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Going Dutch

Health & Wellness Podcasts

God’s light lies within each of us waiting to be liberated from the bonds of going it alone. Join Randa Stratton Dutcher in Going Dutch each Thursday as she shares personal experiences and is joined by experts in healing, life coaching and many others. Each episode will share ideas to assist you in building your understanding of relationships with yourselves, a spouse, friends, children, and most importantly God.


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God’s light lies within each of us waiting to be liberated from the bonds of going it alone. Join Randa Stratton Dutcher in Going Dutch each Thursday as she shares personal experiences and is joined by experts in healing, life coaching and many others. Each episode will share ideas to assist you in building your understanding of relationships with yourselves, a spouse, friends, children, and most importantly God.



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Episode 56 My Biz Bestie with Business Coach Nicole Roufs

In Episode 56 of the "Going Dutch" podcast, titled "My Biz Bestie," we delve into Nicole Roufs' incredible journey from brokenness to resiliency. Nicole's transition from an esthetician to a holistic health enthusiast was sparked by witnessing the transformative power of chiropractic and homeopathy on her own child. Her dedication led her to co-own a wellness clinic and become a trusted business coach. In this episode, we explore her path to becoming a God-led coach, helping her clients achieve miraculous business success. From Nicole... Get a sneak peek into our coaching journey with a free 30-minute Connection Call! 🚀 During this virtual session, we'll uncover your vision for your business, identify any obstacles in your way, and even help you clarify your vision if it's still a bit hazy. ❤️ I'll also introduce you to my coaching approach, and together, we'll decide if we're a great match to achieve your goals. 🤝 Let's connect and kickstart your transformation journey! 🌟 Follow Nicole on IG Get Nicoles Freebie Connection Call


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Episode 55-What's In Your Toolbox?

Join Aaron and me again as we explore a few topics. I apologize for the first time about something. The report on The Shine Bright Retreat, Aaron acknowledges me, and we share how to start your own toolbox. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Episode 54 With Aaron Dutcher: Luck and Universal Laws

What started out as no fun shifted into laughter. Join my husband Aaron and I on another podcast as we cover many topics. Consistency and the laws of the universe are like the unbreakable rules that govern everything around us. Picture them as the bossy bosses of the universe, telling everything how to behave. These laws are like invisible threads that hold everything together and make sure everything follows a predictable pattern. From the way planets twirl around stars to the tiniest atoms buzzing around, everything sticks to these rules. Think of it like a giant cosmic dance where everyone knows their moves! Because of these dependable laws, we can make sense of how things work and trust that they'll continue to work that way. So, if you drop an apple today, you can bet it'll fall again tomorrow! Consistency and laws of the universe make the universe an organized and reliable place to live. "Luck is preparation meeting opportunity. if you hadn't been prepared when the opportunity came along you wouldn't have been lucky..put yourself in an environment where the universe can reward you." Aaron Dutcher To learn more about Aaron Dutcher, his business, or relationships... https://www.instagram.com/oneandonlydutcher/ https://www.instagram.com/thisisdutcher To learn more about Randa, her retreats and coaching... https://www.instagram.com/perfectlyimperfectranda/?hl=en


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Episode 53: Random Randa Thoughts

GOING DUTCH PODCAST EPISODE 53: RANDOM RANDA THOUGHTS God often presents us with small experiences that may seem insignificant at the time. However, these experiences serve as building blocks, teaching us important lessons, connecting us with influential people, and shaping our character. They prepare us for greater accomplishments in the future, revealing the purpose behind each step of our journey. By recognizing and embracing these little experiences, we can fulfill our larger calling with trust in God's guidance. Thoughts on Moses. I started singing in church at 3 years old. Acknowledge those who make a difference. Be aware that you never know when someone is speaking bad or good of you. If someone has offended you, let it go. It’s not “what is wrong with you, it’s “who” is wrong with you?” Schedule a session with Randa Join me on Instagram


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Episode 52: Friendship and Retreats With Dawn Shoenbein

Be a part of The Shine Bright Mastermind and Retreat Our guest on this episode of Going Dutch is Dawn Schoenbein. Dawn is an amazing, accomplished, and kind friend as well as a client. Dawn has little sub-communities all over the world. She may not be in close communication with these people all the time, but whenever they connect again, the bond is strong. What Dawn finds has made all the difference is the experiences they shared while they were in the same place. Going through unique experiences, challenges, or times of growth with another person can create a solid bond that lasts through distance and time. Being honest, real, and present when you are together again helps maintain this. One of Dawn’s greatest strengths is her ability to absorb, understand, and reshare information in a way that’s easy to understand. Her ability to practice non-judgment makes her easy to talk to. When you feel comfortable sharing, it helps build connections between women that feel safe. Dawn has been to all of my retreats. When she first went, she was not in the best place with her relationship with Christ. She wasn’t connecting with Him the way she wanted to. Through the tools she learned, she was able to find and build this connection in a more authentic way. Our connections with God and our savior are also safe spaces and relationships we can build on. You can say anything—there is no judgment from your divine team. When you show up to do the work, they are ready. The time and energy you spend deepening this connection will change your essence in so many amazing ways. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Episode 51: Just Breathe

The other day, I had an incredible download about where I want to go, who I want to be, and the results I want to have. This led me to reflect on how that version of me would manage my day. One thought that stood out was this: I need to stay in the cold plunge longer. A cold plunge truly helps me reset. The longer I stay in, the greater the shift I feel. It’s one of my favorite tools to use. It’s a reminder that we all need to find a zone of discomfort and stay in it—whatever that looks like for you. Breathwork is also an effective tool for helping shift your physiology and mindset too. I use breathwork in the cold plunge at the beginning, and then I follow that up with a prayer and a song. But if you think about it, the prayer and singing are unique forms of breathing too. If you feel stuck, breathwork is something that could be impactful for you. Once you’ve tried it, ask yourself: What is the message? Your message may come in words, colors, pictures, or even a smell. That is your message for the day. This is one great way to start your way with intention. You start in creation so that you can start moving towards the goals you want. If you find an obstacle coming up, I can help you with that inside my coaching practice. We can discover the root of what’s going on so you can get unstuck and start living the way you want. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Episode 50: What Makes You Great Part 2

Today’s episode is part 2 of What Makes You Great. This conversation stemmed from a phrase my grandpa Glen Stratton always said: “Don’t forget how great you is.” This is something that has always stuck with me. At times when you need to tap into your strength, remember that your greatness is something that fulfills you, gives you confidence, and allows you to live up to your talents and gifts. What are you compromising on that’s keeping you from being great? Here’s a personal example: I love having fake nails, but I can’t play the instruments I love to play when I have them, so they are keeping me from my greatness. This is a simple example, but you get the idea. For you, this might be diet and exercise keeping you from being your physical best. Or it could be self-sabotage habits that keep you from your own emotional well-being. It could be a toxic relationship that drains you rather than serves you. What is it that you’re truly great at? What have you said “yes” to that your heart was a “no” for? These insights can help you figure out not only what makes you great, but how to allow yourself to embrace your greatness. Each and every one of us has our own unique gifts and abilities, and embracing this allows us to coexist in a beautiful way. You’re in your light and truth, and so are others. God made us this way. He wants us to be great, and that is worth celebrating. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Episode 49: Suicide Ideation: Mental Health Awareness

Welcome back to another episode. This month is mental health awareness month, which is the focus of today’s episode. Trigger warning: This episode discusses suicide and trauma. I’m back in therapy, and in that space, I’ve been exploring shame. I never thought shame was such a culprit in my life until I started doing this work with my friend Joyce. What it’s revealed to me is that shame has been both a hindrance and a blessing in my life—and I’m ready to be done with it. I have used shame as a method of control to be a better mom, better partner, and more. But it’s a lie. I don’t need to shame myself to have control. The shame game is real, but I’m so thankful for the support I’m receiving right now. In high school, I went through major depression and was first confronted with suicidal thoughts. I would often use food as a coping mechanism. I was baking all the time and I felt really lonely. I had relationships, but they were all surface relationships. I never made any attempts, but I often had and expressed the dark thoughts I was having. As time went on, I got married and had kids, and I spent a lot of time just making my family a priority. I spent a lot of time doing, and not a lot of time being. There were some difficult years throughout my fifth pregnancy where those thoughts came up again, but after the birth, I became committed to my healing. You deserve healing too, whatever that looks like for you. Just taking a step in that direction is a big deal. Grounding every day keeps the darkness away. It recalibrates you into power and possibility. The door out of your worst moments is through your gifts and purpose. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Work With Me


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Episode 48 "Take a Step" With Jason Mow

Today we’re joined by special guest Jason Mow, who is the author of four books—three in historical fiction and another as an autobiography. He’s a retired first responder and a very strong person. He is also an incredible speaker who knows how to tell stories that will touch your heart. How can you put yourself out there and feel comfortable with self-promotion? This isn’t something that came naturally to Jason. Early in life, he felt drawn to running toward chaos—which led him to become a soldier and police officer. But when this was taken away from him after being wounded, he had to rediscover who he was. As a result, he began sharing his inspiring story with others. He wanted to reach more people, and the biggest obstacle he had towards promoting himself was simply taking the first step. Just starting is often the most difficult part of the process. For Jason, going on his first date after divorce was scary. Hugging a woman that was not his wife after 20 years was scary, too. Still, he knew that if he wanted to grow, he had to be willing to take that step. This is true in so many aspects of life; any area where you are approaching the unknown. You need to have the will to take that first step and be able to accept whatever consequences come of it. Throughout our lives, we have been telling ourselves what we can’t do. We’ve been training ourselves to fail. We have to reprogram our thoughts and our input so we can override the natural tendency to hold ourselves back. Jason's Instagram Jason's YouTube Jason's Books Jason's Website Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Randa's Links


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Episode 47 Where To Next?

In this episode, I pose the internal question of "Where to next?". In a moment of not knowing what was coming next, I recorded this vulnerable podcast. Being in business takes time and money. Publishing this podcast, publishing books, websites, etc all cost money! Is it worth it? Do I keep going? Listen in as I work through it in real-time. We don't always have to know what is ten steps ahead. We can plan and have dreams. And sometimes it seems futile. God is there waiting for us to keep striving. He will meet us where we are at. Join My Mastermind Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Randa's Links


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Episode 46: Stay In Your Lane with Aaron Dutcher

My husband Aaron Dutcher is back on the podcast again on this episode. We have some things in motion right now, but the path is not clear yet. I am a “gather ideas and then throw them at the wall and see what sticks” person, but I also get analysis paralysis. It's an interesting dichotomy. Still, we are planning on melding some cool ideas together and it’s exciting. A few months ago, we found ourselves busier than we’d been in so long. There were breakdowns on both sides, and as we went through that, we took turns carrying each other. That’s what a good partnership is. I recently expressed where I am in my journey in a particular area to someone. I didn’t feel judgment in sharing what I said, but I felt sadness. It made me realize when you share your growth and the other person isn’t on the same path, it can be difficult for them to honor you. When you are leaning into your vision or goal, you tend to stay in your own lane. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing or saying. I’m in my partnership with God, and I can persevere. When you’re up to good things, that’s your focus. A sign you might not be staying in your lane is jealousy. Another is feeling like you need to be busy. It’s not a light and truth experience, and when control and jealousy come up for me, I know I’m not collaborating with God. I have left the building, and it’s time to get back on my path. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Register for the Shine Bright Momentum Mastermind Join Aaron on Instagram @thisisdutcher


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Episode 45: Consistency with Hollie Warnick

This time I’m here in the studio with Hollie Warnick, and we decided to take a little time to hit record. Hollie is an author who created a dream journal, a podcaster, and a mom of four. She’s also a fun, playful person who exudes vibrancy. She’s felt free to let that authentic part of herself out more and more over the years. If you haven’t read “Healing Through Broken Relationships” yet, I highly recommend it—and not just because I collaborated on it. These stories are phenomenal. It’s so significant and moving to hear the stories right from the people who experienced them. It really highlights various types of relationships too. Recently I’ve noticed a validity to consistency. Actually, this was highlighted by my husband who noted that I didn’t crash before a recent podcast. When you keep at something, it helps you expand outside what you’re used to. It helps you get out of your own box. Hollie is right in it with me. She also sees the excitement of being on the edge; the precipice of what’s next. When she’s at the Grand Canyon, she gets this sense she wants to jump off and fly (but promises that she always remembers gravity isn’t on her side). There’s a sense that with this expansion comes a proliferating love and joy. It’s gravity versus freedom versus movement. They can all exist at once. What’s most interesting is that when we are expanding into a new space, we don’t even know what’s there yet. I know what I don’t know, but in this transformative space, you can ask to be shown. Register for Randa’s Shine Bright Momentum Mastermind Connect with Hollie: https://www.holliewarnick.com/ Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Episode 44: Choose To Risk-With Keira Brinton

Keira Brinton joins as a guest today on this episode of Going Dutch. We had just recorded her chapter in our upcoming book. Keira is a newly divorced mother with five kids and also runs a business. At times, she doubts she will be able to do it all: raise five kids, be present in their lives, and do the work she feels called to do. For her, every day is a day of crazy, ferocious risk. She’s jumping and trusting God will be there. She’s been purposefully making changes that fit the vibration she wants, and has decided to approach life unafraid and demand what she is willing to work for. Making change feels risky, but it’s important to stay in a space where you feel uncomfortable if you want to grow. For Keira, she keeps pushing that edge. The more risk she takes, the more comfortable she gets. She has to keep pushing herself for more. No matter what, you have to follow what you feel called to do. Creations decay in the body, so you have to get them out. What you feel called to do has the capacity to help so many people. Putting parameters and dates on your results will help you realize your goals. Keira has an event coming up called Activate the Creator. Anybody who’s a creator—content creator, podcast host, entrepreneur—can have their magic unlocked at this event. You will also be given space to create while being supported by a breathwork facilitator. It’s going to be very activating and inspiring. Randa has opened up the Shine Bright Momentum Masterimind “SHABOOM”, a four month instensive coaching program. Group and individual coaching and a retreat at the end to seal up all that you’ll learn and celebrate all of your growth! Register for the Shine Bright Momentum Mastermind Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Keira's Activate The Creator Event Join Keira on Instagram @keirabrinton


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Episode 43: What Makes You Great? Part 1

In this episode, I didn't let my day being thwarted stop me from sharing this message. Recorded during my morning cold plunge because it assists me in being great. In the world, compromise is generally considered a good thing. I challenge you to consider the compromises you make. Do they sacrifice your greatness? Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/6O4r_6EPi2w Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/perfectlyimperfectranda/?hl=en Listen to the complete library of the Going Dutch Podcast https://goingdutch7.libsyn.com Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Apple music http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1623834376 Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/2BasB7vSDApuv6CLDGB3qI Listen to Randa’s music on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCchsVCJNYCiGRzCvjYC739w


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Revitalized Womanhood With Gina Trimmer

My guest today is Gina Trimmer from Revitalized Womanhood. She is going to talk to us about how Revitalized Womanhood began, helping women find their vision, and what it’s like to create a community. Gina’s journey started a long time ago. Even as a young girl, she was creating visions of her future with her friends. Now she realizes the full circle connection between what she does now and her youthful dreams. Family life got in the way for a while, but Gina soon found her purpose in leading this movement for women. The idea came in June, and it was already growing by the end of that month. Her podcast began in August with the official community launching in October. While the growth is exciting, there is also sadness in losing the one-on-one connections a small community has forged. We are all together in this life, and that is what Revitalized Womanhood is based on. A community you can go to and share your life, goals, and dreams without judgment. There is accountability, support, and safety, but there is also reflection and evaluation. Women can do hard things. It is time for the victim mentality to be left behind. Each day, take a tiny bite. Move closer to your goal one piece at a time, and ask yourself if what you are doing is moving you toward your goal. Always check in with yourself. You don’t have to be a put-upon woman. You can follow your passions. You do not have to do every little thing in your home. Teach your kids how to handle things. Level up yourself and those around you. Be you, love you. Connect with Gina: https://www.revitalizedwomanhood.com Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda All The Links for Randa


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Shame Game/Sound Bowl Healing

Today I want to talk about breaking down perceptions and telling the future. You can’t possibly know what the outcome of something will be, so don’t fall into that trap. You have the ability to change the end result. Life isn’t a foregone conclusion. In life, you have an almost certain future. It means that you are stuck in a self-fulfilling prophecy if you always think you know what will happen based on the past. You create the experiences over and over. Recently I had a breakdown, believing I knew how something was going to go. I retreated into the darkness and stopped using the tools I know to work for me. I went down the rabbit hole of why. Why am I doing this? Why am I here? I took some time to work on myself. Was this feeling purely emotional? Was it a self-fulfilling prophecy? Was it something physical? In truth, it was everything. I tried some supplements that helped to pull me out of the blackest depths. I went on a girls’ weekend to the Unstoppable Biz Conference. I was still in the midst of the darkness, but I realized that there is a part of me that doesn’t know how to communicate my needs. Instead, I hid in shame, dishonesty, and fear. Continuing to live in that space is contradictory to everything I believe. I believe in God, the Heavenly Mother, and Christ. I believe in atonement. I am here today to ask you, is there something you are holding on to? Let it go. There is nothing you can do to change the past. At the end of this episode, I share my morning song using my sound bowl. I hope it will bring you rest and peace as you listen. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Find all links (podcast, website, YouTube channel, music and more) here: https://linktr.ee/randastrattondutcher


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Victory Recovery

Today I am joined by my husband Aaron and also Brock Bevell from Victory Recovery. Together, we’ll discuss Brocks’ mission and recovery from addiction and how it has deepened his relationship with God. Brock was a police officer before being injured in the line of duty. That was the real turning point for him, as it fuelled his addiction and opioids began to run his life. Ten years later, Brock has been through detox and is now using his experiences to help others by running treatment centers. He is now running a counseling center with a fellow former addict. Following his experiences, his relationship with God has deepened. The renewed personal connection with God is what fuels him to this day. At the heart of our relationship with God is that He wants us to rely on Him. No matter the trials and suffering, He wants our hearts and our trust. Aaron shares his experience of self-medicating with alcohol and explains how it helped him find a deeper relationship with Christ. Instead of hiding away, Aaron now shares his struggles with others to help them in a similar way to Brock. Brock believes deeply in authenticity and only started to heal when he shared his story. Remember that we are only as sick as our secrets. Deceit and lies were a part of Brock’s life for a long time. From pornography addiction to his opioid addiction, lies were what fed the habits. Bringing it out into the open was what took away its power. It may not be a message everyone wants to hear, but to heal you need to preach it. You can find Brock here Victory Recovery Instagram And here Brock Bevell Instagram Watch this episode on YouTube Randa Stratton-Dutcher Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Unstoppable With Jennifer Neilson

My amazing friend and colleague Jennifer Nielson is on the show today. Jennifer travels the world doing wonderful things for women, helping them to heal. Starting her journey couldn’t begin until she had found her healing. She was looking for peace and clarity in her own life and also had an interest in social psychology. Now, Jennifer has a degree in psychology, healing, and energy work. Using her experiences, she is working to help other women find their peace while always working on herself. Healing is a daily practice. Jennifer is a person that goes full steam ahead into whatever she says yes to. For those that have trouble getting started on their journey, Jennifer explains that you have to understand the cost of success and do the work. There’s no free lunch. As a survivor of abuse, Jennifer has spent her life being resolute and working towards what is right. Life is about choices, and once she knows what needs to be done, even if it’s uncomfortable, she heads towards it. Embracing the discomfort and pushing through is the only way to move toward growth. No one has a perfect upbringing, and we aren’t responsible for the programming we receive as children. We are responsible for our adult selves and deconstructing who we were and who we want to be. As an energy healer and coach, Jennifer not only does one-on-one work with clients, but also runs retreats with the goal of giving women the tools they need to be emotionally independent and resilient. If we aren’t taught how to heal ourselves, we will always be dependent on others. Connect with Jennifer: www.unstoppablebizconference.com @jennifernielson Buy tickets here Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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More On Connection

GOING DUTCH PODCAST EPISODE 38: More On Connection I’m coming to you on an imperfect morning to be real and vulnerable from a space I love to sit in when I’m at my Dad’s in the summer. First, I really want to share all of the beautiful things I see, hear, and feel: the sound of tractors and crickets to the smell of alfalfa. The smells and sounds from the horses and cattle from a couple of fields away. It feels so good in my soul. The last few days have been a struggle. As I’ve been promoting the upcoming Connection is the Cure event for mental health awareness and suicide, a lot of darkness has come up for me. This conversation is important, and I thought perhaps my struggle might be similar to your struggle. Last night felt like a culmination of this stress as I created an argument with my husband. Relationships need work and care. They require thought, intention, and showing up to assist your partner in being the best they can be. When I shut down, our connection is muted and paused. When I am connected to the divine and to God, I’m more deeply connected to my husband. When I do activities I love, follow my purpose, and ride horses, my relationships are better. When we connect to our heart, that is the cure. It’s vital to the health of our souls. Friendly reminder you’re still invited to the free Connection is the Cure event in Mesa. Being involved in work that assists other people has the power to pull us all through a lot. I also welcome you to reach out if you’re interested in a coaching session, healing session, or if you’d like to be a co-author on our upcoming book. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


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Connection Is The Cure

GOING DUTCH PODCAST EPISODE 37: Connection Is The Cure With September Frogley, Founder. She's a woman who rose from the ashes of brokenness to share something magical with the world. September is the oldest of three siblings. Her middle brother, an amazing light in this world, faced a lot of darkness in his life. He dealt with anxiety, depression, and turned to addiction to drugs and alcohol. In the last year of his life, the drugs induced a state of schizophrenia that would not leave him, even in sobriety. In May 2021, her brother committed suicide. Her family struggled greatly with this loss. Following this tragic event, September felt compelled to tell his story to help relieve suffering in the world. This led to her family creating Connection is the Cure, a space where mental health, addiction, and suicide are all open for discussion. When someone is deep into addiction, that addiction becomes the most important thing in their life. On the outside, it’s so easy to say “just stop”, but there needs to be consideration for the fact that their brain has changed. It’s not as easy to come out of addiction as you might think. At the core of resolving these issues is prevention—for both addiction and suicide. You can learn more and join the cause at September’s upcoming event in Mesa, AZ with Brock Bevell and Ben Fuller. It’s a totally free event. You can also support Connection is the Cure by following them on social and sharing their posts to get the word out. If you feel like all is lost, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. There is hope. Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda Learn more about Connection is the Cure: https://www.connectionisthecureidaho.org https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-night-to-connect-tickets-339609871267 https://www.instagram.com/connection_isthe_cure https://www.instagram.com/brockbevell/ https://www.instagram.com/bendfuller/
