pro Tips with Jessica Allen - Let's Play Music and method books

My friend Jessica Allen has been teaching for 30 years (even longer than me!) and has over 60 students including younger child group classes through the Let's Play Music program, which she explains the idea behind and the process of using this program. I also asked her to share some method books she has used and which types of students they are a good fit for. She shows the books on video if you want to check out the YouTube version or Spotify video podcasts. letsplaymusicsite.com Links for the books we talked about: Piano Safari Wunderkeys Supersonics Piano Pronto Fired Up More piano teaching resources on ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ how I teach a first piano lesson video⁠⁠ piano teacher primer course⁠


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57. imagine that!

Our culture sees imagination it as kind of childish, I'm here to offer that imagination can not only enhance our students' musical expression, but can improve our lives as we picture the studio and life of our dreams! I pictured in my mind a job at home with my kids, teaching children something I am passionate about, with the flexibility I can manage around my life! Teaching piano became the reality. Imagine having a set of questions to help students find their notes on their own! Imagine having a set of sayings to match the rhythms you can pull out for that particular student who just isn't getting it! Imagine your students having a knowledge of scales and how they connect to chords they can carry with them to wherever music takes them! Imagine a small community of piano teachers we can bounce ideas off each other, learn the best usable tools, and get your questions answered! Only a few days left until the Piano Teacher Toolbox 6 week group closes: January 31st at midnight! Only 8 spots available come join! Click here to learn more or angelatoone.com


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56. Pro Tips with Jessica Homewood

First click here for info on an upgrade from the piano teacher primer course, the piano teacher TOOLBOX a 6 week small group packed with masterclasses, "done for you" games, Q & A, and bouncing ideas off each other. only 8 spots open now, starts February 1st. Jessica Homewood of "not your mother's piano studio" is here sharing how she runs most of her studio in a group lesson format, but we also go into how she grew a new studio after moving to a new area. Google reviews, SEO, group lessons, plus her top 3 prime tips for new-ish piano teachers. Good advice for all of us really! 1. Don't wait until the "right time" 2. Treat it like a business, but keep it simple 3. HAVE FUN! notyourmotherspianostudio.com No Printout Playbook Group Piano More piano teaching resources on ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠how I teach a first piano lesson video ⁠⁠piano teacher primer course⁠ NEW piano teacher TOOLBOX 6-week group


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55. classical music: how to start

Going into more detail on how to start teaching classical music to piano students, and my go-to resources with the easiest classical music ever written for piano. Also, you gotta listen to episode 49. 3 tips on choosing music for students because once I have a book for the student, then we choose a piece using these steps. Here are a few of my go-to resources for early level classical music in piano lessons: Masterwork Classics ed. by Jane Magrath Piano Literature Volume 3 ed. by Bastien Piano Repertoire ed. by Keith Snell Suzuki Piano method The Pianists Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Literature by Jane Magrath Keep watching for details on my new program: Piano Teacher Toolbox ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠ how I teach a first piano lesson video ⁠⁠piano teacher primer course⁠


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54. 4 new piano teaching ideas for 2024

Listen in for 4 no-guilt, no-resolution, no-stress NEW ideas you can try to make things more fun for your students and for yourself as a teacher! 1. Learn a new piece yourself, or maybe pick up a new instrument! 2. Try some new teaching books, method books, new pieces, new approaches to teach to your students. 3. Test out some new apps/games/worksheets, or all 3, just to shake things up! 4. A new investment. invest in your instrument, your physical, mental, and emotional health, and invest in your teaching with me at ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠ how I teach a first piano lesson video⁠⁠ piano teacher primer course⁠ stay in touch for new upgrade coming! masterwork classics book


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54. 4 new piano teaching ideas for 2024

Listen in for 4 no-guilt, no-resolution, no-stress NEW ideas you can try to make things more fun for your students and for yourself as a teacher! 1. Learn a new piece yourself, or maybe pick up a new instrument! 2. Try some new teaching books, method books, new pieces, new approaches to teach to your students. 3. Test out some new apps/games/worksheets, or all 3, just to shake things up! 4. A new investment. invest in your instrument, your physical, mental, and emotional health, and invest in your teaching with me at ⁠angelatoone.com⁠ ⁠ how I teach a first piano lesson video⁠⁠ piano teacher primer course⁠ stay in touch for new upgrade coming! masterwork classics book
