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From Surviving To Thriving

Health & Wellness Podcasts

From Surviving To Thriving. I support parents becoming the parents that their kids need them to be and becoming the parents they may have always needed but never had so that you can give your best to yourself, your loved ones, and your dreams. We're not a podcast about information. We're a podcast about transformation. We're about taking unwavering action with the support you need to break the cycles and overcome the struggles that define you. Episodes are released every Monday consist of what helped me and many others overcome their struggles. We cover discussions, tools, skills, stories, and interviews with exceptional people who have overcome their struggles on their journey. I'm Ray Bourcier, and after nearly three decades of my struggles with no support, that began at age five. I've overcome a life stuck in survival mode, and I'm here to serve you the support that you may have never had but have always needed so you too will move beyond survival mode and start thriving. Join our tribe Follow on Instagram Twitter: @EmpowerUp




From Surviving To Thriving. I support parents becoming the parents that their kids need them to be and becoming the parents they may have always needed but never had so that you can give your best to yourself, your loved ones, and your dreams. We're not a podcast about information. We're a podcast about transformation. We're about taking unwavering action with the support you need to break the cycles and overcome the struggles that define you. Episodes are released every Monday consist of what helped me and many others overcome their struggles. We cover discussions, tools, skills, stories, and interviews with exceptional people who have overcome their struggles on their journey. I'm Ray Bourcier, and after nearly three decades of my struggles with no support, that began at age five. I've overcome a life stuck in survival mode, and I'm here to serve you the support that you may have never had but have always needed so you too will move beyond survival mode and start thriving. Join our tribe Follow on Instagram Twitter: @EmpowerUp







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Supporting drop out students going back with Lynn Teatro [39]

Student drop out rates are only getting worse, and it's a challenge for students to go back after they've already made the decision. But if your student is considering going back to finish high school, college, or university, there are things that can help you, help them. Lynn Teatro helps parents to help their students succeed in their choices to go back and complete their education. As a fellow college drop out, I wish I had the support that Lynn provides. Everyone's journey is unique, but...


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Optimism and self-love with "G.I" Jane Foster [ep38]

Becoming the parent they need you to starts with you getting to a place where you're happy with yourself and who you are. It's challenging to be optimistic and positive when the world throws curve balls in your way that you can't control, so take it from Jane Foster how you too can overcome everything and grow. In this episode, we cover: About GI Jane Foster Jane Foster, aka GiJane, is the President of GiJane Presentations. She relays real life stories of joining the US Navy and...


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Success in lose/lose situations [37]

Being a parent isn't easy, and there are many landmines that can drop your self-confidence and self-esteem with one action. But understand that there is no perfection. Everyone is perfectly imperfect. So when you find yourself in a perceived lose/lose situation with your kiddo, you sometimes have to take a 30,000-foot view to find the successes. And that's exactly what I want to help you with here today. Finding success when you find yourself in lose/lose situations. In this episode, we...


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Numerology and parenting with Ann Perry [36]

It’s important as a parent that you leverage all the tools and knowledge at your disposal to become the parent they need you to be. Providing you with options is one of the fun parts of what I do. In today’s episode I talk with Numerologist Ann Perry. This conversation provides insight into the science of numbers and how you as a parent, and even as an entrepreneur can leverage these along your journey. When you learn what the numbers have to say, you can learn more about yourself, your...


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Finding Your Voice with Dr. Doreen Downing [35]

For many, speaking up, whether within your household, your family, your work, or even in public, is a challenge. Feeling heard may be a challenge that you face. Your voice and the confidence to bring it out is buried deep inside of you, but it's buried under decades of programming and conditioning. Dr. Doreen Downing knows this challenge all too well as a psychologist who herself had a fear of speaking in public. You can bring your voice out and make the positive changes you need in your...


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Healing Isn't Linear [34]

While life in many ways is linear, not everything is. Healing is one of many things that isn't a straight line from point a to point b. You can still make progress even with perceived steps back. The reality is that a step back can still be a step in the right direction. That's what you and I will talk about here today. Let's go! In this episode, we cover: About the Host: Raymond Bourcier - Conscious parent coach, stay-at-home father, husband, author, podcaster A college and university...


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Keeping consciously cool [33]

Sometimes, your biggest success is staying conscious, calm and collected in the heat of the moment. But no one is perfect, and from time to time, we all let our energy in motion (emotion) get the best of us. Being more conscious is something that every parent needs to work on (myself included), and today we talk about one such scenario and discuss tools and techniques you can leverage to help you become both a better parent and a more resilient person. Let's go! In this episode, we...


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Confidence is built by you [32]

No parent is full of unwavering confidence. It doesn't help that the programming and conditioning you experienced along your journey only added to decrease your confidence leaving you often times not feeling enough. Only you have the power to build the confidence you deserve and it starts with meeting this lack-of head on. It's time to face it until you make it. Don't worry, I got your back. You got this. Let's go! In this episode, we cover: About the Host: Raymond Bourcier - Conscious...


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Overcoming trauma and abuse with Nancy V. Brown [31]

In this latest installment of the From Science to Woo (and everything in-between) interview series, we're joined in conversation with author Nancy V. Brown. Her journey started in Costa Rica and would continue in the USA. Early in life, she struggled in survival mode through different types of abuse. Eventually, she would take back control of her journey and began thriving as she began to help others who've experienced abuse and loss. Sensitive topics we discuss: sexual abuse,...


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Hook, Line, and Unhook [30]

As parents and people, it's hard not to get attached to the beliefs, thoughts and feelings that don't serve us and prevent us from showing up as your best self for your kids, loved ones, and dreams. It's easy to get hooked and pulled along against your will. But, much like what happens within our internal ecosystem, the same can happen "out there" in the real world. Sometimes you just need to slow down and take lessons from the unlikeliest of sources. So, are you ready to anchor up and let...


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Your Northern Star - Values [29]

I believe motivation is a weakness, well, relying on motivation. Like the tide, motivation comes and goes, but you never know when it will come back. So you can’t depend on it when you need it most. You need something more powerful. Something different. You need something else to guide you, like the northern star when you feel lost or stuck. You need to leverage conscious values. Let’s Go!


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Practice makes growth [28]

Do you still hear your parents in your ear drilling into you that you need to practice? does that come out of you into the ears of your kids? Do you still heed your parent's advice and practise? or do you find yourself guilty of learning everything and not taking action? It's ok, it's not your fault. Well, not entirely. The harsh reality is that what defines you, will define them. So if you're not taking unwavering action and practicing what you need to do to heal along your journey and...


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Be your biggest cheerleader [27]

There's a power you may have been giving away your entire life without you even knowing it. There's one lesson that took me a heck of a long time to learn along my journey. When you give away your power to others to help build you up, you provide them with the power to break you down. Self-validation needs to be your north star. Don't give other's the power that only you should have. You have to be your own cheerleader, and that starts today. In this episode, we cover: About the Host: Ray...


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Support for abusive and toxic relationships with Homeyra [26]

Relationships are complex and are made even more so when children are involved. In today's episode, we're joined by Homeyra Faghihi, who supports women who have been in a toxic or abusive relationship or still find themselves in one. While this discussion focuses on women, Homeyra clarifies that everything we discuss also applies to men. Homeyra also believes in group support as the strongest form of support you will ever receive, and the stats agree. In this episode, we cover: About the...


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Healing families during addictions [25]

Addictions hit most families at one point and can come in many forms. The addicts tend to get the most attention, but what often gets overlooked is the family. Healing is a family affair and shouldn’t solely be focused on the addict themselves. In this latest instalment of the interview series From Science to Woo (and everything in between), we talk to addiction specialist Candace Plattor, who you may have seen speak at TedX BearCreek Park. Candace is an amazing support for families of...


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Boundaries out of love [24]

This week's show is not a standard episode, so please accept my apologies. This episode is me at my most raw and vulnerable. I debated whether or not to post this episode after I recorded it, but, in the end, I decided to do so because to grow, you must learn to let go. There is a lot of my story on my journey through life, so this episode won't be for everyone. However, I do believe that there's a lot of value in this episode for those who have been or are forced to make tough decisions in...


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Unlearn to relearn [23]

The situations we found ourselves in during our youth teach us many things, both positive and negative. But for many of us, many of the lessons we should have learned through our journey from those closest to us were never taught. Because of this, many of us struggle with issues that we’re not proud of, such as anger, struggles with self, overwhelm, and struggle to learn things we may have never truly experienced, such as forgiveness, empathy, and gratitude. But just because we learned...


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Break Through The Wall And Be Free[22]

There is an inherent need that all of you require, but for many, this need has been blocked off from you along your journey, brick by brick—a need for freedom. From an early age, you face the decisions and control by others along your journey that prevent you from having the freedom you need. The freedom to chase your dreams, make your own decisions, and experience trial and error, all because others believe they know better for you. This programming and conditioning may likely still be...


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Making changes in spite of fear [21]

Do you find that fear keeps you from living the life you want and making the changes you want to make? Being the parent you want to be? Maybe fear is keeping you stuck? How do you calm it? There's a healthy level of fear designed to keep us alive and biologically pass along our genes. But for many people. Fear keeps us stuck in our comfort zone, which prevents us from giving our best to ourselves, our loved ones, and our dreams. So we need to find ways to overcome the fears that live in...


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Your wisdom body with Anaiis Salles [20]

From Science To Woo (and everything in between) Interview Series: Anaiis Salles – World-renowned energy healer & transformational catalyst. In this episode, we cover: Sensitive topics: burn victims About the guest: Anaiis has been a transformational catalyst since 1991. In that same year, she established an energy healing internship in collaboration with Moscow, Russia, medical facilities. She has presented on panels with Deepak Chopra, Norman Shealy, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Nicholai...
