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Growing Up: Baby


They say it takes a village to raise a child — but what if you don’t have one? Hear directly from babycare experts, and other new parents, as new mom Hayley Zimak asks the questions on her mind — and likely yours too.


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They say it takes a village to raise a child — but what if you don’t have one? Hear directly from babycare experts, and other new parents, as new mom Hayley Zimak asks the questions on her mind — and likely yours too.



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"Listen to Me": Breaking the Silence around Traumatic Birth Experiences

1 in 3 women who give birth will experience birth trauma, according to Healthline. A 2019 study asked how traumatic experiences could have been prevented. Frequent responses included feeling a loss of control, fearing for their babies life, high levels of pain, lack of communication about what was happening — and imploring health care professionals to “listen to me.” For one mother still suffering the effects of a traumatic birth experience, moving forward has been difficult. She desperately wants to become pregnant again — and believes her bungled delivery and subsequent lack of care has led to irreversible damage. ~ anonymous mother, birth trauma experience.


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Her Mother's Daughter: Preparing for Twins

“When a woman’s pregnant, she’s much more connected to the spiritual world, because those babies aren’t quite here yet.” Tabitha Curley’s twin boys will soon enter this world, much to the excitement of their big brother Mason. Tabitha is an intergenerational survivor from Six Nations, part of the Onondaga Nation Beaver Clan. Several of her family members were forced into residential schools, which drives her work at the Survivor’s Secretariat. She shares how she protects herself — and her unborn children — from this heavy undertaking. ~ Tabitha Curley, soon-to-be mom of three. Learn more about The Survivor's Secretariat.


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Reflections of a Doula

“Nothing prepares you for the exhaustion and joy of bringing a beautiful life into the world.” An experienced doula — and mom of six — shares learnings from decades of trials and tribulations. Katia Maxwell advocates for informed decision making and encourages new moms to lean into and trust their instincts. She says that while every birth she attends is different, there are two commonalities that unite us all: pain and love. Katia Maxwell, doula, child birth educator, mom of six.


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2 Year Milestones: What To Expect

How quickly they grow from curious crawlers to tearing-up-the-house toddlers. Between the age of 18-24 months, expect rapid brain growth and development leading to complex emotions, newfound independence and accelerated language and motor skills. This episode focuses on the importance of positive stimuli, key markers, and begs the question: are the terrible twos really that terrible? ~ Dr. Eugene Ng, newborn and developmental paediatrics, Toronto.


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Potty Training: Are You Both Ready?

It’s an expense that most parents can’t wait to do without: the cost of diapers. Of course, potty training is also a significant milestone for your little — and you too. Before embarking on this diaper-free journey, consider having a solid plan in place and asking yourself two key questions to determine readiness. In this episode, potty training consultant Lily Horbatiuk shares tips and tricks to a successful transition.


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Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa: Leading with Purpose

Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa leads a life of purpose. Heavily pregnant with her second child, Chika continues to write her memoir, advocate for the marginalized and work to end systemic racism in healthcare. In this episode, she shares how becoming a mother allows her to more deeply connect and empathize with her patients. Despite her professional successes, of which there are many, she puts happiness above all else — and wishes the same for her children.


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Parenting 101: Ask the Internet

Our Internet searches say a lot about us! This episode breaks down the top 5 online searches for the first half of 2023. From ‘lightning crotch’ (if you know, you know), to creepy crawlers in unmentionable places, the data is clear: parents are overwhelmed and looking for answers. Share a few laughs as we unpack and analyze what’s on Canadian parents’ minds. ~ Colleen Fisher Tully, freelance content writer & editor.


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How to Handle your Toddler's Separation Anxiety

It’s a gut wrenching feeling: Your toddler clinging to you while screaming and/or crying those big, real tears. If you’re struggling with dropping your little off at daycare, the babysitter, or with a loved one, you are not alone. In fact, separation anxiety is usually healthy and normal, and often shows a deep bond between parent and child. Explore attachment theory, and how a secure or insecure relationship may exacerbate these strong emotions. ~ Mirra Wicker, licensed clinical social worker, founder of Ohana Therapy. Host of the Connected Beginnings Facebook page. Bonus Episode: Listen to Part 2 now!


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Guided Exercise: Handling Separation Anxiety

In this bonus episode, Mirra Wicker walks me through a typical morning, before the dreaded daycare drop off. She shares coping mechanisms and strategies for alleviating some of the separation tension — because your child is likely sensing your anxiety, despite your best efforts to appear calm, cool, or collected.


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Naming Baby: How to Choose

It's a big responsibility, naming that brand new tiny human! To choose the name they will carry for life, without even knowing who they are yet. Do you go for trendy, vintage, classic or quirky? Maybe there’s a family name you have to incorporate — but it’s dated, gendered, or downright unpalatable — what can you do? Steph Coffield is a mom-of-three turned content creator and name consultant. She uses her imagination, creativity, and even historical data to help parents find the perfect name for their little one.


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Beyond Exhausted: 18 Month Sleep Regression

Will you ever sleep again? Short answer: yes. When sleep is out of reach, thanks to miserable bedtimes, wakeful nights and early mornings, it can feel like a never ending cycle. While completely developmentally normal, the 18-month sleep regression is considered to be the toughest of the baby and toddler regressions. Rest easy, there are ways to manage — and survive — this trying time. ~ Bridget Jensen, consultant, Better Bedtime.


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Behind The Lens with Vassy Kapelos

Vassy Kapelos is a well known and respected Canadian journalist. While her on-air persona never wavered during her pregnancy, it was a different story behind the scenes. Vassy suffered from Hyperemesis, a debilitating and persistent disorder that gravely impacted her mental and physical well being. When her son was born, the symptoms disappeared — leading to her own feelings of rebirth.


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“Motherhood Is Funny” — with 'Shawna the Mom'

You know those absurd ‘mom moments’ that leave you shaking your head? Shawna Lander perfectly captures the good, the bad — and the funny — as her character, ‘Shawna the Mom.’ Beneath the humour is a loving mom of two, journeying back to herself after surviving breast cancer, with gratitude and a fresh perspective. ~ Shawna Lander, creator, actor, writer.


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Adoption Story: Robyn & Daniel

“Daniel isn't our adopted son. He's our son. Period.” Robyn and Mike adopted Daniel in 2011 after years of infertility, pregnancy loss, and heartache. They had just 10 days from when they were first told he existed until the day he came home for good. By fostering open communication, Robyn and Mike have created a safe space for Daniel to ask as many questions as he likes — which will be answered in due time. ~ Robyn Brady, mom of two: Daniel and Molly. ~ Daniel Regnier, Robyn's son.


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Moms and Money: Preparing for Baby and Beyond

Do you know the cost of raising a child in Canada? It may be higher than you think, which is why it’s so important to start planning. Learn budgeting, saving, and investing tips and explore what government benefits you may be eligible for. It’s never too early — or too late — to establish good spending habits to help secure your child’s financial future. ~ Sara Cook, Investment Advisor, Cook and Associate, BMO Nesbitt Burns. This episode is brought to you by Cook and Associates BMO Nesbitt Burns. Proudly supporting families and businesses through SouthWestern Ontario. When it comes to managing your wealth, we can help you navigate whatever comes your way.


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Your Body, Your Choice: Delivery & Feeding

Navigating pre and postnatal care can be overwhelming for many first time moms. There are certain expectations that women face, including how to give birth and how to feed their child. Heading into her first pregnancy, Jessica was clear on her choices: she wanted a cesarean on maternal request — and wasn’t planning to breastfeed. ~ Jessica Pratezina, PhD student in Interdisciplinary Studies (Child and Youth Care and Sociology), University of Victoria, first time mom.


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Meghan's Hope: A Mother's Loss

Losing a child is every parent’s worst nightmare. Kimberly Amato turned her grief into action following the tragic and preventable death of her daughter Meghan. Her advocacy work — and tribute site — has informed, educated, and paved the way for higher safety standards for dressers and other clothing storage furniture. ~ Kimberly Amato, Vice Chair, Parents Against Tip-Overs.


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Mom Guilt (If You Know, You Know)

If you’re struggling with the so-called “Mom Guilt” this episode is for you. There’s no ‘perfect parent’ who gets everything right all the time, despite what we see on social media. By adjusting our thought patterns and responses, we can learn to manage the little things — so we can appreciate the big picture moments. ~ Doctor Tanya Cotler, adult and child clinical psychologist, Toronto.


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Mom Exec: Balancing Work & Family

The stress of motherhood is real. Burnout exists. The juggling act can feel overwhelming. By recognizing the signs of fatigue, we can work toward the holy grail: balancing your kid(s) and your career. From setting firm boundaries and showing ourselves grace — to drilling down to what’s really important — it's time to take a deep breath and enjoy the ride. ~ Leigh Duncan, mom of three and executive director of public affairs and communications, Ontario-based hospital. ~ Madison Cox, mom of two and director and chief of staff, Ontario-based University.


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Daylight Saving Time: Preparing Your Sleep Schedule

It can be so difficult to establish a nap or bedtime routine with your little one. And it’s so frustrating when something happens to throw that schedule off. With Daylight Saving Time quickly approaching on Saturday, here are some tips on how to adjust and (hopefully) get back to normal — whatever your normal is! ~ Bridget Jensen, sleep consultant, Better Bedtime
