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Modern Parenting Solutions


Hi There! I'm Dr. Becca Ballinger, Child Psychologist, Modern Parenting Expert, and mom to two wonderful young adults. This podcast is where I share my best advice and strategies for Modern Parents who want to raise young people who are happy, healthy, moral, motivated, and feel confident to pursue their natural talents and passions. Because I work with young people and their families every day in my Southern California private practice, I know the topics that interest today's parent the most: ✔️ Helping young people overcome lack of motivation for tasks and academics ✔️ Creating a strong parent-child relationship ✔️ Helping young people discover and develop their natural talents and passions ✔️ Teaching young people the "right" life lessons so they are prepared for young adulthood ✔️ Parenting kids who struggle with mental health issues in a way that EMPOWERS them and doesn't LIMIT them ✔️ And lots more topics! My episodes are guided by the trends, topics, and questions that I get while working with real families in this Modern World. I try to update once every Sunday, but when life happens (i.e. my practice and patients need my attention or my own family requires my time) then I update when I can. SUBSCRIBE TO MY FEED SO THAT YOU ARE ALERTED EVERY TIME I DO RELEASE A NEW EPISODE!


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Hi There! I'm Dr. Becca Ballinger, Child Psychologist, Modern Parenting Expert, and mom to two wonderful young adults. This podcast is where I share my best advice and strategies for Modern Parents who want to raise young people who are happy, healthy, moral, motivated, and feel confident to pursue their natural talents and passions. Because I work with young people and their families every day in my Southern California private practice, I know the topics that interest today's parent the most: ✔️ Helping young people overcome lack of motivation for tasks and academics ✔️ Creating a strong parent-child relationship ✔️ Helping young people discover and develop their natural talents and passions ✔️ Teaching young people the "right" life lessons so they are prepared for young adulthood ✔️ Parenting kids who struggle with mental health issues in a way that EMPOWERS them and doesn't LIMIT them ✔️ And lots more topics! My episodes are guided by the trends, topics, and questions that I get while working with real families in this Modern World. I try to update once every Sunday, but when life happens (i.e. my practice and patients need my attention or my own family requires my time) then I update when I can. SUBSCRIBE TO MY FEED SO THAT YOU ARE ALERTED EVERY TIME I DO RELEASE A NEW EPISODE!



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73. Want Your Rules To Stick? The Best Parenting Advice No One Ever Told You

What if I told you that the reason you often give up on enforcing a household rule with your child or teen is because they're using science against you? And what if, by understanding this science, you could finally stop giving up RIGHT BEFORE they give in? In today’s episode, I'll show you why you're giving up too soon when your child or teen pushes back on your rules or boundaries...and your young person was just moments away from complying. There’s a game-changing concept that will help any parent successfully implement new boundaries and rules. Once you hear it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. This episode will explain why so many parents struggle to follow through with new rules and boundaries and provide the key to achieving lasting behavior change in your child or teen. By the end of today’s episode, you’ll: Imagine feeling like a confident parent when you know to expect pushback from your child or teen - AND you know how to deal with it in a way that makes it a non-issue. For more resources, including links to additional parenting tips and strategies, click here for the podcast episode page. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to listen to this one: [Episode #63] Redefining Obedience: How To Go From Blind Obedience To Mutual Trust Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger: Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tipsBrowse my library of free parenting resourcesGain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classesSign up for my newsletter And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.


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72. Stop Feeling Manipulated By Your Child or Teen By Using These 4 Proven Strategies

Today, you’ll discover how to stop feeling manipulated by your child or teen using four proven strategies. This episode is a masterclass in understanding and managing emotional manipulation. You'll learn about the science behind why parents get caught in these cycles and, most importantly, how to break free. Dr. Becca Ballinger shares the four key strategies you need to create a peaceful and connected family environment. After listening, you will know exactly what to do to handle your young person’s intense emotions, foster better communication, and build a stronger, more supportive relationship. For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page and to download the episode guide. This guide includes a summary of the key points and a worksheet to help you implement the strategies discussed in the episode, making it easier for you to tackle emotional manipulation in your home. Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger: Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tipsBrowse my library of free parenting resourcesGain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classesSign up for my newsletter And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.


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71. Yes! You've Got To Start Planning For Your Summer Now - And Here's How

Summer's coming, and I know what you're thinking: How long until I'm secretly wishing for school to start again? This year, I want you to flip the script! Summer isn’t just about avoiding the summer ‘brain drain’ or surviving until fall—it's your golden opportunity to focus on your child or teen's natural strengths, deepen family bonds, and create those picture-perfect memories -- all while enjoying a well-earned break from academic pressures. If you're wondering how to keep your child or teen off their screens and engaged this summer, then this episode is for you! In today’s episode, I'm diving into how to transform those endless days of potential summer slump into a season brimming with growth, connection, and involvement. Here’s a sneak peek of what I'll cover: [9:24] Using Summer To Develop Natural Strengths and Interests: Find out how those lazy summer days can become the perfect backdrop for your young person’s creativity and exploration. We’re turning the dreaded summer slump into a season of growth and self-discovery. [22:46] Connect With Your Child or Teen This Summer: Dive into practical ways to deepen your connection with your child or teen this summer. Whether you’re strengthening your connection or building bridges, we’re all about making heartwarming memories and shared experiences. [29:54] Setting Up A Successful Summer Routine: Discover the secrets to creating a summer routine that’s flexible enough to feel like a break, yet structured enough to keep everyone connected and engaged in worthwhile activities. It’s all about balancing enriching activities with the chill vibes of summer. [40:44] Connect With Community This Summer: Learn why reaching out beyond your usual crew of close family and friends is crucial this summer. We’ll discuss how fostering community connections and diverse friendships can enrich your young person’s social skills and broaden their horizons. Ready to turn this summer from standard to stunning? Press play now, and let’s kickstart a season you’ll never forget! And if today’s episode sparks joy or gives you that 'aha!' moment, consider spreading the love with a quick rating or review on your podcast app. Not only does it help our show, but it also helps other fabulous parents like you discover us. For a complete rundown of today’s tips and links to all the resources, be sure to visit the show notes on my website at Free Guides: Summer Schedule Planner Guide Help Your Child Find Their Passions and Interests Blog Posts: Why Your Teen Needs a Summer Job 6 Steps to Encouraging a Resistant Teen to Get a Summer Job Yes! Your Child and Teen Needs a Summer Sleep Schedule! Here’s Why and How To Create One Podcast Episodes: Episode #13:Episode #16:Yes! Your Child and Teen Needs a Summer Sleep Schedule! Here’s Why andHow To Create OneEpisode #17:Challenging Parent-Child Relationship? Try These 6 Strategies To Improve This Important Relationship In Just One SummerEpisode #38: Stay Sane This Summer: Summer Strategies For Parents That Build Positive Parent-Child Relationships, Encourage Independence, and Create Lifelong MemoriesEpisode #42:


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70. Parenting with Heart: The PEACEful Approach to Discipline

Ever feel like your discipline approach is more of a mess than a success? Let's flip that script! If you're worried about being ineffective, crushing your child or teen's incredible spirit, or if tensions are high - it's time to introduce some PEACE into your routine. My 5-point PEACE plan isn't just about keeping order; it's about empowering your young person with the tools they need to grow into an amazing adult. What if you could discipline in a way that not only promotes good behavior but also brings out your child or teen awesome potential AND strengthens your bond with them? Here's a snapshot of today's episode: [9:42] Passions, Values, and Beliefs (P):[20:09] Empathy (E):[26:00] Autonomy (A):[32:13] Consistency (C):[36:15] Educating Life Lessons (E): The PEACE plan goes beyond traditional discipline. It’s designed to ensure that your approach doesn't just demand respect but inspires it, cultivating a relationship where your young person feels valued and understood. To help you implement this transformative strategy, I’ve prepared two free resources: “Empower Your Parenting with PEACE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective and Loving Discipline” and the “50 Life Lessons Every Modern Kid Should Know by the Time They Graduate from High School” checklist. These guides are packed with actionable tips and insightful exercises tailored to fit your unique family dynamics. Join me as we explore each facet of the PEACE plan, giving you the tools to not only manage behavior effectively but to enhance your relationship with your child or teen. Remember, I believe in you. You’ve got this! FREE RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: Empower Your Parenting with PEACE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective and Loving Discipline50 Life Lessons Every Modern Kid Should Know by the Time They Graduate from High School CONTINUE YOUR PARENTING JOURNEY: Free Parenting Reseouce LibraryCourt-Approved Parenting ClassesCourt-Approved Co-Parenting Classes


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69. Setting Boundaries: The Tough Love Your Family Really Needs

Think setting boundaries is just about laying down the law? Let’s flip that idea on its head. In this episode, I'm diving into something truly eye-opening—the reciprocal nature of boundaries. This isn’t your typical chat about rules and limits. It’s about understanding that when you teach your child or teen to respect others’ boundaries, you empower them to expect and receive the same respect in return. In this powerful episode, I unpack how recognizing and respecting boundaries can dramatically improve your child or teen’s self-esteem, confidence, and their ability to forge strong, positive relationships. Here’s what I've got lined up: [5:50] What Are Boundaries:[8:54] The 5 Types of Boundaries:[17:06] The Big Payoff:[20:00] Where Parents Miss the Mark:[24:28] Tips and Tactics: Ready to see boundaries in a whole new light? This episode is packed with actionable insights that can transform not just your approach to parenting but also improve how your family interacts every single day. Can I aks you for a favor? Make sure to follow The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this episode with other parents—it might just be the breakthrough they need. And if you find today’s tips helpful, I'd really appreciate a quick, positive review on your podcast app - that would be amazing, Friend :) Let me help you on your parenting journey: podcast@modernparentingsolutions.org


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68. 4 Ways To Motivate a Child or Teen Who Could Care Less

You asked...and I answered. After last week's episode, many of you wrote to me to tell me that you wanted to use the strategies discussed in the last episode, but you're dealing with a VERY unmotivated child or teen. Well...consider that problem solved! In today’s episode, I dive deep into 4 strategies for igniting a lasting spark of motivation in your young person - helping them not just survive but thrive in these critical final weeks of the school year. This isn't just about pushing for better grades; it's about empowering your child or teen with confidence, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment. Join me as I guide you through actionable, engaging strategies that are easy to implement and designed to make an immediate impact: [6:08] Quick Overview of Motivation:[13:00] Strategy #1: Strategize Together on What Needs To Be Done:[17:05] Strategy #2: Make It A Joint Effort:[21:38] Strategy #3: Make It Fun:[25:03] Strategy #4: Repeat Important Messages: And for those looking to dive even deeper, I’ve created 'The Comeback Kid Masterclass' – a comprehensive, two-hour course designed to provide you with all the tools you need to help your young person end the year on a high note. This masterclass includes bite-sized, enjoyable videos and personalized worksheets tailored to your family's needs. You can access this invaluable resource by visiting Let’s tackle these final weeks with a strategy that not only boosts academic performance but also builds lasting life skills. Thank you for joining me today. If you find this episode useful, please follow The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast on your favorite podcast app and share it with other parents. It could be just the resource they need. If you have any questions about parenting in this modern world, feel free to reach out at I'm here to help, and your questions might just become the focus of a future episode!


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67. Yes! Your Child Or Teen CAN Improve Their Grades With Only A Few Months (Or Weeks!) Left In The School Year

Feeling like it’s too late to turn your child or teen's school year around? Think again! Discover the inspiring story of how I helped a family transform their sons’ academic paths, boosting grades, confidence, and attitudes with only weeks to spare. In this episode, I weave the journey of working with this family into a powerful narrative, showing you why NOW is the perfect time to kick it into high gear and help your child or teen finish strong. Learn how taking action in these final weeks can not only give your young person the confidence boost they desperately need - but also set them on a trajectory that positively impacts their life for years to come. Don’t miss this chance to turn the school year around and lay the groundwork for future success! Check out 'The Comeback Kid' Masterclass Here


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66. Raised By a Narcissist Parent? Move Forward As a Happier Individual And a More Effective Parent With These 10 Steps

If you were raised by a narcissist parent, then this episode is your key to breaking the cycle and forging a healthier, more joyful parenting path. In today’s episode, I dive into a topic that hits close to home for many: overcoming the impact of being raised by a narcissistic parent. This journey is about more than understanding your past; it's about reshaping your future as a parent. Join me as I guide you through a powerful 10-step process (plus a bonus step) designed to help you move forward as a happier individual and a more effective parent. These steps aren't theoretical - they're actionable and rooted in real-life application. In this episode, I cover: [13:29] 4 Common Struggles: Uncover the often silent but profound challenges faced by those raised by narcissistic parents and how these 'battle wounds' might be affecting you - without your realizing it. [18:04] 5 Ways a Narcissistic Upbringing Shapes Your Parenting: Discover how the shadows of your past might be unconsciously influencing your approach to parenting - and what you can do about it. [23:54] The 10 Steps: Join me in the heart of the episode where we'll walk together through the 10 steps of healing the past, savoring your present, and looking forward to a future you can be proud of because you broke the cycle of narcissism. It's a journey that ensures your child or teen will never have to endure what you did, setting the stage for a legacy of healthy, loving relationships. And here's something special for you - the Episode Guide: 'Reclaiming Parenthood After a Narcissistic Upbringing.' Download and print out the episode guide to use as your personal companion while you listen. This guide will help you organize the steps, take notes to personalize each one, and deeply engage with the reflection questions included. It’s a valuable tool for thoroughly thinking through each aspect of your journey. 🤔 Need More Parenting Resources? 💡 Download this episode free episode guideParent Coaching with Dr. BOnline (and Court-Approved) Parenting Skills & Co-Parenting ClassesFree Parent Resource Library ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow On Your Podcast Platform ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Did today's episode open up new perspectives on navigating your teen's educational and career journey? If so, I'd deeply appreciate your feedback. Your reviews not only fill me with joy but also help connect more parents with the guidance and insights we share here. Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap those five stars, and let me know which part of today's discussion really resonated with you! Don't skip a beat on future episodes that promise more enlightening stories and strategies tailored for you and your teen's journey. Press 'Follow' on your podcast app to stay updated. Trust me, with what we have lined up, you'll want to tune in to every episode. Hit follow, and let's continue this journey of learning and growth together!


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65. Is College Right For Your Young Person? New Information You Need To Know

You cannot afford to miss today’s episode. I’m about to share insights that could dramatically shift your perspective on one of the biggest decisions facing your family: the journey to and through college for your teen. In a world where the value of a traditional college education is being questioned more than ever before, understanding the right path for your teen has never been more critical. Whether you're navigating the financial implications of student loans, considering the impact of chosen majors on future employment, or exploring alternatives to the conventional college route... This episode delivers the guidance and tools you need to support your teen in making decisions that align with their strengths, passions, and the realities of today's job market. If you're tired of the uncertainty and ready to take a proactive step towards planning your teen's future, this is the episode for you. And the time to listen is now. In this episode, I talk about: [7:47] Unveiling the Study: Dive into the groundbreaking findings of the "Talent Disrupted" Report, which sheds light on the realities of underemployment among college graduates and the pivotal role of internships and major selection in shaping career paths. [21:18] The Evolution of College Conversations: Explore how dialogues around college have transformed. I'll dissect the shift from viewing college as the sole path to success to understanding it as one of many tools available to your teen as they carve out their future. [29:14] Four Actionable Tips: Equip yourself with four powerful strategies to help your teen make the most of their college experience—or decide if an alternative path might better serve their ambitions. From reverse engineering their career path to embracing real-world experiences, these tips are designed to prepare your teen for success, regardless of the route they choose. Take the Quiz: Is College The Right Path For Your Teen? Before you go, I highly encourage you to take our online quiz, "Is College The Right Path For Your Teen?" It's a thought-provoking tool designed to help you and your teen assess the best educational journey for them, based on their interests, strengths, and career aspirations. The insights you'll gain are invaluable in navigating this pivotal decision together. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow On Your Podcast Platform ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Did today's episode open up new perspectives on navigating your teen's educational and career journey? If so, I'd deeply appreciate your feedback. Your reviews not only fill me with joy but also help connect more parents with the guidance and insights we share here. Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap those five stars, and let me know which part of today's discussion really resonated with you! Don't skip a beat on future episodes that promise more enlightening stories and strategies tailored for you and your teen's journey. Press 'Follow' on your podcast app to stay updated. Trust me, with what we have lined up, you'll want to tune in to every episode. Hit follow, and let's continue this journey of learning and growth together! 📚 More Resources For You Click here to get The Episode Guide.Click here to see my full library of free parenting resources Click here to explore Parent Coaching with meClick here to explore my online Parenting Classes


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64. 4 Categories of Life Skills You Can't Ignore Teaching Your Child or Teen

If you're a parent, you've likely pondered over how to best prepare your child or teen for the world beyond school walls. You might even feel the pressure mounting as you wonder how to tackle this monumental task. But what if I told you that embedding essential life skills for your child or teen into your daily routine could be straightforward, impactful, and might not require a complete overhaul of your family life? The secret? Integrating life skills education into everyday moments! I’m thrilled to have you join me as I dive into a topic close to every parent's heart: equipping kids and teens with the life skills they'll need to thrive once they graduate from high school. This isn’t just about getting by; it’s about setting them up for true success and independence. With the landscape of adulthood evolving rapidly, the traditional milestones for young adults are shifting. This episode is designed to light the way for parents navigating these changes, providing you with actionable strategies and insights to make life skills education an enriching part of your family's routine. 📌 In this episode, you’ll discover: [13:40] The six common stumbling blocks parents face in teaching life skills, and how to recognize and address them. [21:23] My top three strategies for seamlessly weaving life skills lessons into your day-to-day life, making the process enjoyable and effective. [28:37] An exploration of the four essential life skills areas every young person needs to master, from managing their time and finances to navigating social situations and beyond. To support you on this journey, I’ve created "Beyond The Diploma: A Parent’s Guide to Life Skills for Kids and Teens," a guide filled with insights from today’s episode plus a practical, age-by-age list of tasks and activities. This guide is designed to help you weave life skills for kids and life skills for teens into your daily interactions, transforming routine moments into opportunities for growth and learning. So, whether you're juggling a busy schedule or facing the challenge of resistant teens, this episode has got you covered. Tune in and transform the way you prepare your child or teen for life after high school. It's not just about making it through; it's about thriving, growing, and embracing the journey ahead with confidence. Listen in, download the guide, and take the first step towards a brighter, more prepared future for your young person. Because in the world of parenting, it’s about raising not just successful young people, but well-rounded, capable young adults ready to take on whatever comes their way. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow On Your Podcast App ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If this episode sparked a new insight or helped you see your young person's achievements in a new light, I'd be so grateful for your feedback. Your reviews not only warm my heart but also help other amazing parents find me. Just click here, head to the bottom, tap those five stars, and share what moment in this episode really hit home for you! And hey, don't miss out on what's next. Hit 'Follow' on your podcast app to catch all the insights and stories designed to support you on your parenting journey. More gems are on the way, and I promise, you'll want to hear every single one. Follow me, and let's keep growing together :) Email me your question: 🤝 More Ways To Connect With Dr. B: 📧 Email Dr. B A Parenting/Family Question📖 Click Here To Get The Episode Guide📚 Click Here To See The Full Library of Free Parenting Resources 👨‍🏫 Click Here To Explore Parent Coaching with Dr. B💻 Click Here To Explore Dr. B's Online Parenting Classes


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63. Redefining Obedience: How To Go From Blind Obedience To Mutual Trust

Ever found yourself at a loss when your tried-and-true phrase 'because I said so' falls flat with your child or teen? You're not alone. As parents, we've all been there, stuck in the cycle of demanding obedience without truly connecting with our young person. It's a frustrating, often ineffective method that leaves both parties feeling misunderstood. But what if I told you there's a better way? In today's episode, I unpack the shift from blind obedience to a more meaningful, trust-based approach to discipline—one that fosters critical thinking and genuine understanding between you and your young person. It's about moving beyond the surface-level commands and diving into the heart of what makes a respectful, cooperative family dynamic truly work. 📌 Here's What You'll Learn in This Episode: [10:05] First, we tackle the tough stuff: defining obedience and dissecting why blind obedience is a no-go. [15:16] Then, we explore the powerful antidote to the obedience dilemma: trust and critical thinking. [21:34] And finally, I give you practical, actionable strategies to inspire this enriched form of obedience, one that champions mutual respect and understanding. To really bring these concepts home, I've created a companion episode guide, "How To Lead With Love: The Ultimate Guide to Trust-Based Discipline." This guide is packed with the key concepts from today's episode, plus a special exercise called "Trust Quest" to help you and your child or teen deepen your connection through fun, engaging activities. Download it and let it be your roadmap to a more harmonious home. So, are you ready to transform your approach to discipline from a battleground to a building ground for trust and understanding? Tune in, and let's start this journey together. Remember, embracing these strategies is not just about easing the day-to-day tensions—it's about laying the foundation for your child's successful, independent future. Listen in, download the guide, and together, let's turn discipline into a dialogue filled with love, respect, and mutual growth. Because in the world of modern parenting, it's not just about raising kids—it's about raising thinkers, doers, and compassionate human beings. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow On Your Podcast App ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If this episode sparked a new insight or helped you see your young person's achievements in a new light, I'd be so grateful for your feedback. Your reviews not only warm my heart but also help other amazing parents find me. Just click here, head to the bottom, tap those five stars, and share what moment in this episode really hit home for you! And hey, don't miss out on what's next. Hit 'Follow' on your podcast app to catch all the insights and stories designed to support you and your young explorer. More gems are on the way, and I promise, you'll want to hear every single one. Follow and let's keep growing together! 📚 More Resources For You Click here to get The Episode Guide.Click here to see my full library of free parenting resources Click here to explore Parent Coaching with meClick here to explore my online Parenting Classes


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62. The Secret to Being a Happy Parent: Why Embracing the ‘Gain’ Changes Everything

Is that all the progress you've made? If you've sometimes had this thought about your child or teen, then today's episode is a must-listen! Today's episode is all about turning that thought on its head, using a concept called the Gap and the Gain. This is a mindset strategy that's easy to use - and packs a HUGE punch too! This strategy shows you how being in the 'Gap' mindset leads you to feeling frustrated with your young person's progress, while the 'Gain' mindset allows you to acknowledge their "small but mighty wins' - relieving you of stress and frustration and SUPERSIZING your young person's motivation to succeed! 📌 Here's What You'll Learn in This Episode: [7:27][13:37][20:42] And guess what? This week's Episode Guide, called, 'The Smart and Kind Goal-Setting Guide,' supports you in helping your young person make - and meet - important goals. Inside the guide is a worksheet that I created that guides you through setting those big dreams and breaking them down into the kind of steps that make your young person say, 'I've got this'—all while pinpointing the perfect moments for a high-five, a hug, or maybe a celebratory dance-off. Start listening now to transform doubts into celebrations and watch how this powerful strategy changes the game for you and your young person. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow On Your Podcast App ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If this episode sparked a new insight or helped you see your young person's achievements in a new light, I'd be so grateful for your feedback. Your reviews not only warm my heart but also help other amazing parents find me. Just click here, head to the bottom, tap those five stars, and share what moment in this episode really hit home for you! And hey, don't miss out on what's next. Hit 'Follow' on your podcast app to catch all the insights and stories designed to support you and your young explorer. More gems are on the way, and I promise, you'll want to hear every single one. Follow and let's keep growing together! 📚 More Resources For You Click here to get The Episode Guide.Click here to see my full library of free parenting resources Click here to explore Parent Coaching with meClick here to explore my online Parenting Classes


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61. How To Help A Child or Teen Who Feels Different From Everyone Else

Navigating the journey of parenting a child or teen who feels "different" from their peers is a topic close to my heart. If you've ever found yourself wondering how to support your young person's unique qualities, or how to empower them to embrace their individuality - this episode is crafted especially for you. In today's heartfelt discussion, I'm opening up about my own experiences of feeling different and how those moments have shaped the person and parent I am today. Through sharing my story, I aim to inspire you and provide actionable strategies that can help your child or teen thrive in a world that often favors conformity. 📌 Here's What You'll Learn in This Episode: [6:08] I share three significant parts of my life that highlight the challenges and strengths of being different, and how I transformed my differences into my superpower. [16:48] Discover the importance of self-awareness in parenting, especially if you might be unintentionally projecting your ideals onto your young person. I'll walk you through six tips to empower you and your child or teen to celebrate their uniqueness. [23:56] We'll tackle common fears head-on, including worries about bullying, peer rejection, and the future. Learn how to transform these concerns into strengths, providing your child or teen with the confidence they need to stand tall. [37:33] Practical advice on how to support your child or teen's unique path. From fostering creativity to encouraging assertiveness, these strategies are designed to help your young person not just navigate but shine in their individuality. This episode isn't just about understanding what it means to be different; it's about actionable steps you can take to ensure your child or teen feels proud of who they are. It's a guide to parenting with empathy, support, and a celebration of individuality. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Modern Parenting Solutions provides the support and inspiration I need!" If this resonates with you, please consider rating and reviewing the show! Your feedback helps me reach and assist more parents like you in understanding and celebrating their child's uniqueness. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Also, share what you found most valuable in this episode! Don't forget to follow the podcast for more insightful episodes and bonus content that's on the way. You won't want to miss any part of this journey. Follow now and stay updated! 📚 More Resources For You Click here to see my full library of free parenting resources Click here to explore Parent Coaching with meClick here to explore my online Parenting Classes


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60. From Trends to Teachable Moments: How To Navigate Popular Culture with Your Young Person

>> Click here to get the episode guide that compliments what you'll learn in today's episode << Navigating conversations about the latest trends with your child or teen can be challenging, but it’s an essential part of modern parenting. If you’re struggling to understand why your young person is so drawn to certain social media crazes or how to approach these topics, this episode is for you. In today’s discussion, I’m diving deep into the world of parenting and popular trends. I’m here to guide you through understanding the nuances behind these trends and how to have meaningful conversations with your young person about them. 📌 Here’s What You’ll Learn in This Episode: [5:08][7:20][9:30][21:02][33:07] This episode isn’t just about trends; it’s about empowering you to have conversations that strengthen your relationship with your young person while teaching them valuable life lessons. Be sure to download and use the episode guide “The Trend Evaluation Checklist” to enhance your understanding and application of today’s topic. It’s packed with practical strategies and a note-taking section to personalize your learning experience. Tune in now and gain the confidence and skills you need to guide your young person through the ever-changing world of popular trends. Your parenting journey deserves this level of insight and clarity! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Modern Parenting Solutions is a game-changer!” If you agree, please consider rating and reviewing the show! Your support helps me reach and assist more parents like you in navigating modern parenting challenges. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Share your favorite part of this episode with me! Don’t forget to follow the podcast. I’ve got more insightful episodes and bonus content coming your way, and you won’t want to miss out. Follow now and stay updated! 📚 More Resources For You Click here to see my full library of free parenting resources Click here to explore Parent Coaching with Dr. BallingerClick here to explore my online Parenting Classes


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59. Every Parent Makes Mistakes: How To Forgive Yourself AND Repair Your Relationship With Your Child or Teen

Click HERE to get the Episode Guide. Has a parenting mistake left you feeling guilty and unsure about how to move forward? You're not alone. This episode is all about understanding that mistakes are a part of the parenting journey. It's not about being perfect; it's about learning, growing, and recovering from those missteps. Today, we're focusing on how you can heal, forgive yourself, and improve your relationship with your young person after a mistake. 📌 Here's What You'll Learn in This Episode: [10:10] Healing from Parenting Mistakes: Discover the first steps to forgiving yourself after a parenting mistake. Learn to accept that mistakes are part of being human and an opportunity for growth. [16:06] Celebrating Family Uniqueness: Understand how embracing the uniqueness of your family can help in recovering from parenting mistakes. We'll explore ways to reduce stress and build a stronger family bond. [19:07] Adapting Parenting Styles: Learn the importance of evolving your parenting approach as your child grows. This section offers insights into making necessary changes that benefit your parent-child relationship. [23:02] Setting Achievable Goals: I'll guide you through setting realistic expectations for yourself and your child, helping to alleviate the pressure and guilt often associated with parenting mistakes. [26:07] The Power of Apologies: Find out how apologizing can mend and strengthen your relationship with your child, building trust and understanding. [30:29] The Importance of Self-Care: Learn why taking care of yourself is crucial for effective and compassionate parenting, and how it directly impacts your ability to recover from mistakes. Mistakes happen in parenting, and recovering from them is key. This episode is your first step toward healing and improving your relationship with your child. 📓 Click here to get the episode guide: 'The Mistake Reflection Journal for Parents.' This guide is an invaluable tool in your journey to move past parenting mistakes. It offers structured prompts and exercises to help you reflect, learn, and grow from your experiences, further aiding in your quest to heal and strengthen your parent-child relationship. So, let's start this journey of recovery and growth together. Press play, relax, and step into a new chapter of your parenting life, one filled with understanding, forgiveness, and deeper connections. Tune in now and begin the healing process. 🌟 *** 🌟 Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts 🌟 If you're loving Modern Parenting Solutions, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents—just like you—navigate the challenges of modern parenting. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select 'Write a Review.' Then let me know what you loved most about this episode! Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding a bunch of new episodes to the feed, and if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now! *** Want more info on Modern Parent? Check out the great resources below… FREE PARENT RESOURCE LIBRARY: Click HERE to download my free parenting resources NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE. *** Follow me on social media, where you get daily tips, inspiration, and connection. Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


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58. How To Encourage Your Child or Teen to be Independently Self-Motivated

Transform Your Young Person's Motivation: The 4-Stage Journey to Self-Driven Success! Are you watching your child or teen meander through life with minimal drive? It's time to turn the tide! In this pivotal episode of The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast, I unveil the final secret to unlocking your young person's independent self-motivation. Discover the science-backed 4-stage journey that promises not just a fleeting change, but a transformative shift in your young person's approach to life. Say goodbye to external incentives and welcome a new era of intrinsic drive. After this episode, you'll be equipped to guide your child or teen towards a future brimming with self-initiated success and fulfillment. In this episode, you’ll learn: [5:22]Transformative Story:[9:10] Motivation Series Recap:[13:45] Journey Overview:[16:44] Stage 1:[24:35]Stage 2:[33:31]Stage 3:[40:39]Stage 4: Remember, you are not just a spectator in your young person's life - you're a catalyst for their growth and success. By understanding and applying the insights from today's episode, you can profoundly influence their journey towards self-motivation and achievement. Remember, every young person has a reservoir of untapped potential; it's time to unlock it! 📣 Ready to dive deeper and empower your child or teen like never before? Join The Self-Motivation Success Academy (SMSA) at Let's embark on this transformative journey together!


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57. Beyond Lazy or Entitled: Understanding Your Child or Teen’s Natural Motivation Personality

Are you puzzled by what truly motivates your child or teen? This episode is a game-changer in understanding and harnessing their unique motivational powers! Discover the seven motivation personality types and identify which one resonates with your young person. This isn't just about learning these types; it's about transforming your approach to parenting. By recognizing your young person's motivation personality, you can apply effective, tailored strategies to strengthen their 'Motivation Muscle,' setting the stage for a happy and successful future. 📌 In This Episode, You’ll Explore: [5:42] My Personal Story: The story of how I created the seven motivation personality styles, shaped by my family and professional experiences. [12:40] Key Motivation Concepts: A recap of the important terms and concepts from the previous two episodes that are also related to today's episode. [22:80] Type #1: The Lack of Confidence Kid [28:05] Type #2: The Inconsistent Kid [32:15] Type #3: The ‘What’s In It For Me?’ Kid [36:25] Type #4: The Easily Distracted Kid [40:20] Type #5: The Smart Kid [44:58] Type #6: The Rebellious Kid [49:20] Type #7: The Motivated Kid Click here to take the 18-question motivation personality quiz! Click here to get the free ebook: The 7 Motivation Personality Types: How To Work With Your Child's Natural Personality To Encourage Self-Motivation *** 🌟 Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts 🌟 If you're loving Modern Parenting Solutions, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents—just like you—navigate the challenges of modern parenting. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select 'Write a Review.' Then let me know what you loved most about this episode! Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding a bunch of new episodes to the feed, and if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now! *** Want more info on Modern Parent? Check out the great resources below… FREE PARENT RESOURCE LIBRARY: Click HERE to download my free parenting resources NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE. *** Follow me on social media, where you get daily tips, inspiration, and connection. Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


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56. Unlocking the Power of External Motivation: Reward Ideas for Motivating Kids and Teens

Are you struggling with the challenge of motivating a child or teen who doesn't seem to respond to the traditional rewards, such as extra screen time or taking away their cell phone? You're not alone, and this episode is your guiding light to transform your approach to your child's motivation. 📌 In This Episode, You’ll Discover: [6:42] Building the Motivation Muscle: A quick review of the fundamental elements essential to nurturing your young person's motivation. [13:10] The Power of External Rewards: Dive into why acquiring external motivators (rewards) is crucial in the journey of motivation building. You've got to understand how it works in order to use it effectively. [18:55] Six Pitfalls of Rewards: Explore the six common mistakes parents make when using rewards as motivation tools - and how to avoid them. [25:55] The Six Reasons Why Rewards Don't Seem To Work: Discover the six most common reasons why some young people don't initially respond to external rewards and how to address these challenges. [38:06] Quick Tips for Success: Nine practical tips to effectively use external rewards as a motivating strategy tailored to your unique child or teen. Join me in this episode as we embark on a journey from apathy to action, igniting your young person's motivation with external rewards, even if they don't seem motivated by the traditional ones. Remember, you're not just managing your young person's motivation; you're nurturing a motivated, confident, and successful individual. 🌟 Here's to a future filled with motivation, progress, and remarkable achievements. Tune in now and let's spark the fire of motivation in your young person! 🌟 Head here to download and print the free Episode Guide >>> From Apathy to Action: The Parent's Guide to External Motivation Don't forget to take the Motivation Personality Quiz to better understand your child or teen's natural personality style and learn how to work with it. 🌟Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts🌟 If you're loving Modern Parenting Solutions, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents—just like you—navigate the challenges of modern parenting. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select 'Write a Review.' Then let me know what you loved most about this episode! Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding a bunch of new episodes to the feed, and if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now! Want more info on Modern Parent? Check out the great resources below… FREE PARENT RESOURCE LIBRARY: Click HERE to download my free parenting resources NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE. *** Follow me on social media, where you get daily tips, inspiration, and connection. Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


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55. Three (Bad) Parenting Habits That Destroy Your Child or Teen's Motivation

Feeling overwhelmed by your young person's lack of motivation? Struggling to inspire them to reach their full potential? If you're nodding along, desperate for a change, this episode is your beacon of hope! You're not alone, and today's episode is the first in a series dedicated to revolutionizing your approach to your child's motivation. Get ready to embark on a journey that promises to transform not just this semester, but potentially the entire academic trajectory of your young person. 📌 In This Episode, You’ll Discover: [5:34] Parenting News: Dive into a compelling study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Understand how your consistency as a parent can significantly influence your child's willingness to step out of their comfort zone. This segment illuminates the critical role you play in your child's growth, learning, and maturity. [11:54] My Personal Motivation Journey: Hear my story about how I became deeply invested in the topic of motivation. This personal reflection provides insights into why I'm passionate about helping parents and their young people flourish. [15:57] Motivation 101: A must-listen for every parent! Gain essential knowledge about young people and motivation. This foundational segment breaks down what motivation really means and how you can effectively nurture it in your children. [24:43] Motivation Destroyer #1: The Pitfalls of Praise: Unlock the hidden consequences of Unearned, Unrealistic, Excessive, or Vague Praise. Learn how this well-meaning habit can inadvertently cripple your child’s independence and drive. Discover effective ways to offer praise that genuinely uplifts and motivates, fostering a healthier and more inspiring environment for your child. [34:15] Motivation Destroyer #2: Balancing The Academic Scale: Dive into the critical habit of Setting The Academic Bar Too High or Too Low. Understand how this balance can significantly influence your child’s motivation and sense of mastery. Uncover strategies to strike the perfect academic challenge for your child, boosting their confidence and eagerness to learn. [44:13] Motivation Destroyer #3: The Parental Compass – Understanding Your PVBs: Reveal the impact of not Practicing or Knowing Your Personal Passions, Values, and Beliefs (PVBs) on your child’s connectedness and overall motivation. Explore how this oversight can hold back your child's emotional development and motivation. Learn transformative approaches to align your parenting with your PVBs, enhancing your child’s emotional well-being and drive. So, let’s not just dream of a better semester; let’s actively shape it! Hit play, lean in, and absorb an episode that will redefine how you approach your child’s motivation. Remember, you're not just managing your child's education; you're nurturing a motivated, confident, and successful young individual. 🌟 Here's to an academic year filled with breakthroughs, understanding, and remarkable achievements. Tune in now, and let’s make this semester one to remember! 🌟 Take the Motivation Personality Quiz and learn more about your child or teen's natural personality style - AND how to work with it.


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54. How To Expertly Handle Toddler Tantrums, Teen Moodiness, and Extended Family Drama During The Holidays

Navigate Holiday Mayhem with Style: Say Goodbye to Stress and Hello to Joy! 🎄✨ Dreading the holiday meltdowns, teen mood swings, and family feuds? Wish you could glide through the holiday chaos with the grace of a figure skater and the cool of a winter breeze? Well, if you're nodding along and thinking, "Yes, please!", you're in the right place! You're not alone, and today's episode is all about turning those holiday headaches into holiday highlights. In this episode, I'm tackling three listener questions about some of the stickiest holiday challenges. It's like being a holiday ninja, skillfully dodging drama and tantrums left and right. My goal? To make sure this holiday season isn't just good, but the best one yet for your family. 📌 Here's What You'll Unwrap in This Episode: [8:05] Young Kids and Tantrums: Ever wonder why tantrums seem to ramp up during the holidays? Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. I'll be sharing my top 5 tips for preventing those holiday meltdowns before they even begin, ensuring a smoother festive season for your little ones. Plus, if a tantrum does break out, don't worry – I've got you covered with 6 effective strategies to nip it in the bud quickly, preventing a minor fuss from escalating into World War III in your living room. [19:49] Teen Moodiness Demystified: You'll learn about the 5 most common challenges that often lead to teen moodiness during the holidays - and learn how to effectively navigate these tricky waters. It's all about connecting with your teen while giving them the space they need to practice their budding independence. [27:17] Mastering Extended Family Dynamics: Learn 4 powerful strategies to handle complex family interactions with ease. Discover how to maintain peace, set clear boundaries, and ensure a positive atmosphere for everyone - even difficult extended family members. 🎁 And there's more! Don't miss The Ultimate 2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Young Kids, Tweens, and Teens. Say goodbye to last-minute shopping panics and hello to thoughtful, meaningful gifts. These guides are your secret weapon for a holiday season filled with purposeful gifting, perfectly aligned with Modern Parenting principles. Click below to access each gift guide: Young Child Gift Guide Tween Gift GuideTeen Gift Guide So, let's make this holiday season less about survival and more about thriving! Press play, kick back, and soak in an episode that will redefine your festive season. Remember, you're not just managing the holidays; you're crafting a winter wonderland of memories and nurturing the amazing young people in your life. 🌟 Here's to a holiday season filled with laughter, understanding, and an abundance of joy. Tune in now, and let’s make this festive season one for the books! 🌟
