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Happy Health

Health & Wellness Podcasts

I believe Happiness is a skill. It's something you work on just like anything else. I also believe in moving towards anything that makes you healthier...whether that is food, what products you use in your home or the company you keep. My goal is to help people who want MORE learn how to live happier and healthier lives.


United States


I believe Happiness is a skill. It's something you work on just like anything else. I also believe in moving towards anything that makes you healthier...whether that is food, what products you use in your home or the company you keep. My goal is to help people who want MORE learn how to live happier and healthier lives.





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Don't Waiting for Things To Slow Down

It ain’t gonna happen. This magical time you are waiting for You know the one I’m talking about… The one where you have all the time you need to work out, to meal prep, to get all your work done and to keep the house clean. This miraculous time is coming right??? Things just have to slow down! And then…watch out! You are gonna do ALL the things! Ummm….no. I can’t tell you the amount of time I have wasted waiting for things to slow down. And they don’t…and then I find myself looking back at when I thought I was busy realizing I actually had plenty of time..I just wasn’t utilzing it properly. You don’t need to wait for things to slow down. You need to figure out what is a priority and what deserves your time and attention. You do that and suddenly you will find time all over the place! This week’s episode is gonna help you do just that. Give it a listen!


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How to Switch To Healthier Products

Is it time to make the switch? @happyamycattaneo 👈 follow Change is a constant, but knowing when to make a move can be tricky. Especially when it comes to switching out your personal care and household products. If you feel like your current products are not helping but also might be adding to your health concerns, it might just be time to switch gears. When I made the switch like 14 years ago, I was hardcore about it. I grabbed a garbage bag and threw EVERYTHING out. And I mean EVERYTHING. I don’t regret one second of it BUT I do recognize that method is not for most people. Here’s what I recommend… 1️⃣ Start with the products you use on a daily basis. (soap, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion etc). 2️⃣ Use the app Think Dirty to see what your products have in them. It gives them a rating, tells you what each ingredient is and what it may be doing to your body and gives healthier recommendations (if necessary) 3️⃣ Then you can either get rid of something that is not serving you OR finish it out and have a healthier version on deck, ready to go. I would say this depends on the severity of what you find out is in the product. For example, let’s say you are having respiratory issues and you see that a lotion you are putting on every day has an ingredient that is known to cause respiratory issues, get a new lotion. It just ain’t worth it. 4️⃣ Next, move on to products that you use weekly, repeat the process until you have slowly but surely switched out the products in your home. Need help with this still? I got two options for you… 🔊Listen to my latest podcast where I go more in depth on what to do 👩‍💻 DM me and I will make you a plan that includes doTERRA and non doTERRA products.


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Do you self sabotage?

“The reason why you self-sabotage is because it allows you to predict what is going to happen, which is giving you the illusion of self control.” Saw this quote the other day and dayuuuummm…it sucker-punched me. ANY time I have not done what I KNEW I should do it was because I didn’t want to feel out of control. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. But it for damn sure is just an illusion because you end up feeling LESS in control in the end. So what the heck can you do about it? You tune into my latest episode! 😉 What are your thoughts on the quote?? Comment below! Would love to hear your opinions!


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149. How to Have Your Best Year Yet

This is the year I finally do it. How many times have you told yourself that over the years? And each year, you start exactly where you started the following year. It's time to break the freakin cycle. Make this your best year yet by letting go of what you think you need to do. What exactly do you need to let go? Well I got five of them for you... Listen to my latest podcast, #149 to hear what they are and how you can FINALLY get what you want.


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148. Waiting Until January to Start? Don't

Waiting until January to start a new habit? Don't. It will leave you worse off than where are you right now. Why? Because the second you decide to push it out 2 months, you are sending a signal to yourself that all bets are off, and now is the time to "live it up". And the gap between where you are right now and where you want to go gets bigger and bigger. Come January, your goal has to be even loftier...this makes it MUCH easier to drop come February. Instead, allow yourself to be challenged by what is considered the busiest, most stressful time of year. Because if you can do imperfect action during THIS time, imagine what you can do when life calms down. Start. and start now. Don't put your growth on hold...you deserve better than that. Let's go deeper into the topic...listen to the latest Happy Health Podcast and get going!


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147. How to Get the Most out of Coaching

You took the first major step...you hired a coach. That's a fantastic start but it's just that...a start. To get the most out of coaching, you gotta make sure you show up as the coachee. As someone who is a coach and always has a coach (multiple ones!), I see it from both sides and do think there is a BIG difference when three major factors come into play... 💛 Check in no matter what...doesn't matter if you didn't do a single thing your coach asked you to do. Still follow whatever check-in schedule they have set up. This lets your coach know where you truly are. If you want until you have something to report, you are wasting precious time when you could have been discussing WHY you didn't take action. 💛 Open up! Be vulnerable. A good coach wants to know what's going on in your head. They would want to know that you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or whatever else is going on. They can't help you if they don't know! 💛 Be as honest as possible. Don't cut corners...eventually, the data will catch up to your results. It's only hurting you and your progress. And it will take MUCH longer for you to get where you are trying to go. It's not just on your coach to PULL you towards your goal....you have to want it just as much as they want it for you! I go into more examples and detail in my latest podcast episode. Check it out!


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146. How to Get Back on Track After a Trip



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145. Common Fitness Myths Busted!

There is a lot of BS out there in the fitness world. And some of it, you can see right through. Yet there are a few common myths that I get asked about regularly. So I called in an expert to help bust them. On this episode, I'm joined by Ray Cattaneo! He's not just a great husband...he also happens to have 15 years of experience in the fitness and nutrition world and runs a 7 figure personal training studio. Basically, he knows what the F he's talking about. Give this a listen to make sure you aren't falling for the myths!


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144. Don't Forget to Have Fun!



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143. Readjust Instead of Taking a Break

You don't need to take a break during the upcoming holiday season... You just need to readjust and work around all the chaos that is coming up within the next four months. This time of year is ALWAYS crazy yet we got to this time and it's like a surprise. We are like "Oh this time is SO busy!" It's the SAME thing ever year...yet are you allowing it throw you off year and year. So you step away from what you want. But this year is your chance to break that cycle. Look at what is coming up for you during this busy time. What do you need to change so that you are still moving forward? I promise you this...it doesn't mean putting everything on hold. Because come January, you will be right back where you started. Check out this week's episode on how you can readjust as we head into the busiest time of the year!


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142. The "I Know Already" Syndrome

I know I need to do... I know what the steps are... I know what it takes to get there... But I am [FILL IN THE BLANK] Do you have the "I know already" syndrome? Mannnnn..it's easy to catch this one. Because there is SO much info out there, getting the HOW is pretty simple. Yet, you may still find yourself NOT executing on it even though you know what to do. Why is that? Because what isn't being addressed is your thoughts and feelings around those steps. When you think about what it takes, certain feelings are creeping up and because you want to avoid them, you avoid what you KNOW you need to do. So what the F do you do? You have to address those feelings, my friend. Until you do, you are going to continue saying, " i know BUT..." You know I got an episode for you on this topic...let's address HOW to face those feelings!


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141. Spice It Up

How many of you think healthy food means bland? Not in my world! I grew up eating super flavorful, amazing food and as I got into the health world, it was not something I was willing to compromise on. The only issue was as I started to learn about different foods and how they affect your wellness, I noticed many of my favorite condiments, spice blends and sauces had to go. But thankfully, there are so many wonderful companies that had the same thought - good food doesn't have to be plain. Check out my latest episode where I explain what to look out for when buying spices and sauces, which ones are good to go AND grab my Ultimate Spice and Sauce Guide freebie!!! Check on this Instagram account for examples of tricky food marketing: CheckDayDesign Click here to grab my freebie: The Ultimate Sauce and Spice Guide


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Learn to Push Yourself

Let's talk about swings. When you first get on a swing as a child, you need someone to push you the whole time. Then, you learn to keep the momentum yourself after someone gets you going. Eventually, you get to the point where you don't need the push at all. Others can stand on the sidelines encouraging you to go higher and higher. Now apply this to your life. Do you find yourself saying you need someone to motivate you? Well, that may be true....it's a slippery slope if don't learn to keep the momentum going. Or worst yet, you don't ever learn to get going on your own. This is why you may not be getting any momentum when it comes to your health... You are waiting for something to push you on the swing the whole time. But the second they are gone, the second they are not RIGHT now with you, you stop. If you are done with that, and ready to LEARN the skills necessary to push yourself, join me in my new program, the Accountability Hub. I will teach you how to PUSH yourself while I also show you how to go higher and higher. You will learn to not NEED someone to push you...because you understand how to do it yourself. Learn more about this program by listening to my latest podcast episode or comment hub below. CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT THE HUB


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How to Invest in Your Future Self

Do you invest in your future self? Just like a money investment, we have the choice to invest in ourselves. The workouts you choose to do this week are an investment in your long-term health. The supplements you commit to taking daily are also an investment. It works for other aspects too...the self-development work you are putting in right now may not pay off until a few months down the line. It's all a choice and it's all about how you view it. It's SO much easier to invest in your current self...that morning Starbucks run gives you an immediate dopamine hit. And because we get used to the immediate return when we invest in our current selves, it causes us to struggle with long-term goals. Both are possible...it's all about how you view it. Check out my latest episode if you struggle with sticking to a goal!


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Do you REALLY hate it?

You really HATE it? Or you hate how it makes you feel? You hate that it reminds you that you can't or that you failed. You hate that you struggle with it. You hate that you don't feel success. Maybe it's time to question WHY. By questioning the why behind your hate, you can uncover beliefs that are keeping you in a loop. Check out this episode as I go through how to question if you REALLY hate it and how to remove that block.


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How to Create a Morning Routine

Have you ever read a morning routine in a book or a post and thought....yeahhhhh that's not gonna work for me? Or you test it out and you are all kinds of miserable. I know I have. I used to have to wake up at 4 am to train 5:15 am classes and let me tell you...I did it for years and never got used to it. When I no longer had to wake up that early, I didn't...despite there being SO many things that promote it. Here's what I DID take from reading about a morning routine... You want to have one that works for YOU. So how do you do that? You ask yourself this, "What do I NEED/WANT to start the day? The answer to that question will be different for each person which is why following someone's morning routine won't work UNLESS your answers are similar. For example, maybe you need peace. You need a moment of solitude and stillness before everyone else is up and it becomes chaotic. You may actually benefit from waking up super early and sitting outside with your cup of coffee and reading a few pages from your book. Or maybe you wake up anxious. You may benefit from working out in the morning to help relieve some of that. It really all depends on what you want, what you need, and how the rest of your day generally plays out. In this episode, I help you figure it out. I go through how to craft a morning routine AND an evening routine that makes SENSE for your life...and is not based on someone elses. Give it a listen and get crafting! And I'm curious...what do you NEED in the morning? Post below!


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3 Benefits of Being a Business Owner



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Is the Year Half Full or Half Empty?



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Don't Skip the Basics



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Desire = Discomfort

"Beware of minimizing desire in order to decrease discomfort" My business coach said this the other day on a module of hers I was watching and I had to pause the video and just sit there. Because damn. I can think of many times when I convince myself I don't have to push toward a goal or do something hard because it's uncomfortable. So what did I do? I told myself I really didn't want it - I minimized my desire. Yet the desire doesn't actually just go away...it's still there inside. And it manifests as regret, frustration, bitterness, guilt, and disappointment. You still WANT to go after that dream. So the negative feelings continue to build and fester and you wonder why you can't shake them. Because you crave GROWTH. And growth requires discomfort. I am still learning that lesson daily. Listen to my latest episode and let's work through this one together.
