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Life Organized Podcast


Clear the chaos! Join Jenny Layton — professional organizer, productivity expert & life coach to learn real-life strategies to organize your life so you can focus on what matters most. Learn more at


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Clear the chaos! Join Jenny Layton — professional organizer, productivity expert & life coach to learn real-life strategies to organize your life so you can focus on what matters most. Learn more at



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Ep. 63 - Organizing Tips for Summer

The school year is wrapping up and the kids can’t wait for summer to start, but if you aren’t sharing 100% of their enthusiasm, you’re not alone. The optimistic part of us is excited to get a break from the busy schedule, spend time with the kids, and just relax. But the realist is worried about a whole lot of things: So in today’s episode I give 5 tips to help you organize your summer. From tactical to strategic, summer becomes much more manageable - and fun - when you throw a little organization into the long, lazy days. For full show notes, see LINKS Life Organized Podcast Episode 36: Organize Your Summer Mini Course: ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 62 - 3 Mother's Day Gifts to Give Yourself

* Check in this weekend to find your free coupon-template download! (see full show-notes linked below for details) The best Mother's Day gifts show love and consideration. So why not give yourself that same gift this year? Join me for this episode all about creating your own "Mom's Coupon to Myself." Together we'll get clear on one habit to stop that's holding you back, one new habit to start that aligns with your vision for motherhood, and one awesome thing you're already doing that deserves recognition. You'll receive a coupon-template download to fill out as a personalized, tangible reminder. It's the ultimate act of self-compassion to consciously design the motherhood experience you crave. See full show notes at ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 61 - Minimalism with Deanna Yates

Ever wonder why people who have so little are so happy? According to Deanna Yates of, there is a simple explanation. Living more minimally can eliminate decision fatigue, improve your focus, and even improve your health. In this episode, we talk about simple steps to help us live more minimally, how to live with other people who may not be as enthusiastic about minimalism as we are, and important mindset shifts that can help us live without so much stuff. For full show notes, go to ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 60 - When You Want to Change: Interview with Coach Mandy Marie Eldredge

What if those negative thoughts holding you back are just glitches in your mindset programming? In this powerful episode, Life Coach Mandy Marie Eldredge shares mind-blowing insights that can short-circuit years of self-doubt. You'll learn how to interrupt self-sabotaging beliefs and install new "mental software" that aligns with your inherent worth. Coach Mandy Marie's approach combines psychology with deep spiritual wisdom to help you become an unstoppable "pillar of strength." Her inspiring personal story of overcoming depression will motivate you to break free from limiting patterns. You'll get practical tools for reprogramming your subconscious through repetition of empowering truths. Learn how to begin reprogramming your subconscious with Coach Mandy Marie’s programs (links below.) See full show notes at Links: ReviveHer: Transform your daily overwhelm into clarity - Solutions Creator Academy: Become a pillar of strength so your obstacles don’t capsize you! : Get this free PDF: ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 59 - 3 Tips For Spring Cleaning

Hello, my organized friends! Are you itching to spring clean and declutter your home for the new season? In this episode, I've got 3 totally doable steps to get you organized without the overwhelm! First up, rotating out all those bulky winter items to make way for warm weather gear. Then, I'll share my trick for picking one high-impact space to deep clean for maximum results. Finally, you'll get my favorite tip for livening up your home's look - affordable seasonal decor pieces that make a huge difference! No more putting it off or getting overwhelmed. Just a few manageable actions to wake up your living spaces for spring. Hit play and get ready to nest! See full show notes at ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 58 - When You Want Good Habits

What's the secret to shrinking your to-do list, crushing your goals, and living life a little more effortlessly? Two words: Consistent habits. Life coach Jenny is pulling back the curtain on her simple, yet profound "PATH" system for installing habits that stick. You'll learn how to pick the right routines, assign step-by-step actions, schedule them perfectly, and anchor them to your existing daily flows. Jenny delivers it all in her trademark warm, empathetic style. You'll walk away understanding why past habit efforts failed, and exactly how to hardwire new positive routines this time. Best of all, Jenny will have you map out your top habit using PATH in real-time. It's time to experience the "compound interest of self-improvement" that great habits provide. Whether you want to uplevel your health, work or relationships, great routines are life's master key. Hit play and unlock transformative change today! See full show notes at ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 57 - When You Need Your Own Formula

Ever feel like you don’t quite measure up? - Your house isn't clean or organized enough. - You don’t feel thin or fit or young or stylish enough. - Your kids or family don’t quite live up to the mark set by other families Well, that’s because we tend to get convinced that getting organized, managing a home, raising a family, or anything else we do in our life has to look a certain way. In this episode we talk about how to create your very own formula – one that will work for you, rain or shine, and leave you feeling capable, confident, and at peace. ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 56 - Becoming CEO Of Your Home

Can moms really have it all? Running a household, having a career, and making time for the people you love? This week’s guest Chanel Nielsen says yes - if we shift our mindset to view ourselves as CEOs of our family! After years of overwhelm, Chanelle discovered how to design her ideal home life. Learn her secrets of visualization, planning milestones, plus tiny habits that changed everything. Spoiler: it starts with just 3 tasks a day. If you’re tired of the craziness and want to take charge, this conversation will energize and equip you. Time to become the empowered leader your family needs! Links: Essentialism by Greg MckeownEat that Frog by Brian TracyChanelle Nielson's WebsiteChanelle on InstagramChanelle's Podcast


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Ep. 55 - 5 Quick and Easy Organizing Wins

Sometimes getting organized just feels too complicated! We think we need routines and systems to do it right, and while I’m all about getting strategic…sometimes we just need an easy win. In today’s episode I share 5 fast and easy ways to get organized. In just 10 minutes you can get a big win, and you can use that momentum to do even more great things in your day. And, since I’m a coach and can’t help myself, I’m also going to let you in on a little secret about how you can create even MORE fast and easy wins in your day. Show Notes: ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 54 - When It’s The Holidays

The holiday season is around the corner…and if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, exhausted, resentful, or stressed out by the holiday, this is the conversation for you. Guest Brooke Romney shares actionable takeaways to help us design a more meaningful and manageable holiday by letting go of old traditions that are missing the mark, adjusting traditions that need to evolve with our growing family, and giving ourselves permission to create a holiday that is fun for everyone – including you. In this episode we discuss: ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 53 - When You Need More Time

Life has a tendency to get full, and when that happens, we all need the same thing – more time. In this episode I share review my time/pantry analogy, and give a real life, personal illustration of choices I am making right now so that I have more time for what matters most.


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Ep. 52 - When You Want Your Kids To Be Organized, Part 2

Last week we explored the importance of having an organized culture in your family. In today's episode we'll talk about some kid-friendly, Life Organized Tools you can start teaching your kids beginning immediately.


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Ep. 51 - When You Want Your Kids To Be Organized

I know, I know…if the kids were just more organized it would save EVERYONE so much hassle. But before I give you a list of things to teach your kids, let’s talk about YOU. The quickest way to organized kids is to pave the way yourself, because “kids will follow your example, not your advice.” This episode is rich with ideas about how YOU can develop a family culture that is organized – and it’s so much easier than you think. This conversation was too rich to limit to one episode, so be sure to check out episode 52 where I’ll teach you kid-friendly Happy Gal tools that can help you teach your kids how to be more organized. See full show notes at


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Ep. 50 - When You Need To Get In The Groove

We all love how it feels when life is running on cruise control. We are better able to stay on top of things, we have more time for the things we love to do, and we aren’t fighting curve balls at every turn. But life inevitably transitions into different seasons, and when that happens, we lose our groove. Well, we can’t prevent transition, but we can have a strategy to help us get right back into a rhythm. There is one go-to strategy that will always help us spring to action and create some momentum, so we can cut through the overwhelm and see priorities clearly. And that is our favorite Happy Gal tool: Home Base. But in this episode, we take Home Base a little further. Sure, Home Base is invaluable in helping us keep our homes in order. But what about other parts of our lives that get out of sync? Like our family, our work, and other commitments? In this episode, we leverage the Home Base concept to cut through the clutter of all kinds of important areas of our lives. Home Base = getting back into the groove quickly.


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Ep. 49 - When You Don’t Have Time To Exercise

I know, I know…so many things we have to do. Dishes, laundry, run the kids around, stay on top of work and all. the. things. Who has time for exercise? YOU DO, and in this interview with Courtney Wyckoff from Momma Strong we talk about WHY exercise is so important, and HOW you can make time for it. You are going to LOVE the refreshing approach Courtney takes to fitness and exercise. If you are discouraged or exhausted or totally turned off by the way the fitness industry so often leaves you feeling like you’ll never measure up, you are going to love Courtney’s refreshing approach. Almost in an act of rebellion, Courtney redefines the purpose of exercise as conditioning your body so you can show up in your life with confidence, and have the strength and desire to do all the things that make you feel alive - whether that is doing a cartwheel, hiking a mountain, or getting off the lounge chair and actually swimming with your kids. It’s not about how you look, it’s about the way you feel - and Momma Strong’s customized workouts promote the kind of health that doesn’t fade as you age. For full show notes, go to


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Ep. 48 - When School Is Starting

Well, here we are, heading back into the new school year. And if you’re anything like me, I bet you’re happy and sad at the same time. While a schedule and routine is sounding nice right about now, the hustle of a new school year can be a little daunting. So in this episode I’m giving you lots of tips to help you start your school year out right, including a fantastic metaphor that will give you a fresh take on why things feel choppy as we transition into this new season - and what you can do about it. Check out full show notes at


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Ep. 47 - When You Wonder What An Organized Life Looks Like

When I was a little girl I was terrified of dogs. That never went away as an adult, so imagine my surprise when I suddenly found myself owning a golden doodle puppy in March of 2020 - and loving it! What seemed like the most unlikely situation taught me that we never really know what our potential is. It may feel impossible to ever achieve an organized life, but the good news is if you are here at the podcast, you have the power to do it. You wouldn’t be interested in getting organized if you didn’t have the ability somewhere within you. James Allen said “Dreams are the seedlings of potential” - and just like any seed, if we give our deepest desires some quality attention, it’s exciting to think about what we can grow into. After all, I now love my little Oakley like I love my kids. If that could happen, anything is possible - even an organized life! An organized life is a very individual pursuit, and in this episode I ask you to consider what an organized life might look like for you. What will it mean for your relationships, your finances, your health, how you run your home, how you spend your time, and what brings you purpose and fulfillment. As you pay attention to what comes to mind, take note. These are hints of the organized life you can create. It’s a joy to watch my clients transform their lives as they diligently chip away at the clutter - and implement tools that enhance their lives from every angle. In this episode I encourage you to “plant” the seed of something you are interested in on your calendar, and nurture the seed with action, so you, too, can live the kind of organized life you have the potential to create. ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 46 - When You Procrastinate

Even though we can laugh about our tendency to procrastination, when we are under a deadline procrastination doesn’t feel like a joke. Procrastination is one time management challenge that really gets in the way of living an organized life, and in this episode we talk about two ways we can outsmart it. In the “dark playground” of procrastination, our brain tries to convince us that a deep dive through YouTube or rummaging through the pantry is more fun than taking action, but consider what you really want. When “fun” is laced with worry, anxiety, dread, and avoidance, is it really fun? Take some time to recognize that while your brain likes the idea of avoiding a task, procrastination may not be something you actually enjoy. Notice the “fog” of fake fun rolling in, and let that alert you to the need of some quick action before procrastination takes over. Because your brain doesn’t want to work hard, it will head straight to the “dark playground” when it feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to start. If you can scale your next action down to it’s simplest step, and it’s something the brain can easily do, you’ll find much more motivation to get started. As I share in my sticky label tool, there are many approaches to procrastination and this is just two of them. For some fun and entertaining more insights on procrastination, see the Brian Reagan and Tim Urban links below. Tools Mentioned In This Episode: Links: Tim UrbanBrian Regan ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 45 - When The Paper Is Piling Up - Part 2

Ok, buckle up. This is the most technical episode I have ever recorded - and also the most helpful one if you struggle with your paper. If you have piles and old files and are tired of fighting it all, you’ll be really glad you listened to today’s episode. As we pick up the paper conversation again from episode 44, it’s time to figure out what to do with the paper once we pull any actions that need to be taken out of them. But knowing where to put it, how to find a document easily once it’s filed away, and when to toss it without having to spend hours decluttering the filing cabinet is a pretty tall order. But when you have FreedomFiler, it does all the thinking for you. FreedomFiler is like having your own personal filing assistant helping you know what to do with your paper. The color-coded system is based on shelf-life, not category, so it makes it simple to find - and toss - any paper in our filing cabinet. In this episode I give an overview of some of the FreedomFiler categories, and explain how it solves the typical dilemmas we face with reference paper. It’s just an introduction, but if you are as excited about it as I was the first time I heard about it, you’ll want to learn how to implement it in your own home. Truly, FreedomFiler is the system that is most consistently celebrated by my clients. It has proven the test of time, and will keep your papers organized for years to come! Tools in this episode: Links: Episode 23 - When You want to Organize Your PaperOrganize Your PaperOrder your FreedomFiler kit HEREJenny’s Freedom Filer Training ----more---- “Are things starting to click for you? Help this podcast reach others by leaving a 5 Star rating and review on your favorite listening app! (Thanks in advance!).” –Jenny


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Ep. 44 - When The Paper Is Piling Up - Part 1

No matter the class, no matter the client, no matter the conversation, when the organizing conversation turns to paper, I see the same thing. The inevitable eye roll. The overwhelm. The defeat. Organizing paper creates a unique challenge because it requires us to organize both tangible and intangible clutter. Paper isn’t just an object - it is a container for a task. Which means we can’t stash it away and forget about it - and that’s where the problem comes in. In episode 44 we will talk about how to extract the intangible action out of a piece of paper so we have peace of mind filing it away. Until we do, we’ll keep letting the papers stack up, because “out of sight, out of mind” feels like a very real threat. So we leave paper out where we can see it…only to discover that this tactic quickly gets out of hand. A pile of papers or sticky notes can’t remind us to do anything when it gets covered up by yet more paper. Iin fact, all the “noise” just shuts us down. So in this episode I give you a place to start. The first step with paper is to pull the task out of it by adding it to your to do list, and manage the task from there. Then we can feel a lot more comfortable storing the paper in a filing cabinet somewhere. And if you’re not quite comfortable or enchanted by the idea of a to do list, that’s where the Life Organized membership can help. Next month we are revolutionizing the way you manage a to do list, and you will find that with the right strategy, habits, and platform, your to do list can be like your own personal assistant, keeping you on track and helping you know what to do - and when to do it. Then once it’s in your to do list, we are ready to actually put the paper somewhere. But it isn’t as easy as it seems, because…Where do you put it? How can we find it if we need it? And when do we toss it so we don’t have so much paper building up over time? That’s all covered in part 2 in episode 45. Tools taught in this episode: Links: Life Organized Membership
