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Guided Meditation With Wade

Health & Wellness Podcasts Recordings of group meditation sessions led by Wade Botkin, LMHC, MA. Learn more about Wade here: Virtual live sessions are hosted every Thursday at 7:00pm. Would you like to participate in the live group session? Join our private FB group!


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Description: Recordings of group meditation sessions led by Wade Botkin, LMHC, MA. Learn more about Wade here: Virtual live sessions are hosted every Thursday at 7:00pm. Would you like to participate in the live group session? Join our private FB group!



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Yoga Nidra With Jenny B

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: Find the middle ground between sleep and consciousness with a guided yoga nidra session with Jenny B. Lie down on the floor on a yoga mat or a blanket and get comfortable. Yoga Nidra session is led for you much like a guided meditation would be. In meditation, you let go of all your efforts, but when you practice yoga nidra, you use gentle attention and awareness to move through different parts of the body to mindfully relax them. Enjoy the benefits of this ancient practice. Recorded during our live group meditation session on March 11, 2021


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Relieve Stress and Anxiety With Mindfulness

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: What is your stress / anxiety level on a scale of 1 to 10? Begin by relaxing and watching your breath. Slowly calm yourself by making your exhale longer than your inhale. Start to scan your body and notice what you feel. As you become more mindful of your body and it's sensations do so with: 1. Objective Awareness - Take the judgement out of the observation. 2. The Energy of Compassion - Observe with an attitude of kindness, self care and compassion. Continue the meditation with powerful yet simple mindfulness exercises that deepen your state of relaxation. As you become more relaxed your body uses up less energy on stress hormones and more energy on healing! What is your stress / anxiety level towards the end of the meditation? Recorded during our live group meditation session on April 15, 2021


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A Meditation With Your Eyes Open

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller. A unique meditation by Wade Botkin ,LMHC, MA were you practice part of the meditation with your eyes open. We usually think of meditation as a practice performed indoors in a quiet dimly lit room or at a peaceful spot in nature. You are encouraged to try this mediation multiple times in a variety of places. Such as a bus station, a mall parking lot, a soccer practice or while you are standing in line to get vaccinated. Practice being mindful with your eyes open and cultivate a willingness to experience life with awareness coupled with compassion and kindness. This moment is only going to happen once. Work on really being present in this moment. Recorded during our live group meditation session on April 1, 2021


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The Frequency Of Gratitude and Compassion

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: A guided meditation to help you choose the frequency you walk and live in. Enjoy the breath of life and notice how good it feels. Create a space for yourself where you can relax deeper and deeper. Feel gratitude for the gift of life. Become more conscious of the energy frequency you are transmitting. What signals are you generating when you are with others? Generate an energy of love and gratitude, and share that. Recorded during our live group meditation session on January 28, 2021


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You Are The Energy Of Life Itself - A Healing Meditation

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: This is a healing meditation and a whole lot more. Start with the intention to connect to the highest and best healing energies that are needed. Make an affirmation that you are willing to receive. We are like a network of stars supporting each other. Giving and receiving. Your form will continue to change but what you really are will persist. Connect with the life force you are. . . the essence of your being. Recorded during our live group meditation session on January 14, 2021


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The Power To Bless - A Chakra Meditation

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: You have the power to bless and the power to ask for anything you need. Wade takes you on a relaxing journey that explores the seven chakras of your consciousness. Turn all the challenges that come your way in 2021 into blessings. Recorded during our live group meditation session on December 31, 2020


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Waves of Good Vibrations

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: Buckle up and relax. You are about to blast off on a cosmic journey of healing and renewal. Let the energy of the stars all around you raise the vibration and frequency of your entire being. Feel the miracle of light you are and let yourself shine for all to see. Recorded during our live group meditation session on December 17, 2020


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A Meditation For Thankfulness And Gratitude For The Breath Of Life

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: Get deeper into that sense of being and presence than you ever have before with this epic guided meditation. Start with simple things you can be grateful for such as the breath of life. Relax and enjoy breathing. Feel the flow of opposite forces, the yin and yang of your breath. Like your breath, life is a dance of yin and yang. We need these opposite forces in our lives to maintain balance. As much as we need to take time to think about things we also need dedicated time for silence. Let go of everything you think you know about breathing and meditation. Pretend this is the first time you have ever meditated and let yourself go. What is possible from just breathing? Recorded during our live group meditation session on December 3, 2020


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Short Meditation #8 - Cosmic Medicine Cabinet

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: Here is Short Meditation #8 - Cosmic Medicine Cabinet. This is a nice short 10 minute meditation that can be different every time you practice it. Figure out what energy you need in the moment and breathe it in! Recorded during our live group meditation session on November 19, 2020.


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Short Meditation #7 - Heart Space

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: Here is Short Meditation #7 - Heart Space. This is a terrific 12 minute meditation that combines visualization with a focused breathing exercise. A technique that can be used anywhere even when you don't have Wade with you! Recorded during our live group meditation session on November 19, 2020.


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Short Meditation #6 - A Sacred Space For Yourself

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: The Guided Meditation With Wade Challenge is back. Instead of 5 days in a row let's step it up to 8! Here is Short Meditation #6 - A Sacred Space For Yourself. Notice whatever is there without judgement. This is a very good one to do again and again running at about 15 minutes. We hope these exercises help develop a noble practice that will benefit you and others! Recorded during our live group meditation session on November 19, 2020.


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Spaciousness, Presence and Compassion

Send us a Text Message. Join our FB Group: A meditation in not trying to fix anything. Rather it is about creating a sacred space for you to observe and honor the feelings you are having. Gradually slide into a state of deep relaxation. Your mind is alert and aware while your body is relaxing. This meditation gives you tools and practices that you can use anytime and anywhere. Practice being more present, aware and compassionate towards yourself and others. Become more spacious and open in all the things you experience. Recorded during our live guided meditation session on November 5, 2020


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De-Stress, Reenergize, and Heal

Send us a Text Message. Join our FB Group: An excellent meditation if you have had a particularly stressful day or week. In other words, this is a 2020 special! Visualize nurturing energy coming from mother earth, up through your feet and flowing through all the systems of your body. Let go of the things that no longer serve your journey. Is there any part of you that is not willing to let go? Don't try to fix it. Just notice it. Welcome to the judgement free zone. Recorded during our live guided meditation session on October 22, 2020.


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Dealing With The Energy Of Anger

Send us a Text Message. Join our Group: We all experience anger. Some experts believe we experience anger an average of 17 times per day. This includes irritability and situations where things just don't seem to be going our way such as traffic jams, being on hold too long, or a disagreement with a coworker. Resisting these feelings don't make them go way. Rather they just go into the shadows, end up in the subconscious mind and create outbursts at inopportune times. This meditation is about listening to and honoring your emotions. Managed in healthy ways, anger can be a positive thing—a red flag that something’s wrong, a catalyst for change, a good self-motivator. Recorded during our live group meditation session on October 8, 2020.


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Walk In Beauty

Send us a Text Message. This meditation was inspired by a traditional prayer from the Navajo people. Begin with some deep breathing and relax into the center of your own being. Don't try to still the mind. Rather allow thoughts to come and go without trying to control or quiet your mind. Become grounded in the earth below and bask in the energy coming from above. Open yourself to all the beauty that is around you. Recognize this beauty as often as you can! "In beauty I walk, With beauty before me I walk, With beauty behind me I walk, With beauty above me I walk, With beauty around me I walk . . ." Recorded July 24, 2020.


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Receive All The Support That Nature And The Universe Has For Us

Send us a Text Message. Let Wade take you on an epic journey of discovery. Begin by getting deeply grounded into the earth like a big beautiful oak tree. Release the things that no longer serve the path that best path for you. Be willing to let go and have a transformation. From there focus on the light that is shining upon and within each of us. Feel and accept the many blessings this light has for you. Share those blessings with the rest of the world. WARNING! - This meditation never ends. The benefits to you and those around you will extend well past the 33 minute recording time. Recorded during our live virtual session on September 17, 2020.


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Be Willing To Not know

Send us a Text Message. We all get wrapped up in stories, concepts and opinions of ourselves and others. Breathe and relax from a space of not knowing. For in that space, discovery and possibility happen. Get outside the box of what your mind thinks is possible. Become aware, present and alive without locking into a story about. Bring this new sense of awareness back with you into your reality. Let go of your ideas about other people and learn to just BE with other people. Here is your homework: Are you noticing things about others that you've never seen before? Recorded during our live interactive meditation session on 09/03/2020.


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Short Meditation With Wade #5

Send us a Text Message. Congratulations, you made it to day 5 of the 5-day Guided Meditation With Wade Challenge! Do at least one five minute meditation per day for 5-days in a row. But, what are you going to do tomorrow? There's only 5 Short Meditations on the Podcast! You gotta keep it going! Make this a daily practice like brushing your teeth. You can listen again to any of the 5 short meditations. Or listen to any of the Season 1 sessions. In season 1, Episodes 1 and 3 are less than 10 minutes. Episode 4 is less than 20 minutes long. You can also try some of the longer sessions too on days that you have more time to dedicate. Thanks for doing the 5-day challenge! Recorded during our live interactive session on September 10, 2020


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Short Meditation With Wade #4

Send us a Text Message. Day 4 of the 5-day Guided Meditation With Wade Challenge. Do at least one five minute meditation per day for 5-days in a row. Are you noticing any interesting and wonderful things happening in your daily life? Enjoy Day 4. See you tomorrow! Recorded during our live interactive session on September 10, 2020


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Short Meditation With Wade #3

Send us a Text Message. You've made it to hump day, Day 3 of the 5-day Guided Meditation With Wade Challenge. Do at least one five minute meditation per day for 5-days in a row. Get over the hump and the rest is cream cheese. Recorded during our live interactive session on September 10, 2020
