

Health & Wellness Podcasts

We are a team with over 40 years of experience in coaching, educating, and supporting others to become better learners. Our passion is to freely support our fellow humans in discovering and expressing their best qualities to the highest degree. We are not looking for donations, sales, or any other outside form of support. We are simply doing our best to get people to participate in recognizing all that is possible for them to learn and sharing with them in ways to bring that about. Our belief is that the best way to do that is to give people the tools, perspectives, and motivation to learn how to more effectively learn in each and every area of their life.


United States


We are a team with over 40 years of experience in coaching, educating, and supporting others to become better learners. Our passion is to freely support our fellow humans in discovering and expressing their best qualities to the highest degree. We are not looking for donations, sales, or any other outside form of support. We are simply doing our best to get people to participate in recognizing all that is possible for them to learn and sharing with them in ways to bring that about. Our belief is that the best way to do that is to give people the tools, perspectives, and motivation to learn how to more effectively learn in each and every area of their life.



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Optimism.. Actively Focus on the Positive

Optimism is actually a power. Optimism is a power that we ourselves can develop and has been shown to make a huge difference in our lives. This starts a series that we are offering to bring you these benefits.


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Micro Series: Building Character and Influence

In this micro-series episode, we dive into what makes up a great leader. Beyond charisma, extroversion, or dynamic speaking abilities, the most enduring and impactful leaders are those who have developed strong character and self-awareness. Join us as we explore the importance of leaders addressing their own shortcomings and blind spots.


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Transform Your Experience through Emotional Intelligence

How do we develop emotional intelligence so that we can get the full benefit of all that it provides? We explore concrete methods for increasing this capacity. Join in and get the games for yourself.


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Micro Series: Finding Your Why - Reconnecting with Purpose for a Fulfilling Life

Without a sense of purpose, our lives fall flat and we lose a sense of what we’re doing and why. This episode delves into how a lack of purpose can extinguish our inner fire and hinder our success in life. Can we reconnect with a sense of purpose to reignite that fire?


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What and Why People Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is proving to be essential for people that want to succeed at higher levels in school and in the workplace. Let's explore this together and see what we can do.


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Micro Series: Purpose-Driven Living: Finding Purpose in Our Lives

Human beings are inherently purpose-driven. Every action, everything we do, stems from a sense of purpose. In this episode we touch on how our actions are driven by purpose and why that’s important.


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Transform Your Life and Learning Through Imaging

We take another step into understanding how incredibly powerful are subjective imaging is. We go further into how to access and transform those internal images in ways that can make such a difference in your life.


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Micro Series: Leadership for the Greater Good

In this micro-series episode, we explore the essence of leadership: serving the group, the organization, and achieving the best outcomes for everyone involved. Leadership isn’t about putting yourself first or prioritizing your interests and we must recognize when we’re acting from a ‘me-first’ perspective.


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Bonus Repost: Podcast #21 - Failure Doesn't Exist

One of the greatest limiters in our life and in our learning comes about when we decide that we have failed. How do we honestly go beyond that sense of failure and the disappointment we bring with it? How do we step into a much greater success of our own capacity to learn and succeed when things have not gone well?


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Self-concept Is Also An Image

We have explored how incredibly powerful are self-image is. Our self concept either lock us down or free us to accomplish what we want. Here we explore the underpinnings of self-concept and how to change it directly.


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Micro Series: Leadership Insights from CEOs and Founders

In this micro-series episode, we talk about how we’ve been exposed to leaders across a wide range of levels, from Fortune 100 CEOs to founders of private companies. The strategies we’ve learned and taught about leadership can be applied to top CEOs and leadership teams, but can also be applied in your daily life.


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Optimism Opens the Doors to Succeed

Common sense and research show the the more optimistic we are without sacrificing realism, the more able we are to succeed academically and in all aspects of life. Here's how to become more optimistic.


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Micro Series: Step Into the You That You Want to Be

In this episode, we explore the pivotal moments when everything falls into place. We discuss how we can choose to define ourselves not by our failures, but by our vision and aspirations. By envisioning our future accomplishments, we begin to see ourselves as the person we aim to become, even if we aren't there yet. This perspective empowers us to build resilience, develop our strengths, and stay motivated. We talk about the importance of mental and physical exercises that engage our growth circuits, reinforcing positive habits that benefit us both in the short term and in the long term. Join us to learn how to harness your potential and step confidently into your future self.


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Multiple Perspectives and the Beginnings of Wisdom

When people get stuck in a single fixed perspective, wisdom is lost. But when we can develop multiple perspectives on the same thing, we begin to have real wisdom. Let's get smarter and wiser.


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Micro Series: How We Deal with Challenges

In this episode, we delve into the art of reimagining obstacles, turning daunting mountains into manageable bumps in the road. By changing our perspective, we can reduce the power these challenges hold over us and approach them with confidence and ease. We'll explore techniques to mentally rehearse overcoming these obstacles, building neural pathways that prepare us for success. Join us as we practice viewing hurdles not as towering threats, but as small, surmountable steps on our journey to personal growth and achievement.


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Many Perspectives... Many Learnings

Being able to look at anything from multiple perspectives enhances our understanding and fires up our ability to learn. We explore here how to do that effectively.


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Images Breathe Life into Our Lives and Learning

We continue to explore the incredible power of our internal images and how to transform our learning and our lives in simple and yet powerful ways.


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Micro Series: From the Bronx to Black Belt - A Journey of Resilience

In this episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of a martial arts sensei, a man who grew up in the tough streets of the Bronx, NYC. Starting as a 97-pound weakling, he faced daily threats and violence. Determined to change his fate, he committed to rigorous daily workouts and dedicated himself to studying martial arts. His persistence paid off, transforming him into a confident, well-built high-level black. Join us as we explore his remarkable story of resilience, growth, and empowerment, and reflect on the universal power of persistence and self-belief.


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Enhance Your Image Maker through Image Streaming

Image streaming is a powerful way to develop the interconnectivity between important aspects of our brain. This has been shown to effectively enhance IQ.


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Micro Series: Giving Yourself Permission to Daydream

Daydreaming gives us an amazing outlet to practice using our imagination. If we try this, we remember how incredible it felt to do when we were kids, looking up at the sky to imagine clouds, or watching imagined scenes play out in the grass. It feels good to daydream, to imagine, and it helps us unlock the imagination’s power.
