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With thousands of listeners from around the world, you are sure to be entertained, delighted, and thrilled listening to our growing collection of audiobooks. Listen, Download, Follow, Share, Rate 5 Stars, Send in a Voice Message, and Support This Podcast to encourage us to keep adding more content to our podcasts. For a full list of the Free Audiobooks available please scroll through the episodes in the Free Audiobooks podcast or visit the Media > Podcast > Free Audiobooks icon at If you have any feedback please send us an email using the Contact icon at



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Language Learning Collections - Book 3, Part 1

Language Learning Collections - Book 3, Part 1 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 3 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This volume includes 'Abdu’l-Bahá's talk "On the Value of an International Language"; the first section of L.L. Zamenhof's "First Book" (Unua Libro), explaining his great invention—the International Language, i.e. Esperanto; the third Lesson of Barrs' "Beginning Latin"; Gustave Chouquet's "Easy Conversations in French" (11 - 14); Lessons 21 - 25 from "Greek Lessons" by W.H. Morris; Introduction from "Hand-Book of Volapük" by Charles E. Sprague; Leccion Tercera, from "New First Spanish Book", by James H. Worman; Lessons 11 - 15 from "Esperanto in Twenty Lessons" by Caroline Stearns Griffin; Lessons 26 - 30 from "A Practical Arabic Course" by E. Nématallah & E. Chevalley; two sections from the "Student's Greek Grammar" by Georg Curtius; the Preface from "A Grammar of the Persian Language" by the great linguist, Sir William Jones (1746 - 1794); the Preface from "Arabic Syntax chiefly selected from the Hidayut-oon-Nuhvi" by Henry Brown Beresford (d. 1869), which is based on the famous Hidāyatu'n-Nahw by Ibn al-Hājib (1174 – 1249 CE); Chapters 3 - 8 from "Slips of Speech" by John H. Bechtel and, lastly, The Alphabet/Classifications of Sounds from "New Latin Grammar" by Charles E. Bennet. Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #9 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 3, Part 1 Book: 3 Volume: 3 Part: 1 of 2 Episodes Part: 10 Length Part: 3:19:06 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 5:30:01 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 5:30:01 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 4

Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 4 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 2 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This volume includes "The Aural System" by Charles Hardy, the first and second lessons from "New First Spanish Book" by James H. Worman, three sections from "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons II to IV from "A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language" by George J. Adler, Lessons 1 to 3 from "New Method of Learning the French Language" by Jean Gustave Keetels, the Grammar and Conversation sections from "Egyptian Self-Taught" by Carl Albert Thimm, "Double English" by Dr. Gerald Nolst Trenité, the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 from "Slips of Speech" by John H. Bechtel, "Greek Lessons: 11 - 20" by W. H. Morris, "Beginning Latin: Lesson 2" by John Edmund Barrs, Sentence Construction from "A Primer of Persian" by G.S.A. Ranking and Lessons 20 - 25 from "A Practical Arabic Course" by E. Nématallah & E. Chevalley. Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #8 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 4 Book: 2 Volume: 2 Part: 4 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 3:05:42 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:45:40 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:45:40 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 3

Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 3 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 2 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This volume includes "The Aural System" by Charles Hardy, the first and second lessons from "New First Spanish Book" by James H. Worman, three sections from "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons II to IV from "A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language" by George J. Adler, Lessons 1 to 3 from "New Method of Learning the French Language" by Jean Gustave Keetels, the Grammar and Conversation sections from "Egyptian Self-Taught" by Carl Albert Thimm, "Double English" by Dr. Gerald Nolst Trenité, the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 from "Slips of Speech" by John H. Bechtel, "Greek Lessons: 11 - 20" by W. H. Morris, "Beginning Latin: Lesson 2" by John Edmund Barrs, Sentence Construction from "A Primer of Persian" by G.S.A. Ranking and Lessons 20 - 25 from "A Practical Arabic Course" by E. Nématallah & E. Chevalley. Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #7 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 3 Book: 2 Volume: 2 Part: 3 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:43:41 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:45:40 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:45:40 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 2

Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 2 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 2 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This volume includes "The Aural System" by Charles Hardy, the first and second lessons from "New First Spanish Book" by James H. Worman, three sections from "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons II to IV from "A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language" by George J. Adler, Lessons 1 to 3 from "New Method of Learning the French Language" by Jean Gustave Keetels, the Grammar and Conversation sections from "Egyptian Self-Taught" by Carl Albert Thimm, "Double English" by Dr. Gerald Nolst Trenité, the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 from "Slips of Speech" by John H. Bechtel, "Greek Lessons: 11 - 20" by W. H. Morris, "Beginning Latin: Lesson 2" by John Edmund Barrs, Sentence Construction from "A Primer of Persian" by G.S.A. Ranking and Lessons 20 - 25 from "A Practical Arabic Course" by E. Nématallah & E. Chevalley. Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #6 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 2 Book: 2 Volume: 2 Part: 2 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 2:25:27 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:45:40 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:45:40 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 1

Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 1 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 2 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This volume includes "The Aural System" by Charles Hardy, the first and second lessons from "New First Spanish Book" by James H. Worman, three sections from "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons II to IV from "A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language" by George J. Adler, Lessons 1 to 3 from "New Method of Learning the French Language" by Jean Gustave Keetels, the Grammar and Conversation sections from "Egyptian Self-Taught" by Carl Albert Thimm, "Double English" by Dr. Gerald Nolst Trenité, the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 from "Slips of Speech" by John H. Bechtel, "Greek Lessons: 11 - 20" by W. H. Morris, "Beginning Latin: Lesson 2" by John Edmund Barrs, Sentence Construction from "A Primer of Persian" by G.S.A. Ranking and Lessons 20 - 25 from "A Practical Arabic Course" by E. Nématallah & E. Chevalley. Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #5 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 2, Part 1 Book: 2 Volume: 2 Part: 1 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 3:49:13 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:45:40 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:45:40 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 4

Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 4 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 1 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This Volume includes a treatise by Sir Arthur Cotton, author of an "Arabic Primer". His daughter, Lady Hope, on page 523 of her biography of her father, writes that he "had very strong theories on the subject of learning “Living Languages,” his opinion being that, as every child who comes into the world learns its mother tongue orally, and at first without grammar… so the learning of all modern languages would be very much facilitated by a similar process." Also included are the orientalist E.G. Browne's opinions on language learning (taken from the introduction to A Year Amongst the Persians), the first lesson from Dr. Emil Otto's "French Conversation-Grammar", a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the need for a universal auxiliary language, Samuel Johnson's "A Grammar of the English Tongue", several sections from Henry Sweet's "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons 1 - 5 from "Esperanto in Twenty Lessons", two sections on language by Varro, a story in Latin from "Fabulae Faciles", "Greek Lessons: 1-10", the Phonology Section from a "Primer of Persian" and Lessons 1 - 19 from "A Practical Arabic Course". Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #4 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 4 Book: 1 Volume: 1 Part: 4 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 3:49:13 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:19:06 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:19:06 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 3

Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 3 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 1 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This Volume includes a treatise by Sir Arthur Cotton, author of an "Arabic Primer". His daughter, Lady Hope, on page 523 of her biography of her father, writes that he "had very strong theories on the subject of learning “Living Languages,” his opinion being that, as every child who comes into the world learns its mother tongue orally, and at first without grammar… so the learning of all modern languages would be very much facilitated by a similar process." Also included are the orientalist E.G. Browne's opinions on language learning (taken from the introduction to A Year Amongst the Persians), the first lesson from Dr. Emil Otto's "French Conversation-Grammar", a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the need for a universal auxiliary language, Samuel Johnson's "A Grammar of the English Tongue", several sections from Henry Sweet's "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons 1 - 5 from "Esperanto in Twenty Lessons", two sections on language by Varro, a story in Latin from "Fabulae Faciles", "Greek Lessons: 1-10", the Phonology Section from a "Primer of Persian" and Lessons 1 - 19 from "A Practical Arabic Course". Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #3 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 3 Book: 1 Volume: 1 Part: 3 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 2:21:58 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:19:06 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:19:06 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 2

Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 2 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 1 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This Volume includes a treatise by Sir Arthur Cotton, author of an "Arabic Primer". His daughter, Lady Hope, on page 523 of her biography of her father, writes that he "had very strong theories on the subject of learning “Living Languages,” his opinion being that, as every child who comes into the world learns its mother tongue orally, and at first without grammar… so the learning of all modern languages would be very much facilitated by a similar process." Also included are the orientalist E.G. Browne's opinions on language learning (taken from the introduction to A Year Amongst the Persians), the first lesson from Dr. Emil Otto's "French Conversation-Grammar", a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the need for a universal auxiliary language, Samuel Johnson's "A Grammar of the English Tongue", several sections from Henry Sweet's "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons 1 - 5 from "Esperanto in Twenty Lessons", two sections on language by Varro, a story in Latin from "Fabulae Faciles", "Greek Lessons: 1-10", the Phonology Section from a "Primer of Persian" and Lessons 1 - 19 from "A Practical Arabic Course". Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #2 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 2 Book: 1 Volume: 1 Part: 2 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:23:43 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:19:06 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:19:06 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 1

Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 1 Title: LibriVox Language Learning Collections - Volume 1 Overview: This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections contain readings from various language learning books, grammars, primers, phrasebooks, dictionaries, readers, and even other works which contain information on various languages, recount experiences of language learning and encountering new languages, or provide guides for correct pronunciation, writing or discourse in a language. These works could describe English or any other language whatsoever, from Latin to Sumerian, Chinese to Wampanoag, Esperanto to Swahili (etc.). This Volume includes a treatise by Sir Arthur Cotton, author of an "Arabic Primer". His daughter, Lady Hope, on page 523 of her biography of her father, writes that he "had very strong theories on the subject of learning “Living Languages,” his opinion being that, as every child who comes into the world learns its mother tongue orally, and at first without grammar… so the learning of all modern languages would be very much facilitated by a similar process." Also included are the orientalist E.G. Browne's opinions on language learning (taken from the introduction to A Year Amongst the Persians), the first lesson from Dr. Emil Otto's "French Conversation-Grammar", a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the need for a universal auxiliary language, Samuel Johnson's "A Grammar of the English Tongue", several sections from Henry Sweet's "First Steps in Anglo-Saxon", Lessons 1 - 5 from "Esperanto in Twenty Lessons", two sections on language by Varro, a story in Latin from "Fabulae Faciles", "Greek Lessons: 1-10", the Phonology Section from a "Primer of Persian" and Lessons 1 - 19 from "A Practical Arabic Course". Published: Various Series: LibriVox Language Learning Collections List: LibriVox Language Learning Collections, Language #1 Author: Various Genre: Language Learning, Education, Foreign Language, Culture, Vocabulary, Linguistics Episode: Language Learning Collections - Book 1, Part 1 Book: 1 Volume: 1 Part: 1 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:44:19 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 9:19:06 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 9:19:06 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: Language, Linguistics, Education, Language Learning, Foreign Language, Culture, English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Latin Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #Language #Linguistics #Education #LanguageLearning #ForeignLanguage #Culture #English #Spanish #French #Chinese #Arabic #Russian #Japanese #Portuguese #German #Latin Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Nicholas James Bridgewater.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 4

Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 4 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 5 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by LibriVox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness, fantastic or real -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #16 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 4 Book: 5 Volume: 5 Part: 4 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:56:10 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 7:59:38 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 7:59:38 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 3

Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 3 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 5 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by LibriVox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness, fantastic or real -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #15 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 3 Book: 5 Volume: 5 Part: 3 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:19:06 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 7:59:38 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 7:59:38 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 2

Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 2 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 5 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by LibriVox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness, fantastic or real -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #14 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 2 Book: 5 Volume: 5 Part: 2 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 2:50:40 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 7:59:38 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 7:59:38 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 1

Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 1 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 5 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by LibriVox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness, fantastic or real -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #13 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 5, Part 1 Book: 5 Volume: 5 Part: 1 of 4 Episodes Part: 5 Length Part: 1:53:46 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 7:59:38 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 7:59:38 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 3

Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 3 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 4 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by Librivox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #12 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 3 Book: 4 Volume: 4 Part: 3 of 3 Episodes Part: 6 Length Part: 1:55:54 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:48:20 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:48:20 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 2

Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 2 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 4 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by Librivox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #11 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 2 Book: 4 Volume: 4 Part: 2 of 3 Episodes Part: 7 Length Part: 2:25:53 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:48:20 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:48:20 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 1

Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 1 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 4 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, offered by Librivox volunteers, covering all kinds of experiences involving romance or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. You know -- love. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #10 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 4, Part 1 Book: 4 Volume: 4 Part: 1 of 3 Episodes Part: 7 Length Part: 2:26:31 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:48:20 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:48:20 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 3

Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 3 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 3 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, covering all kinds of experiences involving romantic or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #9 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 3 Book: 3 Volume: 3 Part: 3 of 3 Episodes Part: 6 Length Part: 2:05:02 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:25:22 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:25:22 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 2

Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 2 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 3 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, covering all kinds of experiences involving romantic or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #8 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 2 Book: 3 Volume: 3 Part: 2 of 3 Episodes Part: 7 Length Part: 1:56:52 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:25:22 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:25:22 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 1

Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 1 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 3 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, covering all kinds of experiences involving romantic or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #7 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 3, Part 1 Book: 3 Volume: 3 Part: 1 of 3 Episodes Part: 7 Length Part: 2:23:26 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:25:22 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:25:22 Narrator: Collaborative Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.


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Love Stories Collections - Book 2, Part 3

Love Stories Collections - Book 2, Part 3 Title: Love Stories Collections, Volume 2 Overview: Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, covering all kinds of experiences involving romantic or other kinds of love resulting in heartbreak or happiness -- where the heart overflows with passion, pride, emotion, or wonder. Published: Various Series: Love Stories Collections List: Love Stories Collections, Love #6 Author: Various Genre: Romance, Short Stories Episode: Love Stories Collections - Book 2, Part 3 Book: 2 Volume: 2 Part: 3 of 3 Episodes Part: 7 Length Part: 2:30:54 Episodes Volume: 20 Length Volume: 6:19:53 Episodes Book: 20 Length Book: 6:19:53 Narrator: Collaborative Language: Multilingual Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: heart, passion, pride, emotion, wonder, romance, love, happiness, heartbreak, true love, soulmate, affection, appreciation, devotion, fondness, friendship, infatuation, lust, respect, tenderness, yearning Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #heart #passion #pride #emotion #wonder #romance #love #happiness #heartbreak #TrueLove #soulmate #affection #appreciation #devotion #fondness #friendship #infatuation #lust #respect #tenderness #yearning Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Michele Fry.
