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Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Ultimate Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle and Advanced Nutition


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Ultimate Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle and Advanced Nutition





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Importance of HRV for Longevity and Performance

Don Moxley shares his journey from being a collegiate athlete to becoming a sports scientist and working in the cannabis industry. He emphasizes the importance of movement, strength, energy production, and resilience in both athletic performance and longevity. Don also explains the importance of heart rate variability (HRV) and its relationship to overall health and mortality. He highlights the value of wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding different heart rate zones for optimal training. He shares his experience with HRV and how it can be used to assess cardiovascular health and resilience. Ways to improve HRV include lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress to improve HRV. We also touched on autophagy and the role of spermidine in longevity. The best way to reach Don is on LinkedIn. He is also on X(Twitter) and Instagram. Spermadine Life and ModeMethod are products he mentioned. Takeaways Movement, strength, energy production, and resilience are key factors in athletic performance and longevity. Heart rate variability (HRV) is highly related to mortality and overall health. It's a key indicator of health and performance. Wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding heart rate zones can optimize training and improve performance. Micronutrients play a crucial role in longevity and should be considered alongside macronutrients. Exercise enhances the endocannabinoid system and brain function, leading to a longer and healthier life. Lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress can improve HRV. Autophagy is essential for cellular health and longevity. Spermidine is a compound that promotes autophagy and can be obtained from certain foods. Industrialized food may be deficient in essential micronutrients, highlighting the importance of a balanced diet and supplementation. Watch on YouTube: Show Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.43)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Don Moxley and we just had a lovely little pre -interview chat all about our things in common. Don went to The Ohio State University, was a collegiate athlete and is currently traveling around in RV, which if anybody that's listened to this podcast before or read my blog will go back to the little thing that I call the Vegabond adventure. We did that for a little bit in a suburban, not an RV. But so lots in common, but… What I'm really excited about is Don knows so many things about health and wellness and sports performance. And he's got some awesome things to share with us today. But before we go into all that, Don, if you could just share a little bit, I shared briefly about your background, but if you could go into some detail and, you know, how did you get into this work? What makes you passionate about health and wellness and what you're doing today? Don Moxley (00:50.472)That's a, it's a great question. And it's, and, and literally you can't separate the journey from the destination. It's so, I grew up, share, I grew up in Eastern Ohio. We grew up in the strip pits over in Belmont County and I had every intention. I was a decent high school wrestler. I was, you know, I qualified for the state tournament twice, but never want to match there. But when I went to Ohio state with every intention of going home and feeding beef, Cabo for the rest of my life. But. Cheryl McColgan (00:56.558)I'm sorry. Don Moxley (01:19.08)I got to Ohio State, I was good enough to walk on the wrestling team, but it was a struggle. I was injured all the time. And I was one of those wrestlers that used to cut a lot of weight. I cut from 220 to 177 and hence the injury problems. But when I finally, you know, I was injured my sophomore year, I'm thinking, okay, what do I have to do to finally get going?


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Gut Health, Histamine Intolerance and What to do About It

Dr. Meg Mill discusses the need to consider histamine issues when addressing gut health. She explains the role of histamine in the body and how it can affect various body systems. Register for FREE with this link for the Histamine Summit to hear more in depth discussions of this topic. Check out my previous interview with Dr. Meg on migraines and headaches. Takeaways Functional medicine offers personalized approaches to address health issues that conventional medicine may not be able to resolve. Histamine issues can affect gut health and lead to various symptoms such as digestive issues, anxiety, and hormone imbalances. Histamine intolerance can be caused by genetic factors, imbalances in the gut microbiome, and nutritional deficiencies. A low histamine diet can be used as an investigative tool to identify trigger foods, but long-term solutions should focus on addressing the underlying causes of histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance can be associated with symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and joint pain. The Reversing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance Summit provides valuable information from experts in the field to help individuals understand and manage histamine-related issues. Visit Dr. Meg Mill online at MegMill.com. Free Gift: The Essential Guide to Histamine Intolerance https://youtu.be/hAkB3XwuBrY Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Meg Mill and she has been a guest on the show before so I forgot to look up the episode but that will be in the show notes so if you're listening to this it was another great episode with her before be sure you go check it out. But before we get started we got a great new topic today which I'm super excited about and also a cool summit that Dr. Mill is running coming up so more on that later. But first Dr. Meg if you could just share with everybody. your background, your PharmD, you now do a functional medicine practice. So I'd love for you to just share how you got into all that for people that didn't listen to the interview yet. And then we'll start chatting about our new topic for the day. Meg Mill (00:40)Yes, yes. Well, so I, like you said, I graduated with a doctor of pharmacy and then I actually went on to do a residency and was practicing as a clinical pharmacist. And I kind of have two reasons that I switched to functional medicine. And one was that I knew all the protocols. I knew what to do. We had what we should do and people just weren't getting better. I'm like, okay, we're putting them on more medication, but we're not seeing them improve. It's just like, okay, we're sustaining this place. And then at the same time, I was having a lot of my own health issues. So I was having, you know, a lot of digestive issues. I was having anxiety. I actually started getting panic attacks. And that was when I was at the point where I have to change. So I remember sitting, like my kids are playing on the beach and I'm sitting there and I'm like, okay, I'm here, but I'm in so much, like my stomach's upset. I can't eat anything. I, you know, I'm having all this anxiety. I need to make a change in my life. And that's kind of when my journey shifted and I started to really look into more holistic ways of healing. And that led me to find functional medicine for myself and finally get answers. I've been to like five different gastroenterologists I you know was we moved a lot at the time so I'd be like I'm gonna get an answer now when we moved to a new place and it just it was just not everyone said you're fine you look like the picture of health of Listeners if you've been told that and you feel terrible go with your instincts because that is not true But when I finally found answers, I was like I need to share this with others. I opened my virtual practice


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Last Six Months Life and Health Update: 87

In this episode, Cheryl provides an update on her personal health and wellness journey, as well as the recent changes in her life. She discusses her move from Utah back to Cincinnati, her husband's open heart surgery, and the challenges of managing her online business. Cheryl also shares her experience with consistent weightlifting and the positive impact it has had on her health. Takeaways: Consistency in weightlifting can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being. Focusing on the positive and finding silver linings in challenging situations can help maintain a positive mindset. Support from friends and family is crucial during times of change and recovery. Changes in algorithms and search engine rankings can significantly impact small publishers and online businesses. Expressing gratitude for the blessings in life can help shift focus from challenges to the positive aspects of life. Watch on Youtube


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Infrared Sauna Therapy Benefits; Cardiovascular, Skin and More: 86

Connie Zack, co-owner of Sunlighten, shares her journey into the infrared sauna business and the benefits of infrared sauna therapy. Influenced by her brother's health turn around, Connie left her job in pharmaceuticals to bring infrared saunas to the market. Infrared sauna therapy has been found to have numerous health benefits, including detoxification, reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, boosting brain function, and promoting relaxation. It also has positive effects on the skin, improving cell turnover, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving a healthy glow. Connie shares her personal experience with sauna therapy as well as what she has learned about infrared therapy over the years. She shares how infrared heat can improve cardiovascular health, enhance athletic performance, aid in weight loss, and promote relaxation. Learn more about Sunlighten and be sure to mention Heal Nourish Grow to get an amazing discount. Watch the episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/Veob1E7RWS0 Takeaways Infrared sauna therapy has numerous health benefits, including detoxification, reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, boosting brain function, and promoting relaxation. Infrared saunas can improve skin health by accelerating cell turnover, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving a healthy glow. Sunlighten saunas are designed for efficiency and provide separate wavelengths of infrared light for maximum effectiveness. Infrared sauna therapy can be a proactive tool for maintaining health and preventing age-related issues. Using an infrared sauna can provide a relaxing and meditative experience, allowing for mindfulness and stress reduction. Infrared saunas can improve cardiovascular health by increasing blood flow, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. Using an infrared sauna before or after exercise can enhance athletic performance, reduce muscle soreness, and aid in recovery. Infrared saunas can contribute to weight loss by increasing core temperature, burning calories, and boosting metabolism. Choosing a high-quality sauna that emits low EMF is essential for maximizing the health benefits and ensuring safety. Sunlighten offers a range of sauna models, including portable options, to suit different needs and budgets. Episode transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.814)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Connie Zach, who is one of the co -owners of Sunlighten. And she said such an interesting story and background about how she got into this business. Her brother was having some health issues and I think it would just really be great to share with everybody. Not only how you got into this, but obviously some of the benefits of sauna in particular, infrared sauna, because this is all of a sudden, I mean, I've known about it for years and have wanted one for many years. but I think in recent podcasts and just internet, social media, everybody is all over infrared sauna, otherwise known as photo biomodulation, say that five times fast. And so Connie is going to obviously share with us a bunch of that information today. So welcome and would love to just have you share about what got you into all this. I think your brother had some stuff, so let's hear about it. Connie Zack - Sunlighten (00:56.034)Yeah, thanks so much for having me. I've been super excited all day, so excited that it's time. So this started over 20 years ago. My brother was chronically ill, had chronic fatigue and vertigo and fibromyalgia and a host of other conditions over general malaise and a lot of pain. Cheryl McColgan (00:59.79)Yay! Connie Zack - Sunlighten (01:18.914)He tried everything he could. It wasn't until he went to his dentist where his dentist said, Jason, I think you are leaking mercury into your body from your fillings. And I would diagnose you with heavy metal toxicity without any like blood work.


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Navigating a Broken Healthcare System

In this episode of the Heal Nourish Grow Podcast, Susan Salenger discusses her book 'Sideline' and the issues women face when navigating the healthcare system. She shares her personal experience with unnecessary surgery and how it sparked her interest in women's medical decision-making. To write this book, Salenger conducted interviews with women who had different diseases with a variety of treatments and found common themes in their behavior and decision-making. Learn more about the importance of being an informed patient and advocate for your own health along with actionable tips you can use at your next doctor's appointment. Get the Sidelined book here and visit Susan's website here. Takeaways Women often put themselves last when it comes to healthcare decisions. Getting a second opinion is crucial, especially for complex or serious conditions. Women tend to describe their symptoms in an emotional way, which can lead to misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment. Tips for doctor visits include making a written list of symptoms, doing research on the diagnosis, and reframing what the doctor says. Be an informed patient and advocate for your own health Research and question medical advice, especially medications and treatments Consider the funding sources of scientific studies to identify potential bias Personal research can help evaluate the risks and benefits of treatments Gaslighting in healthcare is a significant issue for women Strength training is important for women's health and can help prevent frailty Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/xJvLIk28YW8 Episode 85 Transcript


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Overcoming Emotional Eating Using "HANG"

In this episode, Renee Jones shares her weight loss journey and techniques she found to deal with emotional eating. Renee shares her background of yo-yo dieting and her eventual discovery of emotional eating as the root cause of her struggles. She explains how she found what works for her body through a specific software program and emphasizes the importance of an individualized approach to weight loss. She provides practical tips for overcoming emotional eating and maintaining weight loss, including the HANG acronym for addressing emotional hunger. She also shares the role of coaching in helping others resolve emotional issues and live authentically. Connect with Renee at PackYourOwnBag.com. Takeaways Emotional eating is eating for any reason other than hunger, and it often involves using food as a way to soothe or cope with emotions. Finding what works for your body is crucial for successful weight loss and maintenance. It requires self-reflection, experimentation, and paying attention to how different foods and eating patterns make you feel. Practical tips for weight loss include facing your emotions instead of using food as a coping mechanism, creating rules and boundaries around food and finding alternate activities or behaviors to replace emotional eating. Coaching can be a powerful tool for weight loss and personal growth, helping people resolve emotional issues and live more authentically. Watch the episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/EQas2BWFhzs Podcast Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background03:20 Discovering Emotional Eating06:32 Finding What Works for Your Body09:29 Practical Tips for Weight Loss16:21 Replacing Unhealthy Behaviors18:54 Renee's Coaching Approach23:14 The Power of Authenticity24:07 Getting in Touch with Renee Podcast Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.874)Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Renee Jones and we are going to talk about something that's a very popular topic at the beginning of the year and that is weight loss. Renee has had a very interesting background as you heard in her bio, but now I'm gonna let her share in your own words, Renee. How did you get into this work and kind of, but maybe start with the background. I think you said for 40 years, you were kind of just like yo-yoing around. So I'm really curious to hear about your backstory, like what sort of things you tried, what were your challenges. So I'll let you take it away with your introduction to your history there. Renee Jones (00:37.652)Okay, well, thanks for having me for a start. But my first diet was when I was 10, and I know that sounds awful, but my mother thought, you're a bit young, but if we start now, maybe you'll learn how to do this. And the problem was, I didn't know what I was doing. She'd been heavy all her life, so she didn't know what she was doing. Cheryl McColgan (00:49.902)I'm sorry. Renee Jones (01:02.192)And we sort of would start and stop and then we'd say, oh, do you want to do the diet again? Yeah, okay. And we'd start over again. And it would go for a while until we either got fed up or went somewhere, you know, either visiting family or holiday or something like that. And it, you know, it just went on. I didn't learn how to first believe that I could keep the weight off that I lost. but also what was really good for my body. It was usually sort of a whatever the diet of the day was. So I think we tried them all, honestly. I think there are two diets I have not tried. And one of them was that HCG thing. And the other is the Whole30. Cheryl McColgan (01:50.499)Mm-hmm. Renee Jones (01:55.636)Because I've done something close enough to that. I thought, got the idea. I'm good. But that just went on. Cheryl McColgan (01:55.992)Yes. Cheryl McColgan (02:00.114)Right. So out of those ones, and so out of those ones that you tried, you never really found, I mean,


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Thyroid, Candida and More; Lab Testing Insights

In this episode, Dr. Michael Biamonte discusses his background in nutrition and naturopathy, as well as his interest in understanding the role of nutrition in health. He explains the importance of lab tests and how they can provide valuable insights. Dr. Biamonte focuses on thyroid function and the challenges of diagnosing and treating thyroid issues. He also delves into the topic of Candida overgrowth and the symptoms and causes associated with it. Additionally, he shares his experience in using computer software to analyze patient data and develop personalized treatment plans. If you're interested in optimizing health with labs, Dr. Biamonte provides valuable insights and resources. Connect with Dr. Biamonte at www.health-truth.com, on his Facebook page and on YouTube. Takeaways Lab tests can provide valuable insights into a person's health and help identify underlying issues. Thyroid function is often misunderstood, and traditional medical approaches may not adequately address the complexity of thyroid issues. Candida overgrowth is a common problem caused by factors such as antibiotics and medications, and it can have a wide range of symptoms. Computer software can be a powerful tool for analyzing patient data and developing personalized treatment plans. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background03:28 Focus on Lab Tests and Analysis07:16 Understanding Thyroid Function13:28 Identifying and Treating Candida Overgrowth29:17 Using Computer Software for Data Analysis36:49 Working with Dr. Biamonte and Contact Information Watch on YouTube Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:01.288)Hey everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I have Dr. Michael Biamonte with me, and we are going to chat about a variety of topics. One that is kind of interesting and unusual that he said they just started learning about recently. Anyway, before we get to that, I would love it if you could just tell everyone in your own words a little bit about yourself and how did you get into this whole topic of nutrition. drbiamonte (00:28.554)Well, let's see, I'm a clinical nutritionist. I'm a naturopath. I'm certified in New York State, which is where that's where my license is. And I got into nutrition because I was very curious as to why medical doctors poo-pooed it. I had a relative who had cancer, who was ill, and I kept asking the doctors, well, what about vitamins and what about, this is back in the 70s, I said, what about Leutriol that I've heard about from Mexico? And they said, no, well, that's all baloney. None of that works. None of that's good. But I said, but couldn't, wouldn't giving him vitamins help his body even if it doesn't cure the cancer? Wouldn't it still help him be healthier to try to? fight the cancer a little longer and maybe live longer and they just poo-hooed it. And around that time I started running marathons. So there was a great interest around, and this is again in the 70s. So this is all these things were in their infancy back then. Billy Rogers was first winning the New York Marathon. Carlton Frederick's was on the radio talking about vitamins and talking about the dangers of too much sugar. Adele Davis had her book out. So. this was all kind of new. And I wanted to know why these doctors were so adamant that all this stuff was a waste of time. So the more I started studying it, the more I started to tweak on the fact that, gee, you know, if all this nutrition stuff actually works the way they say it does, I could see this being a problem for doctors and drug companies. I could see where they wouldn't want this to be around. And… Cheryl McColgan (02:11.584)Yeah, that's some conspiracy thing you're throwing out there a little bit, right? drbiamonte (02:15.79)Yeah, well, it's common sense though, in a way. I mean, it looked like with Candida, people are constantly asking me, why is it that medical doctors don't recognize Candida?


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Devastating Gut Issues and the Journey to Healing

In this episode, Dane Johnson shares his personal journey with a mysterious gut issue that caused his health to rapidly decline. He shares the challenges he faced, the various treatments he tried, the eventual diagnosis and the impact it had on his life. He discovered a colitis new treatment and a way to approach Crohn's that is helping people all over the world. He learned a lot on his journey to return to health and emphasizes the importance of mindset, positive energy and helping others. He also introduces the SHIELD program, which focuses on building a customized lifestyle for healing and offers a supportive community for individuals with a variety of gut health issues. Find Dane and more about the SHIELD program at the Crohn's Colitis Lifestyle website. Takeaways Healing starts in the mind and requires a decision to prioritize your well-being. Creating a positive environment and surrounding yourself with positive energy can have a significant impact on your healing journey. Journaling and tracking your symptoms, diet, and emotions can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions. Building a supportive community and seeking guidance from experts can provide the necessary tools and resources for healing. Customizing your approach to healing and focusing on consistency over perfection can lead to long-term success. Emotional intelligence is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. Developing emotional intelligence requires self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in building and maintaining healthy relationships. Watch on YouTube Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Dane's Story17:14 Lessons Learned 23:19 The Importance of Mindset and Positive Energy32:42 The SHIELD Program, Colitis New Treatment and Community Support 35:40 Emotional Intelligence in Relationships38:51 Conclusion and Call to Action Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.958)Hi everyone, welcome back to the HealNourishGrow podcast. Today I have Dane Johnson and he has a really both heartbreaking but of a it ends up well kind of story. And so I'm excited to share him and his knowledge with you today. We're going to talk about a lot of things related to gut health, but specifically IBD and Crohn's and colitis. So Dane, welcome. If you could just start by telling people. How in the world you got into this because it was kind of a sad story the way that it started out. Dane Johnson (00:35.493)Yes, it was. And Cheryl, thank you so much for having me and bringing me on and sharing this story and what we do with your community. And everyone out there who's listening, who might be dealing with chronic gut health issues, IBD, I dedicate this talk to you. This talk is for you. And I hope we can get some life-changing results and get some big aha moments today. And so yeah, it was a very sad story for me. And some of the reasons I'm so passionate about this and I'm here today is because I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, then Crohn's, then ulcerative colitis. The doctors couldn't make up their mind. I got my first symptoms at 19 years old. It nearly killed me on my 27th birthday. So I turned my birthday's November 24th. So December 11th, 2014, I nearly passed away in the hospital two weeks after my birthday. I was in the hospital for a month or six weeks straight at that time. I suffered for a lot of my 20s and I… You know, I would drop down to 120 pounds from 185. I, you know, had 25 bloody bad mood today, extreme cystic acne. I'd been on all the medications the doctors told me to. I never wanted this. My parents didn't know what to do with this. I never dealt with any major health issues. My family never dealt with any Crohn's, colitis or IBD growing up. We didn't know anything about chronic disease. And, you know, it just hit me like a ton of bricks and we didn't know what to do about it.


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Nutrition, Movement and Consistency for Weight Loss

In this conversation, Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer discusses her background in chiropractic medicine and nutrition. She emphasizes the importance of finding one's why when it comes to weight loss and shares tips for taking action and making sustainable changes. Dr. Hehmeyer explains the role of nutrition and movement in weight loss, debunking the myth that weight is purely genetic. She shares a success story of a client who was able to shift to a healthier diet and improve her overall health. She also introduces her upcoming group program for weight loss and encourages listeners to have compassion for themselves and seek support in their weight loss journey. Connect with Dr. Hehmeyer at Well Empowered Takeaways Finding your why is crucial for making sustainable changes in weight loss.Nutrition plays a significant role in weight loss, accounting for about 80% of progress.Movement, particularly strength training, is important for preserving muscle mass and increasing metabolism.Weight loss is not solely determined by genetics; the environment and lifestyle choices have a significant impact.Working with a functional medicine practitioner or joining a group program can provide support and guidance in the weight loss journey. Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/hlMk_ca3GI8 Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Personal Interests01:59 Professional Background and Training04:10 Approach to Weight Loss06:02 Finding Your Why07:39 Taking Action and Making Changes10:36 The Role of Nutrition and Movement in Weight Loss17:22 Genetics vs. Environment in Weight Loss21:34 Success Story: Shifting to a Healthier Diet27:33 Group Program for Weight Loss29:07 Final Thoughts and Encouragement30:47 Where to Find Dr. Heymeyer Online Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.974)Hey everyone, welcome back to the Heal and Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Heymeyer. And before we get into all the wonderful knowledge that she has to share with us, I kind of just wanted to touch a little bit on her bio and her background because she has some amazing trainings but then she also has some personal interests that mimic mine of like hiking and yoga and all that fun outdoor stuff. So Dr. Heymeyer, can you just… Maybe first share with people kind of what, like what you like to do in your spare time when you're not working and sharing knowledge about weight loss, what do you like to do? Dr Jessie Hehmeyer (00:35.31)Yeah, I well, yes, as you said, I love hiking, love hiking and love yoga, love strength training, love, of course, being with loved ones. And I love traveling and I love cooking beautiful, delicious, healthy meals for both myself and others. Cheryl McColgan (00:39.28)I'm sorry. Cheryl McColgan (00:59.198)And where do you hike mostly? What part of the country are you in? Dr Jessie Hehmeyer (01:02.41)Well, funny you should ask. I actually work remotely, remotely from Switzerland. So most often I hike in Switzerland. In the States, when I'm here, I do like to get, I do like to get to Arizona. So I love hiking. I love desert hiking. I really never thought that I would find desert hiking as compelling as I do, but I just, I really adore desert hiking. But really I've never met a mountain I didn't like. Cheryl McColgan (01:09.724)Oh wow! Cheryl McColgan (01:29.846)Yeah, well, I just named off two of my favorite places there. So maybe we can talk offline a little bit about some of our favorites. But I'd love to just start to get into some more of your professional background now that we've talked about what you like to do for fun. But you have chiropractic training, you have nutritional training. What was kind of your progression of you started in one place and then what propelled you to kind of do these other trainings as you started working with people or just things that you learned along the way? Dr Jessie Hehmeyer (01:34.403)Ah! Dr Jessie Hehmeyer (02:00.546)Fundamentally speaking,


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Indoor Air Quality Solutions and Implications for Health

In this episode, I interview David Milburn of HypoAir about indoor air quality solutions and filtering. We discuss the problem of mold in homes, the impact of HVAC systems on air quality, and other air quality issues such as odors and off-gassing. We also talk about the importance of air quality as well as the detection and monitoring of air quality. Finally, we discuss different air purification solutions available and exciting developments in air quality technology. In this conversation, Milburn also shares the importance of determining the correct size of HVAC filters and the challenges homeowners face in finding this information. He provides tips for requesting allergy-friendly rooms in hotels (I didn't even know this was a thing!) and addresses air quality issues in malls and commercial spaces. The conversation concludes with a reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook on indoor air quality and an extension of a sale on Hypoair's products. Go visit Hypoair with this link to take advantage of these savings! Takeaways Mold is a significant air quality problem in homes, especially in modern construction where homes are built tightly and trap mold inside.HVAC systems can contribute to air quality issues if not properly maintained and equipped with the right filters.Odors and off-gassing from furniture and other sources can also affect indoor air quality.It is important to be aware of and monitor air quality in your home, and there are various indoor air quality solutions available, including air purifiers and ventilation systems. Determining the correct size of HVAC filters is crucial for optimal air quality in homes.The tonnage of an HVAC system plays a significant role in filter selection.Using incorrect filter ratings can lead to strain on HVAC systems and increased energy costs.Regular filter changes are essential for maintaining air quality and reducing dust in HVAC systems.Hypoair plans to expand air purification to other home systems and offers products for healthcare facilities.Working with hospitals and corporations can be challenging due to their lack of concern for air quality issues.Requesting allergy-friendly rooms in hotels can help improve air quality during travel.Malls and commercial spaces often have air quality issues due to cleaning products and fragrances.Maintaining a positive outlook on air quality and taking proactive steps can help improve overall health and well-being.Hypoair extends a sale on their products to listeners of the conversation. Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/poKvC6Dd4oA Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background01:22 The Problem of Mold in Homes04:09 The Impact of HVAC Systems on Air Quality06:29 Other Air Quality Issues08:05 The Importance of Air Quality09:43 Dealing with Odors23:24 Detection and Monitoring of Air Quality30:25 Choosing the Right Air Purification Solution39:26 Exciting Developments in Air Quality Technology41:42 Determining HVAC Filter Size42:32 The Importance of Tonnage in HVAC Systems43:15 The Impact of Incorrect Filter Ratings44:19 Expanding Air Purification to Other Home Systems45:02 Hypoair's Products for Healthcare Facilities46:14 Challenges of Working with Hospitals and Corporations48:25 Applying Hypoair's Technology to Homes49:42 Requesting Allergy-Friendly Rooms in Hotels51:32 Air Quality Issues in Malls and Commercial Spaces53:14 Maintaining a Positive Outlook on Air Quality54:11 Closing Remarks and Sale Extension Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.97)Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal and Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by David Milburn of HypoAir and I'm really excited to share his knowledge with you guys today. I've heard him on a few different podcasts and he's just such a wealth of knowledge on indoor air quality solutions and filtering. And I just thought you have so many interesting things to say that I'd love for you to share it with the Heal and Nourish Grow audience.


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Living Better and Longer; New Longevity Summit

In this episode, I interview Chris Burres about his background, the genesis of his book, and his decision to host a longevity summit. We discuss the main takeaways from the summit interviews, including the importance of mindset, sleep, exercise, and diet in longevity. We also delve into the significance of protein consumption for muscle health and longevity. Chris Burres discusses the importance of mindset. He emphasizes the need to view aging as a disease and the possibility of rejuvenation. Takeaways Mindset, sleep, exercise, and diet are key factors in longevity. The mindset of separating living infirmed from aging is important. Protein consumption is crucial for muscle health and longevity. The Longevity Summit provided valuable insights and information from experts in the field. Advancements in medical technology and the rapid increase in medical information provide hope for significant improvements in longevity. Aging should be viewed as a disease, and funding should be directed towards addressing the underlying causes of aging. The potential for rejuvenation and the ability to create a younger version of oneself using DNA are exciting possibilities. Previous interview with Chris Register for the summit for FREE Learn more about MyVitalC and get 10% off your order with HNG Watch on YouTube Powered by embed youtube video html and sms lån som beviljar alla utan uc Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background08:02 The Genesis of the Book and Personal Journey21:01 The Decision to Host a Longevity Summit30:10 Takeaways from the Longevity Summit Interviews42:33 Importance of Protein in Longevity45:11 Protein Consumption and Mindset46:42 Final Thoughts and Revelations49:45 Longevity and Medical Advancements53:46 Aging as a Disease and the Potential for Rejuvenation54:10 Conclusion Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.564)Hey everyone, welcome back to the Heel Nourish Grow podcast. I am back today with somebody that I just thoroughly enjoy, Chris Vergevues on episode, I think it was 45. I looked it up and I didn't retain it for some reason. But anyway, he's here again with us today. And my gosh, we've been talking about all things geek prior to this and he has such a great new geeky project that I can't wait to share with you. So Chris, before we get started with all the wonderful new stuff you've got going on. I thought it would be great to just briefly give your background. Obviously I've read your bio, but touch on this element that you described that is so awesome for longevity and great for mitochondrial health that we discussed in the first podcast. Maybe just like a little recap for people. Definitely go back and listen to the whole episode, but that way they'll kind of get where you're coming from and then why you are now doing the cool summit that you're doing. So anyway, that was a very long introduction, but thanks for being here, Chris. Chris Burres (00:55.889)Yeah, no, I like it. Cheryl, thank you so much for having me back. I'm excited. In some regard, it's not surprising, not because of me, but because of the stuff that has been accomplished, which in a real way doesn't feel like it's because of me. It is, but you know how you just, you wake up on it. I'll describe it this way, right? So let's go back. We'll talk about the molecule, right? And I'm holding up a molecule or a model of a molecule, obviously. And if you're listening, just imagine a soccer ball where the lines on the soccer ball represent the bonds between the carbon atoms. So it's a spherical molecule of 60 carbon atoms. I've been manufacturing that it's a carbon nanomaterial. I've been a happy -go -lucky carbon nanomaterial scientist since 1991. That molecule was actually discovered in 85. The scientists who discovered it won the Nobel Prize for that discovery in 96. So short 11 years from discovery to being awarded the Nobel Prize. Uh,


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Thermography for Health and Early Disease Detection

Guy Odishaw was a great guest the fist time and he's back to share his knowledge about thermography. Guy told me about this technology in a conversation we had off camera, and knew immediately that I had to try it. In this episode we discuss my results as well has how you can use thermography as a noninvasive technology to help you identify problems very early while you have time to prevent future health issues. Guy is the founder of Bhakti Wellness Center and the cofounder of CerebralFit Brain Training. Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/KLLW7_p4ijU Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:00.37)I need to get a shirt like that. Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. I am back today with Guy Odishaw. He is, you're actually the first guest I've ever had on twice, which is a great distinction. So excited for our show today. And I was, I was just, after I hit the record button, I was just telling Guy that I'm glad his Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (00:02.37)Yes. Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (00:14.707)interesting Cheryl McColgan (00:22.834)Logo is showing because as you heard in his bio, he is part of cerebral fit. He talks all things brain health, which is one of my favorite topics. But today we're gonna chat about something slightly different. It actually came up in our conversation either before or after we recorded last time. And I said, I feel like a lot of people don't know about this topic, and I would love for you to come back and share this information. And so it's all about thermal imaging. So I'm not gonna say too much about it other than I went and did it so that we could talk about this. But first I'll let Guy tell you about what it is, what we use it for, and why it's not standard practice to use this imaging, because it's kind of interesting. So I'll let you take it away from here. Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (01:02.99)All right, thank you. And thank you for the opportunity to come back and talk with you and for going off and trying my crazy idea and the whole thing is very, very brave of you. So this falls kind of in the general area of bioelectric medicine as I define it, which is really when we use technology in the area of healthcare. So it's a very big umbrella. But here, what to say about… thermal imaging. So I just want to say a little bit about imaging in general. So most of us are all familiar with X-ray, and then, of course, MRI. And then depending on how involved in the health care system you've been, you've maybe heard of a CAT scan, a PET scan. If you're really, in a sense, unfortunate, you've heard about a SPECT scan, because it's a very specific scan for the brain. And then there's the kind of neuroimaging we do in our clinic, which is QEEG. So EEG neuroimaging So we have all of these different devices for doing neuroimaging and then probably well ultrasound I shouldn't leave that out, you know, so a host that I haven't mentioned, but these are common ones and And thermal imaging goes right in there with all of these other kinds of imaging We think of MRI is maybe kind of our gold standard. I think everybody think well an MRI That's the top of the food chain. But there are things that MRI does well, and then there's things that MRI is terrible at. And so you'd only want to use MRI for what it's good for and not for things that isn't good for. And an example of this would be, MRI is really good at detail of anatomy, but it isn't really good for function. Now there is functional MRI. So that's a little bit of a caveat there. But still, if we think of something like a concussion, MRI is not good at finding concussion. Unless the concussion has risen to the level of anatomical damage, then OK. And then if we have anatomical changes, it can spot it. But even then, it just spots the anatomical change. Versus, say, something like EEG, which is Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (03:24.13)better at looking at function. So it's highly, in the time domain,


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So You Want to Try Keto in 2024

Many people choose weight loss as a New Year's resolution and often seek out keto as a way to achieve this goal. I started with keto myself in January 2017 and never looked back. In this episode, you'll get a high-level overview of what keto is and isn't, how I recommend you get started and what you need (and don't need) to get started. Spoiler alert...most people way overcomplicate keto! Watch the episode on YouTube:


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Ideas for Improving Your Health in 2024

In this episode, you'll get ideas for how to improve your health in 2024. Some are simple and easy to implement, while others will take some time, focus and dedication. There are a lot of tools and products mentioned in this one, and you can find them all on the shop page. Be sure to register for your FREE ticket to the Quit Sugar Summit starting January 8th, 2024. There are some amazing speakers this year and you get complimentary admission using my link. Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/k0IDI1mnVRQ


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Personal Passion for Wellness and Laser Expertise Creates NIRA Skin Care

David Bean has a passion for health and wellness as well as technology. His personal regimen for wellness includes a low-sugar diet, CrossFit as well as intermittent and extended fasting. As a laser expert, he became passionate about bringing professional quality results to the home market, without all the pain and redness of in-office procedures. This was a great conversation about wellness as well as technology! Get an extra fabulous 20 percent discount with NIRA right now at this link and code HEALNOURISHGROW at checkout. This episode of the Heal Nourish Grow Podcast is sponsored by NIRA. Be sure to check out my results with NIRA in these posts: NIRA Review for Hooded Eyes NIRA Precision Laser 90 Day Results NIRA Precision vs NIRA Pro Maximize Skin Tightening Results with NIRA at Home Lasers Watch the episode on YouTube:


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Creating Optimal Health with Multiple Modalities

Shawn Wells has done an amazing amount of work to improve his health. With numerous types of professional training, he's learned that ultimate wellness is something that requires a variety of tools. In this episode, he shares his best tips for improving health including inner work, meditation, nutrition, supplements and more. Watch the episode on YouTube


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Four Critical Building Blocks for Better Health

In this episode, I share four components of health that are critical to focus on if you want to enjoy optimal health and longevity. I also share my best tips for getting started with these things, most just require more mindfulness, easy tools and a few minutes a day to get started! Mentioned in the episode, please let me know if I missed one! Mindful Drinking app, free to try! Blue Blocking Glasses, HNG15 for 15% off The best Magnesium supplement, all seven forms included. Watch the episode on YouTube here:


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Using Neurofeedback Tools for Peak Performance and Neurodegenerative Diseases: 72

In this episode, I chat with Guy Odishaw about using neurofeedback. He has such an amazing amount of knowledge! It was fun to learn more about how these tools can help not only improve a normal aging brain but also help neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injury. Visit Guy at CerebralFit. Watch the interview on YouTube Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan (00:01.034)Hey everyone, it's Cheryl McColgan, founder of HealNourishGrowth, and we're back with another episode of the podcast. Today I am joined by Guy Odisha, and I am really excited to chat with him, particularly because you know about my love of all things, brain health, my background in psychology, and neuropsychology, and Guy actually is a neurofeedback practitioner. and he has a lot of really great expertise he's gonna share with us today. So welcome, Guy. And if you could just start by sharing a bit of how you got into this work and what is actually neurofeedback for those who might not know what that is. Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (00:38.417)Well, thank you for the opportunity to be here and chat with you. It was a delight so far. It's been great. The little pre-show check-in was wonderful. So my background, so I've been practicing for a little over 30 years, mostly in the area of what's called integrative manual therapies. So that's my kind of my main orthopedic side, a lot of chronic pain and trauma. And… Cheryl McColgan (00:45.855)Yes. Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (01:01.605)Then slowly that moved into doing what's generally bioelectric medicine. So things like microcurrent light therapy. Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (01:13.425)pulse magnetic therapy, things of that nature. So we've moved into the spectrum of bioelectric medicine. So that's been for about 12 years. And then I would say the last six years been more focused on the brain with neuroimaging, neurofeedback, neuroSTIM. And we'd use quite a bit of bioelectric medicine in our brain health clinics, but they just changed the name. when you do it on the body versus you do it in the head, they give it a new name. So nothing really changes in terms of the technology, but the name changes. And so, yeah, that's, you know, I kind of consider myself a psychophysiologist kind of working on the brain side of the brain mind continuum. And then, go ahead. Cheryl McColgan (02:01.758)I was just going to say what type of things do people usually come to you for? You mentioned chronic pain, but now you're moving more into the brain stuff. Are you more dealing with traumatic brain injury or just kind of natural aging processes or what is it that people are most seeking out help for? Guy Odishaw, CerebralFit (02:19.485)Sure. So I have three main clinics. I have five clinics, but three clinics that are brain specific. So in my one clinic, Bakhti Brain Health Clinic, we're a little more omnivorous. So we're seeing a full range of mental health. So anxiety, depression, OCD, you name it, you know, in the across. So mental health. Then I would say probably our next biggest Children, learning disability, we kind of put ADHD in with learning disabilities just because it doesn't have a great place to go otherwise. So it might be dyslexia, dyscalculia, just slow reading, and anything that comes up in the school side, academic side. And then again, we put ADHD in there. And then traumatic brain injury, we do a fair amount of traumatic brain injury. And that can be anywhere from kind of serious that gets the TBI down to say, post-concussion syndrome, which is a less significant injury, but not necessarily less impactful on the person who has it. Just the nature is quite a bit different than that spectrum. Um, and then peak performance. So we do a lot of peak performance. So people who don't have a problem, they just want to be better at whatever they're doing. So maybe that's executives. Um, We have some students, I have a doctor who is kind of a peak performance in his professional...


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Genetic Testing to Improve Health and Longevity

Join me for a solo episode where I share about Wild Health genetic testing and health coaching. I recorded this immediately after I received my genetic testing results from Dr. Carl Seger. I'm sharing some of my initial thoughts about the results as well as my first impressions of the Wild Health service. Receive 20 percent off of a Wild Health package with code HEALNOURISHGROW. Watch on YouTube


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Identifying Values and Whole Foods Led to Overall Wellness and Balance

Stephanie Hilfer is the founder of Viim, a branding agency. Success in her health journey affected her business and ability to be an effective entrepreneur. Join us to learn about the practices Stephanie put in place that allowed her to find more balance between her personal and work life. You can find the 10-year values and goals worksheet mentioned in the podcast here. Our free Ultimate Wellness Workbook is another great tool to create more balance and happiness in your life. Watch the interview on YouTube here: Episode Transcript Cheryl McColgan:Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. I'm Cheryl McColgan, the founder of Heal Nourish Grow. And today I am here with my lovely friend, Stephanie, who I met through her podcast. And she does such amazing work in the world of branding, which is a little bit unusual for this podcast. And we are going to talk about that at the end. But what is not unusual is the fact that Stephanie has really had quite a bit of a health journey that she's going to share with us today. And I think it's really relevant to this audience because many of us are entrepreneurs or just work in a very busy job, very busy lifestyle. And I think Stephanie is going to have some great information and takeaways for us about how to better balance your life if that's possible. But anyway, Steph, could you introduce yourself and share a little bit how you got to this place where you started to really focus on your health again. Steph:Yeah, thank you. Thank you for the great introduction. I'm Steph Hilfer. I do go by Steph. It's not offensive to call me Stephanie. My mom birthed me Stephanie, but I love the informality of being Steph. I love that we're just already friends when you call me Steph. So I am the owner, founder and creative director at Vim, as you said, a branding agency. And that, and I will say Vim has been a catalyst for me to continue. to focus on my own, not just health journey, but on myself. So as far as like what we talked about at one point was, in 2018, no, excuse me, 2017, prior to starting my own business, I was at this point where I was in full-blown tears, pretty much daily, around eating, around using the restroom, just constant feeling gross and icky. And I know we're diving deep into some like super TMI, probably stuff, but I know that your audience is probably going to resonate with some of this. Um, and I was just to this point of there's nowhere else to go. I have to do something. And luckily I had, um, my best friend since first grade and my sister-in-law who had worked with a holistic nutritionalist coach to kind of work through all of that. Wasn't necessarily for weight loss, but obviously I think there's always when you start to look internally at your health, I think that I definitely saw a benefit in that area as well. But I worked with this particular coach to really diagnose what was going on in my gut. We did a kind of handful of blood tests, stool tests, and we determined that there was some foods that were really not serving me well. And so I spent the better part of 2017, so 250 days of 2017, I essentially went whole food. Like just truly if the ingredient listing says banana, then you can eat it. But if it says flour and rich such and such oils, right? Not a single ingredient food. And my nutritionalist, her, or nutritionist, her program for me was not to just go 250 days eating this clean, but I'm not a good rule follower apparently. And I started feeling so good. Essentially I cut out caffeine, I cut out sugar, I cut out dairy and I cut out gluten. And then on top of those cutouts, I just ate whole foods. And I spent that whole year feeling the most, the word I would use for it was optimized. I felt so optimized and healthy and I know that if I hadn't been in that really healthy, beautiful place that Vim would have never came to be. Now Vim actually happened in 2018 after I had slowly started introducing more foods back into my world a...
