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Doctor Who: Prepare the Timelash!!

Fantasy & Science Fiction Podc

An in-depth look at different eras of Doctor Who. Each month, your hosts Ken Hart and Mike Ferguson celebrate the wonderful moments of the show, criticize the things that went wrong, and lament "what could've been". In Season 1, they covered the Sixth Doctor, Season 2 looked at Leela's adventures with the Fourth Doctor, and Season 3 examined stories featuring the Guardians of Time. Now, in Season 4, it's a journey in modern Doctor Who with a look at River Song's adventures with the Doctor!


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An in-depth look at different eras of Doctor Who. Each month, your hosts Ken Hart and Mike Ferguson celebrate the wonderful moments of the show, criticize the things that went wrong, and lament "what could've been". In Season 1, they covered the Sixth Doctor, Season 2 looked at Leela's adventures with the Fourth Doctor, and Season 3 examined stories featuring the Guardians of Time. Now, in Season 4, it's a journey in modern Doctor Who with a look at River Song's adventures with the Doctor!



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Episode 46 - The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone

"What do you know of the Weeping Angels?" And with that, Ken & Mike get into the heart of an all-time two-part Doctor Who classic, "The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone". There's a ton of stuff for our hosts to unpack in this episode - the evolution of the Weeping Angels from "Blink", how the story operates on multiple levels at once, how the mystery of River Song slowly unfurls ... and even behind the scenes, how damn good Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are in this, considering it's the first story of Doctor Who that they actually filmed. Is it the best story in Doctor Who history? (Spoilers ... that would be telling!)


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Episode 45 - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

Hello, sweeties! After a short break, Ken & Mike are starting a new season of "Prepare the Timelash!!" with an in-depth look at the adventures of one River Song! We start with River Song's first televised adventure with the Doctor (or is it the last? Timey-wimeyness!) in "Silence of the Library/Forest of the Dead". If you're a regular listener, welcome back - and if you're new, welcome aboard, as we fully move into some great stories and the era of Modern Doctor Who! (We'd tell you more details about this episode, but ... spoilers.)


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Bonus Episode 6 - Pyramids of Mars

And with this bonus episode, Ken & Mike close out Season 3 of "Prepare the Timelash!!" with a look at a Fourth Doctor classic, "Pyramids of Mars". They get into a lot with this one, including why the Fourth Doctor/Sarah Jane pair is so darn good, why Sutekh the Destroyer is one of the best villains ever to grace the show, and Robert Holmes' predilection for poachers in a story. Did they save the best story for last in this season? Listen and find out!


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Episode 44 - The Lovecraft Invasion/The Triumph of Sutekh

It's the end, but the moment ... yeah, you get the idea. This month, Ken & Mike wrap up Season 3 of Prepare the Timelash!! with a look at two Big Finish stories with god-like foes - "The Lovecraft Invasion" and "The Triumph of Sutekh". They also reflect on all the stories that they've covered throughout this season, and talk a bit about their trip to Gallifrey One this past February. There's a ton to dig into, so have a listen!


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Episode 43 - Divided Loyalties/The Nightmare Fair

The games are afoot! And so while Mike & Ken are wrapping up this season of Prepare the Timelash!!, they take two last looks at The Toymaker after "The Giggle" - one in novel form, with "Divided Loyalties", and one in audio form, with the Season 23 missing adventure "The Nightmare Fair". Both are mixed bags, to say the least, but both have some interesting concepts ... some, though, are realized far better than others. Also, stay tuned for some news on this year's Gallifrey One, which Ken & Mike will be attending, and some news on the next topic they'll be covering for Season 4!


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Episode 42 - The Giggle

Worldwide Premiere! This month, Ken & Mike cover a story that they definitely didn't expect at the start of this season ... and that's "The Giggle", featuring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor! They also talk a bit about "The Star Beast" and "Wild Blue Yonder", as well as Russell T Davies' return to Doctor Who, but there's so much to unpack in this story. Bigeneration! The return of Mel! Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker! And, oh yeah, some guy named Ncuti Gatwa makes his debut as the Fifteenth Doctor. Lots to talk about in this mega-sized episode!


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Bonus Episode 5 - The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit

The Beast and his Armies shall rise from the Pit, and ... apologies, did you want to listen to a podcast? Because in this bonus episode of "Prepare the Timelash!!" (which should've been part of our regular season, to be honest), Ken & Mike are talking about the Tenth Doctor 2-parter, "The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit". Which - spoilers! - they enjoyed a lot more than they expected. In this episode, they discuss why neither are huge Ten/Rose fans, having a story where faith and trust is more important than science and intellect, and the Lovecraftian influence on this story (and why the Doctor is not a typical Lovecraft protagonist.)


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Episode 41 - Can You Hear Me?

Bad dreams? Fingers in the ears? It's time to jump ahead to modern Doctor Who, as Ken and Mike depart the classic era of the series to look at Jodie Whittaker's "Can You Hear Me?". Among other things, they talk about the Thirteenth Doctor's need for a good audience, why Graham is such a fun companion, and Zellin and Rakaya ... wow, they might actually have decent villainous plans, unlike many of the other god-like beings that have been covered lately! Also, some mental health topics are covered, so if that's a sensitive subject for you, please be aware.


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Episode 40 - Ghost Light

That's the way to the zoo, that's the way ... to the latest episode of Prepare The Timelash!!? Indeed it is, and this month Ken & Mike continue their foray into the Seventh Doctor era of Doctor Who as they take a look at Ghost Light. It's a story with a reputation for being either richly atmospheric, mysteriously murky, or just plain difficult to understand. Where do our intrepid hosts fall on their opinion of the story? Pull up a seat and find out! (Just take the Doctor's advice and don't have the soup, though.)


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Episode 39 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

It's the Greatest Show, in the Galaxy, the Galaxy, the Galaxy ... yeah. If Ken and Mike are talking about terrible cringe-inducing rapping in Doctor Who, then they must have arrived in the Seventh Doctor era to discuss "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy"! There's a lot of good stuff to talk about (Ace! The Chief Clown!), as well as some less-than-good stuff (the weird fruit stand lady, and the Gods of Ragnarok). Also, it's yet another story where the behind-the-scenes problems of its actual making are more bizarre than the story itself.


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Episode 38 - Enlightenment

Winner take all! It's time for Enlightenment, the final story of the "Guardian Trilogy" from the Peter Davison era, and it's a heck of a story! Co-hosts Ken and Mike have plenty to discuss in this episode, including the creepiness of Eternals Striker and Marriner, the fact that companions Tegan and Turlough are actually given stuff to do (!), and, well, if the Black Guardian really wanted the Doctor dead ... why didn't he get Abslom Daak? Or John Wick? They also talk about the Guardians in this story and in the Trilogy writ large, and their (lack of) impact in them. So much stuff to talk about, so pull up an Edwardian deck chair and have a listen!


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Bonus Episode 4 - A Conversation with Lisa McMullin

In this bonus episode of "Prepare the Timelash!!", Mike & Ken sit down for a conversation with Big Finish writer Lisa McMullin! They talk about the many projects she's written for Big Finish, and hit on a number of different topics, including writing for River Song and Liz Shaw in the male-dominated Pertwee era, the Moffat style of sitcom-styled banter in serious stories, and Judoon opera. (Yes, you read that last topic correctly.) It was a fun and insightful conversation (thanks Lisa!), so we hope you enjoy listening!


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Episode 37 - Terminus

Creepy skulls? A giant dog? Lots of crawling through vents? That's right, this month Ken & Mike continue their look at "The Guardian Trilogy" as they cover Terminus, which ... is oddly fun for a super dark story, but boy does it have a few problems. Among other things, they talk about the ridiculousness of the Garm (WHO'S A GOOD DOG???), the Battle of the Planets-meets-glam look of space pirates Olvir and Kara, and Nyssa's departure from the TARDIS. (And no, Olvir, we're not all going to die. Pipe down.)


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Episode 36 - Mawdryn Undead

Having wrapped up the "Key to Time" season, Ken & Mike move forward into the Eighties ... or is it still the Seventies? That's right, if there's a UNIT dating controversy going on, they must be covering the Fifth Doctor era and "Mawdryn Undead"! There's a lot to discuss this month, including the introduction of Turlough, the return of the Brigadier, and a genuinely great villain - no, not the dude with the dead bird on his head, but the title character of the story! And, of course, lots of walking up and down hills. Plus, Ken talks a bit about his recent work for the upcoming Doctor Who-themed "Magic: The Gathering" set, so it's a jam-packed episode this month!


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Episode 35 - The Armageddon Factor

FIRE! FIRE! Yes, in this episode, Ken & Mike are wrapping up the "Key to Time" saga with a look at its final episode, "The Armageddon Factor", and ... holy padding, Rassilon! Still, our hosts find a bunch of good things to talk about (Romana! The Marshal!), some not-so-good-things (the Shadow ... MWAH HAH HAH!), and then lots of oddities (like Drax). Besides the story itself, they also look at whether or not the Key to Time season worked as a whole, and Mary Tamm's time as the first Romana. Lots to discuss, so have a listen!


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Episode 34 - The Power of Kroll

Kroll! Kroll! That's right, Ken & Mike are covering "The Power of Kroll" this month, and ... oh, dear. It's not exactly a riveting story. Still, our intrepid hosts brave the swamps of boredom to discuss what went wrong in this story. Among other things, they muse about why the Swampies never actually get a proper tribe name, why Romana gets nothing to do in this story, and why Kroll is inexplicably like a Destiny 2 videogame boss villain. Hopefully, their discussion is less dull than the story itself!


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Bonus Episode 3 - Gallifrey One 2023 Recap

In this special bonus episode of Prepare the Timelash!!, Ken & Mike talk about their recent trip to Gallifrey One, the largest Doctor Who convention in North America! It was the first time at this convention for them both, so besides talking about being Gally One newbies, they discuss the many panels that they attended, the performers they met, and reflect on just the overall positivity of every attending. (And the French Toast at the Marriott. It was AMAZING.)


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Episode 33 - The Androids of Tara

Who likes a fancy hat? That's right, Ken & Mike are discussing "The Androids of Tara" this month ... and there's quite a lot to like about this story! In addition to Romana's absolutely fab outfit, they also cover why Count Grendel is one of the best villains in Doctor Who history, how the Fourth Doctor's silliness serves the story well here, and the weirdness of a society where peasants are well-educated and nobles aren't. It's a great story - so check out this episode, or else next time our intrepid podcast hosts will not be so lenient!


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Episode 32 - The Stones of Blood

Back to talking about odd trials in Doctor Who? If that's the case, then Mike & Ken are discussing "The Stones of Blood" this month, and ... yeah. It's one of the weirder stories they've covered! Among other things, they talk about the awesomeness of Amelia Rumford, the unlikely ability of ten-ton sentient stones sneaking up on anyone, and the surprising name drop of Trenton, New Jersey! Besides the story, they also talk about the passing of Chris Boucher and his legacy on the show (and Blake's 7), and that Prepare The Timelash!! will be attending Gallifrey One in just a few weeks! Hope to see you there!


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Episode 31 - The Pirate Planet

By the raging fury of the sky demon, it's time for Ken & Mike to talk about "The Pirate Planet", the only aired Doctor Who story officially credited to the one and only Douglas Adams! (Yes, we know about City of Death. And Shada.) Lots to talk about in this episode, including Romana's awesomeness in this story, the Doctor's surprising righteous anger in a comedic story, and the epic battle between K-9 and the inimitable Polyphase Avatron. So, have a listen, unless you want the Captain to make you walk the plank instead!
