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Thinking Out Loud with Dr. Joe Currier


Welcome to "Thinking Out Loud", with Dr. Joe Currier. This is the show where we pause, head to the locker room for some life-changing halftime inspiration, and zoom back in and grab the tactics direct from Dr. Joe’s playbook to pull it all together when we’re on the field. Each week, we’ll hit a different topic.


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Welcome to "Thinking Out Loud", with Dr. Joe Currier. This is the show where we pause, head to the locker room for some life-changing halftime inspiration, and zoom back in and grab the tactics direct from Dr. Joe’s playbook to pull it all together when we’re on the field. Each week, we’ll hit a different topic.



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Ep: 018 - Calling All Parents

Calling All Parents: If you're busy, you know how easy it can be to lean into technology in order to get work done or have a few minutes to yourself. While technology and screens are wonderful tools, there's so much more to life for our young ones than what's on the screen.


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Ep: 017 - The Power of Resilience

When Dr. Joe battled cancer, he spoke about how "mindset is a key strategic force" to fight the physical and emotional distress. How have you managed during difficult times? When circumstances get tough, how do you continue to choose the right thing?


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Ep: 016 - Mental Health Myths / Cry Like You Mean It

When is it okay to cry? Do we always have to be strong for others? And what does "being strong" even mean? We know about IQ....How's your EQ? We answer all of these questions in today's episode.


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Ep: 015 - Care-Frontation / Don't Storm the Castle

What does it mean to allow space for disagreement, while maintaining mutual respect for our fellow people? There's a right & wrong way to engage in "Care-Frontation."


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Ep: 014 - The One Thing Needed To Change The Problems We Face

We all want change to happen, and most can agree: We want it now. But, real change requires each of us to choose Leadership: ONE POWERFUL WORD with only ONE letter. On the other side of that one-lettered word... there's growth, expanded capacity, and hope.


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Ep: 013 - The 10 Leadership Contracts

As a leader….how do you build a HEALTHY culture in your team, family, or organization? EVERYTHING is based on the foundation of two essential elements: Truth & Trust. On today’s episode, we go behind the scenes of my NEW self-led online certification, The 10 Leadership Contracts (Now Available) and talk about how to build on those two foundational elements. You can listen learn more about the 10 Leadership Contracts Certification here -


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Ep: 012 - Shame on Somebody...But Not Dak Prescott

Today, Dr. Joe shares his perspective on healthy emotional processing. What are the right times, places and people with which to share your emotions with? Using a television interview with Dad Prescott as an example, we dive into common stereotypes surrounding "Real Men or Women Don't Cry."


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Ep: 011 - A White Guy With a White Eraser: Learning How to Play Fair

A White Guy With a White Eraser: Learning How to Play Fair. Some things can only be discovered by looking in the mirror ...and listening.


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Ep: 010 - The Expert, Manager, Leader: Part 03

Want the shocking truth? Sometimes the lines get blurry: Managers must know how to lead, and Leaders must know how to manage. In the final part of our series "Expert, Manager, Leader", we give some concrete examples of the differences between the two roles.


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Ep: 009 - The Expert, Manager, Leader: Part 02

Ready to unlock your communication potential? Today, we continue our series with the principle of using the "right hat, right voice".


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Ep: 008 - The Expert, Manager, Leader: Part 01

Utilizing a specially sequenced formula, Dr. Joe profiles the differences between an Expert, a Manager, and a Leader.


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Ep: 007 - The Chicken, Ray Lewis, and You....Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why did the chicken cross the road? Think about it. You may be relieved to know that *most* human beings are different than chickens, when it comes to why we do what we do. (Well, not all chickens. There are a few outliers.) In a similar manner, many individuals seem blindfolded or simply unaware of why they do what they do. For many, they're doing what they've been told, taught, and modeled. We explore the deeper "why's" in today's episode.


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Ep: 006 - On My Way...Converting PTSD Into PTM

Today, Dr. Joe shares the answers he's found over the years to uncertainty, by looking at the past, present and future. When the present seems uncertain, and we have questions about our choices for the future, sometimes recognizing the patterns from the past holds a key to the answer. That recognition can help us convert PTSD into something called PTM.


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Ep: 005 - DUM Questions

We should never forget the impact of our communication -- If we do, we accidentally make "DUM" mistakes. Join us as we dissect example "DUM" questions (and how to avoid them) in this episode of "Thinking Out Loud."


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Ep: 004 – Leaders Need to be Selfish

As a leader, do you find yourself sacrificing so much that self-care falls by the wayside? Many leaders feel guilty when they invest back in themselves, but Dr. Joe talks to us today about why that may be faulty logic.


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Ep: 003 – Impact Vaccine

Today, we discuss the impact vaccine that will inoculate us against all this pandemic uncertainty. We break apart the individual components that comprise flow, and we discover the keys to resilience!


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Ep: 002 – The Warrior, The Philosopher, and The Frog

Today, we dig deeper. In “The Warrior, The Philosopher, and The Frog,” we then discover our secret weapon in uncertain times….. laughter!


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Ep: 001 – Fight, Flight, or Flow

Welcome to "Thinking Out Loud" with Dr. Joe Currier! Here, we'll be regularly sharing Dr. Joe's latest groundbreaking insights. Today, Dr. Joe shares our options when responding to the stress of our current times. The answer may surprise you!
