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The Amplify Network

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Listen to stories that inspire and conversations that influence you to live your best life. Brian & Jenny Sweeney will explore the foundational elements that make up a life worth living. Guests run the gamut from fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle influencers to individuals that have mastered mindset, organization, and motivation. All of our conversations are geared towards helping you amplify your life and become the best iteration of yourself.


United States


Listen to stories that inspire and conversations that influence you to live your best life. Brian & Jenny Sweeney will explore the foundational elements that make up a life worth living. Guests run the gamut from fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle influencers to individuals that have mastered mindset, organization, and motivation. All of our conversations are geared towards helping you amplify your life and become the best iteration of yourself.





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Want to be a sexual DYNAMO? You need this regularly.

Greater than any supplement. More beneficial than any food. More directly related to your brain processing power than any nootropic. SLEEP is responsible for making you healthier, happier, and more productive yet so many overlook and takes "a good night's sleep" for granted. In this episode, we cover the pro's and con's to associated with adequate and inadequate sleep routines. As mentioned on the show - go here for your free Low-Carb Nutrition Guide. Our "thank you" for being a loyal...


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Stress - It Will Literally Make You Stupid

There's one hormone that can keep you fat, shrink your brain, wreak havoc on your nervous system, and ruin your sleep - and its impact on your life is completely within your control. In this episode we talk about how managing your stress can have a substantial impact on the quality and longevity of your life. 👤Connect with Team Sweeney: IG Jenny Sweeney - IG Brian Sweeney - Twitter:...


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Carbs Aren't Evil...But What You Do With Them Might Be.

In this episode, we get into one of our favorite macronutrients... the carb. Often vilified, regularly abused, and certainly the most cherished of all macros. Unfortunately - all carbs are NOT created equal. How many carbs a day should you be eating? From what source? Can carbs hurt your progress? Should you eliminate all carbs? Once you're armed with the right information you'll be much more successful at not only hitting your goals but learning how to co-exist with carbs moving...


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How Can You Fix It If You Don't Know What's Broken?

In this episode, we're taking another crack at what the definition of lifestyle is and how you can pursue and attain an optimal state of existence. We get it... we're gym people. Typically confined to the exercise, nutrition, and supplement spaces fitness people need to adapt just as much as the population we're trying to help does. Once you know the areas in life that need attention (thereby establishing what's broken or busted) we can start to plan on how to evolve in certain areas....


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Intermittent Fasting ...Should you?

Intermittent fasting has really caught on the past few years. As with all things new in health and wellness there is a bunch of misleading guidance that can not only steer you in the wrong direction it could end up working against you in the long run. In this episode, we review some of the basics about IF, how to implement it into your routine and if you're new to it and how to avoid the bad guidance that's floating around out there. 👤Connect with Team Sweeney: IG Jenny Sweeney -...


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What Is "Health"?

It’s more than just the absence of disease. It’s more than having a 6-pack, it’s more than being able to run for 60 minutes, it’s more than being “skinny”. True health should incorporate not only the physical, but the mental, and emotional aspects of the individual as well. In this episode, we discuss how the ever-moving target of health and fitness has evolved over the past decade and for the most part left people confused and focused on “soft targets” that won’t lead to the state of...


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Learning How To Compartmentalize Your Nutrition Strategy

One of the biggest revelations we share with our clients is that "nobody expects you to be perfect". If fact, it might come as a surprise to many but there is a way to drop the weight and keep it off with a lifestyle approach that lets you eat what you want - when you want. It's all about keeping your "boxes" in check (we'll get into what that means during the show). In this episode, we're bringing a new way of thinking to the nutrition conversation. The principles aren't rocket science...


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Breaking with the COVID routine, Taking the show in a new direction

In the world we find ourselves in we're spending more and more time away from any semblance of a routine while struggling with the weight gain, the stress, the anxiety, and the fear of what our future holds. In other words "the new norm". In this show, we discuss some of the challenges we've experienced professionally and personally as we transition to the new way of doing things. We're also going to give a sneak-peak into the new direction we're taking the show moving forward. It's been a...


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We're Not Dead ... Neither Are You.

You're not dead. Chances are you're not going to die ... not anytime soon anyway. The external world is pushing in on your mind, your spirit, and the ethereal sense of being that we were holding onto before the 'rona changed our world. That's as bad as it's going to get though. You have to change. We have to change. You can either try to resist it (and drive yourself crazy) or embrace the opportunity you have and find the silver lining in all of this.


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Member Spotlight - Kyle Bloch



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Member Spotlight w/ Heather

This is an unbelievably inspiring story about the strength of the human spirit. Heather gets candid with us about the event that changed the course of her life forever and how that experience led to a new purpose and a new lease on life.


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Finding Your Way Through Resolution BS & Managing Expectations

It's the new year - you may have felt pressured to start a new year fitness program, kick some bad habits, or just get your sh*t together. There are two "waves" of fitness gypsies this time of year, the people that jump into a new "thing" without planning and structure and those that look for something else to do by the middle of January. The second wave people represent the bulk of people that really want to make change in the coming year but have initially chosen an incompatible...


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Holiday Show - Part II

The nutrition side of the conversation and how to keep up with the difficult peeps on your life in food-filled wine-fest. :)


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Celebrating Jenny's Birthday

This is the greatest birthday song ever sung 🤣😂!!! Happy Birthday to Mrs. Weeney. Birfday Cake ... Written and performed by Omar K. Mills IG @omarkmills


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Holiday Show - Part I

Part one of a two-part series on ... nothing much at all. 😂 Chatting about what we love about the holidays and how to not come out on the other side of New Years up 10 pounds.


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You Are Enough - The "YOU" Graduate Program

At some point, the training wheels have to come off. No guru, graduate program, certification, mentor, or "coach" can get you to the top. Too many times we rely on the affirmation and guidance of other people and other things to prove to the world our value and worth. Copying someone successful doesn't translate to your success - being different does. Being original. Being confident. Being YOU.


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Being Ugly ...

Being ugly just to be ugly is a nasty condition that is running rampant in our society. Whether its opposing religious or political views or stirring conflicts with someone's level of fitness, social media trolls are set on making your life HELL. The answer to the problem doesn't start with them however, it's starts with you. Not only your response to their negativity but the level positivity you bring to the world as well.


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Breaking Plateaus -

Plateaus happen - how you handle them can determine your success in the gym, your personal life, your professional life... whatever. Recognize that you have to not only have the mental grit to take it to the next level you'll also need to lean into several lifestyle anchors to keep you balanced and focused.


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Success Spotlight w/ Jackson Miller

We're excited to introduce Jackson Miller as our success spotlight on this episode. Having recently lost his wife of 20 years to cancer, his boot from political office, and becoming a single father Jackson epitomizes perseverance. Jackson share's his fitness journey as a 50-something-year-old and the challenges that drove him to a more active role in his new fitness community. Have a question for Jackson about this show or would like to connect with him on social? Find him on Facebook...


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Unrealistic Expectations - How to Stay in Your Wheelhouse

There are literally hundreds of fitness options available for even the pickiest consumer. Introvert ... no problem, stream fitness to the basement. No time ... no problem, set up a bike service, or home gym so you can grind at your convenience. Prefer the group atmosphere ... no problem, there is a plethora of options to choose from. And yet... we get bored, distracted, and disenchanted. The need to keep things fresh coupled with an "80/20" lifestyle can leave folks confused and...
