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Counterbalance Conversations with Dr. Melissa L. Strawser

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Are you looking for an hour to allow your imagination to soar? An hour for self-care? An hour to learn something new? Counterbalance Conversations is the hour that you have been looking for! Dr. Melissa L. Strawser seeks out engaging subject matter experts, coaches, entrepreneurs, entertainers, authors, and everyday heroes to bring emerging topics and fascinating stories to her audience. Her passion for storytelling, learning, healing, and resilience will inspire you to spark change in your life and community. The conversations will give you an hour to breathe and time to let your imagination soar while you enjoy stories of triumph from those who are healing, inspiring change, and building resilience in their lives and communities. Take the journey with us on Tuesdays at 5 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.


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Are you looking for an hour to allow your imagination to soar? An hour for self-care? An hour to learn something new? Counterbalance Conversations is the hour that you have been looking for! Dr. Melissa L. Strawser seeks out engaging subject matter experts, coaches, entrepreneurs, entertainers, authors, and everyday heroes to bring emerging topics and fascinating stories to her audience. Her passion for storytelling, learning, healing, and resilience will inspire you to spark change in your life and community. The conversations will give you an hour to breathe and time to let your imagination soar while you enjoy stories of triumph from those who are healing, inspiring change, and building resilience in their lives and communities. Take the journey with us on Tuesdays at 5 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.



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The Evolution of Liani: Attorney to Author

Join us tonight for the final episode of Counterbalance Conversations on Voice America Radio. In this episode we will visit with Liani Kotcher, attorney turned young adult author and book blogger. We will talk about her journey from attorney to creative, her pivots and career transitions, life as a creative, and her recently released book, “Ski Weekend.” Liani will share some of her nuggets of wisdom for creatives striving to protect their intellectual property and give us insight into her life now as a full time creative!


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After Happily Ever After: Empowering Yourself for Change

Happy New Year! We are ringing in the new year with award winning author, television comedy writer, and panelist, Leslie Rasmussen! Melissa and Leslie will be discussing the myth that midlife crisis is a crisis when really if it is reframed it is rediscovering yourself AND empowering yourself for change. Leslie will talk about her book After Happily Ever After and how this and the theme of the sandwich generation is explored in her story. WE can't wait to explore this topic with you!


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Emma's Legacy: Love, Second Chances, and Self Discovery

In this episode, Melissa talks with author, Diana Kupershmit about her memoir, Emma’s Laugh, the Gift of Second Chances. They discuss Diana's story of being a mother to a special needs child, her grief points through the process, second chances, Emma’s legacy, finding her tribe, and becoming an author in the process. You won’t want to miss this beautiful story of love and triumph.


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Finding Your Tribe

Sometimes the people we leas expected can turn into friends who help us change our own lives and see things from a new perspective. In this episode, Dr. Melissa will talk to Suzanne about building a tribe, her book - The Sound of Wings, and the concept of new perspectives for the new year.


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Why do we Persist – A Cybersecurity Expert's Why

Dealing with some of the most vicious threats online is a rough job, and one that takes a certain kind of mindset to engage in. Having been doing this for 10 years, I have seen a lot of amazing triumphs in the world, as well as some of the most vicious scams launched in the wake of those triumphs. I’ve had stunning, against the odds, last minutes wins, and earthshattering, will-never-recover-from-this losses. In all of it, I’ve never been able to let this passion go, even when it drove me to a heart attack. I’d like to explore why I and several others do this job, and what we’d like you to know to not only help yourself be secure but help us make the world a safer place.


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Change Your Storyline, Change Your Life

Changing your storyline is a subject that Jamie Lerner spends a lot of time on with her private clients. One of her favorite questions is to ask “is your storyline working well for you”. She believes that the story that we are incessantly telling is directly reflected in the life that we are living. Change your story and you will change your life. In this episode, we will discuss how you can change your story and give you a head start on making the changes you want to make in your life in 2022.


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Why You Shouldn’t Do What You’re Told (in sales).

Vera Czerny (pronounced like Cherney) spent her entire professional life in some form of sales. Whether it was her own business, back in her home country of Czech Republic, in Holland where she lived for a year, or in America, that became her new home since 2002. She ran multiple business, as well as businesses for others, and developed her own sales system that goes against the mainstream and usual advice. Didn’t matter what industry or country, certain common tools and sales recommendations didn’t resonate with her. In fact, some sales training insulted her intelligence. “It’s nobody’s dream to become a salesman. I’m also competitive when it comes to sales. But I wasn’t going to sacrifice my soul and dignity just to be crush it in sales,” she said. ”And if it was offensive to me, I’m sure it would be offensive to anyone I talk to.” So, despite of what “gurus” were saying, or the sales trainings she attended, she did the opposite. And it worked! No matter the market, industry, how knowledgeable or not she was about it, she could beat her competition or her seasoned, well experienced colleagues. Vera first thought it’s what everyone did. Soon she learned (directly in the market, seeing what her competition was doing) – that’s not the case. And just like that, her REVERSE STRATEGY TO SUCCESS was born. Vera is passionate about the art of selling, whether you sell yourself or art you create, or product or service either you create or someone else you work for – nobody wants to sound like used car salesman. We definitely met one or two during our life, those that make you cringe or feel like you need a shower afterwards. Today she uses all her diverse, professional experience to help small business owners to use their own personality, develop their own style, where they feel comfortable, refine it and instead of following someone else’s script, and set a category of their own. Her client’s sales skyrocketed with just few little twists in their efforts. How to figure it all out, and most importantly, how to use it in sales, that’s what we’re going to talk about tonight. Inevitable side effects of using her method also include: - loyal clients that stay and come back for more - clients that become friends - motivated salespeople who don’t feel pushed and shamed into producing more - successful teams that don’t suffer with fluctuation - 30-50% increase of sales from an existing client’s database We will also talk about Vera’s Triumph Club, one of the kind Mastermind for adults that don’t have time for masterminds. It’s a brilliant accountability program to finish the year strong and start the 2022 with a bang. Vera will talk about how the similar program she took from her own sales coach, turned her business upside down – with investment of less than 15 minutes a week to focus on it. Opening its doors now, you can become a Founding member with all the privileges and perks that only founding members have.


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Hoppin' Holidays: Ways Keep Your Sanity During the Holiday Season

This week starts the holiday season and for many. This means a lot of gatherings, activities, and expectations that sometimes can challenge your mental and financial bandwidth. After almost 2 years of less than bustling holidays, it seems that this year is ramping up to be very jolly indeed. In this episode, Dr. Melissa will discuss how you can manage expectations with others, carve out time for yourself, create effective stress management techniques to help you navigate the holiday hustle, and keep that holiday financial leak under control.


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Workplace Culture: Strategizing a Culture of Connection

Rachel Keck's Book, Connecting Through the Static: Everyone is Not Like You, is written for those at the intersection of leading workplace culture and customer service. It teaches that practicing authenticity is the way to create sustainable workplaces that operate with integrity and generate connection. In this episode we will talk about common workplace culture questions and some of the issues with the traditional way customer service is done. Rachel believes that culture work should begin by listening to the experience of the people advocating and representing the brand, those working hand in hand with clients and customers and delivering on brand promises. She believes in listening and giving relational tools from the ground up then clarifying culture from the top. Rachel's work is usually with customer service teams. She empowers them to show up authentically and connect . She works with leaders to help them create processes and policies that promote integrity rather than asking people to work outside their own integrity. If you are looking to define your company culture, gain clarity on your current culture, or simply to examine where you really are, this episode is for you.


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7 Strategies for Becoming a Visionary in 2022

Are you the creative and consistent visionary that you want to be? How would you like to harness the power of your creativity in 2022 to upgrade your life and move to the next level? Join Dr. Melissa in this episode as she gives you the inside scoop on the 7 strategies that she and her clients use use to access their inner visionary with extraordinary results. You don't want to miss this episode! It is Dr. Melissa's birthday week and she has an exciting announcement! Stay tuned!


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How to Get the Veterans Benefits You Deserve

Did you know that eight out of 10 veterans are not receiving the benefits they deserve by law. Less than 25 percent (or 4.9 million) of veterans alive today receive disability benefits by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs In this episode, Dr. Melissa will be taking with Brian Reese about his book, You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits You've Earned and exploring why Veterans are not receiving the benefits and how they can navigate the system to get the benefits that they have earned. Brian Reese wrote You Deserve It to change those statistics. You Deserve It is a comprehensive guide to hundreds of benefits available to veterans at the federal and state levels, including instructions on how to actually get those benefits. It also pinpoints assistance and discounts offered by nonprofit organizations and businesses.


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Managing Risk With Empathy

Risk is a part of everyday life and working in cybersecurity has put Shea in front of more risk than most. Ransomware, crypto miners, bad actors, and insider threats – she’s dealt with them all! Knowing how to manage risk is essential in cybersecurity but managing risk in life is something everyone is doing now more than ever. Technology lacks empathy – but technology gives us the opportunity to connect with a vast ocean of resources. Today we’re going to be focusing on how empathy can make managing risk more manageable and less stressful!


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How to Navigate Beyond Trauma and Emerge Stronger Than Before

Personal trauma can take many forms, including what Dr. Randall Bell calls the “difficult Ds”: death, divorce, disease, disaster, and destruction. But any circumstances that you’re having difficulty processing and moving beyond can be considered trauma, he explains. “Trauma affects us all at some point in time,” Dr. Bell said. “But the good news is, we can get through it and actually heal from it.” In his latest book, Post-Traumatic Thriving: The Art, Science, & Stories of Resilience, Dr. Bell draws upon his decades of experience and scientific research to deliver a three-stage framework — Dive, Survive and Thrive — that can help readers process their trauma, make the conscientious decision to accept help and move forward, and eventually, tap into the energy generated by that trauma to achieve more than they ever thought possible. In Post-Traumatic Thriving, he shares stories of real people (many of them, like Leo Fender, are familiar) who were able to move beyond trauma and thrive in the aftermath, including: • A deaf man with a glass eye invented the electric guitar and became a household name, remarkably wealthy and most importantly, happy. • A convicted murderer took responsibility for the damage he caused, graduated with honors from college, became a minister and turned around the hearts of the most hardened criminals. • A girl born with cerebral palsy landed the world’s first starring role on national television and spoke at the White House three times. • A woman hid in a basement for years and lost her entire family in the Holocaust. She eventually found true love and paints stunning artwork. • The sister of a murder victim helped millions of women in toxic domestic relationships. • A woman’s car crash resulted in an addiction to prescription drugs, a divorce, a loss of her children and a cot in a homeless shelter. She has rebuilt it all back and more. • A man set to go to the Olympics had his hopes dashed by Jimmy Carter and went on to build a worldwide business empire. Dr. Bell juxtaposes outcomes of scientific studies with these stories to reveal common denominators among “thrivers,” revealing to readers a healthy path toward healing and a life where post-traumatic thriving is possible. As a socio-economist, Dr. Randall Bell has consulted on more disasters on earth than anyone in history. His clients include the Federal Government, State Governments, International Tribunals, major corporations and homeowners. Dr. Bell believes that “the problem is not the problem — the problem is how we react to the problem.” Often called the “Master of Disaster,” Dr. Bell is squarely focused on authentic recovery and resilience. His research has been profiled on major television shows and featured in numerous magazines and the international media. More information can be found at Post-Traumatic Thriving: The Art, Science, & Stories of Resilience Publisher: Core IQ Press ISBN 978-0-9967931-7-9


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Butterfy Awakens: A Memoir Of Transformation Through Grief

Sometimes, difficulties and loss can reshape who we are and nudge us into growing. Just like a caterpillar sheds its skin and spins itself a silky chrysalis, what results is a breathtakingly beautiful creature we could never imagine, the butterfly. Meg Nocero’s story is not so different as she depicts her extraordinary transformation in Butterfly Awakens. As a forty-something Italian-American immigration attorney, Meg moves through unimaginable grief and sadness watching her beloved mother lose her battle to breast cancer. Questioning her life choices and opening herself up to her soul’s calling, Nocero brings readers along on her journey through a dark night of the soul. We experience with her the grieving process, a toxic work environment, and intense stress that results in depression and anxiety, along with a somatic nervous disorder called tinnitus. Meg never gives up and– instead– looks for the help she needs to start to heal and find her light. In the end, like the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, her story is a beautiful love letter honoring her mother’s legacy while detailing the awakening of her own. Among the many stories about breast cancer and grief, none are quite like this one. After resigning from her career as a federal prosecutor due to a toxic administration, she searches for the lighthouse she saw in a vision when her mother died. Embarking on an inspiring spiritual pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain to get to the lighthouse at Cap Finisterre, she sets out to wake up and live again. The butterfly connection and stark honesty of her writing offers readers important lessons learned from moving through grief so that each person can shine their light again.


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7 Steps to Financial Security

Most individuals are not as financially secure and prepared as they think they are. In this conversation, Dr. Melissa will talk with Stacy Phillips, a seasoned financial professional, about the 7 steps to real financial security. They will explore what you should be thinking about to create a future that includes financial freedom and long-term protection for your family for generations to come.


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Setting the Team Up for Success

You and your team need to know where you’re going in order to move together as a unit towards a common goal. Melissa and Jessica will discuss creating the proper structure and environment that supports your company’s goals. Managing a team while things are ever changing, cultivating self accountability, saving time and money, and avoiding unnecessary headaches in the process.


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Opening for Elvis and Other Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Join me as I talk with Jason Hedden about acting, teaching, writing, juggling, directing, and stand-up comedy. We will talk about his journey from actor to stand-up comedian and all points in between. He will share how he got out of his comfort zone and how you can escape yours. The magic happens on the other side. I promise he will make you laugh. Aren’t you curious about “opening for Elvis?” Listen to hear the story.


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STEAM: The Importance of Arts in Education

In this episode, Dr. Adrienne Unae will discuss STEAM as a model of education that incorporates and places importance on the arts alongside STEM learning competencies. Dr. Adrienne will give us a sneak peek into her newly formed movie production company and share her story about how the COVID-19 pandemic gave her the opportunity to step into a new role in entertainment. We will discuss Adrienne’s experience of working in the entertainment industry during the pandemic and share her perspective of how the arts and culture have increasingly inspired the world over the last 15 months. This episode is for everyone, but it is a must listen for teachers, education administrators, and parents that are homeschooling.


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22 for 22: The Journey

A US Veteran, David Bulger, and a civilian, Justin Moore, walked 22 miles a day for 22 days in nature, barefoot in May 2021. Why? They wanted to bring awareness to the epidemic of 22 Veterans committing suicide daily. In this timely and deeply personal conversation, David, Justin, and Melissa discuss why they chose to walk barefoot, this complex and multifaceted epidemic, why it is not just an issue for Veterans, and the journey of 22 miles over 22 days impacted them on a personal level. They will discuss how slowing down is often the best way to heal the deep wounds we carry and how we can turn our pain into our superpower.


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Connecting to Your Creative Genius-ness

Creativity is everywhere - cars, houses, candy wrappers, shoes…eating sushi. It’s all a creative idea that someone had and made into a reality. Do you wonder how you can be more creative and unlock that creative genius-ness that was locked away inside of you from when you were a child? The answer might be closer than you think! In this episode, join Megan Billnoske and I as we discuss how to cultivate and unlock creativity connections in your life!
