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Journey Into Yoga

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures. Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you have 10 minutes you have enough time for this user friendly auditory practice. If you have always been curious about this thing called yoga, join us for a low time commitment yet high return show - the only thing you have to lose is stress. The show is hosted by Avery Rich, an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Artwork: Asher Rich




Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures. Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you have 10 minutes you have enough time for this user friendly auditory practice. If you have always been curious about this thing called yoga, join us for a low time commitment yet high return show - the only thing you have to lose is stress. The show is hosted by Avery Rich, an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Artwork: Asher Rich





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Quads - Four times the fun!

The quadriceps are a group of muscles present on the front of the thigh. They consist of four distinct muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius, and the vastus medialis. To me, the important thing to remember is that these muscles tend to be tight…very tight in many of us. These muscles work a lot and because of this, they need to be stretched. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Active Warrior

Although in the warrior family, it does have some differences from warrior 1 and 2, particularly in the positioning of the feet and legs, but we will get to that in a bit. Before I do, I want to discuss some of the benefits this pose has to offer. Active warrior brings both strength and energy to the body and mind; the legs are strengthened and also stretched. There is a beautiful stretch into the hamstrings and also the hips are strengthened and stretched in active warrior. The pose does challenge our balance as well and can strengthen the muscles of the core. Turning to the upper body, the arms are active and strong which brings strength and length to the upper body as well. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Fire Log

Fire log - whether you love this pose or hate it, there is no question it provides a deep stretch to the outer hips {sound effect DEEEEEEP}. I have always liked the name firedog because this pose will, without a doubt, bring some heat into the body particularly into the hips. In addition to bringing heat to the body, it is also beneficial to do this pose after the body has been warmed so ideally this pose is does closest to the end of a yoga session or after the body has been warmed somewhat. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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The Belly Backbend

I have often referred to this pose as a front body backbend which may seem odd but that is exactly what it is - we do the pose on our front bodies but the shape of the pose is a back bending shape. As a heart opener, it opens the chest and the shoulders and can also bring heat and energy to the body. It is a wonderful counter-action to all of the forward folding postures we find ourselves in. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Warrior III - The Forgotten Warrior?

Warrior 3 or Vhirabadrasana 3 is a pose with a lot to offer the body we well as the mind. As a balancing pose it helps to create stability and steadiness in the body. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs including ankles, abdomen and arms. It provides the hamstrings and the hips a nice stretch as well as the low back. As a pose that challenges our balance, it can also help to improve focus and concentration. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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You Want Me to Touch My Knee With My Head??

As a forward folding pose, head to knee pose encourage cooling and calming in the body and mind. This pose has several benefits - it helps to stretch and lengthen the entire spine. It is also a wonderful pose for the back body and can help ease any low back pain including sciatica. Janu shirshasana can also help to stretch the abdominal muscles. The hamstrings also receive this postures providing them with attention and the hips will be opened also. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Balance and Strength - with a side of knee!

Balance and Strength. Two very powerful words that can bring a lot to our lives. When we look at balance, many different things come to mind…for one, it is important to balance how we spend our days; we must find a balance between work and play for example. Bringing balance into our lives requires focus and attention; when we don’t pay attention to what’s going on, that’s when tend things to become imbalanced and confused. Turning attention to strength, finding this in our lives is also extremely important. Life requires us to be strong and able to handle whatever comes our way. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Paschimottanasana - Say What??

Paschimottanasana is sometimes seen as a continuation of dandasana or better put a posture that you can move into from dandasana, even though it is a stand alone pose in its own right. As a seated forward bend, in this pose the entire back of the body from head to heels, including the spinal column, is deeply stretched. As a result of this deeply stretching pose, the overall mobility and flexibility of the spine occurs in the pose - just the thought of this makes my spine happy! Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Let's stand on one foot... and see what happens!

Today we are going to find your way into bent knee balance pose. This posture which challenges our stability encourages us to use the abdominal muscles for stability. It also helps with focus as we are asked to keep our mind present and fix the gaze to assist with stability. our spines are also encouraged to lengthen and lift, and we also find strength in the legs to find stability in the posture. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Dandasana - Sit Tall!

Although a relatively simple pose, dandasana or staff pose helps to strengthen the muscles deep within the lower back, abdomen and inside the pelvis. When we strengthen these muscle groups we help to improve our overall posture and also build a solid foundation for the rest of the spine. In addition to improving spinal awareness, staff pose also stretches the hamstrings and calves. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Supta Bhadda Konasana - Just another shape?

Supta bhadda konasana or reclining bound angle pose is a wonderful posture that I personally have in my favourite yoga pose category. First and foremost, this pose encourages relaxation in the body. As we relax and rest the posture helps to open and stretch the entire body. As it gives a boost to the heart it can also help tackle the blues. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Each yoga pose is just a shape - like triangle!

Triangle pose, with its numerous benefits for the body and the mind, is a posture that allows us to multi-task but in a positive and productive way. This yoga pose incorporates strengthening, stretching, opening the heart, balancing and twisting enables us to receive multiple benefits at the same time - that's one amazing pose. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Sukasana - Ah Finally an 'Easy' Pose

Sukasana or cross-legged pose is often referred to as easy pose. This yoga posture has many potential benefits for the body and the mind. For the body, it helps encourage good posture in addition to lengthening the spine and back muscles. It also helps to open and stretch the ankles, knees, and hips. Sukasana is also considered a meditative pose with a relaxing effect that may help to improve concentration levels. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair series #6 - Chair Downward Dog

Chairs can be useful in various parts of a yoga practice. In this, our last episode of the yoga chair series, we explore a way to use a chair to assist in your downward facing dog pose. I like to call this variation the Dessert Dog, because usually in this posture we are able to get our heels to the ground in our downward dog - doesn't that sound delicious? See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair Series #5 - Pigeon Pose Chair style

Opening up the hips is possible even while we are sitting on a chair. This Pigeon pose variation provides a deep stretch into the outer hips and can be done nearly anywhere, anytime. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair series #4 - Stretching out our feet while sitting

Our feet - they sure take a beating. Not only do we jam our feet into shoes most days, but we also use our feet A LOT. I like to think of my feet as the employee who is constantly asked to do overtime and seldom compensated for the time. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair series #3 - Chair seated twist

Journeying on with our chair series, we have come to a personal favourite of mine - the seated chair twist. It’s such a subtle twist that I often tell people they can do this one anywhere, including sitting at the dinner table! Speaking of dinner, the seated twist is a wonderful way to help digest a meal, and also a great way to stimulate the internal organs and give our inside body a refresh. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair series #2 - Side stretching on a chair

When we are working, we may often find ourselves sitting for many hours on end. Yes, getting up and taking a walk around is good, but sometimes we don’t even have the time for that. So what can we do while we are seated? These seated side stretches can be done while you continue to sit and they can bring a lot of relief to the body. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Chair series #1 - Folding on a chair

I love the seated forward fold because you can do it almost anywhere; well, it may look weird if you do it at a restaurant, but other than that it is very accessible. You can do it at home, as a passenger in a car, at the office when you have some space alone, even at the airport or the doctor’s office. Whenever you need some calm and ease and need a nice back stretch, this is your pose. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


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Sphinx is one of those yoga postures that I can only best describe as subtle. This pose which has a restful component is a beautiful low back stretch which I am excited to share with you. Also! Avery has a Substack called Declutter U. It is full of great ideas to declutter your life. Sign up now and start making space in your life. Follow the show on Instagram and on Facebook. We would also love it if you give our YouTube Channel a Subscribe. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
