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Never Stop Building


"Never Stop Building" is an engaging and inspiring podcast hosted by the charismatic Sam Kaufman. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge, motivation, and insights in the world of entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal development. Sam Kaufman, an accomplished entrepreneur and thought leader, brings his wealth of experience and expertise to the forefront in each episode. With a captivating voice and a genuine passion for building, Sam creates a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere that draws in listeners from all walks of life. In "Never Stop Building," Sam dives deep into the stories and journeys of remarkable individuals who have achieved great success in various industries. From startup founders and CEOs to creative artists and social entrepreneurs, Sam explores their triumphs, failures, and the lessons they learned along the way. Each episode is a captivating blend of personal anecdotes, valuable insights, and practical strategies that listeners can implement in their own lives. What sets "Never Stop Building" apart is Sam's ability to extract powerful wisdom and actionable advice from his guests. He skillfully guides conversations, asking thought-provoking questions that delve into the mindset, strategies, and core principles behind their achievements. Listeners can expect to gain a deeper understanding of what it truly takes to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and create impactful change. Beyond interviews, "Never Stop Building" also features solo episodes where Sam shares his own perspectives, reflections, and strategies for personal and professional growth. His relatable storytelling style and ability to distill complex ideas into actionable steps make these episodes highly engaging and accessible. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a creative professional, or simply someone seeking inspiration and guidance, "Never Stop Building" offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help you on your own journey. It's a podcast that encourages listeners to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit, embrace continuous learning, and never stop building their dreams.


United States


"Never Stop Building" is an engaging and inspiring podcast hosted by the charismatic Sam Kaufman. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge, motivation, and insights in the world of entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal development. Sam Kaufman, an accomplished entrepreneur and thought leader, brings his wealth of experience and expertise to the forefront in each episode. With a captivating voice and a genuine passion for building, Sam creates a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere that draws in listeners from all walks of life. In "Never Stop Building," Sam dives deep into the stories and journeys of remarkable individuals who have achieved great success in various industries. From startup founders and CEOs to creative artists and social entrepreneurs, Sam explores their triumphs, failures, and the lessons they learned along the way. Each episode is a captivating blend of personal anecdotes, valuable insights, and practical strategies that listeners can implement in their own lives. What sets "Never Stop Building" apart is Sam's ability to extract powerful wisdom and actionable advice from his guests. He skillfully guides conversations, asking thought-provoking questions that delve into the mindset, strategies, and core principles behind their achievements. Listeners can expect to gain a deeper understanding of what it truly takes to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and create impactful change. Beyond interviews, "Never Stop Building" also features solo episodes where Sam shares his own perspectives, reflections, and strategies for personal and professional growth. His relatable storytelling style and ability to distill complex ideas into actionable steps make these episodes highly engaging and accessible. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a creative professional, or simply someone seeking inspiration and guidance, "Never Stop Building" offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help you on your own journey. It's a podcast that encourages listeners to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit, embrace continuous learning, and never stop building their dreams.



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119. What Stories Are You Telling Yourself? -Live Recording Keynote - Builders Of Authority Live - March 2024



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118. Identifying What Content Can Actually Help You

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117. Relieving Stress And Identifying Anxiety

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116. Asking Better Questions Gets Better Outcomes

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115. Winning, Consistency And Sitting With Those Feelings

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114. Determining The Desired Outcome Of Activity Creates Results

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113. Turning Vision Into Strategy - Implementing Your Decisions

Send us a Text Message. Feeling the weight of a company's future on your shoulders can crack even the toughest exterior, but what if the key to longevity was in making the hard decisions? Join me, Sam Kaufman, as I recount the emotional journey of reshaping a business from the ground up, where strategic choices are not just options—they're the lifeline to survival. It's a tale of grit, foresight, and the relentless pursuit of aligning actions with a company's core mission, even when it means parting ways with old friends and loyal employees. Tune in and learn how to steer your ship through the stormy seas of cash flow improvement and staff restructuring, all while keeping your sights on the horizon of long-term success. This isn't just clocking in for another business seminar; it's the real deal, a behind-the-scenes look at the trials and tribulations that come with the mantle of leadership. I'll guide you through my personal experience with a seven-week delay that cost more than just time—it was a lesson in the cost of hesitation. Discover how to craft a strategic implementation plan that's insulated from the paralysis of procrastination and propelled by results over timelines. This episode is a masterclass in extracting emotion from strategy, and a testament to the power of making proactive decisions. If you're ready to take your vision and mold it into actionable steps that ensure your business doesn't just survive but thrives, you won't want to miss this. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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112. Mastering Difficult Decisions: A Guide to Clear and Confident Choices

Send us a Text Message. Are life's tough choices leaving you in a whirl? Say goodbye to the paralysis of indecision as I, Sam Kaufman, impart a strategy that's revolutionized my approach to pivotal moments. This isn't just another chat; it's a transformative journey that'll arm you with a decisive mindset, renounce hesitation, and spur you into action. The biggest sting in my tale of regrets is the lag in my steps taken, a sensation I'm determined to save you from experiencing. I'll guide you through a visual method that simplifies the complexity of weighing up options, helping you craft decisions that resonate with your personal and professional aspirations. As you tune into our session, get ready to transform your decision-making from a murky guessing game into a clear-cut analysis of impact. Uncover how to distill your choices down to their essence, and evaluate their influence on everything from family to finances, without drowning in the potential consequences. It's about cutting through the noise to find a symphony of clarity. Whether you're a trailblazing entrepreneur or standing at life's crossroads, this episode is your blueprint for choosing paths that lead to success and satisfaction. Let's embark on this journey to turn the daunting into doable, and the overwhelming into overachieving. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Don't Forget To Water Your Crops When They Grow | Ep. 111

Send us a Text Message. Imagine standing at the peak of success only to be haunted by the fear of losing it all. That's the heart of our conversation today, as we peel back the layers of what it means to hold success and face the terror of its potential loss. We're going deeper than the glossy surface of achievements to confront the internal battles entrepreneurs face—how ego can warp our view, and why protecting our wins too fiercely can backfire. I'm here to assure you that stability isn't a sign of failure and that the vigor we applied at the start of our ventures must be sustained to keep our successes thriving. Together, we'll recommit to our core values and integrity, weathering the inevitable highs and lows with grace and determination. Then we turn our gaze to the deceptive perfection of social media, stripping away the veneer to reveal the highlight reel for what it truly is. As your host, Sam Kaufman, I'm urging you to draw inspiration from these snippets of curated excellence without letting them diminish your own worthy accomplishments. Remember, the real victors in this game of life are those who simply don't quit. So let's push forward, crafting our paths with confidence, sidestepping the misleading portrayals online, and continually nurturing our ambitions with genuine resilience and authenticity. No guests needed in this intimate session—just you, me, and the raw truths of navigating the complex dance of fear and success in the entrepreneurial world. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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How You Do One Thing Is NOT How You Do Everything | Ep 110

Send us a Text Message. Challenging a one-size-fits-all mindset, I, Sam Kaufman, invite listeners on a journey through the complexities of human effort and prioritization in this edition of Never Stop Building. When I took the stage in St. Louis, I peeled back the layers of the oft-repeated maxim "how you do one thing is how you do everything," and emerged with a fresh, nuanced perspective. Unpack this with me as I use personal stories ranging from my disciplined fitness regime to my heartfelt moments with family, underlining the importance of bespoke approaches to the diverse areas of our lives. This conversation goes beyond simple motivational talk, as I emphasize the necessity for internal shifts before we can expect to triumph externally. Every commitment on our schedules serves as a mirror to our true values. By engaging in this episode, you'll come away with a richer understanding of how to align your effort quality with the gravity of your ambitions, and why excelling in one sphere doesn’t guarantee across-the-board success. Tune in for an honest dialogue about showing up as your best self in the arenas that matter most. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Consider The Source | Ep 109

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever caught yourself staring at someone else's life, wondering where you went off track? Today's journey through the podcast is all about counteracting the often invisible drain of comparison. We'll examine why it's essential to refocus our attention from the shimmering end results others flaunt to the everyday grind and integrity that truly shape success. As your host, I share personal breakthroughs on the road to understanding that excelling in one area might mean cutting back in another. Throughout the episode, we navigate the challenge of redefining greatness, not as a single moment of triumph but as a series of choices that bring harmony to all corners of our existence. This expedition through self-reflection and societal pressures further contemplates how we set our own pace, recognizing that our race is a marathon marked by individual milestones and values. I dive into the art of sifting through torrents of advice and curated online personas to find what's genuinely applicable to our unique situations. Without any guests to interrupt our intimate discourse, we tackle the imperative of customizing our content consumption and the power in celebrating the paths we've chosen—be it entrepreneurship interwoven with family commitments or the pursuit of personal interests. Join me and be empowered to enhance your freedom, elevate your lifestyle, and fully appreciate the richness of your life's tapestry. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Fat Shaming On Facebook + The Man At The Gas Station Who Did Nothing | Ep 108

Send us a Text Message. When I encountered a derogatory social media tirade against overweight salespeople, my stomach knotted in revulsion—not just at the cruel words, but at the silence that often greets such bullying. That's why this episode of Never Stop Building is a manifesto for action, a call for us to raise our voices against the injustices we witness in the business world and beyond. I, Sam Kauffman, take you through a candid discussion on the moments that demand our courage, from confronting bigotry online to the real-life consequences of choice and intervention. Late one night, the stark glow of a gas station served as the backdrop for a test of my own principles. The tension in the air was almost tangible when an unsettling situation unfolded before my eyes. I recount the tale of stepping in to defuse a potential domestic dispute, supported by a brave young attendant, and the crucial role intuition and collective vigilance play when danger looms. This isn't just a story of confrontation; it's a revelation of the deeper conversations and lessons that emerge, especially with my children, about the essence of real-world advocacy. As we close our time together, I invite you to consider the infinite power of everyday choices—how a simple act of roadside assistance or speaking up can ignite transformation within our communities. This episode is a testament to the strength that lies in proactive kindness and the unwavering belief that standing up for what's right should be our default, not the exception. Join me in embracing personal excellence as our collective responsibility, and let's foster a culture that extols the virtues of speaking up and effecting change. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Lessons Learned On My Fitness Journey

Send us a Text Message. Embarking on a fitness journey can feel like navigating through a thick fog—confusing, daunting, and riddled with unexpected turns. Sam Kaufman's story is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, shedding light on the path from obesity to balance. With brutal honesty, he shares the highs and lows of his personal odyssey, a tale that began in his teenage years with a significant weight loss but spiraled into arrogance, addiction, and a battle to reclaim his health. His narrative is a raw look at how a lack of support and the initial embarrassment in the gym can be overcome, leading to powerful lessons in resilience and self-discovery. Guided by the expertise of his online fitness coach, Justin, Sam illuminates the intricate dance between effort, technique, and the surprising influence of gut health on overall vitality. This episode is not just about the physical transformation; it's about the mental and emotional growth that accompanies a genuine commitment to well-being. From understanding the importance of rest and recovery to embracing a balanced approach to nutrition, Sam's experience underlines the idea that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. His revelations about the long-term nature of achieving health goals, and finding harmony between fitness and life's other priorities, will inspire you to consider your own journey through a lens of patience and self-compassion. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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LET THEM BE! | Ep 106

Send us a Text Message. Embrace the liberating truth that sometimes, the most profound way to care for others is by letting them forge their own paths. This episode of Never Stop Building dives into the art of acceptance and the power that comes from respecting individual journeys. I, Sam Kaufman, explore how your ambitions to grow, whether as an exceptional parent or an inspired business leader, can inadvertently shape the lives around you. We'll unpack why sometimes the best help we can offer is to step back, conserving our energy for where it's most effective and appreciated. Navigating the complexities of personal relationships while pursuing growth can feel like a tightrope walk, but it's a balance that can be mastered. This conversation goes beyond the common discourse on time management to focus on the crucial aspect of energy management—knowing when to give and when to preserve your vitality for your own journey. We confront the trepidation that comes with stepping into the unknown alone and debunk the notion that we need others to validate our path. Through this episode, I promise an empowering perspective shift, guiding you to walk confidently on your own while accepting others from a place of love, even at a distance. The finale of our discussion centers on authenticity, the beauty of self-growth, and the freedom from seeking approval. Sharing my personal narratives, I illustrate how embracing your unique story and learning from life's challenges can lead to both personal and professional fulfillment. Let's shed the weight of external expectations together and discover the joy of giving to those who value our gifts. As you listen, I hope to inspire you to own your journey, let go of the need to alter others, and let everyone be, knowing that in doing so, you're on the path to building your most elite self. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Prioritizing Your Energy The Right Way For The Demands Of The Day | Ep 105

Send us a Text Message. Embark on a journey of discovery where the art of setting priorities and navigating life's constant shifts takes center stage. I, Sam Kauffman, delve into the personal challenges and triumphs of maintaining a steadfast dedication to the core areas of life—fitness, family, career, and spirituality—while embracing the inevitable fluctuations that come our way. It's a quest to strike the right balance, where mental agility meets disciplined focus, and every decision is a step towards enhanced productivity and peace of mind. The episodes are a testament to the power of flexible thinking and the importance of tackling those pesky tasks that gnaw at our consciousness, preventing us from spiraling into a state of overwhelm. Feel the pulse of proactive communication and the significance of recognizing when it's time to channel your energies elsewhere. Whether you're a professional stepping into new roles or a parent navigating the complexities of family life, the insights shared here will resonate with your struggles and aspirations. It's about understanding that shifting your focus isn't a sign of defeat but a strategic move in the game of life, where each adjustment brings you closer to your championship day. Get ready to align your actions with your ultimate objectives and live a life marked by harmony and meaningful accomplishments. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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The World Is Already Negative Enough.. Choose To Be Positive! | Ep 104

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever considered the impact of your daily choices on the world around you? Join me, Sam Kaufman, as I share a personal narrative of transformation from addiction to empathy, illustrating how decisions soaked in positivity can create waves of change. This isn't just about feeling good; it's about the profound consequences our attitudes have on our environment. With raw honesty, I recount the moments where choosing hope over despair has not just altered my path, but has the potential to shift the atmosphere for everyone it touches. In our time together, I extend an invitation to rise as the elite version of yourself, in every facet of your life. Whether you're a parent striving to set an example, a professional aiming for excellence, or an individual seeking personal growth, this conversation is your catalyst. We're building a community rooted in gratitude, prayer, and a positive mindset to surmount the toughest of barriers. So, let's champion growth and the pursuit of our best selves, supporting and lifting each other along the way. Sending out love and looking forward to our continued journey of uplifting dialogue. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Mental Toughness Is Required When Life Tries To Kick Your Ass

Send us a Text Message. When life knocked me off my feet with an unexpected illness, halting my gym routine, it was a stark reminder of how we are all just one step away from the challenges that test our resilience. This episode is a raw dive into that very journey, as I, Sam Kaufman, discuss the significance of building mental toughness, not just to bounce back but to create a life grounded in righteousness and long-term fulfillment. Join me as we traverse through the intricate dance of life's trials, from personal battles with addiction to the victories of establishing healthier habits since my pivotal clean slate at 22. I'll unravel the strategies that have transformed my stress response and allowed me to embrace life's interruptions as moments of growth. Discover how faith, clean eating, and community service can sculpt your character into one capable of withstanding any storm. This episode isn't just about sharing my story; it's an invitation to reflect on your trajectory of resilience and the daily choices that forge an unshakeable spirit. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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First Q+A Of 2024!! Ep 102

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Trust The Triggers | Ep 101

Send us a Text Message. When my daughter's anxiety became a daily battle, it led me to a profound realization about the power of the subconscious and the triggers that govern our responses. We're all on a journey, and sometimes the most valuable lessons come from the unexpected twists and turns life throws at us. Join me as I share insights on identifying and questioning our automatic reactions, and learn how to distinguish between irrational fears and valid concerns. We'll explore the empowering practice of reflective questioning, which can help us manage our emotions and mindset, and delve into my daughter's story as a beacon of hope and learning for anyone grappling with anxiety. Embarking on a path of personal growth often means confronting and reshaping the belief systems that have been passed down to us. In this candid conversation, we discuss the necessity of consistent action and the role of self-coaching in breaking free from outdated modes of thinking. I'll share a personal example of conquering morning routine anxiety and highlight how trusting your instincts can catalyze immediate action, circumventing the familiar trap of procrastination. Tune in to discover how open communication can transform thought patterns and why embracing change is not just beneficial, but essential for a lifetime of growth and development. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial


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Episode 100: Celebrating Milestones and Mastering the Art of Planning for Success

Send us a Text Message. Join us, Sam Kaufman, as we pop the champagne for the 100th episode of Never Stop Building, where we're ringing in the New Year with an arsenal of wisdom on the transformative power of planning. You're about to discover how setting clear goals can not only streamline your journey to success but also turn daunting commitments into beloved routines. Celebrate with me as I peel back the layers of my personal challenges and share how embracing consistency transformed my fear of falling short into a podcasting passion. This isn't just an episode; it's a blueprint for how to simplify your path to achievement in both business and personal realms. Ever felt like you're in a constant tug-of-war with life's challenges, like sticking to a healthy diet or maintaining a fitness routine? You're not alone, and this episode is your gym buddy, your motivational coach. I'll reveal the six pillars of goal-setting that have been my cornerstone for growth, spanning from spiritual aspirations to acts of kindness. Learn how these principles can fortify your mental resilience and push you into territories of self-improvement you've never ventured before. It's all here: the honest confessions, the strategies, and the heartfelt stories waiting to inspire your next big leap forward. As we stand on the threshold of 2024, I invite you to join me in a strategy session of reflection and forward-thinking. We'll dissect our past achievements and set our sights on new horizons, ensuring we're armed with the right tools—like Asana—to break down lofty ambitions into tangible, daily actions. Plus, we'll navigate the emotional landscape of goal-setting, where emotional maturity and mutual support are our guiding stars to a successful year ahead. So, whether you're a seasoned planner or a New Year's resolution rookie, let's embark on this journey together, fostering a community of accountability and success. Thank you for listening! If this podcast brings you value - do the whole community a solid and give it a rate, review or subscribe and send it to someone who would benefit from it. Check Out Sam Kaufman here: Instagram @samkaufmanofficial Facebook @samkaufmanofficial Linkedin @samkaufmanofficial
