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Health & Wellness Podcasts

Lost Arts Radio with host Richard Sacks - every Sunday night at 9pm EST / 6pm PST (our show with guests). Our Saturday evening show is The Planetary Healing Club at 9pm EST / 6pm PST. Visit our website: http://www.lostartsradio.com/club for more info.


United States


Lost Arts Radio with host Richard Sacks - every Sunday night at 9pm EST / 6pm PST (our show with guests). Our Saturday evening show is The Planetary Healing Club at 9pm EST / 6pm PST. Visit our website: http://www.lostartsradio.com/club for more info.



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The Joy Of Being Nice - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 5/8/23

The Joy Of Being Nice - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 5/8/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com LOST ARTS RADIO STORE: http://shop.lostartsradio.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #411 - Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow

Dr. Rima Laibow (www.drrimatruthreports.com) recently had a great interview on Infowars with Alex Jones, and has now returned from the Southern California meeting of the American Freedom Alliance, held April 22-23. The conference was called "World War III: The Early Years." Dr. Rima corrected them in her presentation, saying these are 'The Final Years' - because the early years are now long passed. Besides Dr. Laibow, other speakers were Steve Bannon, Ed Dowd, Frank Gaffney and other primary leaders in the global movement for human freedom. For all of us who did not get to attend the meeting, Dr. Laibow has agreed to come on Lost Arts Radio and give her presentation again, complete with the original slide show. This presentation, which earned Dr. Rima a prolonged standing ovation at the conference, shows how the global rulers are using "health" to impose tyranny on the world population. The COVID-19 scam was a beta-test, soon to be followed by more severe applications of the same deception. The remedy Dr. Rima suggests is for people everywhere to demand their government officials to withdraw from W.H.O., the U.N. and other connected global criminal organizations, before they can complete their intended takeover of all member nations and the elimination of all that remains of human freedom. Most importantly, she also gives us a tool you can use today, to help make withdrawal from the W.H.O. actually happen (www.preventgenocide2030.org). Don't miss this chance to hear Dr. Rima speak at the conference, brought back specially for you to enjoy, learn from, and share.


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Seeing The Bigger Pattern - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 5/1/23

Seeing The Bigger Pattern - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 5/1/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com LOST ARTS RADIO STORE: http://shop.lostartsradio.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #410 - Special Guest Alexis Baden-Mayer

Alexis Baden-Mayer is a lawyer who has worked since 2005 as the Political Director of the Organic Consumers Association (www.organicconsumers.org), a network of more than 1 million activists committed to creating a healthy, just, democratic and regenerative food system. Alexis is a key organizer of some of OCA's most popular campaigns, including the "Monsanto Makes Us Sick" campaign to ban Roundup. Alexis isn't afraid to put her body on the line to call attention to the crisis in our food system. In 2014, the US Health Freedom Congress awarded Alexis a Health Freedom Award for direct actions she's taken that resulted in her arrest, including shutting down the National Organic Standards Board meeting to protest the weakening of organic standards and entering the White House grounds to deliver a petition to First Lady Michelle Obama in support of GMO labels, one of Barack Obama's unfulfilled campaign pledges. Ever since USDA started the National Organic Program more than 20 years ago, I have been hoping I was wrong about the real purpose of the program, i.e. to gradually make the term "organic" meaningless and to get people averse to eating inferior foods and toxins to consume them anyway. Today the issue is even more critical, as our food supply and consumer products are not just knowingly produced with so many government-approved poisons, but now we also find nanotech and genetic weapon technology is added into the mix. This is the type of bioweapon also being injected into the bodies of billions of unsuspecting people worldwide in the guise of "public health." Top OCA attorney Alexis Baden-Mayer has been working for a long time to protect the integrity of organic foods and organic consumer products. I felt it would be great to get an update from her on the organic movement and where we go next.


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New Store With Swag! Please Support Lost Arts Radio & Planetary Healing Club

New Store With Swag! Please Support Lost Arts Radio & Planetary Healing Club LOST ARTS RADIO STORE: http://shop.lostartsradio.com LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Tucker's Example: Be True To Yourself - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens 4/24/23

Tucker's Example: Be True To Yourself - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/24/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com LOST ARTS RADIO STORE: http://shop.lostartsradio.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #409 - Special Guest Russ Tanner

Beginning in 2013, Russ Tanner was a Co-Host on GeoengineeringWatch Radio with world-famous geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington of www.geoengineeringwatch.org. During that time, I was privileged to co-host some of those shows with them, and we talked about how humanity and our whole biosphere is being sprayed with toxic metal compounds, other poisonous chemicals and biological agents in a war against life that is still going on today. Along with media propaganda, corrupt politicians and fake science all encouraging us to be terrified of global warming and climate change so we will gladly give up the last of our freedoms to be saved from climate catastrophe, geoengineering is destabilizing Earth's weather patterns to make the climate change crisis seem real. Case in point was when Dane, Russ and I watched on radar as the spraying was used to push Pacific rain storms into the American Midwest, initiating a prolonged and extremely destructive California drought. Russ Tanner is not just a long-time geoengineering researcher in his own right (www.globalskywatch.com), he also founded Herb Allure (www.herballure.com), and has an extensive background in the therapeutic use of medicinal plants. Especially in recent years, natural health alternatives have been under attack by the medical 'drug dealers' and their partner government agencies, and Herb Allure also has suffered from their attacks, being prevented from providing documentation of what medicinal herbs can do. Now years after our experience on GeoengineeringWatch Radio, Russ is still working hard to create a brighter future for humanity. Enjoy the reunion with us when Russ returns to the show this Sunday.


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Detox Yourself On Every Level & Know The Truth - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens 4/17

Detox Yourself On Every Level & Know The Truth - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/17/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #408 - Special Guest Russ Tanner

(PART 1 OF 2) Beginning in 2013, Russ Tanner was a Co-Host on GeoengineeringWatch Radio with world-famous geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington of www.geoengineeringwatch.org. During that time, I was privileged to co-host some of those shows with them, and we talked about how humanity and our whole biosphere is being sprayed with toxic metal compounds, other poisonous chemicals and biological agents in a war against life that is still going on today. Along with media propaganda, corrupt politicians and fake science all encouraging us to be terrified of global warming and climate change so we will gladly give up the last of our freedoms to be saved from climate catastrophe, geoengineering is destabilizing Earth's weather patterns to make the climate change crisis seem real. Case in point was when Dane, Russ and I watched on radar as the spraying was used to push Pacific rain storms into the American Midwest, initiating a prolonged and extremely destructive California drought. Russ Tanner is not just a long-time geoengineering researcher in his own right (www.globalskywatch.com), he also founded Herb Allure (www.herballure.com), and has an extensive background in the therapeutic use of medicinal plants. Especially in recent years, natural health alternatives have been under attack by the medical 'drug dealers' and their partner government agencies, and Herb Allure also has suffered from their attacks, being prevented from providing documentation of what medicinal herbs can do. Now years after our experience on GeoengineeringWatch Radio, Russ is still working hard to create a brighter future for humanity. Enjoy the reunion with us when Russ returns to the show this Sunday.


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World Peace Meditation In Daily Life - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/10

World Peace Meditation In Daily Life - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/10/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #407 - Special Guest David DeHaas

When Diego Rodriguez was a guest on Lost Arts Radio (https://www.bitchute.com/video/heG1hSFkIPnS/) discussing the kidnapping of his grandson by agents of taxpayer-funded CPS in his home state of Idaho, one of the valuable stories he also shared was how his health was saved by a stay at an amazing natural health retreat. That healing center was Living Waters Wellness Center (https://www.livingwaterscleanse.com) in Boise. Created by David DeHaas as a result of his own search for healing, Living Waters has helped thousands of people regain their health and life quality using a unique combination of natural detox protocols and education so the benefits of the retreat can be maintained in the long-term. David sent me a great video overview of the healing experience at Living Waters, which I suggest you see to learn more (http://www.4NaturalLawsofHealing.com). Don't miss David's presentation on Sunday's show, including some accounts of what has been experienced by actual guests at the retreat. For those of you who would like to support our work, help keep us on the air in the face of massive censorship, and help us fund the projects we have waiting in the wings, please visit our new Subscribe Star page and tell others. It can be found at www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio.


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Waking Up Feels Good - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/3/23

Waking Up Feels Good - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 4/3/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 LOST ARTS RADIO SUBSTACK: https://lostartsradio.substack.com http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #406 - Special Guest Jordan Mason

The ongoing global assault against humanity and all life on our planet has many facets. Medicine, education, entertainment, science, agriculture, telecommunications and many more aspects of our world have been weaponized against us. Money and the financial system are supposed to be tools to help us live better and turn the fruits of our labor into a form that optimizes freedom, convenience and safety. As people of evil intent who wanted to misuse power gradually infiltrated government and corporate positions of power, the financial system became an increasingly effective tool of deception, theft and enslavement. Gold and silver-backed money, with its stable purchasing power, was replaced by intrinsically worthless fiat currency. A central, privately-owned bank, authorized to print and control as much of this worthless paper as need to steal real value from the people, was put in control of the enslavement system, following orders from bosses in the shadows above them. Now the criminal controllers would like to take the financial enslavement system to the next level, figuring that the American people are sufficiently dumbed-down, distracted and mentally ill, so they won't understand or even try to resist. The name of this next-level enslavement is called Central Bank Digital Currency ("CBDC"). Jordan Mason (https://statefreedomcaucus.org/) is a Navy veteran and freedom-oriented political consultant who understands all of the above. His work with the freedom caucus encourages and helps representatives of both parties to serve the people instead of the slave-masters. Jordan has agreed to discuss CBDC's on Lost Arts Radio and you are invited to join us this weekend to learn why this next move by our rulers must not happen.


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Meditation Grows Your Brain - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/27/23

Meditation Grows Your Brain - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/27/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #405 - Special Guest Janet Phelan

Veteran investigative journalist Janet Phelan, author of the exposé At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic and contributing writer for The Activist Post is aware of the "snake venom theory" recently publicized by Dr. Bryan Ardis, and did a great interview with him on Dr. Ardis' channel. As the video explains, Dr. Ardis found that synthetic snake venom peptides had been used in modern drug "medicines" for years and that snake bite could cause all the symptoms of "COVID." His research also confirmed what Dr. Kaufmann, Dr. Cowan and others had realized, that there was no proof the SARs Cov-2 "virus" exists or causes any disease. He, like others who have looked into the PCR "test" hoax, found that PCR is a lab procedure, not a test for disease, and cannot diagnose anything. In other words, the "pandemic," with "cases" defined by PCR bogus test results, was and is a malicious fabrication, an attack on humanity. Many signs point to synthetic snake venom peptides causing the symptoms of "COVID," but how was the venom distributed to people for their consumption to make them sick or die, in order to promote deadly vaccines? Dr. Ardis postulated the water system may be at least one of the vectors chosen. For this theory, he was immediately attacked even by many who knew the virus was unproven to exist, because they said the public water system would dilute the poison too much and could not target anyone specifically. They did not know that Janet Phelan's work had already proven them wrong. We discussed that with Janet on Lost Arts Radio in July 2022, not realizing at the time the price she would pay for uncovering too much of the truth. We'll get into the punishing personal attacks she continues to endure, in our discussion.


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Peace 21 Explanation - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/20/23

Peace 21 Explanation - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/20/23 http://www.worldpeacemeditation.net/ A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #404 - Special Guests Dr. Rima Laibow & James Roguski

(PART 3 OF 3) Dr. Rima Laibow (http://www.drrimatruthreports.com) has been a guest on Lost Arts Radio for many years. In an earlier phase of the health freedom mission of Natural Solutions Foundation, she and her two co-trustees, husband General Bert Stubblebine and Counsel Ralph Fucetola, J.D. were frequently in Europe, attending meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The agenda of that commission was to make sure to prevent access to quality nutrients by the general public in order to support the medical death cult and the global extermination plan we see unfolding around us today. James Roguski (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/) is an author, researcher, activist and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into language that is easily understood to facilitate action. James and Dr. Laibow have been working in close cooperation for about the last year to educate the public on the World "Health" Organization plan to sicken, enslave and exterminate humanity, and how we can prevent the plan from succeeding (http://www.preventgenocide2030.org). Now the immediate concern that threatens humanity's future is that the W.H.O., which Dr. Laibow calls the "World Holocaust Organization" in recognition of their tireless work to maximize human suffering, is determined to eradicate both health and freedom worldwide, and is working on a series of horrific amendments to their International "Health" Regulations document. If accepted by member nations, it would allow W.H.O. tyrants and their unseen bosses to preside over a global holocaust in the name of "health." Listen to our broadcast with James and Dr. Rima to see exactly how you can help them stop the W.H.O. while there is still time to achieve that goal (http://www.preventgenocide2030.org). Your help is needed to get the message heard by the right people, as Dr. Rima and James will explain.


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Can Changing Yourself Really Help Heal The World? | A Voice In The Wilderness

A Voice In The Wilderness: Can Changing Yourself Really Help Heal The World? - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio LOST ARTS RADIO EMAIL LIST FREE SIGN-UP: https://globalleadersconsulting.activehosted.com/f/1 http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com or http://www.lostartsradio.com/club http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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World Peace Meditation - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/13/23

World Peace Meditation - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 3/13/23 A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. & Dr. Richard Sacks, Ph.D., host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.drcousens.com and http://treeoflife.mn.co http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com and http://www.lostartsradio.com/live Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio


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Lost Arts Radio Show #403 - Special Guests Dr. Rima Laibow & James Roguski

(PART 2 OF 3) Dr. Rima Laibow (http://www.drrimatruthreports.com) has been a guest on Lost Arts Radio for many years. In an earlier phase of the health freedom mission of Natural Solutions Foundation, she and her two co-trustees, husband General Bert Stubblebine and Counsel Ralph Fucetola, J.D. were frequently in Europe, attending meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The agenda of that commission was to make sure to prevent access to quality nutrients by the general public in order to support the medical death cult and the global extermination plan we see unfolding around us today. James Roguski (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/) is an author, researcher, activist and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into language that is easily understood to facilitate action. James and Dr. Laibow have been working in close cooperation for about the last year to educate the public on the World "Health" Organization plan to sicken, enslave and exterminate humanity, and how we can prevent the plan from succeeding (http://www.preventgenocide2030.org). Now the immediate concern that threatens humanity's future is that the W.H.O., which Dr. Laibow calls the "World Holocaust Organization" in recognition of their tireless work to maximize human suffering, is determined to eradicate both health and freedom worldwide, and is working on a series of horrific amendments to their International "Health" Regulations document. If accepted by member nations, it would allow W.H.O. tyrants and their unseen bosses to preside over a global holocaust in the name of "health." Listen to our broadcast with James and Dr. Rima to see exactly how you can help them stop the W.H.O. while there is still time to achieve that goal (http://www.preventgenocide2030.org). Your help is needed to get the message heard by the right people, as Dr. Rima and James will explain.
