Mature Preneurs Talk with Diana Todd-Banks
Mature Preneurs Talk Podcasts connects near or over 50’s, 60's, 70's guests, who’ve created a new enterprise with an audience who are keen to do the same. The guests are a dynamic group of inspirational people with extremely diverse ventures. During the 22 minute interview, host Diana Todd-Banks shines the spotlight on this cavalcade of entrepreneurs who chat how they changed their life by starting a new venture, much needed community group or business; they also discuss how they did it, the pitfalls, tips, horror moments, funny bits and above all how their health benefited. In doing so they encourage and inspire the audience of all ages to spring into action to transform their life. Why? Mature Preneurs Guests demonstrate it’s never too late to start something new; or take a step into the unknown - it can change your life! You can make the next chapter of your life the best ever which the guests and the host clearly demonstrate. This is why Podcast Host Diana Todd-Banks still has coaching clients as she enjoys helping others to move forward. The audience can connect with the host and guests via a Facebook group Mature Preneurs Talk with Di Todd-Banks. This Podcast is about reinforcing the power of Sharing – Learning - Supporting - Inspiring = Action
Mature Preneurs Talk Podcasts connects near or over 50’s, 60's, 70's guests, who’ve created a new enterprise with an audience who are keen to do the same. The guests are a dynamic group of inspirational people with extremely diverse ventures. During the 22 minute interview, host Diana Todd-Banks shines the spotlight on this cavalcade of entrepreneurs who chat how they changed their life by starting a new venture, much needed community group or business; they also discuss how they did it, the pitfalls, tips, horror moments, funny bits and above all how their health benefited. In doing so they encourage and inspire the audience of all ages to spring into action to transform their life. Why? Mature Preneurs Guests demonstrate it’s never too late to start something new; or take a step into the unknown - it can change your life! You can make the next chapter of your life the best ever which the guests and the host clearly demonstrate. This is why Podcast Host Diana Todd-Banks still has coaching clients as she enjoys helping others to move forward. The audience can connect with the host and guests via a Facebook group Mature Preneurs Talk with Di Todd-Banks. This Podcast is about reinforcing the power of Sharing – Learning - Supporting - Inspiring = Action
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CAROL GRAHAM Says NEVER GIVE UP HOPE No Matter What You Experience! Gang-Raped, Left For Dead, Loss of a Child, Husband Falsely Imprisoned, & Cancer Diagnosis Would Drive Anyone Into Victim Mode.
JUDYTHE BARRET-CROXFORD Brings To Light The generation of Invisible Women Who Are Now Ready To Be Seen. She says since we’ve been given time to stop, pause, and breathe now is an amazing time for everyone to connect with themselves!
SARA GREBER Asks “Are You A Solo Ager“ Who is Going To Help You If You Don’t Have Kids?”
Foxxy Karen-Eleoyze understood from a young age, movement is a quick and effective way to tap into your body’s wisdom and stay young.
SELINA MAITREYA says on a global scale, given the current chaos we are all being asked to take one action. As with any chaos, there is goodness to be found should we choose to shine a light on it.
Diana Todd-Banks Monologue - Mature Preneurs Talk - Season 2
CATHY PAYNE Agrees Her 3 Decade Teaching Career is Vastly Different From Preserving Heritage Livestock Breeds Including Guinea Hogs in the South Eastern United States
SELINA MAITREYA Says In 2013 Her Entire Life Suddenly Stopped On A Dime. How Her Life of Unexpected Brain Trauma, Became A Gift Which She Later Created For Others Experiencing Daily Irritations & Difficulties.
JOHN FAISANDIER Talks About Managing Emotions In A Time Of Change & Suggests People Resist Being Changed, But Don’t Resist Change & Part Of That Are Four Important Words, Feeling and Revealing Leads To Healing And Releasing.
SANDI ROSE MILLER Says Helping Women Navigate the Mid-Life Maze Can Be a Journey of Discovery & Fun For The Woman Who Also Wants to Discover Her Own Unique Way To Thrive Throughout Her Best Years Yet To Come!
MICHAEL PRIV Says His Life Is Like The School of Funny Stories - From Arriving in the US from USSR, Graduating University, Then To A Lot of Drama & Now Joy! Parts of This Podcast Are Hilarious!
WENDY SHUGAR Said Being Grossly Overweight & Building A Barrier To Hide Behind Things Is A Tragedy, Yet She Turned That Around And Triumphed
LINDA CLAY Says at 60 It’s A Difficult Place To Be, Unemployed, Running Out of Savings; You Need To Take Dramatic Action, Then You Can Triumph & Even Help Others
SANDRA BISKIND ASKS Imagine If We Could Eradicate The War Between The Ego Mind’s Unconscious Priorities & The Soul’s Desire To Be Whole – To Be The Best Version Of Who We Are?
KAY NEWTON Helps You Understand About The Simplicity Of Life, The True Meaning of Wealth & How To Make Your Next 50 Years The Best. Simplicity She Says Helps Reduce Stress & Creates More Time.
GABRIELA MASALA Says Feeling Regenerated, Creatively Fulfilled, Connected, & Empowered, ‘Unlimited’ Should Not Be The Exception In A life, It Can Be The Norm By Doing So We Can Begin Creating a Magnificent Life By Our Own Design.
NANCY GUBERTI: From golden handcuffs to golden lifestyle, starting her Functional Medicine Practice was scary given the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur, learning your craft & building a practice.
ANI ANDERSON For Years Was Known As “the person you came to when the professionals didn’t know what was wrong with you”, Yet As A Holistic Occupational Therapist When Her Life Fell Apart No Other Professionals Could Identify The Cause.
BILL DOERR Says “Be The Bee Among The Flowers” was advice Bill’s mum, a very successful entrepreneur, told him when, as a young child, he asked her, “Mom, how do you get your clients?”.
NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN Helps People Find A Better Way To Build Their Business, As Too Many Entrepreneurs Work Too Hard, With Little Income & Don’t Have a Life