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Challenging Convention...Creating Success
3 Reasons Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide
The ONLY 3 Reason Businesses Fail Ever wondered why so many businesses collapse, even when they seem to be doing everything right? Join us on A New Direction as we dive deep into Larry Mandelberg’s eye-opening book, Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide. Larry Mandelberg has taken his years of experience, and his own coaching […]
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Extreme Accountable Leadership: It’s On You!
Accountable Leadership is not for Everyone As the leader, you are responsible for everything! You are accountable for the decisions that you make, or don’t make. You will be held accountable for the decisions your team makes, or doesn’t make. Even more, you will be held accountable for the failures, while giving your team the […]
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Be Visionary from a Navy SEAL
Be Visionary the Navy SEAL way When we talk about leadership, we will think about a number of traits. But one trait that we often ill define in leadership is vision. Do you have vision? Are you leading with vision? What traits do you need to be a leader with vision? You may not be […]
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Leader is Not a Title
The Leader as a Coach? What if leadership isn’t about titles, positions, or authority? In his groundbreaking book “Leader Is Not a Title”, David W. Anderson challenges conventional thinking about leadership. He argues that a true leader is a coach and is defined by her or his actions, mindset, and influence, not a title or […]
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How to Create the Right Culture in 8 Steps
How to Create a Culture in 8-Steps Culture in business and organization is often talked about, but rarely analyzed for its effectiveness. Often times we don’t even notice our culture, like your computer’s operating system, it just runs in the background of your business. We hear about “business culture” from a variety of experts and […]
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10 Steps for Discovering Your Passion
Discovering Your Passion Will Change Your Life Passion is something I don’t believe we fully understand. Some of our passions change with age. Some passions we have for a lifetime. Sometimes we can confuse passion with purpose. Although they are related, they are not the same thing. Sometimes people will say follow your passions, but […]
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6 Elements to Unblock & Develop Your Business
6 Elements to Unblock & Develop a High-Performance Business Where do you think your business is struggling? Is it achieving the goals you can’t seem to make? Do you want to increase market share? Do you need to make faster decisions? How about when it comes to your people? Are they achieving their goals? Are […]
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Leading Your Team Like the Navy Seals
Leading Your Team Like the Navy SEALs There is leadership and then there is leading. The two are not always synonymous. Leadership bases itself in a philosophy. Leading is the actions one takes. When it comes to leading teams, no other group has a track record of leading others like the Navy SEALs. They are […]
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10 Publishing Myths – Success Insights for Authors
Book Publishing Myths You Probably Have, But Don’t Realize How many times have you heard someone say to you, or say to yourself, “You should write a book.” Probably more than you with to count. True, writing a book is challenging, but once you write it, then what? How do you publish it? Who is […]
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From Doubt to Do – Kat O’Sullivan
What Doubts do you have that are keeping you from being the person you want to be, and doing what you really desire to do? Are you stuck in your life or your career? Are you really doing what you want to do, or are you doing what you think you have to do? Often […]
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Maximizing Profitability as You Grow Your Business
Maximizing Profitability as You Grow Your Business Did you know that 60% of businesses fail in the first 5 years? That’s not all of those that survive the first 5 years, 60% will fail in the next 5 years. Not a recipe for success. The reason…lack of profitability. Profitability doesn’t have to be difficult. In […]
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12 Principles to Quietly Stand Out – Shy By Design
Shy By Design 12 Principles to Quietly Stand Out You may be one of those people who consider themselves “shy” making it difficult for you to stand out among the crowd of highly extroverted people. Or you simply may be someone who isn’t much of a talker, or in the spotlight type of person, where […]
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Dreams NOT Goals to Build a High Performing Team
Dreams NOT Goals to Build High Performing Teams What’s the first thing you think of when you read the word “dream”? Chances are, the first thing you thought of was something “fanciful” that isn’t real. Or perhaps you thought of something that you do when you sleep, but often do not remember. What if I […]
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High-Performing Teams Based on Navy Seal Training
How to Build High-Performing Teams that Operates Like the Navy SEALs If you are in business and have a team, no matter how large or how small, we ultimately want a High-performing team. But have a high-performing team does not happen overnight. And it requires a kind of leadership that quite frankly is not so […]
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Nobody Cares – Climbing The Mountain of Accountability
Climbing the Mountain of Accountability is Not Going to be Easy Here is a fact that is never said about accountability… No one can hold anyone else accountable, you are only accountable to yourself. We all talk about the importance of accountability. We think if we put someone in charge of another person, we will […]
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Leadership Sharpeners – Major General John Gronski
Your Leadership Can Become Dull Like a Knife in Your Home… You Need Some Honing Steal to Sharpen it. Leadership is never something we can fully master. It is an elusive journey to keep growing and going. Many times as leaders, we can get into a rut in our leadership. We can get stagnant. For […]
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Conversations That Will Change Things
How to Have Conversations that Really Change You and Your Business. Whether in life or business, relationships are important to our success. And relationships are built on our conversations. If our conversations are not authentic, trusting, safe, have commitment, and accountability, we will not build strong relationships. The fact is that we often take our […]
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Burn Out Break Away
Taking a Break from Burn Out Work burn out is real. So often employers dismiss it and treat it as a weakness in the employee. But nothing could be further from the truth. Let me ask you this question, would you want to have a surgery from a doctor who is exhausted mentally, emotionally or […]
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5 Conversations That Will Change You and Your Business
5 Conversations That Will Change You We all say, “communication is important.” The problem is, we still do not communicate all that effectively. If we did, our personal and professional relationships would be so much more effective and efficient. What is the biggest problem with our communication? It is ourselves. We either do not have […]
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6 Strategies to Help You Achieve the Possible
Achieve the Possible Has life dealt you a bunch of lemons, and you can’t seem to make lemonade? Have things happened to your business that you are stuck? Has it come to the point that you are saying to yourself, it’s not possible? Do you need a reawakening to what is possible? Have you lost […]
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