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Let’s (Not) Talk About It

Health & Wellness Podcasts

"Let’s (Not) Talk About It” is a groundbreaking new podcast that will change how we talk about trauma. We'll share the stories of ordinary people overcoming extraordinary tragedies, traumas and suffering. One thing they all have in common: They learned how to thrive rather than just survive. And we'll highlight these stories with humor — because crying is so 2020! Life is hard AF. Sharing it shouldn't be. Go to letsnottalkaboutit.com to learn more or connect with us at hello@letsnottalkaboutit.com


United States


"Let’s (Not) Talk About It” is a groundbreaking new podcast that will change how we talk about trauma. We'll share the stories of ordinary people overcoming extraordinary tragedies, traumas and suffering. One thing they all have in common: They learned how to thrive rather than just survive. And we'll highlight these stories with humor — because crying is so 2020! Life is hard AF. Sharing it shouldn't be. Go to letsnottalkaboutit.com to learn more or connect with us at hello@letsnottalkaboutit.com



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Boyhood to Womanhood: An Intersectionalist Coming-of-Age Story

“Dressing as a woman for the first drag for the first time certainly had an enormous impact on my life.” An award-winning author, artist and journalist with Ivy League degrees, Meredith Talusan’s story has humble beginnings. She grew up in a rural village in the Philippines, born an albino boy. As the only light-skinned and light-haired child for miles and miles -- who also happened to like other boys -- Meredith was used to feeling different. But when she immigrated to the U.S., her sense of cognitive dissonance deepened further. All of a sudden, she was perceived as an able-bodied, native-born American. By the time she got to Harvard, Meredith found herself reflecting over issues around race, class, sexuality and her place within the gay community. But a drag show would change the trajectory of her story -- and illuminate a path toward her true self. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Meredith Talusan, author of "Fairest" Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Writing to Heal: A Poet's Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse

“There's a tremendous amount of stigma about coming forward, especially for men.” It wasn’t until Phil Goldstein was 30 years old he began unpacking a childhood trauma subconsciously affecting his adult life. As a kid, Phil was sexually abused by his older brother, and he kept it to himself for years, along with feelings of shame, guilt and fear. But when Phil met the woman who'd become his wife, sex and intimacy problems led him to therapy, where he opened up about his childhood sexual abuse. Already an established journalist, Phil is about to become a published author with a poetry book that narrates his trauma and emotions in their rawest forms. He found solace in expressive poetry, and has chosen to combine that passion with speaking out about something so stigmatized. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline, operated by RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): 1-800.656.HOPE (4673) Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Phil Goldstein, author of "How to Bury a Boy at Sea" (Stillhouse Press) Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Dead Numb: Overcoming Heartache, Abuse & Addiction

“Every single day was just complete hell.” Ashley Brumbaugh’s father was her hero without a cape. So, when he was diagnosed with cancer, Ashley fell apart. Internalized stress led to chronic pain, which brought about an addiction to painkillers at 14. After her father died, Ashley spent years in and out of depression, self-isolation and substance abuse. But this wasn’t the end of her trauma. While in recovery, Ashley was trapped in an abusive relationship that lasted 6 years. Eventually, she left when her abuser was at work -- and she never looked back. Today, Ashley is a writer helping people escape the real world through storytelling. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com National Domestic Violence Support Hotline: Call 1-800-799-7233 or text SAFE to 88788 Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Ashley Brumbaugh Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Behind the Scenes: Get To Know the Podcast Co-Hosts

"I knew that if we were to share people's stories, we would help connect others and help others find a positive path forward in some way." For two seasons, we've shared the stories of ordinary people overcoming extraordinary struggles -- and now, it's time for our story! In this bonus episode, we share the genesis of the podcast, who we are and why we're doing this. We also highlight some of the episodes that resonated especially with us -- although it's hard to pick a few: Marcus Bullock from episode Picture Your Son in Prison Evelyn Chumbow from episode Modern-Day Slavery in the Land of the Free Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis from From Horror to Hope: A Sandy Hook Survivor Story Sulome Anderson from episode Beyond Borderline Ritu Adams from episode When Men Kill Women Amber Hart from episode Hungry for an Identity We also give our podcast expert, Dr. Akua K Boateng, a shoutout for her tremendous work as a licensed psychotherapist and for helping us understand and make sense of trauma. We'll be back next week with another regular episode. In the meanwhile, let's keep talking about it -- life is hard AF and sharing it shouldn't be. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Left Behind - A Story of Murder-Suicide

"It’s so surreal to lose two people at the same time, especially in this sort of really dramatic, violent, unthinkable sort of way. " Sara Cobb is, unfortunately, no stranger to death and grief. Her oldest brother, Steven, died as a child when he climbed up a power line he mistook for a tree. He was electrocuted while his younger brother, Skyler, helplessly watched. Skyler was never the same after that. Decades later, Sara received a call that Skyler and his fiancee had died in a murder-suicide. This unimaginable tragedy led Sara to learn about grief counseling, mental health and trauma in order to help others. She formed the first-ever support group for murder-suicide survivors -- a club no one wants to belong to, as she puts it. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Sara Cobb of My Grief Connection Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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From Porn Sets to Pulpits: A Gay Christian's Story of Surviving the Sex Industry

"I deceived myself to believe that I was being empowered." Aaron Crowley was attending college in LA when a talent scout for a gay porn studio reached out to him with a proposition. Being short on cash, Aaron said yes. He spent the next few years doing gay porn, thinking it was empowering and providing him control over his own sexuality. But that’s what the porn industry wanted him to think. Deep down, Aaron felt degraded, exploited and unloved. It wasn’t until he heard the words “Jesus loves you” he made a change that set him on the trajectory to find his true purpose. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Content warning: This episode contains talks of rape, sexual violence and sexual assault. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Aaron Crowley, author of "Bought with a Price: A Gay Christian's Memoir from Porn Sets to Love" Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Chronically Successful, Mentally and Physically Ill

“Starting your own business is this perfect incubator for a mental health crisis.” On paper, Jessica Manuszak totally has her life together. She owns a marketing agency and has written copy for companies like Nike and Levi’s. But beneath the surface-level image of successful client bookings and cash flow, Jessica was chronically mentally and physically sick. Then one day, she checked herself into a mental health facility to address her diagnoses. Over the past 7 years, Jessica has worked to take care of her mind and body, while also passionately advocating for mental health awareness, particularly among fellow entrepreneurs and freelancers. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Jessica Manuszak of Verve & Vigour Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Inside a Schizophrenic Mind

“Near the end of the worst part of my schizophrenia break, I really wasn't living in reality; I was living in hell.” Apollo Ellis’ resume reads like a who’s who of the tech world: Sony, Intel, Apple, Oculus and NVIDIA. This Ph.D. engineer has three degrees in computer science from renowned schools -- and he speaks Chinese. But one thing you’d never guess from his long list of accolades is his past in a gang or his history of drug abuse. Or more notable: his lifelong battle with schizophrenia. Throughout the years, Apollo had episodes of paranoia and psychosis, but he never understood they were symptoms of a mental illness. It took decades to get a diagnosis, but when that finally happened, medication helped stabilize him -- and his success skyrocketed. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Apollo Ellis, author of "Through the Valley: Streets, Schizophrenia, and Success in Tech." Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Prostituted & Pimped: Life after a Quarter-Century in the Streets

“My opportunity to be a kid got taken from me very early in my life.” Brenda Myers-Powell was just a child when she turned to prositution to support herself and her two young daughters. Over the next 25 years, Brenda’s life was in the streets, selling her body and numbing herself with drugs. She finally escaped after a customer nearly killed her, and she sought refuge at a safe house where she got counseling and job training. Today, Brenda helps trafficking victims through The Dreamcatcher Foundation, which she co-founded, and advocates strongly for women in hard circumstances. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Content warning: This episode contains talk and details of violence, rape and sexual assault. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Brenda Myers-Powell of The Dreamcatcher Foundation Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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From Horror to Hope: A Sandy Hook Survivor Story

“The very first thing I thought when I heard the first shot wasn't why, but it was, "I can't believe the Columbine is happening here.” In the blink of an eye, an ordinary day can turn into horror. On Dec. 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis was with her class when she heard the unmistakable sounds of gunshots. Without hesitation, she crammed herself and her students into a small bathroom -- and saved 16 lives in what's now known as the deadliest elementary school shooting in U.S. history. Traumatized by the events, Kaitlin was a shell of her former self. But she decided to take her power back, starting with letting go of her “whys?” Today, she’s moving forward, not moving on -- and choosing hope as she shares her story to inspire others to do the same. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Content warning: This episode contains talk of gun violence. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis of Classes 4 Classes Expert: Dr. Akua K. Boateng Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines


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Hungry for an Identity

“If I'm good at being tiny, I'm going to be the best tiniest person I can be.” Growing up in a picture-perfect family, Amber Hart always felt just mediocre. She wasn’t the smartest student, she wasn’t the best athlete and she didn’t have a knack for music or drama. Eager to stand out at 15, she realized she could be the best at something -- being skinny. Suffering in silence, Amber couldn’t open up to her parents about her eating disorder. She coped by drinking and using drugs, and hid how she felt emotionally. She felt skinnier, louder and funnier. On a path to self-destruction, a trip abroad and a new friendship dramatically changed that course -- and how Amber had always seen herself. Content warning: This episode contains talk of weight and specific numbers that could be triggering to individuals with eating disorders. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Amber Hart of The Pulse of Government Contracting Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action.


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Swinging Back at Bipolar

“Even opening my eyes was just a miserable experience and I just didn't understand it.” Two years after her sister’s death and in the grips of anguish and despair, Andrea Wilson Woods sat on the edge of a rooftop in San Francisco thinking it would be so easy to leap. Coming to her senses, she decided not to end it all. But that incident sparked something in Andrea: a nagging feeling it wasn’t just a profound grief she had felt since losing her sister. But as Andrea broached the topic with her therapist, her concerns were ignored. Seeking a second opinion confirmed her suspicions: She had Bipolar II Disorder. While the diagnosis brought relief, Andrea was hesitant to speak out about it -- until many years later when realized sharing her story was the only way to normalize mental health. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Andrea Wilson Woods Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action.


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Murder, He Wrote

“There are tremendous consequences being raised the way I was.” David Crow grew up poor on the Navajo Indian reservation with a dad who loved telling stories of his Cherokee ancestry and his bravery in World War II. But as David grew older, he saw a more vicious side of his dad. Thurston Crow’s rage knew no limits: Friends, family and foes all were in his cross hairs. After years of volatility, David escaped destitution, graduated from college and launched a career. But the more successful he became, the more Thurston wanted to destroy him. And he was willing to do anything to get what he wanted -- including murder... https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: David Crow Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action. David's book, "The Pale-faced Lie: A True Story," be can purchased on Amazon.


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Setting Sights on Invisible Illness

"It took really everything falling apart in my life to really love myself." Chantel Soumis was 25 when an ordinary trip to the mall ended in a doctor's office -- and a life-changing diagnosis. While that diagnosis gave Chantel answers, she was a new mom and recently unemployed. Suddenly, her future was uncertain and scary. But with the support of her family and personal revelations, Chantel gained hope, and repositioned herself to persevere. She soon reclaimed her career and today advocates for differently-abled people. And through it all, Chantel has learned to love herself in ways she couldn’t when she was younger. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Chantel Soumis Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action.


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Beyond Borderline

“I remember always asking my mother, can I please see a doctor? Can I please see a shrink? This is not normal.” Sulome Anderson wasn’t even born when her father, Terry Anderson, a journalist covering the civil war in Lebanon, was kidnapped. Sulome met her dad for the first time when she was 7 when he was finally released. But what many thought should have been a happily ever after was anything but. Terry had PTSD, and Sulome absorbed his trauma and grew to battle drug abuse and Borderline Personality Disorder. She’d later travel to the Middle East as a reporter to understand her father, his kidnappers, and herself. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Sulome Anderson Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action.


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Fostering Love and Hope

"And then I became the invisible disposable kid that my community expected me to be.” After a childhood filled with violence and abuse, Rob Scheer ended up in foster care. He moved through the system with his belongings in a trash bag. The foster care system was a constant reminder of the foster parents who gave up on him, and the birth parents he missed -- despite the abuse. In this special episode, Rob takes us through his journey from foster child to foster parent, shedding light on a system meant to heal but that desperately needs repair. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Host: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Rob Scheer Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action. Rob's memoir, "A Forever Family: Fostering Change One Child at a Time," is available on Amazon.


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When Men Kill Women

“Your love is not going to change that person.” From childhood, Nupur Srivastava had everything going for her: She was beautiful and intelligent, destined for great things. Despite that, she had low self-esteem and used alcohol to dull those feelings. Throughout the years, her drinking got worse. Not only that, Nupur became trapped in abusive relationships -- over and over again. All through this, her older sister Ritu pleaded with Nupur to make a change. It’s Ritu’s story of a sister’s descent into tragedy you’ll hear, but it’s also a lesson in how to find hope and light after devastation. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Content warning: This episode contains talks of intimate partner violence and graphic descriptions of injuries from abuse. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Ritu Adams Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action. National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233)


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Hitting the High Notes

“As soon as I began to talk about it, it wasn’t so scary anymore.” Sims Tillirson was just a child when he had a traumatic experience at the hands of a relative. To deal with the pain, he turned to drugs and alcohol. But years later, as Sims reached a turning point, he found better ways to cope with his trauma -- while also helping others with their own struggles. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Content warning: This episode contains discussions of sexual abuse and addiction. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Sims Tillirson Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Editor: Tessa Hall Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines This podcast is supported by Voices in Action.


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Unshushing the Deafening Silence of Hollywood

"If somebody like him can be brought to justice, then anybody can be." Jessica Barth was best known as a Hollywood actor until a scandal involving a famous movie mogul spurred her activism. In the midst of the highly publicized case, Jessica found empowerment in breaking silence and helping others get justice. She used that to launch a nonprofit that strives to eliminate sexual abuse and misconduct entirely. Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Jessica Barth Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines Produced by Next Chapter Podcasts This podcast is supported by Voices in Action


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Modern-Day Slavery in the Land of the Free

“Yes, I am free. But am I really free, though?” Slavery was abolished in 1865 in America, but as Evelyn Chumbow knows too well, it still happens to this day. As a child, she was trafficked from West Africa and kept as a domestic slave in Maryland for many years until she managed to escape. However, no longer captive, Evelyn discovered freedom came with a new price -- and a set of new challenges. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com Hosts: Camille Tuutti Sharon Tiger Amanda Ziadeh Guest: Evelyn Chumbow Expert: Yuritzy Gomez Serrano, AMFT Behind the Scenes: Lisa Abeyta Music: “Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund "Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines Produced by Next Chapter Podcasts This podcast is supported by Voices in Action Polaris Project - The National Human Trafficking hotline number is 1-888-373-7888.
