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Mandarin Monkey Podcast


Chinese and English Language podcast. A mixed couple (Tom & Ula) living in Taiwan, teach Chinese through the use of Chinglish (Chinese and English) on a variety of topics. Learn Chinese, study methods, Entertainment, news, life, business, hints and tricks to learning Mandarin. Hear a native speaking naturally and at natural pace but with the English translation so you can follow the context of the conversation. Enjoy.




Chinese and English Language podcast. A mixed couple (Tom & Ula) living in Taiwan, teach Chinese through the use of Chinglish (Chinese and English) on a variety of topics. Learn Chinese, study methods, Entertainment, news, life, business, hints and tricks to learning Mandarin. Hear a native speaking naturally and at natural pace but with the English translation so you can follow the context of the conversation. Enjoy.



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#367: ōuzhōu fáng fēng | Mandarin & English Podcast

ōuzhōu fáng fēng is the name of the episode because thats what we agreed on. Listen to this bilingual podcast to enhance your mandarin listening ability while being able to understand context with the English. All spoken in Mandarin and English. Enjoy!


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#366 - 梦想 | 彩票 - Mandarin and English Podcast

Discussing how winning the lottery could allow you to pursue your dreams and passions more freely. (以积极的方式结束,讨论中彩票如何让你更自由地追求梦想和激情。Yǐ jījí de fāngshì jiéshù, tǎolùn zhōng cǎipiào rúhé ràng nǐ gèng zìyóu de zhuīqiú mèngxiǎng hé jīqíng.) 1. 彩票 (cǎipiào) – Lottery 2. 钱 (qián) – Money 3. 捐款 (juānkuǎn) – Donation 4. 投资 (tóuzī) – Investment 5. 房子 (fángzi) – House 6. 旅行 (lǚxíng) – Travel 7. 改变 (gǎibiàn) – Change 8. 爱好 (àihào) – Hobby 9. 奢侈 (shēchǐ) – Luxury 10. 国家 (guójiā) – Country


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#365 - Can I Say Ni Hao Ma? | Mandarin and English podcast

Can you say 'ni hao ma' to a native Mandarin speaker? A contentious subject amoungst content creators. Ula has strong feelings about it. Also if you are going to learn Chinese, you have to put the effort and hours in.


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#364 - The Crab Of Hastings | Mandarin and English Podcast

Tom and Ula talk about their trip to Hastings, an extremely smelly crab arm and sliding down the bed. All done in Mandarin and English for your listening pleasure. Enjoy. Camping (露营 lùyíng) 帐篷 (zhàngpéng) – Tent 营火 (yínghuǒ) – Campfire 睡袋 (shuìdài) – Sleeping bag 背包 (bēibāo) – Backpack 烤肉 (kǎoròu) – Barbecue Seaside (海边 hǎibiān) 沙滩 (shātān) – Beach 海浪 (hǎilàng) – Waves 贝壳 (bèiké) – Seashells 日光浴 (rìguāngyù) – Sunbathing 海鸥 (hǎi'ōu) – Seagull


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#363 - Ula Went Back To Taiwan - Mandarin Conversation - BIlingual podcast

Ula went back to Taiwan. 🫢 Traditional: 飛機 Simplified: 飞机 Pinyin: fēi jī English: airplane Traditional: 機場 Simplified: 机场 Pinyin: jī chǎng English: airport Traditional: 登機證 Simplified: 登机证 Pinyin: dēng jī zhèng English: boarding pass Traditional: 辦理登機 Simplified: 办理登机 Pinyin: bàn lǐ dēng jī English: check-in Traditional: 行李 Simplified: 行李 Pinyin: xíng lǐ English: luggage Traditional: 座位 Simplified: 座位 Pinyin: zuò wèi English: seat Traditional: 護照 Simplified: 护照 Pinyin: hù zhào English: passport Traditional: 安檢 Simplified: 安检 Pinyin: ān jiǎn English: security check Traditional: 亂流 Simplified: 乱流 Pinyin: luàn liú English: turbulence Traditional: 到達 Simplified: 到达 Pinyin: dào dá English: arrival


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#362 Random 随机 (suíjī) - Random Questions in Mandarin and English

Tom and Ula answer random questions and give you 11 new Mandarin words to think about. 随机 (suíjī) - Random 无限 (Wúxiàn) - Unlimited. Related to the question about having an unlimited supply of something. 奇怪 (Qíguài) - Weird or strange. Useful when discussing the weirdest things seen in someone’s home or strange habits. 动物 (Dòngwù) - Animal. Pertinent to imagining if animals could talk and which would be the rudest. 笑话 (Xiàohuà) - Joke. Perfect for sharing the funniest jokes known by heart. 逮捕 (Dàibǔ) - Arrest. Ties into the hypothetical scenario of being arrested without explanation. 无用 (Wúyòng) - Useless. For discussing the most useless talent one has. 幽灵 (Yōulíng) - Ghost. Relevant to the question about being a ghost and what place one would haunt. 怪癖 (Guàipì) - Quirk or eccentricity. Reflects on unusual eating habits or other personal quirks. 名字 (Míngzì) - Name. Useful in the context of discussing the worst possible names for a child. 童年 (Tóngnián) - Childhood. Relevant to discussing weird childhood eating habits.


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#361 - Time Capsule Treasures -时间胶囊 - Shíjiān jiāonáng

What would you choose to encapsulate the essence of today? From the latest technological marvels to cultural icons, and personal mementos that hold significant meaning, we discuss what should make the cut for our hypothetical time capsule. We'll delve into not just what items to include, but why they matter and what they could tell people a century from now about the world as we know it. Laugh and reflect with us as we consider how today's commonplace might be tomorrow's history. Let’s make history together, one item at a time! Time Capsule (时间胶囊) - Shíjiān jiāonáng Technology (技术) - Jìshù Culture (文化) - Wénhuà Historical (历史的) - Lìshǐ de Predictions (预测) - Yùcè Environmental (环境的) - Huánjìng de Communicate (沟通) - Gōutōng Valuable (有价值的) - Yǒu jiàzhí de Future Generations (未来的一代) - Wèilái de yídài Hopes and Dreams (希望与梦想) - Xīwàng yǔ mèngxiǎng


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#360 - Advice 建议 Jiànyì - Good or Bad Advice and vocabulary in Mandarin and English

Tom and Ula discuss good and bad advice they have gotten over the years. Mandarin Vocabulary Related to Advice: 建议 (Jiànyì) - Advice 最好 (Zuì hǎo) - Best 最坏 (Zuì huài) - Worst 经验 (Jīngyàn) - Experience 智慧 (Zhìhuì) - Wisdom 错误 (Cuòwù) - Mistake 成功 (Chénggōng) - Success 失败 (Shībài) - Failure 教训 (Jiàoxùn) - Lesson 启发 (Qǐfā) - Inspiration


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#359 - 社交媒体 Social Media | Casual Mandarin Chinese & English Podcast

Hey Mandarin Monkey fam! This week, we’re taking a hilarious hike through the history of social media – yes, we’re talking about the good, the bad, and the downright cringe-worthy moments from our digital pasts. Remember the thrill of customizing your MySpace page or the challenge of expressing your whole vibe in just 140 characters? How about those Vine creations we all thought were cinematic masterpieces? Join us as we reminisce about the days when social media was just finding its feet, diving into the trends that had us hooked, and the posts that make us face-palm now. From virtual farms to the first selfie hashtags, we’re unpacking it all with our usual blend of humor and insight. But what’s a trip down memory lane without picking up a few new phrases along the way? In true Mandarin Monkey style, we’ll sprinkle in some Mandarin related to social media. Whether you’re here to chuckle over our digital faux pas or to snag some new vocabulary for your Mandarin arsenal, this episode promises to deliver.


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#358 - 水滴石穿 Shuǐ Dī Shí Chuān | Bilingual | Mandarin and English

In this heartwarming episode of our Chinese Learning Podcast, we dive into the theme of "Life's Little Wins: Celebrating Small Victories." Join us as we share personal anecdotes and reflections on the small accomplishments that brighten our daily lives. From mastering a new Mandarin phrase to finally understanding a complex Chinese character, we explore the joy and significance of these moments. Our discussion highlights the importance of acknowledging these victories, especially during challenging times, and how they contribute to our overall happiness and sense of fulfillment. We also touch on the impact of sharing these wins on relationships and community spirit, and the role of social media in celebrating these achievements. Whether it's a seemingly insignificant skill mastered or a daily ritual that brings joy, we celebrate the beauty and strength found in the small things in life. We encourage our listeners to embrace gratitude and make a habit of recognizing their daily victories, no matter how minor they may seem. To inspire perseverance and dedication in learning Chinese or any endeavor, we introduce the Mandarin phrase “水滴石穿 (shuǐ dī shí chuān),” meaning "constant dripping wears away the stone." Let's celebrate every small step towards our goals and share the beauty of life's little wins together.


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#357 - 自然是最好的老师 | zìrán shì zuì hǎo de lǎoshī | Chinese Learning Podcast

Dive into the Mandarin Monkey Podcast, your go-to for a Chinese learning podcast that brings laughter and language together. In this episode, we share unforgettable tales from the great outdoors—camping blunders, unexpected wildlife encounters, and the humor in the unpredictability of nature. It's a unique blend of learning Chinese conversation skills and embracing the chaos of outdoor adventures. Whether you're into podcasts for learning Chinese or looking for a mandarin vlog that mixes Taiwanese mandarin with engaging stories, this episode has it all. From humorous misunderstandings with camping gear to weather-related misadventures, we cover the gamut of what the great outdoors can throw at us. Plus, we share a bonus Mandarin phrase: "自然是最好的老师" (Nature is the best teacher), a light-hearted reminder that every outdoor misadventure teaches us something, even if it's just to laugh at ourselves. Join us for this episode where Chinese for beginners meets the hilarity of the natural world. It's an invitation to boost your daily Chinese conversation skills while learning to embrace the unpredictability and joy of outdoor adventures.


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#356: 生活小秘訣 Shenghuo mijue | Chinese Learning Podcast | Boost Your Daily Chinese Conversation Skills

Join us in this exciting episode of the Mandarin Monkey Podcast, your go-to Chinese learning podcast, as we uncover 20 essential life hacks that will not only improve your daily life but also enhance your Chinese speaking and listening practice. Tom and Ula, a dynamic mixed couple living in Taiwan, bring you a unique blend of Chinese conversation in daily life, offering insights, entertainment, and language learning tips. Perfect for anyone looking to listen to Chinese conversation and improve their Chinese language learning, this episode is packed with practical advice, study methods, and the opportunity to engage in Chinese listening practice through real-life contexts. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese speaking practice, our blend of English and Mandarin – Chinglish – ensures you can follow along and absorb every tip. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your approach to learning Mandarin with practical life hacks and language learning strategies. Subscribe, listen, and elevate your Chinese language skills today!


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#355 - The Irritating Truth: Navigating 恼人 (Nǎo Rén) Moments

Dive into the world of irritation with us on Mandarin Monkey as we explore the nuances of 恼人 (nǎo rén). This episode brings personal anecdotes, cultural insights, and laughter together, shedding light on the universal irritations that bind us. Discover how different cultures tackle annoyance and learn practical strategies for managing your own 恼人 moments. Join our hosts for a journey through the trivial and profound irritations of life, from the mundane to the meaningful. We'll share tips on turning frustration into growth and understanding, all while keeping the conversation light and relatable. Tune in for an episode filled with insights, advice, and the shared experience of navigating life's irritations. Listen now on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe for more episodes that mix language, life, and laughter.


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#354 - Shredded Duck | Mandarin and English Podcast

After two weeks away from the microphone we are back with updates on whats been going on. High pressure situations, set means, no touching and a spa day. Let the Mandarin and English begin.


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#353 - 抱怨 | Mandarin and English Podcast

This time there are some Mandarin and English compaints. What are the three items you cannot live without? what are you doing for Chinese new year if at all? What's the silliest thing you have ever done? Let's find out in both Mandarin and English. 抱怨 #learnmandarin #learnenglish


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#352 - Acceptance | Mandarin and English Bilingual Podcast

We discuss the new Mandarin hangout sessions and some new grateful cards that Ula has been practising. Learning how to say sorry and the worse grades we have ever received. All in Mandarin Chinese and English.


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#351 - Mixed Shoes | Bilingual Podcast

Friday bilingual chat with Mandarin Monkey! This one has a number of new Mandarin phrases you can learn and includes a good old fashioned game of You or Me. #mandarin #chinese #english #bilingual


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#350 - The Best Choice | Bilingual Podcast

In this episode we speak about face mites, the Taiwanese election, learning goals, The Suits and salaries. Spoken in both Mandarin and English the Mandarin Monkey podcast is a Chinese and English Language podcast. A mixed couple (Tom & Ula) living in Taiwan, teach Chinese through the use of Chinglish (Chinese and English) on a variety of topics. Learn Chinese, study methods, Entertainment, news, life, business, hints and tricks to learning Mandarin. Hear a native speaking naturally and at natural pace but with the English translation so you can follow the context of the conversation. Enjoy.


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#349 - Excuses | Learn Mandarin & English | A Podcast

Happy New Year! This is the first Mandarin Monkey Podcast episode of 2024. We dig into learning goals and new year goals in general. Spoken in both Mandarin and English the Mandarin Monkey podcast is a Chinese and English Language podcast. A mixed couple (Tom & Ula) living in Taiwan, teach Chinese through the use of Chinglish (Chinese and English) on a variety of topics. Learn Chinese, study methods, Entertainment, news, life, business, hints and tricks to learning Mandarin. Hear a native speaking naturally and at natural pace but with the English translation so you can follow the context of the conversation. Enjoy.


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#348 - San Francisco Tales | Mandarin & English Bilingual Podcast

Tune into this vibrant episode of the Mandarin Monkey Podcast, where co-host Tom recounts his recent trip to San Francisco! 🌉🎙️ Join us as we explore a series of captivating stories and experiences that Tom encountered during his visit to this dynamic city. Perfect for learners of Mandarin and English, this episode offers a bilingual journey through the streets of San Francisco. We discuss everything from humorous encounters to cultural observations, making language learning both fun and immersive. This episode is not just about language learning; it's an engaging cultural exchange filled with laughter, lessons, and linguistic insights. Press play to join Tom and Ula on this unforgettable San Francisco journey!
