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Woman of Wealth with Jenna Black


Woman of Wealth® is hosted by Jenna Black - business and wealth coach, soul activator and founder of Luxury Soul. This is the podcast for stepping into your leadership and power as you scale your soul-sourced business into 6 - 7 figures. Jenna shares her behind-the-scenes learnings, money empowerment, business strategy and wealth energetics for the modern soul woman who desires it all. Join Jenna for exclusive drops on scaling your business, leadership, magnetic sales and marketing, money and wealth and personal identity work. It's time to drip in riches as you enrich the world. https://www.jennablack.co https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co


United States


Woman of Wealth® is hosted by Jenna Black - business and wealth coach, soul activator and founder of Luxury Soul. This is the podcast for stepping into your leadership and power as you scale your soul-sourced business into 6 - 7 figures. Jenna shares her behind-the-scenes learnings, money empowerment, business strategy and wealth energetics for the modern soul woman who desires it all. Join Jenna for exclusive drops on scaling your business, leadership, magnetic sales and marketing, money and wealth and personal identity work. It's time to drip in riches as you enrich the world. https://www.jennablack.co https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co



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144. The Keys To Align Your Soul Work To Millions

In this episode Jenna speaks to several powerful principles and aspects of aligning your soul work to millions, as you structure your business and energy field for higher impact. Plus Jenna announces her new signature space and upcoming masterclass event! ---------- Join Jenna LIVE for 2 days in Divine Millions - The Masterclass Event; The 7 Keys For Energetic & Strategic Expansion In Your Luxury Soul Empire, with Jenna Black June 20th & 21st Register here: https://jennablack.myflodesk.com/x2q7msc723 ---------- Introducing Jenna’s signature space: —- House Of Woman Of Wealth® Message Jenna with “presale” on Instagram or Facebook for pre sale details and pricing, for 72 hours (until June 15th 2024) Message me on Instagram for details and pricing for House of Woman of Wealth® Message me on Facebook for details and pricing for House of Woman of Wealth® If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna


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143. The Simplicity Of A $100k Month

What if your next $100k month was actually sourced from simplicity? In this episode Jenna shares her journey of the structural and energetic shifts she made to create $100k months from a place of simplicity, intention and spaciousness. Ready to work with Jenna privately? Limited spots are open for June & July private intensives. Choose from 1 week intensive or 8 weeks. Message Jenna on Instagram with the word “intensive” to begin https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co/ — Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna


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142. Divine Power From Surrender

In this episode Jenna shares her recent experience navigating the art of surrender and how within that state, we can access instant levels of our divine power and clarity. If you’re in a season of uplevel and things don’t quite feel clear just yet, this is for you. Ready to work with Jenna privately or in mastermind to scale your 6-7 figure empire? There are multiple pathways open now, including short private intensives, mastermind or long term private. Message Jenna on Instagram to begin: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co/ — Join Jenna’s signature live community ICONS: https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna


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141. CLIENT ATTRACTION. Three Energetic Shifts For Attracting Clients

In this episode Jenna shares her top three energetic shifts for attracting clients, that came out of her recent two day immersion inside Queendom Mastermind. Queendom Mastermind is now open, with spots booking for May & June start. Message Jenna for details on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co/ Or explore Queendom mastermind here: https://jennablack.co/queendom ________ Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna xx


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140. CLIENT ATTRACTION. Power Messaging For 20k Months

Two people can have the same message in their business, but the way one says it with embodied power and conviction is the one who gets hired. In this episode Jenna speaks about power messaging, when you desire to move from 6 figures and into a multiple 6 figure business. Ready to work with Jenna to scale into $250k years and beyond? Message “QUEENDOM” on Instagram, to hear about Jenna’s signature mastermind, designed for the soul-sourced woman creating her multiple 6 figure empire. Message Jenna: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co/ — Join Jenna’s signature live community ICONS: https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna xx


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139. IDENTITY. Let Them See You In Your Power

The woman who allows higher money to flow through her, also allows others to view her and receive her, in her power. In this episode Jenna shares two potent questions to ask yourself, to elevate the way you see yourself, as a woman in her power and making big money. Want to jump in live with Jenna every month? Join ICONS and access Jenna's complete business expansion program, plus unlock live community support, monthly masterclasses and more! https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna xx


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138. WEALTH. Allowing Effortless Wealth

Go behind the scenes into one of Jenna’s masterclasses inside this episode on allowing effortless wealth. Jenna shares a snippet from one of her popular wealth masterclasses, to help you activate the flow of wealth you truly desire. Want to jump in live with Jenna every month? Join ICONS and access the remainder of the Effortless Wealth class, plus unlock community support and an archive of trainings on sales, offerings, energetics, leadership and more. https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you’re loving this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. In love & luxury, Jenna xx


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137. CLIENT ATTRACTION. Building An Instant Love Brand

What if your clients take one look at your feed and think “who is this woman?! I need to hire her!”. This gets to be your very experience. In this episode Jenna shares 3 foundations to building an instant love brand, that has sales roll in organically. Ready to find the perfect fit offer for you? >> Message Jenna directly on Instagram to explore mastermind or private containers, now open. https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review. In love & luxury, Jenna xx


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136. CLIENT ATTRACTION. Premium Clients Want Your Evolution

Have you ever felt fear around stepping into a new level of your work? Or owning new parts of your soul gifts? And you wonder..what will people think? Well, what if that IS the greatest thing you can do to attract THE premium clients you want? In this episode Jenna explores how premium clients want your evolution, and gives you insight into how to take your power back - and step forward. Ready for more soul clients, on repeat? Join ICONS - Jenna’s signature yearly live experience, with community, live masterclasses and her signature business growth program. https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Jenna xx


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135. ENERGETICS. Collective Cleansing For Instant Sales

In this episode Jenna walks you through how to cleanse your energy from “collective bubbles” in the online business space, leaving you with a clear, pristine field that instantly magnetizes clients to you. Ready for more soul clients, on repeat? Join ICONS - Jenna’s signature yearly live experience, with community, live masterclasses and her signature business growth program. https://jennablack.co/icons Access Jenna’s signature programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Jenna xx


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134. WEALTH. Raising Your Standards For Higher Wealth

In this episode Jenna shares the one specific question she asks herself in any situation to continually uplevel and raise the standard for her life, wealth and business. This one question will change it all as you elevate your boundaries and open to receive. Ready to set up the energetic and structural foundations for higher money months? Get Jenna’s new 7 part audio series HIGHER WEALTH here for $27: https://jennablack.thrivecart.com/higherwealth/ Access Jenna’s signature programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Jenna xx


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133. WEALTH. Reinventing Yourself As A Woman Of Wealth

Welcome to a new season of WOMAN OF WEALTH with Jenna Black! In this kick off episode Jenna is taking us through a process of uplevelling our inner identity to match the new era we are stepping into. It’s time to reinvent yourself as a Woman Of Wealth! Ready to set up the energetic and structural foundations for higher money months? Get Jenna’s new 7 part audio series HIGHER WEALTH here for $27: https://jennablack.thrivecart.com/higherwealth/ Access Jenna’s signature programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Jenna xx


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132. WEALTH. Holding A Higher Volume Of Energy

In this episode Jenna shares 3 specific areas to look at when you’re scaling to higher wealth months and holding a higher volume of energy in your business and client spaces. Ready to set up the energetic and structural foundations for higher money months? Get Jenna’s new 7 part audio series HIGHER WEALTH here for $27: https://jennablack.thrivecart.com/higherwealth/ Access Jenna’s signature programs here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Jenna xx


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131. LEADERSHIP. 2024 Is For The Bold Ones

2024, here we go! Let’s set our focus strong for the year ahead and step into bold energy. In this episode you’ll enter into the true vision of what you desire and take the first courageous step to that very destination. DM Jenna on Instagram @jennablack.co with “2024” to hear about her offers and open a conversation about how to work together in mastermind or private spaces. Jenna’s signature offer suite: ICONS - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE PROXIMITY PODS - PRIVATE INTENSIVES THE MASTERMIND - QUEENDOM PRIVATE - LUXURY SOUL Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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130. INSIDER. My Secret Pregnancy Story

Here it is!! The episode so many of you requested. In this episode Jenna explains all about her secret pregnancy including why she chose to keep it a secret, who knew and who didn’t and what happened on the journey. DM Jenna on Instagram @jennablack.co with “2024” to hear about her offers and open a conversation about how to work together. Jenna’s signature offer suite: ICONS - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE PROXIMITY PODS - PRIVATE INTENSIVES THE MASTERMIND - QUEENDOM PRIVATE - LUXURY SOUL Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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129. LEADERSHIP. Fierce Boundaries Era

In my fierce boundaries era - you too? In this episode Jenna walks you through the steps to take to upgrade your boundaries and apply this to what you actually want your business, wealth and life to look like. DM Jenna on Instagram @jennablack.co with “2024” to hear about her offers and open a conversation about how to work together https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Jenna’s signature offer suite: ICONS - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE PROXIMITY PODS - PRIVATE INTENSIVES THE MASTERMIND - QUEENDOM PRIVATE - LUXURY SOUL Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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128. MONEY. Money Loves Conviction

Saying yes to what is truly for you with true conviction, is a power unlike any other. Money loves this energetic state, as it requires all other options to fall away as you instantly align to your highest truth. In this episode Jenna explores how money loves conviction and how you can operate in that focused energy to increase your receiving capacity. Now enrolling - THE MASTERMIND - WOMAN OF WEALTH Enter Jenna’s close proximity mastermind space to scale into 6 figures to quarter of a million with big mission and money energy Apply here: https://jennablack.co/mastermind Message Jenna on Instagram to explore this: https://instagram.com/jennablack.co Jenna’s signature offer suite: THE MECCA - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE MASTERMIND - WOMAN OF WEALTH THE LUXMIND - QUEENDOM Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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127. MONEY. Big Mission and Money Energy

When you align to your big mission energy, money becomes a byproduct of your highest vision. In this episode you’ll tap into the clarity and activation of your mission and desire beyond the money, so that receiving more is a neutral state of expectation. Jenna’s signature offer suite: ICONS - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE MASTERMIND - QUEENDOM PRIVATE - LUXURY SOUL Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Message Jenna on Instagram to chat about which space is best for you: https://instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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126. It's Not Always A Money Mindset Thing

Sometimes a lack in sales is not always a money mindset thing, but a lack in direct messaging. In this episode Jenna shares what could be going on inside your business if your sales are not where you desire them to be. Join ICONS (previously known as The Mecca) - Jenna’s ONE YEAR live teaching + activation portal, with access to the Luxury Soul Business Method program. https://jennablack.co/icons Jenna’s signature offer suite: ICONS - ONE YEAR LIVE PORTAL THE MASTERMIND - QUEENDOM PRIVATE - LUXURY SOUL Access signature offers here: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna


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125. Micro Shifts To Become A Sales Queen

I’m dropping 3 specific micro shifts to activate your power around sales, and step into becoming a sales queen. If you want more sales, become a sales queen! Join ICONS (previously known as The Mecca) - Jenna’s ONE YEAR live teaching + activation portal, with access to the Luxury Soul Business Method program. https://jennablack.co/icons Work with Jenna: https://www.jennablack.co/programs Follow Jenna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennablack.co Free Wealth Coding Audio: https://jennablack.co/wealthcoding If you loved this episode, subscribe and leave a review! Thank you for being in my world. x Jenna
