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FUNdamentals of Parenting

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You can find an 'expert' to back any side of any argument, on any subject. So who are we supposed to believe when it comes to raising our kids? Jaime Buckley is no 'expert', but he is the dad of 13 children (all boys but nine). FUNdamentals of Parenting is based on 30+ years of personal experience raising an intelligent and strong-willed family. His own wife calls him a "successful father," and it's the title he cares about most. As of 2022, his oldest is 30, while his youngest is only two. So if you're looking for real life solutions and a positive outlook, this podcast is for you! Expect principle-based, completely biased views...explaining the WHY and HOW with everything Jaime does with his own family. Style Join Jaime for each episode as he laughs, shares his perspectives, and talks with other parents about the best (and hardest) job in the world. Make sure to visit where you can find more tools, tips, and principles on parenting. Sign up to his email list to get the latest goodies for you AND your kids! Support us!


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You can find an 'expert' to back any side of any argument, on any subject. So who are we supposed to believe when it comes to raising our kids? Jaime Buckley is no 'expert', but he is the dad of 13 children (all boys but nine). FUNdamentals of Parenting is based on 30+ years of personal experience raising an intelligent and strong-willed family. His own wife calls him a "successful father," and it's the title he cares about most. As of 2022, his oldest is 30, while his youngest is only two. So if you're looking for real life solutions and a positive outlook, this podcast is for you! Expect principle-based, completely biased views...explaining the WHY and HOW with everything Jaime does with his own family. Style Join Jaime for each episode as he laughs, shares his perspectives, and talks with other parents about the best (and hardest) job in the world. Make sure to visit where you can find more tools, tips, and principles on parenting. Sign up to his email list to get the latest goodies for you AND your kids! Support us!



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Fine Tuning Discipline | FOP 16

When you come to the end of your rope in disciplining your child, never get mad. Get even. A clever parent doesn’t have to be mean to be understood. What comes to your mind when I say ‘discipline’? Do you think of punishment? Restrictions? Maybe how you had spankings or time outs when you were a kid? If you look in the dictionary, you’ll find this: dis·ci·pline -- the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. Did you...


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Providing Hope | FOP 15

The greatest hope for the future, is in the proper raising of the next generation. ‘Hope’ is an important word to a parent. “I hope my child understands.” “I hope my child gets good grades.” “I hope my child will be able to get into a non-bat-crap-crazy college or better yet, a trade school.” “I hope that smell of dog crap isn’t my child walking across the carpet.” “I hope that wasn’t MY child who spray painted the cat purple.” Hope keeps us going when so much seems to let us down,...


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Staying Motivated | FOP 14

An average parent endures. A good parent sees worth. A great parent enjoys each and every moment for what it truly is—the privilege of shaping hope for the world around them. The challenges of being a parent don’t always come directly from your children. Many times it’s the outside forces and the variables that wear us down, put a pebble (or ten) in our shoes, or flat out hit us in the face. Having to deal with variables makes staying focused, being consistent, and keeping that smile on...


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Creating Expectations | FOP 13

If you expect nothing from your children, don’t be surprised or criticize them when that’s exactly what you get. Nothing. I hope by now that you’re seeing not only the pattern I’m laying out in these podcasts, but the connections—how each of these subjects build upon the previous one. What’s special about this point in our parenting adventure, is the clarifying experience of watching how our WHY affects our child. That in the moments of being challenged, being ignored, or on the flip...


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Dealing With Outside Forces | FOP 12

A mother is the most under appreciate person in the world…and we should be spanked just for that fact. As I’ve said many time, society wants to convert you, or destroy you. Many don’t share that view with me, but I’ll argue that society doesn’t give a damn about the family, and it works hard to dismantle ‘traditional’ family values. Fathers are portrayed as walking jokes or people to be embarrassed by, while mothers are mocked for wanting anything other than a career, while Uncle Sam claims...


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Generate Strength and Resolve | FOP 11

"I can’t," is a lie we tell ourselves when we simply find something uncomfortable or inconvenient to do. When you’ve discovered your WHY, thought ahead, maintained consistency, focused on what it means to BE a parent, it can build unity in a marriage. That unity fosters in us a growing control over our unwanted/needed emotions, which allows us to focus on what’s MOST important in our lives. Today I'd like to go over a special moment I had with one of my own children, and how my WHY helped...


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Keeping Your Focus | FOP 10

"Miracles can happen when we focus on the MOST important things of life.” If there’s one thing you count on in life, it’s distractions. Life and society tend to fill every crevice of our attention with something. A place to go, a person to talk to, something to do…but when I stop to think about it, are these things the MOST important things to do? If you haven’t seen this video, I highly recommend you take the few minutes to watch it. I know, I know—just talked about being distracted, and...


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Eliminate Unhelpful Emotions | FOP 9

"It’s only a lack of control you should fear, not feeling too much.” Have you ever wondered if how you feel gets in the way of what you should do? I have. We are creatures of emotion, by nature. But those very emotions that can grant us strength to barrel through something difficult, can also hinder us from making the right choice at times. Emotions can taint perspectives, even love…and if we’re not careful, can be the cause of harm to our children. Today I'd like to talk about the WHY and...


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Create Unity Between Parents | FOP 8

"Never allow a day to go by without taking a moment, getting the full attention of your sweetheart and saying, ‘I love you, with all my soul.’ …and if they beat you to it, reply, “I love you back.” Men and women have specific roles to play in the lives of their children. Though we might compensate for each other from time to time, it will not be as beneficial as two loving and united parents. Part of this is how we strengthen, support, and reinforce one another. Today Id like to talk...


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Create Meaning In What You Do | FOP 7

"I can think of no greater goal than to leave this world better than I found it, by providing more love and determination to do good through my children." There are times in life when parenting is a very lonely profession. Times when you are striving to do all the right things for all the right reasons, and it feels like the world’s against you. As if each and every decision you make is fought, argued, ignored, and rejected. Welcome to being a parent. It’s a long-term battle…but I promise...


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Maintaining Consistency | FOP 6

"Magic happens in a relationship between child and parent, when the child knows they can count on you in any given situation to be fair and just." If there's one thing a parent should worry over--it's their own conduct in being consistent. Fail to be consistent with your children, and you're likely to be thought of as a liar. Oh, they won't say it out loud, but the child's mind will know the truth--you don't keep your word...and isn't that the basic definition of a liar? In today's episode...


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The Decision Has Already Been Made | FOP 5

"Your children are always watching you…especially when you think they aren’t. The most powerful thing you can do is lead by your example." Not has changed much with my voice, and sleeping one hour at a time is proving to be a bit challenging, but we work with what we have. The point is to keep life as stable as much as possible for the children. That's a decision Kathilynn and I made when all this started snowballing in our lives. Making your decisions ahead of time can save you from a...


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Discovering Your Parenting WHY | FOP 4

"Nothing you achieve in life will compensate for your failure as a parent." We start off the season (which is all completed and on it's way), by talking about 'Discovering Your Parenting WHY'. There's a ton going on in our lives here in my home right now--me being ill and seasonal bronchitis, my wife gone to be at the birth of my granddaughter...and my noble son, Simon is sitting at his grandfathers bedside upstairs, just in case he passes away. UPDATE: Asia had the baby 12 minutes after...


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FUNdamentals of Parenting is going to be your new favorite podcast for parents and families. How do I know? Because I'm going to bring you real life solutions to real life issues--and if you have any questions, all you have to do is ask. IF YOU ENJOYED THIS CONTENT---Think of two to three people who could benefit and share this with them. HOW TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS: If you want to comment, ask a question or give me feedback (good or bad, I appreciate feedback so I can improve how I get you...


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12 Concrete Reasons Why The Kids Should Kiss Your Apron | FOP 3

....ack! It's respectFUL.....not respective....Oh well, I never said I was brilliant! Mothers are underrated and under-appreciated if you ask me. No, I know you didn't ask me, but I'm in my office, with a mic and software to make podcasts for parents, so I'll share this with you anyway. Mom's rock and it's about time we tell them more often. This episode comes after pondering what an amazing job my wife does with our children. Today I’m here to be your friend. No judging you, I...


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What's Your WHY As A Parent? | FOP 2

Strange as this may sound, love won't always be enough. It won't always be enough in a marriage and frankly, it won't always be enough when you're a parent. Things will wear you down and there are times when even the best of parents want to know how to sell off one or more of the little monsters we've spawned. So why did you choose to be a parent? If you don't know, you should. Then when you're done, you should come over and join our Facebook group "FUNdamentals of Parenting" and get the...


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Hey Parents, You CAN Do This! | FOP 1

In this kick-off show, I introduce myself and give you a bid of a background about who I am and why you'll enjoy spending time with this podcast. Based on my personal website and the Facebook community 'FUNdamentals of Parenting', the intent of this podcast series is to provide a fresh perspective on family life that's based more on principles than personalities. Why? Because I want you to be the cool parents who raise brilliant kids that succeed in life, that's why. IF...
