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The Baby Sleep Podcast


Paediatric Nurse, qualified infant and toddler Sleep Consultant and Mother, Tara Mitchell is the owner of The Gentle Sleep Specialist. Working with thousands of clients around the globe for over 6 years. Resolving sleep issues, restoring hope and bringing peace back to families. Tara has seen first hand too may times the detriment sleep deprivation has on the entire families well being. This podcast will help you resolve sleep issues, restore your confidence and give you a good laugh and cry along the way.


United States




Paediatric Nurse, qualified infant and toddler Sleep Consultant and Mother, Tara Mitchell is the owner of The Gentle Sleep Specialist. Working with thousands of clients around the globe for over 6 years. Resolving sleep issues, restoring hope and bringing peace back to families. Tara has seen first hand too may times the detriment sleep deprivation has on the entire families well being. This podcast will help you resolve sleep issues, restore your confidence and give you a good laugh and cry along the way.



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Mothers Matter

The phrase I hate the most…. Well one of.


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Newborns and Settling

My TOP TIP that will help newborn immensely


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Travel and Jetlag ~ Managing Sleep

In this episode, I explain the best way to keep sleep on track whilst you’re travelling, how to navigate new environments and how to get back on track from jetlag as quickly as possible.


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Split Nights

Is your little one waking up for an extended period of time during the night? They may even be happy or it’s just a really tricky time to try and get them back to Sleep and they tend to stay awake for quite some time. This episode is for you.


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Boundaries Connection

Let’s talk about boundaries and the three fundamentals I feel may be lacking for so many little ones. This podcast is so important. Please please take the time to listen and share ❤️


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Learned helplessness and why this episode is a must!

I am sick of the fear mongering, I am sick of seeing families suffer unnecessarily. In this episode I dive into sleep training and why can't stay quiet about this any longer. The Gentle Sleep Specialist programs all include hands on, responsive methods.


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Relationship Communication with James Gill

Today we have a special guest James Gill here to talk about how we can in the tricky years of early parenthood adopt communication skills that will greatly benefit our relationships. James walks us through the how to and just why it’s so important


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Business and me! Not the usual Fairytale

Starting a business in the depths of early solo parenting.


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Toddler Bedtimes

Let’s talk the do’s & dont’s of what could be causing pushback on your toddlers bedtimes


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Introducing a new babe to their siblings, the dos and don’ts to a new family member

Bringing a baby home can be really daunting but when you have other little ones the guilt can be pretty overwhelming. Today we talk about how to make the transition of introducing a new babe into the family and how to help their siblings adjust


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Why you don’t need to be worried about sleep help!

I’m so tired of the fear mongering around sleep help. It’s crippling families and the outcomes of sleep deprivation are negatively impacting Mothers, little ones and relationships.


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Success - Modern day Motherhood

What success means to me and why modern day Motherhood has set us up!


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Car chats: How to deal with family and advice we may now want or need? Managing over bearing family

Well the title says it all really. In this episode we are having a chat about the advice and sometimes company we not necessarily have asked for


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Nap transition 2 - 1

Let's talk all things nap transition 2 - 1. How to make it easier, how to make the transition and ways to avoid sleep going off track when you do! If your are having any issues with your little ones sleep we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us at


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The 2 year Sleep Regression!

Today we are talking the two year sleep regression and in this episode I give you the how to’s when it comes to navigating this time. Remember if your little one sleep is inconsistent or just not ideal we are here to help!


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Mater, Marriage, Mother

Take a look into what exactly happens in our relationships after little ones come along. What’s up with the friction, why do some partners check out? How do we as Mother contribute to this. Jarna is an intuitive life coach who really is the go to in this area. Honestly you want to listen to this podcast!!!! It’s a goodie 🫶


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Relationships and Separation

Working with families for 15 years has given me the opportunity to see the many dynamics behind relationships during the young years of children. Here’s my thoughts


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Toddler Sleep: The must knows!

Toddler bedtimes can become quite the rigmarole, drawn out and sometimes a pretty stressful experience. They absolutely don’t need to be. Perhaps you are considering moving your little one from the cot to a bed, or your toddler is already in a space where bedtimes or during the night times have become quite difficult. This podcast is for you. Ps, if you have a little one who isn’t a toddler this podcast Is your best heads up! Be sure to listen ❤️


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Resolving Catnapping

Let’s talk about cat napping in this episode I give you a list of things that I want you to work on and consider when it comes to resolving cat naps for your little one.Let’s talk about cat napping in this episode I give you a list of things that I want you to work on and consider when it comes to resolving cat naps for your little one.


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Managing regressions, teething, milestones and all the fun things

In this episode I am going to be discussing regressions, teething, leaps and other things that many say candy rail good sleep. I will give you a foundational checklist to make sure you cover so that sleep can be achievable even during these times. Plus the best ways to manage regressions.
