From Jackals To Lions - The Path to Healthy Masculinity: Guiding Conscious Men towards Self-Transformation-logo

From Jackals To Lions - The Path to Healthy Masculinity: Guiding Conscious Men towards Self-Transformation

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to "From Jackals to Lions," a podcast dedicated to guiding men to transform into healthy masculine. As men, we all carry within us two spirit archetypes: the Jackal and the Lion. The archetypes are representing two different masculine energies - the Lions, which represent conscious maturity, and the Jackals which represent toxic immaturity. My mission is to guide you on a journey of self-transformation, as you learn to cultivate your Lion spirit, the embodiment of the healthy masculine. The goal is to help men become more conscious of the ways in which they express themselves and move away from fear-based reactions or ego-driven ones. I invite men to take part in our conversations and share their stories, while also offering tools and mindsets that allow them to connect more deeply with their true selves. I believe it is possible for us men to be powerful forces of love - connecting deeply with others, expressing vulnerability without shame or guilt, and understanding how to show up fully as mature masculine beings. And through the "From Jackals to Lions" podcast, I'm doing my best to help spread this message around the world. Thank you for joining me! So whether you're just starting out on your journey or a seasoned veteran looking for some refreshers - welcome aboard! I look forward to having you join me on this journey! Tente.


United States


Welcome to "From Jackals to Lions," a podcast dedicated to guiding men to transform into healthy masculine. As men, we all carry within us two spirit archetypes: the Jackal and the Lion. The archetypes are representing two different masculine energies - the Lions, which represent conscious maturity, and the Jackals which represent toxic immaturity. My mission is to guide you on a journey of self-transformation, as you learn to cultivate your Lion spirit, the embodiment of the healthy masculine. The goal is to help men become more conscious of the ways in which they express themselves and move away from fear-based reactions or ego-driven ones. I invite men to take part in our conversations and share their stories, while also offering tools and mindsets that allow them to connect more deeply with their true selves. I believe it is possible for us men to be powerful forces of love - connecting deeply with others, expressing vulnerability without shame or guilt, and understanding how to show up fully as mature masculine beings. And through the "From Jackals to Lions" podcast, I'm doing my best to help spread this message around the world. Thank you for joining me! So whether you're just starting out on your journey or a seasoned veteran looking for some refreshers - welcome aboard! I look forward to having you join me on this journey! Tente.



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How to be better in lovemaking ? Be a better lover (Part2)

Are you looking for ways to be a better lover? Making love is an important part of any relationship, but if it lacks meaning and connection, it can become just another superficial physical act. This podcast is all about exploring the importance of adding meaning to your lovemaking in order to make it more enjoyable and strengthen your bond with your partner. Too often we are focused on our goals to achieve what we desire and forget about our partner who will be sharing that beautiful moment with us. If you are looking for a way to deepen your connection you might want to start by understanding the value of meaning and why it is so important to have it present before you'll step into your intimate moment. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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Redefining Masculinity: A New Era of Strength and Empathy

Let's rethink what it means to be a man. Join us as we explore the nuances and complexities of masculinity through conversations with diverse voices on Redefining Masculinity: A New Era of Strength and Empathy. Together, we'll break down outdated stereotypes, dive into issues of identity, discuss mental health struggles, and discover how redefining masculinity is key to creating a more equitable future for us all. Tune in and join the movement! Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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PMS Supporting your girlfriend or wife during her sensitive days

The postmenstrual syndrome is not always an easy period to be experiencing. Many men struggle to give support to their girls or wives. Therefore inviting a new perspective on the situation can give a better view of how we can manage on a healthier way this sensitive period for the relationship and for her. In this podcast, I will be sharing my own research and experience on how to better deal with the PMS days, and how I am giving support in my own personal relationship when it comes to sensitive days. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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What is it to be a man and how can men improve their masculinity

This podcast will dive deep into the complexities of being a man today. Listen in as I share how society influences our definition of manhood and how men can continue to evolve. Let's bring the conversation out into the open and work together to create a more empowered, equitable, and accepting world. Join us on our journey as we redefine what it means to be a man! Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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Be Aware of the New Label Toxic Masculinity vs Unhealthy Masculinity

At Lions vs Jackals we love to speak about healthy and unhealthy masculinity, and for this reason, we have brought you a share of thoughts around the subject that is nowadays so popular toxic masculinity. During this episode, I will be sharing my view on the topic with some advice on how to step into your healthy masculinity instead of falling into the condemnation of labeling yourself as a toxic masculine. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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What can I do when I feel sad? Understanding sadness

Running away from a state of sadness has become the new norm. Motivational coaches are pushing it away by covering sadness, however in the long run this will not work as sadness will hit back, and stronger. Understanding how sadness functions can help us be at peace with the feeling, and allowing it to be. In this episode, I will explain what the reason for sadness might be existing giving you a totally new perspective on its value in our life. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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You are the one and only woman of my life

How often have we used and believed in this powerful and beautiful statement? However, often strong and powerful statements can have an underlying message that might not be that positive for us. During this episode, I will be challenging this statement and sharing an improved version to let go of the fear of losing someone and life in the abundance of possibilities and choices. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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What to do when you do not feel each other anymore

Communication can be very challenging, especially when we are not talking from the same position. Some of us tend to go more into our heads while others get drawn into their feelings, and as a result, communication is not possible anymore, unless we bring consciousness and try to meet each other at a middle point. In this episode, I am sharing with you how you can solve this problem when it comes out to be such a distance between both of you. By using empathy we can again meet each other and have this reminder of why we love each other. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How to find the spark of love - Listen to a personal story before making your decision

If you are about to give up on your relationship, listen to this podcast before you decide to break up! When we are hurt, we jump into our heads or start creating new stories, that start changing the way we perceive someone. Once we believe that the newly built perception is the reality, then the chance we give up is getting higher. Many among us give up too early and do not make the effort to take responsibility for the way they are perceiving things and avoid doing any effort in trying to understand, how maybe the way how we perceive love can be a mere projection of ourselves. Once, we got lost in these beliefs and stories, the next thing we realize is that we have lost the "Love" that once was there. The spark that brought us together, the spark that united us is gone. What if I tell you that love is still there, but you were not able to see it? I will share today, how the spark of love can be found in any type of relationship without exception. If you pay attention and get the message you will be able to find the spark you missed seeing. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How important is the expression of feelings in any relationships

Too often we forget the importance of expressing our feelings and emotions. We tend to enter into an automatic mental response that shuts us off from feeling anything. We are going into a conversation about our pains, without feeling into what we are really feeling, and at a later stage we surprise ourselves with outcomes that we did not desire at the first stage. However, there is something we can do about it, and during this episode, I share one of my personal experiences and how sometimes we can be influencing the outcome by just start talking about what we are feeling. Letting go of our rational mind and a wrong sense of control are key points during this episode. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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Listen to this before you make your first step into tantra

More and more people are showing interest in tantra. The realization that tantra represents an inner revolution for human empowerment is more clear than ever. With this, it is still our responsibility to know how to move and relate to this path where intimacy, connections, and sexuality are expressed and enhanced. I am sharing a list of tips in this episode for you to know what is really important to know before you attend any workshop, festival, or event in the tantric or spiritual sexuality field. For your own safety and in order to make it a magical experience I recommend you to listen to each one of the tips and practice it before making your first steps in this new world. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How to be a better listener ? Your girlfriend or wife will appreciate it !

Too often communication goes wrong because we are not listening. For some reason, we have this tendency to believe we are listening, and we enter into an argument trying to convince our partner that we are indeed listening to what she is sharing. However, she does not feel listened to and it does not seem to change. Today I am sharing with you the three different types of listeners that I have identified over my last few years. I explain the difference and explain why knowing how to listen to someone can be a game changer for falling in love. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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Seduction, Do not try to be this type of seducer !

We all have met that natural seducer or this amazing magnetizer that once he or she enters the room everyone can perceive his or her presence. However, when does it becomes too much? Usually, we attribute the skill of seducing to something really positive and there is this adoration concept to someone like that. But what if today I challenge this concept with a bit more insight on the negative side of doing it too much? In this episode, you will see a different perspective on seducing and magnetizing, not saying that it is bad for your mental health but just inviting you to heal it if your intentions are not totally aligned with your spiritual growth. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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My polyamory relationship experience vs monogamy

Polyamory is becoming more mainstream, and in consequence, some are judging monogamy as something negative or old school. So in this episode for the first time, I am sharing an entire episode about my personal experience with polyamory and monogamy. I speak out of my private life and about the values I got from each one of them and how they have benefited me in my personal growth. Both have their downsides and positive sides. By the end of this podcast, you will have a broader overview of how you can be experiencing polyamory and what could be for you the discovery of new values and lessons to be learned. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How to break the cycle of toxic relationships?

Did you ever wonder why you constantly end up in a toxic relationship? We have this natural tendency to directly start blaming others and put ourselves into the victim role. If you are very sensitive to taking responsibility this episode might be too direct for you, but if you are willing to change and understand what you can do about it to break the cycle then I strongly invite you to listen to this entire episode. In this episode, you will understand the toxic cycle, and at which moment we have to say no and stand for ourselves. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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She is asking for more commitment in the relationship

The way how someone makes a request does not always match how that request is perceived or even understood. She might be telling you over and over again that she does not feel that you are committed to the relationship. She says that she is the only one investing in this and that you are like a ghost in this relationship. You do not understand her, or you believe you do but she is still coming back to this subject so you have not really solved anything. In this episode, you will understand what is behind her request, and you will know how to manage the situation with more consciousness. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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10 tips on How to deal with outrage during a critical situation with your partner

We all have been in a critical situation where we are sort of feeling attacked by our partner or any other person. We feel that huge amount of pressure on us up to a moment where we start losing control over ourselves and even sometimes our bodies. Many among us, start fearing those situations and scenarios only because there is this unknown movie coming towards us telling us that we will regret it once we lose control. Well in today's episode I will share with you 10 tips on how to deal with it. You will learn that there is absolutely nothing to fear about being verbally attacked or being put under pressure once you understand the system of how it works. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How to speak out your truth in a respectful way without losing your dignity

Nowadays free speech is being challenged in an attempt to be oppressed and taken away from our rights as human beings. But how is this showing a common pattern in our daily lives? Why others believe shuts us off, and make us take a choice to not speak our truth. We surrender to their beliefs and judgments for the only reason of avoiding a negative reaction. In order to not fall into the role of a slave it is our responsibility to step up for our own voice, and learn how to speak up while still living in society and respecting others' opinions. For any human free speech is a foundational right, however, even when we are given the right to do so it does not mean we are claiming this right as ours. We usually do not dare to speak our truth out of fear of what others' opinions may be regarding our words. This attitude has a clear impact on our daily lives, and nowadays is where we can see how easily people's freedom to speak up can be manipulated to serve corporations' views and interests. In this episode, I will be sharing how confidence, masculinity, and speaking out the truth are interconnected and relate to each other. When you are a sheep, it says much more about you than what you might believe. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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What to do when your girlfriend, wife is hurt and angry ?

How can we deal with the pressure we are feeling inside telling us to run away or to hide in our cocoon and switch off everything knowing that things will get worse when we do this? In this episode, I try to be as practical as possible for you to find a way to manage in a healthy way when your partner is hurt and starts pointing at you. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at


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How to support your partner , wife or girlfriend emotionally ?

This sounds easier said than done and on top of this...What do you mean by holding space? Holding space is a terminology used commonly in the tantric world, where we learn how to be present for others. During this episode, I will share with you the key to holding space for a woman, and how you can be perceived and seen as a true masculine male that can hold a woman with his presence. Learn more about what I do at Follow me on Instagram at Follow me on Facebook at
