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The Good Friends of Jackson Elias

Fantasy & Science Fiction Podc

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias


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The Good Friends of Jackson Elias



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Non-Human Characters in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re doubting our humanity. It’s easily enough done. Whether it’s these gill slits on our necks, that pervasive smell of death surrounding us, or just the weird way our shadow shifts and... The post Non-Human Characters in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Media Catch-Up – Books

We’re back and we’re catching up with our reading again. Specifically, in this episode, we seem to be reading in bed. You’d think that such a common pastime wouldn’t merit much discussion, yet somehow we... The post Media Catch-Up – Books appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Possession in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re under the influence. Sure, the alien entity taking up residence in our heads may not technically be a demon, but that feels like an academic distinction right now. It’s little comfort... The post Possession in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Late Night With the Devil

We’re back and we’re dabbling with dark forces. If Late Night With the Devil has taught us anything, it’s that achieving fame and fortune is just a matter of striking the right bargains. Sure, that’s... The post Late Night With the Devil appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Special: Strength Drain and Recovery With Frank Delventhal

In our recent episode on injury and disease in Call of Cthulhu, we mentioned the strength drain ability of Dark Young. Good friend of the Good Friends Frank Delventhal, AKA Strongman Frank, got it touch... The post Special: Strength Drain and Recovery With Frank Delventhal appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Injury and Disease in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re damaged. Send help. Main Topic: Injury and Disease in Call of Cthulhu This episode, we’re looking at how injury, disease, poisons, and other physical hazards work in Call of Cthulhu. Being... The post Injury and Disease in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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R’lyeh Roulette IV

We’re back and we’re spinning the wheel of misfortune. R’lyeh Roulette is not a game to be entered into casually. While you might not place bets in the normal manner, there is still much at... The post R’lyeh Roulette IV appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Call of Cthulhu Deities — Shudde M’ell, Yibb-Tstll and Bugg-Shash

We’re back and we’re suckling. This is more difficult than you might think, at least when Yibb-Tstll is involved. Even once we get past all those pesky nightgaunts, there’s the whole, um, moving target aspect... The post Call of Cthulhu Deities — Shudde M’ell, Yibb-Tstll and Bugg-Shash appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Media Catch-Up

We’re back and we’re consuming. Mostly, we’re consuming media. At least that’s the consumption we feel happiest talking about in public. Also, the digestion of media tends to lead to less dyspepsia, bloating and flatulence... The post Media Catch-Up appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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The Ocean in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re enjoying a nice seaside holiday. Of course, when most people talk about the seaside, they mean the bit that’s on land. Somehow, we’ve ended up in the wetter part. Maybe that’s... The post The Ocean in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Robert Bloch and the Cthulhu Mythos

We’re back and we’re wondering what’s in this jar on our desk. The contents are murky, but it looks like it might contain the heart of a small boy. Robert Bloch swears by it, but... The post Robert Bloch and the Cthulhu Mythos appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Psycho (1960)

We’re back and we’re abluting with trepidation. It used to be that taking a shower was relaxing. We could just pull that curtain closed and enjoy the jets of warm, cleansing water. Since watching Psycho,... The post Psycho (1960) appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Delusions in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re rolling to disbelieve. Honestly, the world around us just becomes weirder and weirder with every passing year. A lot of this is probably down to age, but we can’t discount some... The post Delusions in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Psychological Horror in Call of Cthulhu

We’re back and we’re doubting ourselves. Well, that’s assuming we have any selves to doubt. Once you start plumbing the dark recesses of psychological horror, you soon realise that you can’t take anything for granted.... The post Psychological Horror in Call of Cthulhu appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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The Ghost of Listener Suggestions

We’re back and we’re going through our mailbag again. It becomes a lot more manageable once we sift out the missives written in Aklo and other inhuman tongues. We’re not saying that what’s left is... The post The Ghost of Listener Suggestions appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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The Shadow Over Innsmouth – Sequels and Adaptations

We’re back and we’re heading beyond Innsmouth. The literal and metaphorical tentacles of the Deep Ones now extend far beyond the town’s limits. We’re finding our fishy friends moistening the pages of books, slithering across... The post The Shadow Over Innsmouth – Sequels and Adaptations appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 3

Our 2023 Christmas ghost story reading of Jerome K Jerome’s “Told After Supper” draws to its conclusion. After learning all about ghosts in the first reading and hearing some strange anecdotes in the second, we... The post Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 3 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 2

Our 2023 Christmas ghost story reading continues. This year, we are presenting Jerome K Jerome’s comic tale “Told After Supper”. After the introduction to the nature of ghosts we received in the first reading, we... The post Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 2 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 1

We are delighted to offer you another ghost story for Christmas. Good friend of the Good Friends, Mike Perceval-Maxwell (host of Mr Spike’s Bedtime Stories), has once again organised a suitably festive performance on our... The post Told After Supper, by Jerome K Jerome – part 1 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.


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The Shadow Over Innsmouth part 6

We’re back and we’re picking through the ruins. The US Federal Government may have bombed Innsmouth to smithereens, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still useful gaming inspiration to be found in the wreckage. From... The post The Shadow Over Innsmouth part 6 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.
