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Blindsided By His Betrayal:

Caroline Madden

Your husband cheated on you, and now you don't recognize yourself. You used to be so together, so trusting. Now you're falling apart and doing things you would have never even considered doing, such as: You're scared. Angry. Obsessive. Devastated. One minute, you hope your marriage will make it. The next minute, you want to kill him. (And the other woman, too.) All of this makes you feel like you are losing it. Sometimes you worry that you are going crazy. You wonder if you'll ever be the same again. You are NOT crazy! You are having a normal reaction to being blindsided by your husband's betrayal! Your reactions are completely rational and expected responses to such a painful experience. This book will help you figure out what to do as you deal with these explosive emotions. It's important that you understand that your feelings--erratic and unpredictable as they may be--are normal. You need to understand why you feel the things you feel and what to do with those feelings. Dr. Caroline Madden, infidelity recovery expert describes: will be available in your Library along with the audio)Buy "Blindsided by His Betrayal" and take back your sanity and power! Duration - 7h 37m. Author - Caroline Madden. Narrator - Cathi Colas. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2016 Caroline Madden ©.


United States


Your husband cheated on you, and now you don't recognize yourself. You used to be so together, so trusting. Now you're falling apart and doing things you would have never even considered doing, such as: You're scared. Angry. Obsessive. Devastated. One minute, you hope your marriage will make it. The next minute, you want to kill him. (And the other woman, too.) All of this makes you feel like you are losing it. Sometimes you worry that you are going crazy. You wonder if you'll ever be the same again. You are NOT crazy! You are having a normal reaction to being blindsided by your husband's betrayal! Your reactions are completely rational and expected responses to such a painful experience. This book will help you figure out what to do as you deal with these explosive emotions. It's important that you understand that your feelings--erratic and unpredictable as they may be--are normal. You need to understand why you feel the things you feel and what to do with those feelings. Dr. Caroline Madden, infidelity recovery expert describes: will be available in your Library along with the audio)Buy "Blindsided by His Betrayal" and take back your sanity and power! Duration - 7h 37m. Author - Caroline Madden. Narrator - Cathi Colas. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2016 Caroline Madden ©.



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