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Plenty with Kate Northrup


What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure. You can. When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more. And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best. As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed. Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.


United States


What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure. You can. When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more. And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best. As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed. Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.



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38. From Skeptic to Spiritual Success: James Wedmore's Journey to an 8-Figure Business

Think it’s possible to experience a tenfold increase in revenue in just one year? In this enlightening episode, I had the enormous pleasure of sitting down with the inspiring James Wedmore to explore the powerful intersection of spirituality and business success. My good friend James opens up about his transformative journey, sharing how he transitioned from at first rejecting spiritual principles to fully embracing them as the cornerstone of his thriving 8-figure business. We discuss the critical role of overcoming fear, his man pride, the immense power of belief, and finding a harmonious balance between practical 3D business strategies and profound 5D spiritual insights. If you are a business owner, you don’t want to miss this episode. Listen to uncover how James skyrocketed his revenue from $2 million to $10 million in just one year without altering his business model, and gain actionable insights to fuel your own entrepreneurial journey. "The more power you give to money, the more you can actually be repelling it." - James Wedmore Connect with James: Website: Instagram: I’m still getting texts and DM’s about the impact we made with our recent Relaxed Money launch; and industry friends have been asking us what we did differently this time that made it our most successful launch of all time. Well, over the next few days I’m gonna divulge more, but I’ll start with this: My long-time friend, James Wedmore, offered to be our launch coach…just for fun! His advice blew us away, and the results spoke for themselves. James just released a free tool that we used to help us rock this launch called the Digital CEO Dashboard. It’s an incredibly straightforward, easy to use, powerful dashboard that he uses to run his 8-figure digital product-based business. And it’ll help you know exactly what to focus on to get results in your business…and what you don’t need to waste your time on anymore. The dashboard is great whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in online business for years like me. Grab the one-page Digital CEO Dashboard for free now!


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37. Master the Art of Storytelling to Form Authentic Connections with Laura Belgray

Want to master the art of storytelling and write in a way that glues your audience to your emails, social posts, sales pages, books, and more? Then keep reading. In today's episode, we have the incredible Laura Belgray, a renowned copywriter and the brilliant mind behind the book "Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You Are The Effing Worst." Laura takes us through how she landed a book deal for her collection of personal and hilariously relatable essays (despite the content having nothing to do with her business), shedding light on the power of storytelling in marketing and creating authentic connections with your audience. We then dive into her inspiring path to achieving seven figures in her business, exploring her ventures into launching group programs and courses. Laura also shares valuable insights about her transformative programs, Shrimp Club and Book Launch Hero, offering a peek into her super “Do Less” way of delivering programs that deliver results but aren’t a pain in the ass to offer. Plus, Laura’s gonna make you laugh. She’s had me peeing my pants with her sense of humor for over 15 years. Grab a box of tissues (because you’ll be laughing so hard) and get ready to be inspired by the incredible Laura Belgray. “No great book, song, movie, TV show, work of art, anything ever created was created in the spirit of don't be annoying…or don't offend anybody, that is not creative Juice.” Connect with Laura: Website Instagram Book 🌟 Join the Do Less Dispatch for a Weekly Dose of Empowerment! 💌 🌟 Hey there! Looking to transform your relationship with money and time? Dive into the Do Less Dispatch – my midweek oasis of love-notes crafted to nurture your connection with abundance and space. Every Wednesday, receive refreshing insights, empowering tips, and heartfelt guidance straight to your inbox. But wait, there's more! When you join our community, you'll unlock exclusive access to The Business Pressure Relief Kit – a powerful resource offering 6 strategic pathways to find peace as you elevate your revenue. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to harmony in your business journey. Don't miss this opportunity to revitalize your approach to wealth and time. Sign up today and embark on a journey of growth, healing, and empowerment with the Do Less Dispatch! 🌿 Join the Do Less Dispatch Here: Sign Up Now! 🌿


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36. The Sacred Feminine: Reclaiming Power, Spirituality and Relaxed Money with Sarah Jenks

Ever wondered about the magic woven within the sacred feminine? This week on Plenty, I deep dive into the essence of the sacred feminine with an amazing ordained priestess named Sarah Jenks. Sarah's story is a tapestry of wisdom and transformation, echoing the whispers of ancient times where women held pivotal roles in shaping societies. As we explore the cyclical nature of women, drawing parallels to the luteal phase and the thinning veils of sacred moments, we are invited to embark on a journey of inner growth and spiritual connection through Sarah's transformative spaces at Holy Woman. Join us in embracing the sacred feminine, exploring the power of ceremony, and connecting with a vibrant community across lifetimes. It's time to dive deep, remember our essence, and walk the path of empowerment and self-discovery together with Sarah Jenks. "It's so normal to feel nervous about it. It's so normal to feel weird to make money. It's so normal for it to feel scary to own this part of our lives, but it is here for us to own this and to transform it and to not forget how it was violently taken away from us." - Sarah Jenks Connect with Sarah Jenks: Website Instagram Resources Mentioned: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. 🌟 Join the Do Less Dispatch for a Weekly Dose of Empowerment! 💌 🌟 Hey there! Looking to transform your relationship with money and time? Dive into the Do Less Dispatch – my midweek oasis of love-notes crafted to nurture your connection with abundance and space. Every Wednesday, receive refreshing insights, empowering tips, and heartfelt guidance straight to your inbox. But wait, there's more! When you join our community, you'll unlock exclusive access to The Business Pressure Relief Kit – a powerful resource offering 6 strategic pathways to find peace as you elevate your revenue. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to harmony in your business journey. Don't miss this opportunity to revitalize your approach to wealth and time. Sign up today and embark on a journey of growth, healing, and empowerment with the Do Less Dispatch! 🌿 Join the Do Less Dispatch Here: Sign Up Now! 🌿


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35. Feeding Balance: How Intuition and Self-Awareness Connect Food, Finances, and Wellbeing with Sue Van Raes

Can your behavior with your food affect your finances? Welcome, my beautiful listeners. Today, we're taking a deep and enlightening plunge into how food meets our feelings and how finances find their flow. I chat with Sue Van Raes, a beacon of wisdom in the realms of nutrition and holistic healing. She has dedicated decades to helping women transform their relationship with food from a source of stress to a pathway to peace and empowerment. In our conversation, Sue unraveled the intricate ties between our nervous system and what ends up on our plate. She shared her insights on how blood sugar imbalances can sneakily disrupt our day-to-day, affecting everything from our energy levels to our cravings. But don’t worry, she didn't leave us hanging. Sue dished out her top tips for maintaining that sweet balance with a diet rich in healthy fats and proteins - true brain food! We also explored how our issues with food often mirror our struggles with money. Control, intuition, self-awareness - Sue illuminated how these elements play pivotal roles in both arenas, shaping our behaviors and our wellbeing. It was a heart-opening discussion on shedding the layers of societal expectations and self-judgment to uncover a space where we can nourish ourselves with love and grace. Sue also gave us a sneak peek into her book, a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to forge a healthier, happier relationship with food and themselves. If you could use a little extra love on your plate and your wallet, let’s dive into Sue’s soul touching episode. "And when I hear how many iterations of that have occurred through my clients and how their experience is so tainted so often by food, and I know by money, this can happen so easily as well." - Sue Van Raes Connect with Sue Van Raes: Sue Van Rae's Website Book: Food and Freedom Sue Van Rae's Instagram


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Unlocking Nervous System Healing with Sarah Tacy

Ever wondered what happens when a healer turns the tables on a host, unearthing depths and vulnerabilities seldom shared in the open? In this week's episode of The Plenty Podcast, I’m doing something very different but also something truly special. Sarah Tacy is a profound source of wisdom as the nervous system healing expert within Relaxed Money, and she also brings her insights to the world as the host of the influential Threshold Moments podcast. ur exchange dives deep into the realms of personal growth and healing, making it clear why Sarah holds the role of a teacher within our program. Sarah turns the tables in this episode, placing me in the hot seat with thought-provoking questions about some of the most challenging moments of my life. The depths we explore and the vulnerability shared make this episode a shining example of why Sarah's guidance is invaluable. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and perhaps even see your own challenges in a new light. The Plenty Podcast is all about navigating life with grace and resilience, and this episode is a profound testament to that mission. Let’s dive deep! "Signaling safety to our bodies and trusting in the emergence of inspired ideas that benefit everyone involved is central to the ethos of Relaxed Money." - Kate Northrup Are you seeking financial freedom and a harmonious relationship with money? Dive into the transformative world of Relaxed Money with Kate Northrup. This program isn't just about making more money; it's about granting you the gift of choice. Picture a life where your bank account brings peace instead of stress, and your schedule offers more time and prosperity. With Relaxed Money, you can achieve stability, pursue your dreams, and secure a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones. Join us on this journey towards financial empowerment! Ready to unlock the secrets to financial success and abundance? When you prioritize your inner and outer work, your whole financial picture will come into focus. Relaxed Money will help you gain the confidence to make impactful choices aligned with your values, whether it's planning your dream vacation, securing top-notch education for your children, or fulfilling your parents' aspirations. Empower yourself to build a secure financial foundation and fast-track your path to work-optional living. Don't hesitate—take charge of your financial destiny today and embrace the life you deserve. Visit our website to embark on your financial transformation.


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From Engineer to Entrepreneur With Victoria Steward (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Have you ever wondered what it takes to shift from scarcity to abundance and pursue your entrepreneurial dreams? In this episode of Plenty, I met with Victoria Steward, a former Navy engineer turned entrepreneur, who unveils her inspiring journey of embracing abundance and launching her own Reiki business. Victoria delves into her transformational experience with the Relaxed Money program, which empowered her to leap into entrepreneurship with newfound confidence. Through the program, she learned to cultivate a mindset of abundance, fostering a positive relationship with money that transcended limitations. Victoria shares the pivotal role belief in abundance played in her success, emphasizing the notion of “more than enough” and the importance of feeling secure in financial matters. Throughout the episode, Victoria underscores the value of trusting intuition and decisions rooted in clarity and alignment. Her advice extends to prioritizing nervous system healing practices, leveraging live events, and embracing community support on the path to personal and financial growth. Tune in to discover how Victoria’s journey epitomizes the profound impact of the Relaxed Money program and the transformative power of shifting from scarcity to abundance in both mindset and practice. "I learned that being financially savvy isn't about having all the answers; it's about having the confidence to seek them out and apply them. Relax Money empowered me to take control of my financial destiny with courage and optimism." - Victoria Steward Are you seeking financial freedom and a harmonious relationship with money? Dive into the transformative world of Relaxed Money with Kate Northrup This program isn't just about making more money; it's about granting you the gift of choice. Picture a life where your bank account brings peace instead of stress, and your schedule offers more time and prosperity. With Relaxed Money, you can achieve stability, pursue your dreams, and secure a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones. Join us on this journey towards financial empowerment! Ready to unlock the secrets to financial success and abundance? When you prioritize your inner and outer work, your whole financial picture will come into focus. Relaxed Money will help you gain the confidence to make impactful choices aligned with your values, whether it's planning your dream vacation, securing top-notch education for your children, or fulfilling your parents' aspirations. Empower yourself to build a secure financial foundation and fast-track your path to work-optional living. Don't hesitate—take charge of your financial destiny today and embrace the life you deserve. Visit our website to embark on your financial transformation.


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34. How to Achieve Your Money Goals in a Feminine Way

Ready to redefine your relationship with money and abundance from a feminine perspective? In this episode of Plenty, I invite you to explore the profound concept of attaining abundance in money, time, and energy through a uniquely feminine perspective. I dive deep into the essence of the feminine approach to money, shedding light on the transformative power of receptivity, trust, and alignment with one’s desires. I weave together insights on how women’s inherent capacity as receivers can be harnessed to elevate financial success. By actively practicing receiving compliments and opportunities, individuals can unlock a pathway toward greater abundance and fulfillment. I discuss the significance of embodying feminine energy, nurturing a sense of safety, and placing unwavering trust in the natural flow of resources. Get ready to learn how embracing feminine principles can lead to a richer, more abundant existence across all facets of life. “Tap into your feminine energy to achieve financial goals by practicing receiving, feeling safe, and expanding your capacity for pleasure." Are you seeking financial freedom and a harmonious relationship with money? Dive into the transformative world of Relaxed Money with Kate Northrup. This program isn't just about making more money; it's about granting you the gift of choice. Picture a life where your bank account brings peace instead of stress, and your schedule offers more time and prosperity. With Relaxed Money, you can achieve stability, pursue your dreams, and secure a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones. Join us on this journey towards financial empowerment! Ready to unlock the secrets to financial success and abundance? When you prioritize your inner and outer work, your whole financial picture will come into focus. Relaxed Money will help you gain the confidence to make impactful choices aligned with your values, whether it's planning your dream vacation, securing top-notch education for your children, or fulfilling your parents' aspirations. Empower yourself to build a secure financial foundation and fast-track your path to work-optional living. Don't hesitate—take charge of your financial destiny today and embrace the life you deserve. Visit our website to embark on your financial transformation.


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Embracing Money Abundance with Heidi Knapp (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Feel like you have generational patterns of scarcity? In this episode of the Plenty podcast, I had the pleasure of welcoming an inspiring guest, Heidi Knapp, who shared her enlightening journey toward self-regulation, health coaching, and ultimately, financial liberation. Heidi's story is not just about personal growth; it's a testament to the power of aligning with our true nature and breaking free from generational patterns of scarcity. Heidi openly shared her struggles with scarcity and lack, a pattern deeply rooted in her family's history. It was through her participation in the Relaxed Money program that Heidi began to identify and actively work on breaking these long-held patterns. She found immense value in the program's supportive community and its practical teachings, which helped her understand the significance of nurturing not just the body, but also one’s financial health. Relaxed Money helped Heidi channel her entrepreneurial spirit into Outer Edge Travel, her travel company that promises adventures as unique and enriching as her approach to life and wellness. Heidi’s story is a powerful reminder of the beauty in aligning with our true selves and the wealth that can be found in taking care of our holistic well-being. Listen to this enriching episode on the Plenty podcast and join me on a journey of wellness, empowerment, and financial freedom. "Being part of the Relax Money community has shifted something fundamental for me. It's not just about financial advice; it's about being in a space where abundance and manifestation are real and tangible parts of our everyday lives. My experience has been one of unexpectedly rich rewards." - Heidi Knapp Connect with Heidi Knapp Website: Website: Instagram: @HeidiThrives Resources Mentioned: Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing and creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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Art, Abundance, and Alignment: Erika Jones' Financial Journey with Relaxed Money (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Imagine stumbling upon a program that not only changes your relationship with money but also heals parts of you that you didn't even realize needed mending. In this episode of Plenty, that’s exactly what happened to my guest, Erika Jones, a beacon of creativity in the children's book world, whose life has been beautifully transformed by the Relaxed Money program. Battling financial uncertainty and navigating through a sea of grief, she opened up about how the Relaxed Money program taught her to see God as her ultimate source of abundance, shifting her from a place of anxiety to one of profound peace and trust. She shared the eye-opening realization that our nervous system plays a huge role in how we interact with money and that treating our finances with care can lead to incredible shifts in our lives. On top of this personal transformation, Erika’s professional life has flourished beyond measure. She’s gearing up for the release of her heartfelt projects, including her much-anticipated books and a unique feelings deck for kids, promising to touch more lives than she could have ever imagined. Join me in this inspiring episode, reminding us that when we align our financial practices with our inner values and dare to trust in abundance, the universe has a way of opening doors we never knew existed. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best investments are the ones we make in ourselves. Trust me; this is a conversation you won’t want to miss. Connect with Erika Jones The Loud Librarian Book Black Girls A Celebration Of You Feelings Deck For Kids Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing and creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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33. 8 Secrets of the Happiest, Most Abundant People I Know

Ever wonder what the secret sauce is behind the most fulfilled and successful people out there? Well, get ready because we’re about to explore the eight key ingredients that make up their recipe for happiness and abundance. First off, I’m tackling the big myth head-on: that money is the end-all and be-all of fulfillment. Spoiler alert – it’s not. Then I get real personal and talk about the power of releasing grudges and resentments. I share how to neutralize the stories we tell ourselves that hold us back. It's all about rewriting our narratives to serve us better. Plus, I talk about surrounding yourself with environments and people who uplift and support you. Remember, you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely! Lastly, I circle back to what truly matters in this whirlwind life, staying connected to our core values and the essence of who we are. This episode is packed with heart, soul, and actionable insights to enrich your life's money journey. Can't wait for you to join me! Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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From Spiritual Wisdom to Financial Wellness With Tonya Melendez (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Can spirituality really bring you wealth and abundance? In today’s episode, I sat with Relaxed Money Alum Tonya Melendez, who is not just a spiritual advisor but a true money maven. She shares her captivating story of transformation. Inspired by my Relaxed Money program, Tonya revolutionized her approach to money, combining somatic practices, money dates, and even aromatherapy. As a result, she wasn’t just able to take her daughter on a dream trip to Egypt, but it also propelled her career to new heights, attracting a celebrity-level 1-1 client and an opportunity to collaborate with one of the most well known brands in the astrology space. Her story is a testament to how intertwining the spiritual with financial management can lead to both prosperity and deep personal satisfaction. Tonya digs into the somatic aspects of money handling and offers insights into how leveraging feminine qualities of receptivity can birth a life of affluence. Tune in for an episode that's both enlightening and practical. “What's different now in my relationship with money is profound. Having distinct accounts for checking, savings, and business—this might seem like a small step, but for me, it represented a giant leap towards financial clarity and empowerment." - Tonya Melendez Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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Building Wealth on Autopilot With Cally Pedersen (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Are you ready to transform your relationship with work, money, and yourself? In this eye-opening episode of Plenty, I sit down with Cally Pedersen, a Relaxed Money Student and the visionary behind The Sage Agency, a powerhouse in the Google Ads space. Cally's journey with the Relaxed Money program is nothing short of inspiring, offering invaluable lessons for anyone looking to thrive without the constant hustle. Cally opens up about how her shift from a high-stress hustle mentality to a more relaxed, intentional pace has not only brought joy back into her household, but has also propelled her business to new heights. With her agency flourishing, she shares her belief in the possibility of having it all—running a successful business and expanding her family. A key to her transformation has been the open dialogue about finances with her husband, coupled with the strategic insights from working with a financial planner. But the heart of Cally's message lies in the support and community she found within Relaxed Money. Listen in to this enlightening episode and start your journey towards a life where success and peace coexist beautifully. “Relaxed Money taught me that success doesn't have to come from constant hustle. Shifting to a relaxed, joyful approach has brought unprecedented love, joy, and connection into both my life and business.” - Cally Pedersen Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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32. 6 Secrets to Unlocking Our First Multi-Million Dollar Year

Welcome to another episode of Plenty, where we unravel the secrets to not just making more money but making it in a way that feels good and aligns with your soul’s purpose. Today, I’m peeling back the layers on how we navigated our way to a multiple seven-figure year and, more importantly, how I upgraded my relationship with money in the process. I’ll be sharing the strategies that were pivotal for us, strategies that you can adapt and apply, no matter where you are on your financial journey. From the tough decision to say goodbye to less profitable offers to the empowering shift of focusing all my energy on a single flagship program, I’ll share how simplification was our north star. I then zero in on the heart of sustainable success – customer retention. Why chasing new clients isn’t always the answer and how nurturing existing relationships can be your goldmine. Then, I get personal, exploring how our nervous system plays a crucial role in our ability to expand financially. The conversation gets even deeper as I talk about ‘parts work’—a powerful approach to healing financial wounds from our past that keep us stuck and sabotaging our success. And finally, I talk about the art of delegation. Because being a jack-of-all-trades might be impressive, but it’s not the pathway to prosperity. Learning to focus on high-value activities by entrusting tasks to others has been a game changer for me. Whether you’re looking to hit your first six figures, dreaming of seven, or simply want to improve your relationship with money, these strategies are your ticket to a richer, more fulfilling life. Join me as we unlock the potential for financial success that feels as good as it looks. Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd – 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we’ll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re struggling to hold onto and grow your money, or you simply know there’s a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It’s time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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A Journey to Millions with Bridgette Simmonds (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Hey there, beautiful! It's your host, Kate here, and I just wrapped up a fabulous conversation with the wonderful transformational coach, Bridgette Simmonds on today's episode of the Plenty Podcast. We dove deep into Bridgette's intriguing expedition into the universe of Relaxed Money and the work we celebrate here. Bridget shared how she first stumbled upon my book "Do Less" which, in her words, struck a chord with its clear and concise way of naming things that really matter. She opened up about the pivotal moment she set the intention to become more intentional (see what I did there?) with her resources and energy, and how it's been transforming her relationship with money and productivity. For those of you who've been following along and perhaps finding yourselves on the cusp of making a similar leap, I hope this episode lights that spark within you. And for my Relaxed Money alumni and current listeners, I'm so excited for you to hear the echoes of your own stories in Bridgette’s experiences. Remember that the act of doing less isn't about inactivity; it’s about aligning more with what's truly important to us. Until next time, keep leaning into that beautiful space where less effort translates into more of what lights you up. Let’s dive into the full episode! Resources Mentioned: Do Less, by Kate Northrup Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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Setting Boundaries and Trusting Yourself with Wendy Snyder (Relaxed Money Student Spotlight)

Welcome to Plenty! In this week’s episode, I welcomed Wendy Snyder, a celebrated parenting coach and a super star member of the Relaxed Money program. Throughout the episode, Wendy opens up about the pivotal transformations she has experienced since integrating the principles of Relaxed Money into her life. Not only has the program significantly influenced her personal well-being and family dynamics, but it also has reshaped the way she approaches her burgeoning business. With a focus on the art of boundary-setting, Wendy highlights how crucial it is for leaders—whether in family or business—to trust their instincts and safeguard their energy. Wendy sheds light on an often-overlooked yet essential aspect of parenting—educating children about financial literacy. She underscores the impact of involving children in money conversations and equips our listeners with practical strategies to empower the next generation in their financial journeys. This episode is not just an exploration of personal development; it's a mini masterclass in leadership and stewardship of one's own life. Join us on this inspiring episode to glean wisdom from Wendy Snyder's experience with Relaxed Money. Resources Mentioned: How We Leverage Instagram Organic Content to Increase Revenue with Natasha Willis Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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31. How to Break the Debt Cycle for Good

Welcome to the Plenty podcast, where I help to unravel the intricate ties between our finances, the time we treasure, and the energy we spend. I’m your host, Kate Northrup, and today’s episode takes us on a deep dive into the often-misunderstood topic of debt. Many of us carry the weight of debt, along with the shame and guilt it seems to impose. But what if we shifted our paradigm? Today, we explore the idea that debt does not determine our self-worth. More so, we discuss how harboring feelings of shame or guilt about our financial obligations only serves to block the flow of abundance into our lives. In this episode, I share actionable insights on cultivating a sense of safety around our finances, letting go of resentments, and rewriting the narrative we’ve scripted around our debt. This transformation in perspective is not just about feeling better—it’s about opening ourselves up to attract the resources and conjure the creative solutions necessary to clear our debts and build wealth. Let’s get ready to fill our cups. Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd – 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you. In this transformative event, we’ll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re struggling to hold onto and grow your money, or you simply know there’s a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you. Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It’s time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!


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30. How to Turn On Your Body's Ability to Magnetize Money

Welcome back to the Plenty podcast! It’s Kate here, and today, I’m digging into something really amazing – how our nervous system and our bank accounts are more linked than you’d think. It turns out, our money situation isn’t all about willpower or just thinking happy thoughts. Nope, it’s about how our body’s natural alarm system can sometimes keep us stuck in financial ruts. But, good news is, we can safely guide our nervous system to a happier place. I’ve been trying out Havening, a super chill touch-based technique, and it’s been a game-changer for my own money growth. Keep listening and I’ll share practical ways to signal safety when your nervous system is feeling dysregulated. It’s not just about listening; it’s about starting your own path to not just financial freedom, but also feeling so good about it. Resources Mentioned Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and FulfillmentCracking the Healer’s Code: A Prescription for Healing Racism and Finding WholenessIf you want to ease your path to creating wealth, I created a Money Breakthrough Guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high-earning friends and asked them what their biggest money breakthrough was. And the responses were so mind-blowing and helpful. I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to and get the guide. Remember, it’s not about doing more, it’s about making more of what truly matters. See you there!


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29. Your Nervous System & Money: Unlocking Abundance Automatically

There’s something most people are completely unaware of, but is super crucial – how our nervous system plays a big role in our relationship with money. You know, we always talk about money in terms of saving more, earning more – all the practical stuff. But, we ignore the other, unconscious levels that determine the vast majority of our behavior…and therefore, results, when it comes to money. Today, we’re going to get into how your nervous system and your money choices are having this low-key convo all the time. We’re talking about the nitty-gritty of what’s happening in your body when you’re making those financial decisions and how you can get your nervous system to be your money-making ally. Because here’s the thing – our bodies have this amazing wisdom that, when we tap into it, can seriously boost our finance game. Stick with me, and I promise, by the time we wrap up, you’ll have a new way of looking at your bank account and your body’s signals that might just change your money relationship for the better. Resources Mentioned Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and FulfillmentCracking the Healer’s Code: A Prescription for Healing Racism and Finding WholenessIf you want to ease your path to creating wealth, I created a Money Breakthrough Guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high-earning friends and asked them what their biggest money breakthrough was. And the responses were so mind-blowing and helpful. I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to and get the guide. Remember, it’s not about doing more, it’s about making more of what truly matters. See you there!


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28. My Top 4 Money Lessons From 4 Decades of Life So Far

Welcome to this week’s episode of Plenty. Over the next seven episodes, we’re embarking on a transformative journey to heal our relationship with money, uncovering the layers that have kept us from truly embracing prosperity in all its forms. In today’s episode, we’re exploring some of the most pivotal money lessons that have not only reshaped my business but also enriched my life in ways I could have never imagined. These insights are the result of years of introspection, experimentation, and a deep desire to align my financial reality with my soul’s purpose. First off, I’ll delve into the profound realization that money is not the source of our happiness or fulfillment. I’ll examine how our nervous system plays a critical role in our ability to receive and enjoy wealth. I’ll also tackle a pervasive myth: the idea that our worth is somehow tied to our net worth. Spoiler alert: it’s not. And finally, I’ll help you to look at the bigger picture – the interconnectedness of our economy and why holding back financially doesn’t just affect us, but the entire ecosystem of abundance. It’s a call to step into our financial power and contribute to the flow of prosperity for all. As a bonus, I’ll share a personal mantra that has been a game-changer for me. So, whether you’re looking to heal your relationship with money, grow your business, or simply live a more fulfilling life, this episode is for you. Let’s dive into the heart of plenty and discover what it truly means to live abundantly. “When I prioritize connecting to Source, making money actually becomes easier. Because those who are turned on by life, those who are allowing life force to flow through them are magnetic.” – Kate Northrup


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27. Break Free From Societal Limitations: Use Your Innate Spiritual Gifts for Business Success With Lyrik Fryer

Have you ever pondered the real engine behind rapid business growth and sustained success? Well, today’s episode promises to unravel a piece of that mystery. I had the pleasure to talk with Lyrik Fryer, the co-founder of WorkPlay Branding, and a visionary whose approach to systems has catapulted her company to remarkable heights in record time. But what makes her strategy so uniquely effective? Lyrik reveals the two critical aspects you must consider every time you build a system, shedding light on why these frameworks are not just beneficial but vital for your company’s expansion, ease, and profitability. We explore the fascinating interplay between her spiritual and psychic gifts and how these have played a pivotal role in her company’s trajectory. It’s a testament to how blending the mystical with the practical can forge an unstoppable force in the business world. This episode is packed with yummy insights, practical wisdom, and inspiring stories. So, whether you’re looking to refine your systems, harness your unique gifts, or elevate your brand, you’re in for a treat. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Lyrik’s meteoric rise and how you, too, can apply these principles to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. “By staying connected to oneself and breaking free from the patterns and limitations passed down through generations, individuals can tap into their inner knowing and make decisions that align with their true selves.” Resource Links: Kate Northrup on Her 7-Figure Visual Marketing Strategy Connect with Lyrik: Workplay Branding Website: Go here Workplay Branding IG: Go here Work with Lyrik: Go here If you want to ease your path to creating wealth, I created a Money Breakthrough Guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high-earning friends and asked them what their biggest money breakthrough was. And the responses were so mind-blowing and helpful. I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to and get the guide. Remember, it’s not about doing more, it’s about making more of what truly matters. See you there!
