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Ace High Calculations

Jack Marshall

In the poker world, where strategy, skill, and chance converge, "Ace High Calculations: Mastering Probability and Odds in Poker" is an invaluable guide, providing players with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate their game to new heights. This book is a comprehensive journey through the intricate landscape of probability and odds, thoroughly exploring the mathematical principles underpinning poker's strategic foundations. Throughout the book, readers have been equipped with the essential skills to navigate the uncertain terrain of poker. They have delved into the art of calculating probabilities, mastering the language of odds, and harnessing the power of these concepts to make informed decisions at the table. From understanding the odds of drawing specific cards to evaluating the potential risk and reward of various actions, readers have gained a deeper appreciation of how mathematics intertwines with the art of poker. Moreover, this book has illuminated the strategic applications of probability and odds in poker, from assessing the profitability of drawing hands to making precise decisions depending on pot odds and implied odds. It has provided insights into the world of semi-bluffing, risk management, and equity calculations, empowering players to maximize their expected value and thrive in the dynamic landscape of the poker table. In conclusion, "Ace High Calculations: Mastering Probability and Odds in Poker" is not merely a guide but a key that unlocks the door to poker excellence. As readers embark on their poker journeys armed with the knowledge imparted in this book, they are poised to make calculated, strategic decisions, and to navigate the complexities of chance with confidence and finesse. Duration - 10h 28m. Author - Jack Marshall. Narrator - Jack Marshall. Published Date - Friday, 19 January 2024. Copyright - © 2023 Kindle Asset Investments LLC ©.


United States


In the poker world, where strategy, skill, and chance converge, "Ace High Calculations: Mastering Probability and Odds in Poker" is an invaluable guide, providing players with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate their game to new heights. This book is a comprehensive journey through the intricate landscape of probability and odds, thoroughly exploring the mathematical principles underpinning poker's strategic foundations. Throughout the book, readers have been equipped with the essential skills to navigate the uncertain terrain of poker. They have delved into the art of calculating probabilities, mastering the language of odds, and harnessing the power of these concepts to make informed decisions at the table. From understanding the odds of drawing specific cards to evaluating the potential risk and reward of various actions, readers have gained a deeper appreciation of how mathematics intertwines with the art of poker. Moreover, this book has illuminated the strategic applications of probability and odds in poker, from assessing the profitability of drawing hands to making precise decisions depending on pot odds and implied odds. It has provided insights into the world of semi-bluffing, risk management, and equity calculations, empowering players to maximize their expected value and thrive in the dynamic landscape of the poker table. In conclusion, "Ace High Calculations: Mastering Probability and Odds in Poker" is not merely a guide but a key that unlocks the door to poker excellence. As readers embark on their poker journeys armed with the knowledge imparted in this book, they are poised to make calculated, strategic decisions, and to navigate the complexities of chance with confidence and finesse. Duration - 10h 28m. Author - Jack Marshall. Narrator - Jack Marshall. Published Date - Friday, 19 January 2024. Copyright - © 2023 Kindle Asset Investments LLC ©.



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