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Your Pregnancy Week By Week


Let an American OB/GYN guide you on your pregnancy journey. Co-authored by a physician, we look at pregnancy the same way medical professionals do–weekly. We cover everything–from before conception to baby’s birth–in weekly discussions packed with lots of information. Pregnancy is an exciting time, and there’s much to learn about it. We hope we can provide you with the information you seek to help you have a happy, healthy pregnancy. Every episode is available now, so no matter what week you are in pregnancy, we have an episode for you!


United States


Let an American OB/GYN guide you on your pregnancy journey. Co-authored by a physician, we look at pregnancy the same way medical professionals do–weekly. We cover everything–from before conception to baby’s birth–in weekly discussions packed with lots of information. Pregnancy is an exciting time, and there’s much to learn about it. We hope we can provide you with the information you seek to help you have a happy, healthy pregnancy. Every episode is available now, so no matter what week you are in pregnancy, we have an episode for you!



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Being overweight or obese can affect your pregnancy

Many women are overweight or obese when they become pregnant. This situation can contribute to problems for a mother-to-be. This discussion covers potential problems for mom and baby, and discusses how to eat healthfully throughout pregnancy.


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Diaper rash–it’s a common problem in a baby

Diaper rash is usually unavoidable, but it is fairly easy to treat. Learn what to look for with diaper rash, and how to deal with it. Discover ways to soothe baby and ways to help avoid diaper rash in the future.


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Some common body and emotional changes after baby’s birth

Many changes you experience after pregnancy are physical. Other changes are emotional. Learn what is normal after baby’s arrival and what may indicate a problem. Learn more at


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Folk remedies can offer relief during pregnancy

Are you cautious about taking substances and medications that might affect baby? We’ve put together some treatments for common ailments women swear by–and they don’t include any medication! Check out our folk remedies for common pregnancy complaints. Learn more at


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Some general guidelines for traveling with baby

Traveling with baby takes some planning. When you plan ahead, it can be more enjoyable for everyone! Discover how to prepare for a trip and learn what to take when you go. Learn more at


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A daycare center for childcare?

Many children are cared for in a daycare center. Is it right for your baby? Learn what to look for when you check out this childcare facility. Includes checklist to help you get started. Learn more at


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I have to drink how much?

You need to drink fluid during pregnancy–lots of it! It helps you feel better. Learn how much you need to drink and where to get that fluid. Discover why dehydration isn’t good for you or baby. Learn more at


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What’s a normal sleep pattern for a newborn?

Baby sleeps a lot in the first few weeks. Sleep gives baby energy to grow and develop. Learn about “back to sleep” and why baby should sleep in his parents’ room for 4-6 months. Also discusses sleep patterns and family bed. Learn more at


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Eating right for breastfeeding

Your good nutrition is important if you breastfeed. Find out what foods you need to produce breast milk, and how much from each food group. Learn more at


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Seasonal allergies can affect your pregnancy

Many pregnant women have seasonal allergies. Discover what actions you can take to deal with them, and understand which prescription and OTC meds are safe to take. Learn more at


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Baby clothes and toiletries–what you need

Buying baby clothes is fun, but what do you really need? Learn what you’ll need for baby, including clothing and toiletries. Find out ways to save to save in the first year. Learn more at


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Baby means changes in your tax situation

When baby is born, you’ll face many changes. One is your taxes–you have another dependent! How does this affect you? Some programs have been set up to help you financially. Learn about some of them here. Learn more at


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Celiac disease can impact pregnancy

If you suffer from celiac disease, it’s important to get it under control. Learn what foods you can eat to meet the many demands of pregnancy. Your good nutrition impacts baby greatly. Learn more at


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Baby needs to burp

Burping baby is an important part of feeding. Discover ways to burp baby–one make work better than another! Learn when you may be able to stop burping. Learn more at


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Fatigue may be your constant companion after baby arrives

Now that baby is here, are you exhausted? It’s called postpartum fatigue, and can last up to 4 or 5 months. Mom and dad may both experience chronic exhaustion that feels overwhelming. Learn some tricks to help you get through the first few months of being a new parent. Learn more at


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Is your food serving the correct portion size?

It’s easy to take in more calories than you need during pregnancy. That’s because many people don’t understand what a “portion” or “serving size” is. In addition to finding out how many servings of various foods you need, learn what a “normal” portion size really is in easy-to-remember examples. Learn more at


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Does your baby want a pacifier?

Sucking is a normal reflex–all babies need to suck. Your baby may need to soothe herself at times, and a pacifier can help. There are different kinds of pacifiers to choose from. Discover what type may best suit baby, and learn how and when to use one. Learn more at


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Your go-to diaper bag

Moms and dads swear their diaper bag can be a lifesaver! What does it need to contain? Discover what essentials you may need to pack in your diaper bag so you’ll be ready for any situation. Learn more at


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An eating disorder in pregnancy can affect your growing baby

All the nutrition baby receives as it grows inside you is provided by you! If your nutrition plan isn’t healthy for you, it won’t be healthy for baby. Learn about different kinds of eating disorders and how they can affect pregnancy. Learn more at


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The basics of bathing baby

It can be a little intimidating when you first begin bathing baby. But with some guidance and reassurance, you’ll soon be a pro! Learn how to prepare for baby’s bath and the steps to take to get your little one clean.
