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Popping the Bubble Wrap


We know you’re the Household Safety officer in your home. The parent or guardian who’s constantly worried about things like buckling the kids into the car seat properly, slips and falls, playground hazards and all the other stuff that goes into keeping your family safe and healthy. But you don’t want your kids to live in bubble wrap! You want to manage the risks and hazards so you can feel peace of mind and so your family can engage in safe play and fun. This podcast is all about Popping the Bubble Wrap. We’ll bring you conversations from ‘the kitchen table’ with Canadian parents just like you, as we share, learn and laugh all about being safe at play, on the move and at home. Hosted by Pamela Fuselli of Parachute Canada and produced by Story Studio Network.


United States


We know you’re the Household Safety officer in your home. The parent or guardian who’s constantly worried about things like buckling the kids into the car seat properly, slips and falls, playground hazards and all the other stuff that goes into keeping your family safe and healthy. But you don’t want your kids to live in bubble wrap! You want to manage the risks and hazards so you can feel peace of mind and so your family can engage in safe play and fun. This podcast is all about Popping the Bubble Wrap. We’ll bring you conversations from ‘the kitchen table’ with Canadian parents just like you, as we share, learn and laugh all about being safe at play, on the move and at home. Hosted by Pamela Fuselli of Parachute Canada and produced by Story Studio Network.



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S1E9 - Concussion: It's Not All in Your Head

Stay in a dark room. Wake them up every hour. Absolutely no screen time. These are outdated pieces of advice that are still being offered about concussion. Researchers and experts know infinitely more about concussion than they did just 10 years ago. But is that information getting through to parents? And what do parents really need to know? Joining Pam on this episode are Adam, Heather, and Jenna as well as our expert Stephanie Cowle from...


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S1E8 - Do Cannabis and Parenting Mix?

Whether you’re a “Wine Mom” or a “420 Mom”, you can enjoy grown-up relaxation and keep your child safe by following a few simple routines. Cannabis legalization has resulted in an increase in legal products and illegal products containing cannabis are more widely available, items such as candies/ gummy bears, cookies, chocolate bars. An adult, never mind a child, is hard-pressed to identify products with cannabis or distinguish products that have or don’t contain cannabis. Because of their...


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S1E7 - Holidays Don't Have to Be Hazardous

Holidays don’t have to be hazardous. And no, I’m not talking about too many chocolates or family get togethers! Home safety is always top of mind for parents, but your routines change during the holidays. More people are likely coming over, you’re involved with different activities like lighting candles for religious holiday celebrations, or new products are now in the house, AKA presents! So, how do you keep the hazards away but not dampen the celebrations? Joining Pam on this episode are...


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S1E6 - Why Are Car Seats So Complicated?

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’re standing in a store looking at boxes upon boxes of car seats – buckets, convertibles, 3-in-1s. How do you choose which one is best for your child? You’re not alone. You’re following in the footsteps of parents who have gone before you, asking: why are car seats so complicated?!? It’s a great question and while we might not be able to solve that problem in the podcast today, we’re going to do our best to share important information to help you transport...


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S1E5 - Fall Proof Your Home

Everyone falls…don’t they? Who hasn’t lost their footing or tripped? Toddlers and young children fall more often as they learn to crawl, walk, and run. It’s all part of developing cognitive and motor skills. But there are certain types of falls we want to prevent because they cause serious injuries and are sometimes fatal: We’re talking about falls out of windows or off balconies, and falls down stairs. There are ways to prevent these falls – without resorting to bubble-wrapping your kids....


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S1E4 - Are We Safe Yet?

It can be overwhelming at times to care for your child. These days, we’re bombarded with scary stories from social media, family and friends, books, and TV. From this volume of information, you’d think we’re less safe now than in previous decades. It’s not true. In this episode, we’ll debunk safety myths, reveal what is really causing injuries and make the case that popping the bubble wrap is the way to go. Joining Pam today are Ashley, Heather, and Wyatt as well as our expert Stephanie...


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S1E3 - Risk and Reward

When we think about preventing injuries, our gut reaction might be to ban kids from engaging in risky activities so we can keep them safe. But that kind of bubble-wrapping can actually harm your child even more. There is a difference between a hazard – something bad that we need to deal with – and a risk – something your child benefits from. What’s a hazard and what’s a risk changes as a child grows and develops skills. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? Well, it might be easier than you...


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S1E2 - The Worst Advice Your Parents Gave You

Well, in my day … Ever get a piece of advice that starts out like that? Feel pressured to follow what your mom tells you, even if you’ve read or heard new information? As we learn more about how injuries happen, we apply that learning and make changes to the best practices we recommend. We can pinpoint what’s effective to prevent injuries at home, at play and on the move. Times have changed from ‘old wives’ tales’ on safety and risk. Which are true? Which are terrible? Let’s find...


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S1E1 - No Bubble Wrap

Welcome to the first episode of Parachute’s Popping the Bubble Wrap podcast. Are you the person who worries in your family? Are you the one who’s trying to keep everyone safe? This podcast is for you! When we think about preventing injuries, we might think, BUBBLE WRAP! Keep everyone safe by wrapping them up and away from any harm. But that’s not the best way to prevent injuries. You don’t have to stop living to stop injuries. Injuries aren’t inevitable and their impact overall is a lot...


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Welcome to Popping the Bubble Wrap

We know you’re the Household Safety officer in your home. The parent or guardian who’s constantly worried about things like buckling the kids into the car seat properly, slips and falls, playground hazards and all the other stuff that goes into keeping your family safe and healthy. But you don’t want your kids to live in bubble wrap! You want to manage the risks and hazards so you can feel peace of mind and so your family can engage in safe play and fun. This podcast is all about Popping...
