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Deliciously Motivated Mindset - with Debz & Moira

Health & Wellness Podcasts

This podcast is all about motivating, inspiring and empowering you to operate at your maximum potential in your personal and professional life. Deborah and Moira’s goal with these conversations is to share how our inclinations do not always work in our best interests, and to provide the knowledge to leverage the gifts that already exist within each person. Together, their desire is to help you learn how to access the habits and behaviors that will lead to positive change and a better quality of life. Seeking meaning and purpose in life is natural -- unfortunately many of us do not learn to manage it well for our highest levels of happiness and effectiveness. With this informative and uplifting podcast, we will share and showcase expertise and experts who can provide tips and tools for aligning with YOUR purpose for positive outcomes.




This podcast is all about motivating, inspiring and empowering you to operate at your maximum potential in your personal and professional life. Deborah and Moira’s goal with these conversations is to share how our inclinations do not always work in our best interests, and to provide the knowledge to leverage the gifts that already exist within each person. Together, their desire is to help you learn how to access the habits and behaviors that will lead to positive change and a better quality of life. Seeking meaning and purpose in life is natural -- unfortunately many of us do not learn to manage it well for our highest levels of happiness and effectiveness. With this informative and uplifting podcast, we will share and showcase expertise and experts who can provide tips and tools for aligning with YOUR purpose for positive outcomes.





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Ep 240 - How Much Should You Tolerate Before You Leave?

If you are asking yourself this question, you most likely already know the answer!! We each have a level of tolerance and resilience; it is crucial for us to be self-aware and trusting in our inner guidance to make the best choices and decisions. Our intent with today’s conversation is to inspire and support you to access your inner trust and make the changes or choices that best suit the most empowered version of you. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 239 - Tips to Handle People Full of Excuses

We believe that everyone is looking for (and deserves) to be seen, heard and acknowledged. When dealing with someone who gives excuses about why they did or did not do something – are you able to take ownership and responsibility for how you release, let go and find the best solution? In our conversation today, we share several ways to help overcome, release and flow forward with ease and harmony regardless of the source of those excuses or justifications. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 238 - Are You Taking on Other’s Personas?

Each one of us animate certain personas which are dependent on the role in life that we play… these roles shift and change as we evolve, change and make choices. We believe that it is important to be aware of and in touch with our inner self so that we access the power we have available at our core. Our intent with the tips and ideas we share today is to help you come home to your true self, to shine your light and share your unique gifts. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 237 - Top Tips to Release Negative Self-Talk

Let’s face it – we ALL have an inner critic, and that inner dialogue can sometimes feel overwhelming and impossible to break free from. Truth be told, there are several ways in which we can acknowledge and release this chatter. In today’s conversation we share a variety of mindset tweaks and tips to help you let go of the burden and discombobulation that negative self-talk can generate. Here is the quote Moira shared “Will I ever be done, transformed in the past tense, or will I always be transforming, better and better until I die?” ~Carmen Maria Machado Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 236 - How Do You Celebrate Life?

This life we are all living is something auspiciously amazing, we are all following that which lights us up, what feels right and what gives us a sense of meaning. Of course, this can mean that we need to shift, adapt, and change as required. To best align with the awesomeness of your life path, we encourage you to assess and ensure that you are celebrating the amazing things you create and intend… So, how do YOU celebrate life? Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 235 - When to Release Over-Control

Over-control is to try to control too much… to have too much of a directing influence over (something or someone). As such it is a detrimental trait to our well-being and potential success. We trust that the tips and ideas we share in our conversation will inspire you to assess and recalibrate as required so that you can feel in flow with your calling in life and that you recognize what is for you to do and what is for you to trust in the Universe (and others around you). Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 234 - Is Perfectionism Keeping You Stuck?

Perfectionism refers to the tendency to set excessively high standards for oneself and others. There are some perfectionists who can achieve high levels of success because of the lofty goals they strive to meet. However, many struggle with low self-esteem, feeling stuck and problems in daily functioning due to fear of failure or making mistakes. In today’s conversation we riff on several ideas and mindset shifts to help you get into the best sense of flow and rhythm so that you can feel in alignment with your calling and gifts. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 233 - Giving Yourself Permission to Be You

We believe that it is essential to not only “know thyself” in this life but it is important to be authentically true to who you are at the core. Do you find it easy to confidently walk to the beat of your drum or do you feel pressured to conform in some way? The tips and ideas we share are intended to inspire you to be YOU – to shine your light, and to share your unique gifts the way only you can do it… We are reminded of a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson – he said: "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 232 - How to Heal from Within

It has been said that each one of us holds the key for ultimate health within. Health is the wisdom of our body and illness is a message to pause and heal. When a problem manifests itself, the body has the remedy to fix it — we must learn where and how to search for it. Keeping things simple and honouring what your body is asking for and guiding you toward (or away from) is essential to accessing this capacity for healing… We trust that the ideas we riff on in today’s conversation helps you access that for yourself. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 231 - Tips to Inspire Calmness in Chaos

Even when there is chaos happening around you, it IS possible to retain or cultivate a sense of calmness. Calming our nervous systems is essential to helping us recognize what the best way forward through any type of situation is. With the tips we share and explore in today’s conversation, we trust that there are some ideas that you can implement for yourself and create a sense of calm right where you are in this moment. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 230 - Tips to Stop Your Stress Increasing

Stress is all around us and it affects each of us in different ways. Truth be told, we don’t believe that you can avoid being affected by stress, but we do believe that you can make choices and decisions based upon what is best and right for you. We encourage you to try out a few of the tips we share in our conversation and commit to yourself to making choices based upon what is in alignment with your inner guidance. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 229 - How to Develop Emotional Resilience

The world we live in can feel a wee bit overwhelming and chaotic leaving us feeling a little delicate emotionally. Developing resilience is an essential component of picking ourselves up and getting back on track in our best way. The tips we share and discuss in this conversation are intended to help you deepen your sense of appreciation and connection with your capacity to navigate the path forward and feel your feelings. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 228 - Are You Drained by Being a People Pleaser?

The dictionary definition of people pleaser is "a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires." The underlying urge to make others happy and to be positively regarded is quite natural. We are social beings and part of that unspoken agreement is paying attention to others’ needs and feelings. Those who fall into the trap of people-pleasing tend to dive too deeply into the spirit of being in-tune with others’ needs. Somewhere along the way, people pleasers decide that everyone else’s needs are more pressing than their own. They put themselves on the back burner in their own lives, and then end up feeling depleted, resentful, dissatisfied, and even depressed. We trust that our tips and ideas shared in this episode help you stand in your power, filling your cup to be of best service to those you are called upon to serve. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 227 - Choosing to Embrace Change

Many people resist, run away from, or avoid change in a myriad of ways. However, there is one thing that we can all depend upon in this life that change is a part of the journey and none of us can escape it. It IS possible to choose to embrace change with grace and ease. We trust that the tips, stories, ideas, and suggestions we share in today’s conversation inspire you to look at how well you are embracing change on your own terms. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 226 - Tips to Redefine Willpower

Will is essentially our desire to do something in the future. Everyone wants a brighter future for oneself and that is not only about better things happening to us but also about needing to do some things better. The key to making change is to recognize that each choice we make is not just one choice, the choice is like a commitment to future choices. When we learn to cultivate our will and operate from our sense of personal power... we can recognize the choices, opportunities and potentialities to walk our best path forward. We trust the tips we share in today's conversation inspire you to embrace change in your best way!! Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 225 - How to Manage Other Peoples’ Emotions

Our emotions provide us with valuable guidance, insights, and experiences… However, there can be times where we feel overwhelmed or discombobulated by the emotions of other people around us. We believe that it is essential to attend to how you feel and what your values are so that you can be mindful of your boundaries and what your emotions are guiding you to say (and sometimes to not say!). We trust that the tips and ideas we riff on, and share inspire you to find ease, rhythm, and balance in all your relationships. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 224 - Tips to Increase Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is defined as having the ability to tune in to our own feelings, thoughts, and actions. When people are self-aware, they understand their strengths and challenges and know what helps them thrive. We are each wired in unique ways, we each have our own preferences, quirks, gifts and foibles… in order to experience and create harmony in the world around us, it is essential to cultivate and increase our levels of self-awareness. May the ideas we share in this conversation inspire and uplift you. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 223 - How to Erase the Sabotaging

Sabotage is to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something). Self-sabotage is to behave or think in a way that is harmful to one’s own interests or development, especially when this is involuntary or unconscious. All forms of sabotage seek to limit, undermine, or derail the harmonious flow and potential whether that is internally or externally activated. The tips and contemplations we share in this episode are intended to help you assess, befriend, and release yourself from the limitation of sabotage. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 222 - Cultivate a Problem-Solving Mindset

For every problem, the solution already exists… one cannot exist without the other, however, in the discombobulation of the problem, we may not have access to the best solution in the moment. Cultivating a problem-solving mindset does require a wee bit of surrender on our part. In our conversation we share and riff upon several tips and ideas to help you create, cultivate, and maintain your flavor of a problem-solving mindset – we encourage you to take 2-3 of these tips, implement them into your life and let us know how it goes for you! Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!


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Ep 221 - How to Deal With Unwanted Attention

In these times of social media, visibility, and virtual connection; we can sometimes attract attention that we do not wish, nor do we want to invite it. We believe that it is important to maintain authenticity and integrity to what is right for us. In this episode we discuss and unpack several tips to help you assess what type of attention is best and acceptable for you and what to do to navigate any unwanted approaches. Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Come on over and continue the conversation - we would LOVE to see you there!! We would LOVE to hear from you... send us a Text Message!!
