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Inspired Connected Life

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Hi there! I'm Michelle Farnill and I own Tiger Eye Wellbeing, where together we rebuild you so you're free with your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This podcast is a fun, jam packed treat for your senses to expand your understanding of what makes you tick and how you can live your b.e.s.t life and be the BEST person you can be!!! If you would like more information about us, please head to or jump on our free Facebook group Inspired Connected Life.


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Hi there! I'm Michelle Farnill and I own Tiger Eye Wellbeing, where together we rebuild you so you're free with your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This podcast is a fun, jam packed treat for your senses to expand your understanding of what makes you tick and how you can live your b.e.s.t life and be the BEST person you can be!!! If you would like more information about us, please head to or jump on our free Facebook group Inspired Connected Life.



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Trauma is Individual

There is so much B.S. where people are comparing others trauma. I am here to tell you no matter what triggers you, no matter what is traumatic to you, no one should tell you to just get over it. It is not 'better' or 'worse' than anyone else trauma and no one has the right to tell you any different. If something is important to you then it's important to you. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to...


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Immunity could be the most important thing!

Immunity is one of the biggest players in overall wellbeing and performance. Wellbeing meaning your ability to enjoy every second of life, while Performance is getting the most out of your mind and body (concentration, memory, energy). If you want Wellbeing and Performance you NEED to have Immunity. Let's explore why this is the case. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the...


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Are You Nervous?

I had my first covid test and was asked "are you nervous?". My simple answer was "no". Hear why I don't understand why I would waste energy feeling nervous and creating tension inside of me when I cannot control the process (the actual test going up my nose) or the outcome (the end result of positive or negative). Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life...


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Don't Compensate, Find Balance

Often humans will ignore stress, pain, or symptoms and what happens is the body will say "ok that's our new balance point, let's keep plotting along". The issue is you keep pushing your brain and body to compensate and suddenly you are having panic attacks or chronic pain because your body cannot compensate any longer. Listen to why this happens and how to correct it, including a great shoulder and neck stretch because this is where a lot of people find tension. Please leave a 5 star...


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Do or Die? Olympics and Life.

I don't know about you but I am watching a heap of the Olympics (particularly the hockey). These team sports get to the stage of win or you're out and you can see the stress on the athletes faces. Let's chat about how that is EXACTLY what happens in life if we feel the stress all compiling up around us. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life Facebook page...


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Is your watch controlling your life?

I am seeing a heap of anxiety around tech watches. From needing to hit steps or close rings to constantly monitoring heart rate. Listen to why this is detrimental to your health and some steps you can take to eliminate your watch controlling your life. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life Facebook page for daily motivation, lifestyle tips or techniques to...


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Can't Breathe in a Mask - Try This!

During the December lockdown in Sydney I struggled to wear a mask for longer than half an hour BUT this lockdown we are currently in I wore a mask for several hours while working and didn't have any problems with breathing. What made a difference is Mouth Taping while I sleep so my nose functions better!! Have a listen to my experience and thoughts on why this is so effective. If you are interested in hearing more about mouth taping, flick back along my podcasts to listen to my journey with...


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Is watching TV making you anxious?

We can often get caught up in the habit of putting a morning TV show on while getting ready for work and then having an evening news show on while cooking dinner. But this is a whole heap of super dramatic news from all around the world that we are consuming multiple times a day. This is itself can cause anxiety. Have a listen and consider how you can change how you get your daily news. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head...


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COVID and Health Anxiety

Sydney has been hit by COVID this week and it has raised a lot of health anxiety. If you, or someone you know is experiencing fear around getting sick, please have a listen. I talk about the reasons why someone might experience health anxiety and some tips on feeling freedom rather than living in fear. Please get in contact if you need assistance with some of these big topics or to help make changes in your life. Appointments can be done online wherever you are in the world. Please leave a...


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Stress Management and Non Negotiable's

This is a follow on from last weeks podcast and we further delve into stress management. This time we are talking about what your non negotiable's are in terms of daily things that help you maintain lower levels of stress. It can be anything from breathing techniques, listening to music, journaling, drinking enough water, exercising, walking the dog. Basically anything that allows you to recenter and rebalance and allows your mind and body to feel good. What are your non...


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What is part of your Stress Management?

For my clients I am a part of their stress management. In regular sessions they come in and dump all their stress and we work out why those events were stressful for them. But the real question here you have people you can talk to who help with your stress management? Or do you have ways to help lower your stress? Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected...


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Mouth Taping - a follow up

I came across Mouth Taping on social media and at the same time in a book (Breath by James Nestor). This episode is an update on my last podcast about how mouth taping and nasal breathing has been going for me. Try it and let me know how you go :) Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life Facebook page for daily motivation, lifestyle tips or techniques to help...


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Mouth Taping - Have you even heard about it?

I came across Mouth Taping on social media and at the same time in a book (Breath by James Nestor). At first I thought about slowly suffocating during the night and wasn't for it but then gave it ago and you can listen to my progress and how I was feeling. It is a game changer if you breath through your mouth at night time, which is really bad for your health, hence why mouth taping is a thing. Would love to hear your thoughts on it!! Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And...


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Attitude is Everything

I was umpire coaching in the rain and someone said “you’re always smiling”. My reply “why wouldn’t I be smiling doing what I love”. It is easy to let something that we cannot control, like the weather, affect how we feel but is that helpful. So on this gloomy day in Sydney, are you letting the weather affect your attitude? Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected...


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Behaviour vs Emotions

We display a heap of behaviours in our day, some good, some not so good. But all our behaviours are based on emotions that we are feeling. You have to ask; What is your main emotion behind a behaviour? This is such valuable information about yourself and your way of living life. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life Facebook page for daily motivation,...


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Being Nervous Starts in Your Head (not your belly)

I was a bit nervous last week as I was going to a new exercise class where I knew no one. This caused self doubt to creep in with some negative thoughts and instantly made me nervous. Once I identified what thoughts were making me nervous I could work on calming down. If you get nervous, you'll want to have a listen to this. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired...


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What makes a good relationship GREAT?

There is a lot happening between the feminine and masculine right now. You can see it in the world and maybe even your own relationships. I've had male clients come to me wanting to change the dynamic of their relationships which is the most incredible show of love. Here I chat about how we can increase our awareness of ourself and our reactions to go onto building amazing relationships based on understanding and respect. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would...


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Do you take on other peoples stress/suffering?

Often we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, or at least the weight of our family. But stressing about another persons suffering or life only makes us feel worse, it doesn't solve anything. So what can you do to help yourself and those around you? Let me explain a meditation that is so easy but amazingly effective at reducing suffering by increasing love, connection and gratitude. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so...


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Purchase Anxiety - how to make an easy decision you are happy with

We all go through times when purchase Anxiety or making decisions is an intense process. The harder it is to make a decision, the more stressed we become about the decision, making it even harder to decide what’s right for us. Let’s talk about how it can be easy to make a decision you don’t instantly regret. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some freebies so head over to and join the Inspired Connected Life Facebook...


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Good GP's and How They Work with Natural Health

I finally found a good GP who is willing to take into consideration overall wellbeing. And a good GP that has this as their focus understands that medication is a last resort unless it it urgently needed in an acute, trauma situation. Otherwise there is this whole marvellous world of natural health that can keep your body balanced and functioning well. Let's chat about how the two go hand in hand. Please leave a 5 star review, we love you for it!! And we would love to give you some...
