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Extraordinary Life Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Ideas you can use RIGHT NOW to get past and OBLITERATE stress, anxiety, depression, worry, overwhelm, lack of self worth, low self esteem, feeling stuck, afraid, lack or limits. With me, Jenifer Merifield, you’ll hear new perspectives for gaining Self Clarity about the Limiting Beliefs and Programming that’s currently holding you back, and how to IMMEDIATELY make positive momentum shifts. Self Clarity is the FOUNDATION to an Extraordinary Life. I believe in you,




Ideas you can use RIGHT NOW to get past and OBLITERATE stress, anxiety, depression, worry, overwhelm, lack of self worth, low self esteem, feeling stuck, afraid, lack or limits. With me, Jenifer Merifield, you’ll hear new perspectives for gaining Self Clarity about the Limiting Beliefs and Programming that’s currently holding you back, and how to IMMEDIATELY make positive momentum shifts. Self Clarity is the FOUNDATION to an Extraordinary Life. I believe in you,



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Being “RIGHT”…who is actually right? And here’s something better to strive for.

EPISODE 20 In this episode we talk about those thoughts of WHAT's right, or WHO is right. Is there even ONE ultimate right?? I share a little story about being in the ravine with some friends as a kid and talking about this stuff for the first time, and then how I contemplated whether Parents, Religion, or the Law was more right than the others. There's a cool example I share that shows how we're ALL potentially right depending on the perspective we're coming from, and how we get stuck NEEDING to be right which blocks us from seeing more perspectives. There are some examples I share about how we all have changed our "truths" at some point depending on certain influences... and how maybe we need to ask a different question. Seeing as we all feel RIGHT from our own perspectives... this is where I share a great 2-piece tool to get past the need to be "right" and to instead give and receive something even better! Listen in to find out what it is... It's so worth it : ) I believe in you,Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Mindset CoachWebsite: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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The Pain of Loss. Dealing with death, breakups, divorce, shattered dreams, mistakes…

EPISODE 19 In this episode we talk about the kind of pain that happens as the result of LOSS. The loss of someone or something. Sometimes loss just comes out of nowhere and is a complete and utter shock… other times we know a loss is looming; a death or a breakup … but even even if we prepare, don’t you think it’s one of the most difficult life challenges to go through? We acknowledge how LOSS relates to anything that “comes to an end” and feels bad, and bad can be anything from devastation,...


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Get Unstuck (maybe not what you’d expect)

EPISODE 18 In this episode we talk about that STUCK feeling and how to get out of it. I share about how kids do what we learn to avoid as adults, and then I suggest you do what you may not think a Personal Excellence Coach would suggest. It goes against the usual empowering ways, but it's needed for moving stuff we hold onto that doesn't serve us... emotions, resentment, shame, etc. I talk about the importance of Energy Movement, what it means, and how to do it. You'll hear a specific 10...


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Treat Yo’self! Are you Spending or Investing in Yourself?

EPISODE 17 In this episode I share a technique to help you create MORE long term happiness wealth and success. We talk about the differences between Investing and Spending, and how instant gratification can hold us back from being happy and successful in the long term. I give you examples and ways to notice how this is showing up in your life, and questions to ask yourself so that you can break the cycle and start reaping the benefits! It truly has everything to do with how much we believe...


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Pain is Inevitable, suffering is a CHOICE.

EPISODE 16 In this episode I share my GRUELLING hiking story with you to give an example of how we sometimes encounter major STRUGGLE that we weren't anticipating... How we CHOOSE to deal with it makes all the difference in how we experience the journey, how we create the memories of it, and how we handle future situations. I share about the contrast between how people can handle the same situation in very different ways, and how true it is that "how we do anything is how we do everything."...


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How the word “BECAUSE” hugely impacts Relationships

EPISODE 15 Words make such an impact; specific words, lack of words... Today I share about the POWER of the word "BECAUSE". The power is not just with the word itself, but what comes AFTER it... it has the power to DRASTICALLY improve relationships in beneficial ways. The examples I use it with are with: "I love you", "thank you", and "I'm sorry". They aren't the only phrases to use "BECAUSE", but for example purposes, they're the ones I'm using here :) You'll hear the difference between using it in specific responses and NOT using it. See what you notice. Where "I'm Sorry" is concerned, you'll also hear the common replacement ... BUT ... and why it will do the opposite of what BECAUSE can do for you. I give you ways to use the power of BECAUSE, and I share my own personal "BECAUSE" about why I always sign off with "I believe in you" in my posts and podcasts. Enjoy! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Mindset Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Acceptance and Change

EPISODE 14 Today I want to talk about acceptance and mindset… this podcast is dedicated to three awesome listeners who contacted me with very similar topic requests… so a warm shout-out to Carlos, Rebecca, and Jen! Life doesn’t always go as we want it to or plan it to… sometimes the struggle seems overwhelming. Have you ever felt like the struggles are not even in your control, or they're just happening TO YOU? How we handle OURSELVES when these things happen - is what will either keep the struggle alive, or allow it to more easily dissipate. I did a video some time ago about Acceptance and Change… and I want to elaborate on it today and also add some details that lean more towards “relationships” a bit more because they can be really challenging… You'll hear a story about "Mad Lunch Guy" to give you an example. Then I talk about the THREE MINDSETS, and how to notice which one you're in and then how to move UP into a more positive one. We analyze that guy a bit (because he's so obvious) and then I give you a couple of BETTER CHOICES that are easy and quick to change perspective and get in control. You always get to choose! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Don’t Start New Years Resolutions and Goals Without This First (podcast)

EPISODE 13 Happy New Year 2019! The New Year is an exciting time to say good-bye to old habits and get a fresh start on new beginnings, new dreams and exciting desires. We’ve all heard the stats though, right? Actually following through on resolutions is bleak at best. Most people abandon their resolutions before the end of January. Ugh! Before you START taking action on your goals and resolutions… check out the tips in this video that are UNIQUELY about YOU, so that you can not only get the...


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Expectations Around Giving

EPISODE 12 Happy Holidays! I thought this would be a great time to talk about EXPECTATIONS around GIVING. Side note: Have you ever smelled a Blueberry Muffin candle? How about 100 of them, haha… (listen to hear my story of being such a sucker!) Here I talk about GIVING "shoulds" and "supposed-to's"... the unspoken rules that leave us feeling stressed, disappointed, or even resentment. I share my own story of giving for the WRONG reasons, and how we can check in with ourselves to know what reasoning is going on for us. It feels good to GIVE for various reasons and we talk about what they are and how to know which ones are happening for you. Happy Holidays! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Incredible Results are Possible and Can Be EXPECTED with Private Coaching

EPISODE 11 Have you ever WONDERED what it’s like to have your own Coach? …someone who’s whole purpose in your relationship is for YOUR personal growth benefit? Have you wondered what kind of results are POSSIBLE? Last week, I did an interview with one of my clients SPECIFICALLY for this reason. For you! Bottom line is, we wanted to share that an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is absolutely possible for you, and for anyone. Just over a year ago, Joan didn’t fully believe that for herself and she was...


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Beating Stress & Overwhelm

EPISODE 10 In this episode we agree that everyone feels stress, doubt, worry and overwhelm to SOME capacity. Today we focus on a less-usual tactic for dealing with stress and for kicking up happiness and self esteem. I explain how we all know RAK's - Random Acts of Kindness - and then a slant on the idea of how to use the concept to your best benefit in a new way. You'll get examples and strategies and how to use the concept of pattern interrupting. Equipped with exactly what to do and how to do it for your most benefit, you'll have a clear strategy for the next time you get brain fog and need clarity. Listen for the "wine gums" / homeless guy story for a laugh. No "shoulds" or supposed to's, this is all for you. I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Self Awareness

EPISODE 9 In this episode, we talk about communication styles, like TALKING, LISTENING and BODY LANGUAGE. You start to notice how people perceive YOU. Hear about the different ways we SHOW UP in conversations... in ways we're not aware of, and ways we're definitely aware of OTHER people doing. You'll hear an example of me being super SHY and being accused of being a snob : ( And you'll see the difference of how we can misrepresent what we're thinking versus what we're presenting. I share some tips on how to lead a conversation or be a great listener. We debunk the different LABELS of Talkers and Listeners so we get clear on where we're coming from. You're challenged to have fun with NOTICING yourself and others in certain situations, and to do something specific in the MIRROR! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Conscious Indulging!

EPISODE 8 In this episode, we talk about INDULGENCE... being close to the Holidays and all ;-) Don’t get me wrong… I’m not about to tell you to resist and hold back on everything, and I completely support ENJOYING the holiday pleasures. HOWEVER, if you DO indulge but then some time afterward you find yourself feeling GUILT or some SHAME bubbles up for you … then listen for how to find your freedom by ACKNOWLEDGING what you were ACTUALLY seeking. And by the way, this doesn’t ONLY apply to food, it applies to ANY kind of pleasure… I mean, the OBVIOUS ones are alcohol, caffeine, sugar, sex, shopping, drugs… but it ALSO applies to things like seeking external validation in certain ways. Hear about the connection to INSTANT GRATIFICATION and why it'll NEVER satisfy you. I also share my over-indulging story. See if you relate to how, in front of certain people we tend to behave in ways that NEVER feel good later, but we find ourself in a cycle of always doing it. Great news! We don’t have to completely sacrifice pleasure in our lives, in fact, if we practice what I like to call CONSCIOUS INDULGENCE, then we can enjoy ALL the things without the guilt. I describe it and give examples of how you can do this in YOUR life. Personal Excellence Mastery is not about denying yourself pleasure, it’s about making the feel-good-now choices ALSO give you feel-good-later results. You'll hear how to self-soothe in a way that feels GOOD, feels ON PURPOSE, and serves you later - not just in the moment. ‘Tis the season for yummy things and people and purchases… Now go forth and CONSCIOUSLY INDULGE! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield


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Trade in Your Problems for These

Episode 7 - In this episode I share how a simple WORD SWAP can make a valuable difference in your life. We go "back to the 70's" for a plaid polyestered story that will...


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Reacting or Creating?

Episode 6 - In this episode I share a technique that you can throw in your "mindset tool-belt" to help you be the CREATOR of your life, versus feeling like you’re living in REACTION to life happening TO you. It's called Pre-Paving...


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How to STOP Arguments and Fighting

EPISODE 5 In this episode I talk about how to NEVER have to argue again! (or at least be able to STOP them quickly when they start). I explain the main difference between Arguing and Disagreeing, and what it is we add to arguing that's NOT part of simple disagreements. There are 3 categories of arguing I go over - not including abuse which we don't get in to here... other than later on I ask you to agree we know when you or someone else needs to get help from a situation that's become abusive. After that, we discuss a few different Anger Personalities and how they express themselves in fights. When it comes to YOU there are a couple of things to know ALL ABOUT YOU that will significantly help you get a clear picture of where you're coming from. Once you know what they are, you'll be able to use the THREE valuable tools in any argument - or disagreement that's becoming an argument - to get out of it right away. I share some others great tips on how to use your language and communication clearly and succinctly to be heard and to hear the other person. Loving yourself and holding a space of genuine listening for the other person is a great start. Pretty soon, arguments can be a thing of the past in your life! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Website: JeniferMerifield.com | INSTAGRAM @JeniferMerifield


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Use These 2 Magic Words and Change Your Life

EPISODE 4 Use these two words every day and watch your life change for the better in every way! In this episode you'll learn the 2 very special words that are all of 5 letters in total that will shake up your mindset and drastically change your perspective of the world in an EXTRAORDINARY way… not in months or years, but in like, moments. I ask you some key questions to set up the description so you feel how it shows up in YOUR life. I share about the "charge" that words carry, how the actual word can stay the same, yet the meaning becomes completely different depending on how it's delivered or received. I share a funny little airplane story where the flight attendant likes the guy in front of me more than me. I also share a very inspiring story about a remarkable woman I met who experienced deep contrast of having and not having in life. Then I help you see how these 2 Magic Words can be used to really change your life and your focus. I don't want to give away what the 2 words are, but when you listen you learn how they can empower SO MUCH in your life and get you out of obligation, duty, requirement, pain, suffering, expectation, and the discomforts of life and take you into MASSIVE appreciation, flow, joy and ease. With examples, stories and tools you can use immediately, you'll know how to SEE and EXPERIENCE the world in a new, beneficial-to-you way! I believe in you, Jenifer Merifield Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach Blog, Newsletter sign up, and Coaching opportunities at: JeniferMerifield.com | INSTAGRAM @JeniferMerifield


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Victim Mindset… and two better options.

EPISODE 3 In this episode we talk about the THREE MINDSETS and the amazing power they have over us. I'll also share whether Affirmations are actually helpful or just a bunch of BS. Taking ownership of the fact that we CHOOSE our Mindset can be tricky and uncomfortable. I share how to do this more easily and what to notice. I go in depth what each of the three Mindsets are, as well as some examples of how they show up in our lives. You'll hear where depression, anxiety, anger and peace show...


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Boundaries and People Pleasing

EPISODE 2 - This episode is dedicated to the overly "nice" people, the people pleasers, the ones who put themselves at the bottom list, are always saying yes, always taking care of others ahead of themselves, but maybe they're not feeling so good about it...


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Limiting Beliefs and “Shoulds”, the Past Programming that’s Holding You Back Today

EPISODE 1 - If I asked you the question: What do you want? But really, what do you want? Don't analyze it or let doubts creep in to limit you, what would that be? Where do these doubts and limits come from, anyway? They come from...
