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Health & Wellness Podcasts

Learn how to cultivate a more productive mindset, form sustainable habits, and create a lifestyle that supports both your goals and your wellbeing with host, Monica Reinagel. Drawing on decades of expertise and experience, Monica provides guidance on navigating the challenging process of behavior change in a fun and accessible way. Learn more and find show notes for every episode at


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Learn how to cultivate a more productive mindset, form sustainable habits, and create a lifestyle that supports both your goals and your wellbeing with host, Monica Reinagel. Drawing on decades of expertise and experience, Monica provides guidance on navigating the challenging process of behavior change in a fun and accessible way. Learn more and find show notes for every episode at





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Sense foraging: How to do an end run around your DMN

The Default Mode Network, or DMN, is the part of your brain that drives your habitual actions and thoughts. When we feel “stuck” in unwanted behaviors or thought patterns, the DMN is running the show. You might think that the solution would be to somehow ratchet down DMN activity. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to do. But it turns out that there’s a surprisingly simple way to do an end run around that pesky DMN, and open up possibilities that have eluded us before. Key Takeaways Recognize your DMN at workEngage your senses to shift your mindsetEmbrace novelty in your routinePractice intentional sense foragingUnderstand how stress affects your perception. Mentioned Better in Every Sense: How the New Science of Sensation Can Help You Reclaim Your Life, by Norm Farb and Zindel Segal Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Why even a great plan isn't always enough

There's definitely an art to planning. And we'll get into that in this episode. But here’s the thing everyone forgets to tell you about planning: The real trick is actually not in making the plan. The real trick is in sticking to the plan you’ve made. We'll talk about why that is so darned hard--and how to get better at following through on your plans. Key Takeaways Mentioned - Episode #138: Why goals are not always enough - Have a nagging question or a problem you’re running up against, or just something you’ve noticed and want to share? Send an email or leave a voicemail and I’ll discuss it (anonymously) in a future episode. - Learn more about the Weighless Program Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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We're told to "Be curious!" Why that's easier said than done.

Being curious about our experiences (both internal and external) really is key to unlocking our progress and potential. But to be honest, it’s a tricky one. Certain mental reactions often masquerade as genuine curiosity. In this episode, you'll learn to recognize these imposters and pivot instead to the kind of inquiry that actually moves you forward instead of leaving you stuck in the same old repeating patterns. Key Takeaways what might happen next Mentioned Learn more about the Weighless Program Have a nagging question or a problem you’re running up against, or just something you’ve noticed and want to share? Send an email or leave a voicemail and I'll discuss it (anonymously) in a future episode Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How we cheat ourselves of the future we dream of

I'm betting you aspire to a future life that is at least a little bit better than it is now—perhaps you'll be a bit healthier, less stressed, more content. You're working towards a future in which you have achieved certain goals or milestones. What we don't always realize (or fully acknowledge) is that the choices we make today, the actions we do or do not take, are actually creating that future. For better or worse. Let’s make sure that Future You doesn’t look back at today’s choices with regret. Key Takeaways Mentioned Change Academy #139: Finding your why Change Academy #106 Why insight isn’t enough Change Academy #6: The hidden cost of unmet goals Join us in the Weighless program Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How being selfish can be an act of service

Over the past 9 or so months, Karen has lost about 25% of her weight. Which is a big deal. But it’s really not the headline of her story. Her story is really about shedding her lifelong identity as the one who could do everything for everyone. Instead, she realized that focusing on her own physical and emotional health was not only the most caring thing she could do for herself but was also the most caring thing she could do for all the people she cared about. Karen is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever worked with and I want you to meet her. Key Takeaways Mentioned: Stress and Emotional Eating program Weighless program Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Roadmap for Success: The practices that lead to real change

Do you know what separates the people who achieve lasting change from those who stay stuck? I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years and some clear patterns have definitely emerged. In this episode, I share the attitudes and behaviors that my most successful clients all embody - insights that can help propel your own progress, whether you're working with a coach privately, or in a group, or going it alone. You'll learn practical strategies for taking ownership, staying motivated, and making real progress towards your goals. Key Takeaways Mentioned Weighless Program enrollment information ★ Support this podcast ★


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Growth Factor: How to ask for (and receive) feedback

Dr. Bethy Campbell joins Monica to discuss the rewards and potential pitfalls of seeking feedback–in both your professional and personal relationships. Concrete strategies and real-world examples show you how to elicit the most constructive feedback and then how to process and act on it for maximum benefit. Whether you're looking to improve your communication, enhance your work performance, or strengthen your personal relationships, this conversation is a must-listen for anyone committed to continuous improvement and personal growth. Key Takeaways Get in touch Send us an email ( Leave us a voicemail ( Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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When motivation is a struggle, it's time to realign your why

In this episode, we’re exploring an aspect of change that can be really tricky: figuring out why making this change is important to you. It doesn’t sound like it would be that hard. But often it takes a little digging to get at the true heart of our WHY, our compelling reason. Whether your goals have to do with your health, finances, career, relationships, or anything else, uncovering your compelling reason is crucial. Because it not only increases your chances of success; it also bolsters your overall mental and emotional health. Key Takeaways Action Steps Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How to make sure you've set the right goals

We are a society of goal-setters. If you’re not setting and achieving goals, you’re not living your best life. Or so we’re told. And goals do have their place. The thing is that goals (alone) are not enough to really move us forward in the ways that matter most. In order to that, they have to be woven into a larger fabric that also includes our core values. In this episode, we talk about how to do that. Takeaways: Mentioned: Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How to do the things that you don’t want to do

Why is it sometimes so darned hard to just do the things that we KNOW will make us healthier, happier and more effective in our jobs and lives? Behavioral activation offers us a framework for understanding and responding to that familiar situation of not wanting to do the thing that we know will actually move us forward. Joining me on the show today is Dr. Bethy Campbell, a clinical psychologist, teacher, and coach who regularly stops by the Change Academy to help us make sense of our own brains. Four Ways We Get Stuck (and How to Get Unstuck) Overcoping (aka doubling down): What to do:Avoidance (aka procrastination): What to do:Withdrawal (aka isolating): What to do:Unintentionality (aka numbing): What to do: Mentioned - Change Academy #115: How to transform difficult emotions into powerful insights - Change Academy #11: The Attention Intention Action cycle Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How behavior change experts work on their own difficult habits

Kurt Nelson and Tim Houlihan are the co-hosts of the Behavioral Grooves podcast and heavy hitters in the behavioral sciences. In this episode, the three of us trade notes on what we've learned from years of podcasting and behavioral coaching and how it impacts our ability to work with our own behavior challenges. (Yup, we still have them!) Key Takeaways Mentioned Behavioral Grooves podcast They thought we were ridiculous: The unlikely story of behavioral economics Brain/Shift Journal Nutrition GPA app Change Academy #134: Why behavioral economics shouldn't be the only tool in the toolbox Change Academy #123: How to build the circle that supports your best work Change Academy #50: Motivation and Accountability Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Why we can't help comparing ourselves to others

It’s a very natural human tendency to compare ourselves to the people around us–and even to the people we see portrayed in the media. And like so many other behavioral tendencies, this one is a double-edged sword. Looking at what others have achieved can inspire us to greater effort. It can also make us feel like crap. And we don't want that! Today, we're delving into the psychology behind why we are driven to compare ourselves to others, the impact it can have on our mental well-being, and some strategies to help you avoid the compare-and-despair cycle. Takeaways Mentioned Stronger Bones Workshop on April 13th Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Why behavioral economics shouldn't be the only tool in the toolbox

Behavioral economics has given us a lot of insights into how we can influence our own and other’s behavior. But the approach has some serious limitations, especially when applied to promoting health behaviors. Joining me on the podcast is Michelle Segar, a frequent guest here on the Change Academy. Michelle is an NIH-funded researcher at the University of Michigan. She’s also a best-selling author and health coach whose work focuses on fostering behavior change that can survive the complexity and unpredictability of the real world. Takeaways Mentioned They Thought We Were Ridiculous (5-part series on the history of Behavioral Economics) Better habits aren’t the answer? (Change Academy Ep #111, with Michelle Segar) No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness, by Michelle Segar The Joy Choice: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise, by Michelle Certification program for health coaches Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Looking for happiness in all the wrong places, with Oliver Burkeman

What if the pursuit of happiness is NOT the path to greater life satisfaction? What if being more productive and getting more done isn’t actually the way to get ahead? In today’s episode, I’m talking to author Oliver Burkeman about some of the ways in which we might want to re-examine our relationship to goals, happiness, and the things that are most important to us. This is sometimes a bit painful. because so much of it has to do with confronting some of the hard limits that we like to pretend don’t exist. But, as you’ll hear, there is ultimately a profound relief and freedom to be found in facing finitude. Takeaways Books and courses by Oliver Burkeman Time Management Video Course (BBC/Maestro) Use the discount code CHANGES30 to save 30%! The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking 4,000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals Also Mentioned 50K Mile Tune-up Listening Guide and Workbook Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How to get back on track instead of sabotaging your progress

Over the years, I have worked with a lot of people on various aspects of behavior change–mostly having to do with health behaviors. I have witnessed and celebrated some amazing breakthroughs and successes. But I have also seen people stumble and struggle. Regularly. Something happens and they fall back into old habits or patterns that they’d successfully moved away from. It’s disappointing but it’s not a tragedy. Because this is just part of the change process. What I do find tragic–and unnecessary–is when these lapses cause people to people give up entirely. Today, we’re going to talk about how to survive these inevitable episodes and get yourself back in the game more quickly. Key Takeaways Mentioned in this Episode Permission giving thoughts (Change Academy episode) Weighless program Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How to stop complaining and find the path to positive change

Is there something in your life that’s been driving you crazy for a while? Some situation at work that you find yourself venting to your spouse about every night at dinner? Or maybe a recurring conflict with your partner or your kids that never seems to be adequately resolved? Do you find yourself ruminating over a problematic situation every time you have a moment alone in the car? In this episode, Dr. Bethy Campbell and I are sharing a 4-step process that can help you exit that complaint loop and actually move toward positive change. Bethy is a clinical psychologist, a marriage and family therapist. The technique that we’re talking about today is taken from her book on Helping Skills, a book that would be a great resource if you are in a situation where you’re frequently called upon to provide guidance and emotional support. But this absolutely an approach that can (and should) apply to your own knotty situations. Key Takeaways Mentioned in this episode Converting good intentions into action (Change Academy episode #129) Helping Skills Training for Non Professional Counselors (Enter the promo code ADC24 for 30% off) Dr. Bethy Campbell’s mailing list Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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The inner work that makes outward change more possible

In this conversation with a recent “graduate” of the Weighless program, Lauren shares some of the key insights that helped her permanently transform her physical and mental health. Lauren is a healthcare professional herself, with a front row seat to some of the consequences of unhealthy habits and lifestyles. She had plenty of motivation to change. And yet, she still needed some support to turn that knowledge into consistent behavior change. As you’ll hear, Lauren was a little surprised at how much of the work of behavior and lifestyle change is actually about some key mental shifts–including one that really struck me as critical. Key Takeaways: Mentioned in this Episode: Weighless Program enrollment info Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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Why it’s so hard to convert good intentions into action

There’s clearly no shortage of good intentions in the world, and most of them actually have to do with health. People want to get into shape, they want to eat better, they want to lose weight. Unfortunately, very few of these good intentions get converted into reality. Believe it or not, there’s a technical term for this: It’s called the intention behavior gap. And in this episode, I want to share with you some research-based strategies for bridging the gap between good intentions and healthy habits. Key Takeaways - We waste a lot of time problem-solving issues that aren’t really what’s getting in the way. - Clarity on goals and strategies is more important than how much time or money we have to spend on something. - Willpower does not exist in a vacuum. It is supported by a range of other behavioral attributes. - Even more important than planning is flexibility when things don’t go according to plan. Mentioned 30 Day Nutrition Upgrade program - Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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How to know when it’s time to make a big change

Careers are one of the ways that we find meaning and purpose in our lives. Not the only way, of course. But what if you wake up one day and realize that your true purpose might be better fulfilled by doing something other than what you originally trained for. Now what?! Design thinking offers tools and processes that can help us both imagine and then execute big shifts in our lives. Lisa Waltuch and her business partner, Jen Sullivan, are co-founders of Encore Retreats, where they host transformational getaways and events. Lisa also has her own practice as a Life Coach through Thrive Coaching, where she uses design thinking to help her clients imagine and then inhabit really big changes. I thought she'd be the perfect person to talk about this with. Takeaways -Your true purpose might be better fulfilled by doing something other than what you originally trained for. Instead of asking “What did I train to do?” ask “What impact do I want to have?” - You are never too old (or too successful) to choose a new path. You can make bold changes at any life stage. - Don’t let yourself be shackled by what has come before. Ask yourself, “How do I want my life to unfold or evolve from here? - Some of your values may have shifted throughout your life. Mind-mapping can help you explore your current values, which can help you design a life of great happiness and satisfaction. Mentioned 8 Things You Need to Create Lasting Change (listening guide) Encore Retreats Mind Mapping Exercise Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★


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What if you didn’t have to be more disciplined to succeed?

I was recently exchanging emails with someone who was struggling to change some unhelpful behaviors. He wrote: “I do really well for a couple of days and then I go totally off the rails again. It’s such a vicious cycle. I just need to be be more disciplined.” And if there is something that you are struggling to change, you’ve probably thought the same thing. But I don’t think summoning up more discipline is necessarily the answer. In this episode, I’m talking with someone who found a better way to create positive change and momentum–which led to dramatic improvements in her health. As you listen, think about how the specifics of her translate into whatever you’re working on and the kind of effort you are applying to that work. Key Takeaways Mentioned Find out more about Weighless Program Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event? Learn more. ★ Support this podcast ★
