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Live Healthy Longer with Dr. Jim Polakof

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Amazing Podcasts Created & Hosted by Dr. Jim Polakof to Stimulate Your Body, Mind and Soul! It's in our nature to explore opportunities that can improve our well-being. As a celebrated podcaster with thousands of listeners, Dr. Jim Polakof continually surpasses normal limits to explore new horizons in creating a better life for his listeners and readers. ‘Live Healthy Longer’ covers a wide range of topics including new advances in health and medicine; the possibility of having past lives and reincarnation; unique perspectives on entertainment, and ‘hot topics’ debates which present both sides of key issues.


United States


Amazing Podcasts Created & Hosted by Dr. Jim Polakof to Stimulate Your Body, Mind and Soul! It's in our nature to explore opportunities that can improve our well-being. As a celebrated podcaster with thousands of listeners, Dr. Jim Polakof continually surpasses normal limits to explore new horizons in creating a better life for his listeners and readers. ‘Live Healthy Longer’ covers a wide range of topics including new advances in health and medicine; the possibility of having past lives and reincarnation; unique perspectives on entertainment, and ‘hot topics’ debates which present both sides of key issues.





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Discovering a Plant-Based Diet to Lose Weight Effectively!

In this captivating episode, we have the privilege of embarking on an enlightening journey with James Polakof, Ph.D., and his esteemed guest, Dr. Neal Barnard. These culinary experts delve into some of the most intriguing questions surrounding veganism and nutrition. One of the central topics they tackle is the common misconception that vegans struggle to obtain sufficient protein. Dr. Barnard refutes the misconception that plant-based proteins are incomplete. He emphasizes the significance of diversifying plant-based protein sources to achieve a well-balanced diet. Another fascinating topic they explore is the psychological aspect of meat-eating and why some meat-eaters may feel intimidated by vegetarians. Dr. Barnard openly takes on this topic and emphasizes the importance of respecting individual food choices. The discussion also delves into the topic of healthy weight loss. Dr. Jim and Dr. Barnard highlight the significance of adopting a nutrient-rich, plant-based diet as a sustainable and effective way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Dr. Barnard explains how whole, unprocessed plant foods are naturally lower in calories and higher in fiber, leading to greater satiety and improved metabolic health. Furthermore, Dr. Neal Barnard also shares insights from his groundbreaking book, "The Power Foods Diet." This comprehensive guide provides practical strategies for incorporating nutrient-dense superfoods into one's diet. Throughout the episode, James Polakof and Dr. Neal Barnard engage in a thought-provoking conversation, offering valuable insights and dispelling common misconceptions about veganism and nutrition. Their expertise and passion for promoting a plant-based lifestyle shine through, making this episode an informative and inspiring listen for anyone interested in making healthier food choices. Books By Dr. Barnard Physicians Committee Instagram Facebook Twitter #Nutrition #PowerFoodsDiet #HealthyEating #MetabolismBoost #DrNealBarnard #HealthyLifestyle #PhysiciansCommittee Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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FOOD AS MEDICINE to Live Healthy Longer

In this insightful episode, we embark on a captivating journey with James Polakof, Ph.D., and his esteemed guest, Dr. Robert E. Graham. Together, these experts delve into the profound connection between food and healing, offering valuable insights into how to live a longer, healthier life. Dr. Graham, also known as "Rob the Chef," shares his innovative FRESH approach, shedding light on the transformative power of plant-based nutrition. He explains how incorporating more plants into our daily meals is not only beneficial for our well-being but also essential for achieving longevity. Throughout the discussion, Dr. Graham and Dr. Jim explore various topics related to food as medicine. They delve into the science behind the healing properties of certain foods, debunking common myths and misconceptions. They also provide practical tips and strategies for transitioning to a more plant-based diet, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone with the use of Fresh Med U. Dr. Graham's FRESH approach to healthcare, which stands for "Food, Relaxation, Exercise, Sleep and Happiness," represents a paradigm shift in medicine. FRESH Med Integrative Medical Practice embraces this approach, moving away from the traditional "a pill for an ill" mentality to one that seeks to address the underlying causes of disease. This holistic approach recognizes the interconnections between physical, mental, and emotional well-being in promoting overall health. Dr. Graham and Dr. Jim offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration, empowering listeners to make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle. They remind us that our health is in our hands and that by embracing a plant-based approach, we can unlock the potential for a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE: FRESH Medicine CLICK HERE FRESH Med U CLICK HERE FREE CLASS CLICK HERE About Robert E. Graham, MD CLICK HERE Performance Kitchen® CLICK HERE Facebook CLICK HERE Instagram CLICK HERE Twitter CLICK HERE #HealCommunity #behaviorchange #lifestylemedicine #stayfresh #hearthealth Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Woodlake Residents Fight Back

Imagine that you were a member of a community that had to pay assessments, but was unable to vote on the budget that determined these assessments. We will investigate this exact situation today. We are talking about Woodlake, a small North Carolina community in turmoil. There have been over 50-60% increases in homeowner assessments in the community ... Dr. Jim Polakof interviews John Misiaszek to find out what's really happening. You Don't Want to Miss This Interview. Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here Twitter Click Here


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Cracking the Longevity Code with Dr. Michael Roizen

Soon 95 Years of Age Will Be the New 50! and You May Live to 150! In the not-too-distant future Robots will remove plaque from your arteries! Doctors will be able to literally 'print' a 3-D organ to replace a diseased one! You can have the energy you had as a Teenager, yet keep your intelligence! Cures are coming for Cancer, Alzheimer's and Dementia! In this sensational new Podcast, Dr, Jim Polakof interviews Dr. Michael Roizen about 'Cracking the Longevity Code'. Find Dr. Michael Roizen on Instagram Click Here and on Facebook Click Here FOR THE GREAT AGE REBOOT website CLICK HERE To get a copy of the Great Age Reboot CLICK HERE To follow the Great Age Reboot on Social Media: Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here Links also mentioned during this podcast were: The Great Age Reboot App called REBOOT YOUR AGE - We have the Google Play Store Link for you when you CLICK HERE RECIPES OF LONGEVITY by Valter Longo CLICK HERE Brain Games Click Here Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Opioid Addiction - WHAT CAN WE DO?

Over One Million Americans have died from Opioid addiction and people in the United States consume 80% of the world's Opioid painkillers. Your loved ones could be next! There is an answer and its name is CADCA! You can discover the solutions by joining Dr. Jim Polakof in his Live Healthy Longer interview with the Honorable Mary Bono - the Chairman of CADCA and General Barrye Price, Ph.D. - CADCA'S President. IMPORTANT LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE: CADCA website CADCA's 33rd Annual National Leadership Forum CLICK HERE How to Reverse an Opioid Overdose CLICK HERE Return to our website CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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The Risks of Undetected SLEEP APNEA

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. The risks from this disease include daytime drowsiness, high blood pressure, potential liver problems, Type 2 Diabetes and sleep-deprived partners! In Dr. Jim Polakof's current Podcast interview, you can listen to the advice of a leading Sleep Apnea specialist, Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl, who practices at the Pinehurst Surgical Clinic. Dr. Riefkohl also discusses the solutions to a number of other important Ear, Nose and Throat challenges. Here is the link to Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl's website CLICK HERE Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl is at 3 locations: Pinehurst Surgical, Pinehurst Pinehurst Surgical-Otolaryngology, Sanford Physician Offices and Specialty Services, Fayetteville Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Eating the Rainbow Can Heal Your Life!

his episode features Dr. Deanna Minich, an internationally known Scientist, Author and Teacher. President of the American College of Nutrition and originator of the Rainbow Diet - 21 days of creativity to change your life! IMPORTANT LINKS WEBSITES Deanna Minich Events, Blog & Info: Certification Program: Whole Detox: Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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What You Need to Know about Alzheimer’s

1 in 3 Adults over 55 – DIE FROM ALZHEIMER’S What You Need to Know about Alzheimer’s and Symptoms You May Not be Aware of Discover unknown symptoms of the disabling and deadly Alzheimer’s disease and how to combat them. Dr. Jim Polakof interviews – aging expert, Dr. Heather Whitson – leader of a collaborative Alzheimer's Disease initiative combining Duke University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, with a bold vision to transform dementia research and care. CLICK HERE to get more information CLICK HERE to see Dr. Whitson on PBS Alzheimer’s Blood Tests – What You Need to Know CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Discover how to “Eat to Beat Disease”

Join Dr. Jim as he interviews Dr. William Li, physician, scientist, president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and author of Eat To Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. Join Dr. Li for his free Masterclasses at Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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If you are among the 80% of American adults who suffer from back or neck pain at least one or more times during the year, we may have answers and solutions for you. Discover the latest advances in treating Back and Neck Pain as Dr. Jim Polakof interviews Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Cary Idler, in an enlightening Podcast! To visit Dr. Idler's Profile CLICK HERE The Bone and Joint Surgery Clinic website CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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What You Must Know about HEART DISEASE. Your Life May Depend Upon It!

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and men in the United States! One person dies every 33 seconds in the United States --- from cardiovascular disease. In this podcast episode, Dr. Jim Polakof interviews Duke Health Cardiologist, Dr. James Wisler, who provides valuable information about identifying and preventing Heart Disease. To find out more about Dr. Wisler CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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“Why” the Popularity of AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY?

With over 15 Million Surgical -- and almost 20 Million Non-Surgical “Aesthetic” Procedures performed this past year – why has cosmetic surgery become so popular? Discover the answers in Dr. Jim Polakof’s interview with board certified plastic surgeon – Dr. Robert Hardesty! Visit Dr. Hardesty's Website Click Here Dr. Hardesty's Facebook CLICK HERE Dr. Hardesty's Instagram CLICK HERE Dr. Hardesty's Twitter CLICK HERE Dr. Hardesty's Real Self CLICK HERE Dr. Hardesty's YouTube CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Healthy Golfing & Woodlake Reborn

Discover the significant Health Benefits of Golf. Our interviewee for this episode is Jeff Crabbe, who will be discussing the rebuilding efforts in Woodlake, North Carolina and the reopening of the Golf Course following the devastating impact of Hurricane Matthew. Woodlake Website CLICK HERE Woodlake Country Club Website CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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1 in 3 Adults over 55 – DIE FROM ALZHEIMER’S

1 in 3 Adults over 55 – DIE FROM ALZHEIMER’S What You Need to Know about Alzheimer’s and Symptoms You May Not be Aware of Discover unknown symptoms of the disabling and deadly Alzheimer’s disease and how to combat them. Dr. Jim Polakof interviews – aging expert, Dr. Heather Whitson – leader of a collaborative Alzheimer's Disease initiative combining Duke University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, with a bold vision to transform dementia research and care. CLICK HERE to get more information CLICK HERE to see Dr. Whitson on PBS Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Discover how you can determine who you were in past lives! Meet the renowned expert, Karen Kubicko, Certified Past Life Regressionist and Psychic Intuitive, who has recovered her personal memories from 150 past lives. Amazing but true! Here are important links to get in touch with Karen: Website CLICK HERE YouTube: CLICK HERE Facebook: CLICK HERE Twitter: CLICK HERE Pinterest: CLICK HERE RedBubble (art): CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Join Dr. Jim Polakof in his interview with Harry Gottlieb - Founder of Unify America. You will discover that as Americans, we have much in common - and there is a simple, but powerful way that our nation can heal the division which exists! Dr. Jim's interview shines a spotlight on how individuals, as well as groups ranging from college classrooms to church congregations are taking the Unify Challenge and working out together in a Civic Gym! CLICK HERE to Watch Podcast on YouTube Important Links from the show: Website CLICK HERE Unify Challenge CLICK HERE Events CLICK HERE Get Social with Unify America: Twitter CLICK HERE Instagram CLICK HERE Facebook CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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Woodlake Rises from the Ashes of Matthew!

It was a sad story. -- Homes were severely damaged -- two golf courses were ripped apart – and their lake - entirely wiped-out! --- This was indeed a tragedy of great magnitude! The community is WOODLAKE! -- Today, it's rising from the ashes and rebounding from one of America’s most destructive hurricanes. During this podcast, Dr. Jim Polakof interviews residents who lived through Matthew and Keith Allison who came to the rescue! Discover how a community pulled together to overcome adversity and is building a greater future! Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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One in Five Americans will develop skin cancer! Despite public health warnings to wear sunscreen, cases of the most dangerous form of skin cancer — melanoma — have been rising rapidly. The reason melanoma is so much more deadly than other types of skin cancer is the fact that it can metastasize, or spread throughout the body, more readily. Once melanoma spreads, it is harder to control and can lead to death! In order to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we need to learn more about skin cancer from a certified Dermatologist. Dr. Jim Polakof interviews Dr. Tim Pearson, who not only shares important tips in preventing skin cancer, but also discusses other concerns ranging from acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and hair loss - to how you can have healthy skin that glows! Link to Pinehurst Dermatology CLICK HERE +19102955567 5 Regional Cir B, Pinehurst, NC 28374 Facebook CLICK HERE Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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BRAIN CANCER IS A Killing Machine!

Almost One Million Americans are living with a Brain Tumor. Additionally, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports Glioblastoma is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths among our nation’s active military! It has taken the lives of Senator John McCain, Senator Ted Kennedy and President Biden’s son – Beau. There is no cure for Glioblastoma, and life expectancy after diagnosis is only 15 to 18 months. In order to protect ourselves and our loved ones – we need to learn more about Brain Cancer. Your discovery begins by listening to Dr. Jim Polakof’s Podcast and his interview with Brain Cancer advocate and author, Holly Richard. Important Links from this Episode: WE MUST FIND A CURE! To learn more about Brain Cancer including symptoms and cures, please visit the National Brain Tumor Society website: Additionally, contact your Representatives and Senators in Congress and urge them to support research and funding to cure Brain Cancer! Make a donation to the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke for brain tumor research and education! Learn more at: Be sure to order and read the excellent book by Holly Richard entitled, One Hundred and Twenty-Six Days: The Unthinkable Journey. It’s a deeply emotional, nonfiction account about how life can radically change in the blink of an eye – and shines a brilliant spotlight on Brain Cancer! YouTube account: Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here


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The Risks of Undetected SLEEP APNEA Plus Ear, Nose & Throat Challenges

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. The risks from this disease include daytime drowsiness, high blood pressure, potential liver problems, Type 2 Diabetes and sleep-deprived partners! In Dr. Jim Polakof's current Podcast interview, you can listen to the advice of a leading Sleep Apnea specialist, Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl, who practices at the Pinehurst Surgical Clinic. Dr. Riefkohl also discusses the solutions to a number of other important Ear, Nose and Throat challenges. Here is the link to Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl's website CLICK HERE Dr. Waldemar Riefkohl is at 3 locations: Pinehurst Surgical, Pinehurst Pinehurst Surgical-Otolaryngology, Sanford Physician Offices and Specialty Services, Fayetteville Let's Get Social ... Visit my website click here H and L show site Click Here Visit the Health and Lifestyles Show CLICK HERE Facebook Click Here Instagram Click Here X aka Twitter Click Here
