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Change: How to Lead It and How to Manage It

Leading Change in Your Business or Organization Change is inevitable. It’s one of the guarantees we have in life. Even in our businesses and organizations, we must deal with change. The fact is no one likes change. We have a built-in mechanism to resist it. On some level, change violates our sense of comfort and […] The post Change: How to Lead It and How to Manage It appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free

Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free If you are an owner of a company there is one thing that is absolutely true. You are responsible for everything! There is always a fire. And there are no days off. But is that the way it should be? When entrepreneurs start with an idea, they want […] The post Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free appeared first on Jay Izso.


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22 Ways To Break Your Procrastination Habit

Breaking the Procrastination Habit Let’s be honest there are things that you don’t want to do, that you know you should do, but don’t do. And the reasons are many. You may say, “I don’t procrastinate, I never do that in my job”! Okay, well how’s that eating right thing going for you? How about […] The post 22 Ways To Break Your Procrastination Habit appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Bend & Break the Rules Like Navy SEALs & Entrepreneurs for Results!

How Navy SEALs and Entrepreneurs Bend & Break the Rules for Results! Get a job at any business and the first thing you are told is the rules. “This is how we do things here.” As we age we get even more rule oriented. Less dreaming, less risk taking, less creative thinking, and God forbid […] The post Bend & Break the Rules Like Navy SEALs & Entrepreneurs for Results! appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Resilience in 4 Personalities – Which One Are You?

Resilience, You, Your Work, and Your Life More and more people in the workforce including executives are starting to realize the toll that wellness, stress, and severe health issues are taking on their jobs and their families. We all feel it, and we need answers. And that is where this week’s book Resilience @ Work […] The post Resilience in 4 Personalities – Which One Are You? appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Energy and the 7 Levels That Determine Your Success

Your Energy Determines Your Success Every single day we bring some sort of energy in to our work place, home, and every conversation. Our energy is rarely if ever neutral. In fact, it typically is either destructive, or constructive. And that energy comes at different levels. But…what if we could harness the constructive energy, and […] The post Energy and the 7 Levels That Determine Your Success appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Finding Your Authenticity that Leads to Your Purpose

You Need to Find Your Authenticity to Find Purpose The famous sociologist Erving Goffman in his dramaturgical theory suggested that we are all actors on a stage, and we wear masks so people will perceive us the way we want them to perceive us. In today’s world and the party that is social media we […] The post Finding Your Authenticity that Leads to Your Purpose appeared first on Jay Izso.


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9 Marketing Messages that Will Increase Profitability

Increase Profitability with the Right Marketing Message We all know marketing is important. But is your marketing positively influencing your profitability? Often times in business we just turn things over to a marketing department and we hope for the best. And often times marketing is filled with jargon that sounds great and impressive, but there […] The post 9 Marketing Messages that Will Increase Profitability appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Tips and Techniques to Get the Best Out of Your Sales Team

60% of Sales People Never Meet Their Quota… The Question is “why” and what Can You as a Sales Manager Do about it? Well here it is episode 300! Wow! I can’t believe we have been doing this show for 6 years. It has been an awesome time. And you know what? I LOVE IT!!! […] The post Tips and Techniques to Get the Best Out of Your Sales Team appeared first on Jay Izso.


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101 Entrepreneur Lessons for Making it Big

Get 101 Lessons from an Entrepreneur Who Made It Big! I think all of us dream of working for ourselves at some point or another. We all like the idea of being an entrepreneur. But let’s be honest, being an entrepreneur is not easy. In fact it takes a lot of guts, a lot of […] The post 101 Entrepreneur Lessons for Making it Big appeared first on Jay Izso.


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How to Build Wealth Through a Franchise

Build Wealth Through a Franchise There are tons of people out there who want to tell you how to build wealth. Some are successful and others…not so much. But perhaps one idea of wealth creation has been overlooked by you and others. And that is owning a franchise. Look creating your own business can be […] The post How to Build Wealth Through a Franchise appeared first on Jay Izso.


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14 Mindsets and Behaviors to Live Your Most Successful Life – Part 2

14 Mindsets and Behaviors to Live Your Most Successful Life We all have different definitions of what a successful life looks like. But there are specific ways of thinking and acting that lead to a more successful life. So why do people not make these changes if that means a more successful life is in […] The post 14 Mindsets and Behaviors to Live Your Most Successful Life – Part 2 appeared first on Jay Izso.


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9 Marketing Message Pillars to Become a Market Leader

Learn to Create a Marketing Message that Really Resonates with Your Target Audience There are so many marketing messages coming at us from different directions. Everyone is after our attention. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, finding the right marketing message can be a tremendous challenge. What is more if you are […] The post 9 Marketing Message Pillars to Become a Market Leader appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Business Health: 5 Areas That Need a Checkup

Is It Time for Your Business Health Checkup? Can we be honest for a moment? Does any of us really know what is going on in this world when it comes to business? It’s crazy isn’t it? And it not only affects our personal health, but our business health as well. Whether you are a […] The post Business Health: 5 Areas That Need a Checkup appeared first on Jay Izso.


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14 Mindshifts for a Thriving Successful Life

Live a more Thriving and Successful Life! It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all want to live a life that is thriving and successful. Who doesn’t want to be live a healthier, happier, more prosperous life? We all do. Who doesn’t want to be more successful? How do we get there? What must […] The post 14 Mindshifts for a Thriving Successful Life appeared first on Jay Izso.


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The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings That Build Productivity and Success

The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings That Build Productivity and Success How many times have you heard, “we have too many meetings”? How much thought have you given to that statement? Let me ask you this if the meetings were both personally and professionally meaningful to you, and they were productive would you say […] The post The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings That Build Productivity and Success appeared first on Jay Izso.


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The New ROI – Return on Individuals

There’s a New ROI in Town and It’s Called Return on Individuals There is a saying in business that goes “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. I would also add, “You can’t manage what you cannot define”. Are people valuable? Are not your employees people? And yet the fact is we manage people, but […] The post The New ROI – Return on Individuals appeared first on Jay Izso.


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Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur 10 Mindsets for Success

Want to be an Entrepreneur…It’s about your mindset So many of us dream of being a successful entrepreneur. There is such an allure of owning your own business, being in control of your destiny, and knowing it is yours has quite the appeal. And while most all of us have had dreams of being an […] The post Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur 10 Mindsets for Success appeared first on Jay Izso.


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52 Insights to Help You Find Career Fulfillment

Is It Time to Change Your Career or Change You? Are you one of those people who when Sunday evening comes around you are already dreading Monday morning? Do you feel like you are stuck? Like you need the job because you need the money, but you really don’t want to be doing what you […] The post 52 Insights to Help You Find Career Fulfillment appeared first on Jay Izso.


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The Creator Mindset: 92 Tools to Unlock Secrets to Innovation & Growth

Having a Creator Mindset that Will Change Your Business and Your Life It seems you can look at nearly any online magazine or traditional magazine or news paper and somewhere you are going to see the words AI…Artificial Intelligence. Sadly the world of AI and our own laziness is robbing us one of the most […] The post The Creator Mindset: 92 Tools to Unlock Secrets to Innovation & Growth appeared first on Jay Izso.
