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NLP Training & Huna Training Blog



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The Secret to Manifestation

How can you manifest all the things that you want? The key is your beliefs. Are you in control of your reality, or do you let the outside world control you and your emotions too much? In order to learn how to manifest and harness the Law of Attraction, you need to first work on […]


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Quit Saying Sorry!

Do you find yourself constantly apologizing for everything? Even when there’s no need to say “I’m sorry”? What this does is opens the door to dishonesty with yourself and others. And it can even lead others to not take you seriously or even worse… walk all over you. Listen to this episode from Dr. […]


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Stop Overthinking $h!t

In western society, we overthink and over analyze every situation. In Ancient Hawaiian wisdom, the person who could trust their gut and their instinct was often trusted over the person who knew everything about a situation and over-analyzed everything. Being able to trust your gut and instincts will help you become more decisive and make […]


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You Are in Charge of Your Mind Therefore Your Results

One of the key components of NLP are the Presuppositions. They are beliefs that successful people have to keep them elevating. Something they believe is that THEY are IN CHARGE of their mind. Because of this, they’re able to powerfully affect the results around them. Successful people know that if they don’t get their desired […]


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Got Confidence ???

Do you struggle with feeling comfortable in your own skin and having true confidence in all areas of life? In order to gain the confidence you desire, the first step is letting go of baggage. For example, if you want to present confidently, you can’t do it if you’re afraid of public speaking. Once you’re […]


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Morning Routine for Success

How you start your morning determines the success of your day. Learning how to set your energy and mindset to be positive and focused every day will help you take on the day allowing you to navigate it well. NLP is about modeling success. In order to be successful, you need to do what successful […]


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Celebrate Your $h!t Coming Up

In western culture we are taught that when your $h!t comes up, you should run away from it or hide from it. NLP and Huna however teaches us that it’s just your unconscious mind doing its job! Your baggage being up is your unconscious mind telling you that you’re ready to let it go. And […]


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Get Out of Your Story

Are you holding onto a “story” that doesn’t benefit you? How do you know if you are? It takes courage to face the stories you tell yourself and let them go. Listen to Dr. Matt as he explains why you should let go of “stories” that don’t serve you on your path and what happens […]


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Mental Self-Care

How you properly take care of your entire being determines the level of happiness and ability to live life to the fullest. Do you properly take care of your entire being? Outside of taking care of your physical body, you also need to care for your spiritual, mental, and emotional health as well. Learning how […]


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Does Social Media Really Work for Self-Help?

Can you solve all of your deep-rooted problems through videos or posts on social media? The simple answer is no. There isn’t a video out there that will magically free you from the past trauma, cure the depression you’ve had for years, or help you overcome the barriers you’re facing in life now. Social media […]


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The Power of Your Mind-Body Connection

Did you know that 99% of disease is in your mind (aka psychosomatic)? This doesn’t mean that it’s just all made up. Holding onto negative emotions and baggage can actually hurt you. Understanding this shows that the root and path to true healing can be solved mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Meaning, when you heal your […]


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Show Up in Excellence, Always.

How can we show up always excellent? A part of the process towards excellence is accepting the fact that we will not be perfect. Mistakes happen and being understanding towards yourself can often be the first step towards not just happiness and love for yourself, but also excellence. Give yourself grace when those moments happen. […]


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The Power of Preframing

Ever have to have a difficult conversation but don’t know how to start it? Want to improve your conversations and your ability to be truly heard? How can you ensure the people you are talking to are open and ready to hear what you are about to say? The answer is the art of preframing. […]


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How To Love Yourself

The key to having a loving and positive life begins with one very important thing: Loving Yourself. Focusing on what you are GOOD at and what you love about you trains your mind to begin seeing the positive things happening outside of you. This then allows you to have that loving, positive, and gratitude-filled life […]


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Cherish Every Moment

How many special moments have you missed? A lot of people miss out on the opportunity to connect with what’s present to them in the moment. Life is short, so don’t miss out on special moments. Listen to Dr. Matt as he shares tips on how to savor the sweet moments in life. […]


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Connecting with Your Higher Purpose

Are you struggling with connecting your higher purpose to what you do? Being able to bring in your higher purpose and a spiritual connection into what you do will increase your drive and happiness, and continue to motivate you down your path. There are many different ways to discovering your purpose, from a spiritual or […]


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How to Free Yourself From Guilt

How do we free ourselves from the “I should have ….” thoughts that can eat away at us? It’s human nature to have regret on our past actions, thoughts, or moments. How do we preserve the learnings from those moments, and let it help us moving forward rather than harm us? Listen to Dr. […]


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Higher Level of Gratitude

What is the difference between surface level and deeper gratitude? Deeper level gratitude sinks deep into your unconscious mind, teaching your mind what to look for and experience during your daily life. It’s the secret behind deeper fulfillment. Where in your life could you use more gratitude? Listen to this episode from Dr. Matt […]


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Overcome Fear of Failure

Failure is a part of life. We can either let failure hold us back or we can let it teach us what NOT to do, and move forward with confidence knowing that we are now one step closer to reaching our destination. If you find yourself struggling with moving past failure and truly seeing it […]


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Why let other’s opinions become YOUR beliefs?

How are you standing in your light? A cornerstone of personal empowerment is discovering and being authentically YOU! Learning how to avoid the opinions of others becoming your reality is key to real personal empowerment. Learn from Dr. Matt as he shares tips from his 40+ years of experience in the personal growth and […]
