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Mind Pilot

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Boost your mental health as a first responder or veteran with the Mind Pilot podcast, hosted by Dr. Jana Price-Sharps, a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in trauma and stress management. This essential podcast is designed for firefighters, police officers, EMS personnel, and veterans seeking practical strategies to enhance their mental well-being. Delve into topics like resilience, stress reduction, effective parenting, healthy relationships, coping with anxiety and depression, conquering nightmares, and setting achievable goals. Tune in to the Mind Pilot podcast and empower yourself with actionable tips and techniques tailored for first responders, ensuring greater overall well-being and a stronger mindset on the job


United States


Boost your mental health as a first responder or veteran with the Mind Pilot podcast, hosted by Dr. Jana Price-Sharps, a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in trauma and stress management. This essential podcast is designed for firefighters, police officers, EMS personnel, and veterans seeking practical strategies to enhance their mental well-being. Delve into topics like resilience, stress reduction, effective parenting, healthy relationships, coping with anxiety and depression, conquering nightmares, and setting achievable goals. Tune in to the Mind Pilot podcast and empower yourself with actionable tips and techniques tailored for first responders, ensuring greater overall well-being and a stronger mindset on the job



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The Brain Tells Lies, You Will Be Missed

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 62 In this powerful episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps dives deep into the painful experience of feeling isolated and defeated. She offers a beacon of hope, stressing that no matter how dark things may appear, there is always a path to a better, happier life. Dr. Price-Sharps provides practical strategies for breaking free from the vortex of negative thoughts, the importance of seeking professional help, and reconnecting with the world around you. Her heartfelt message is clear: you have the right to feel happy and fulfilled, and there are steps you can take today to start that journey. Topics Covered: ISOLATION:REACHING OUT:RESILIENCE:HEALING:


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Mind in the Midst of Mayhem: Understanding Stress Response

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 61 Join Dr. Jana Price-Sharps in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Matthew Sharps on how stress influences our brain and decision-making processes. They explore the science behind the brain's response to high-pressure situations, discussing the energy demands of the brain and the effects of stress on cognitive and perceptual abilities. Drawing from Dr. Sharps' research and publications, this episode sheds light on the challenges and mechanisms of the brain under stress, offering valuable insights for anyone facing high-pressure environments. Topics Covered:


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Navigating Difficult Conversations: Strategies for Positive Outcomes

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 60 In this enlightening episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps offers a masterclass on handling difficult conversations with grace and effectiveness. She unravels the complexities of human communication, highlighting the pivotal roles of self-preparation, timing, and careful wording. Through a blend of personal anecdotes and professional advice, listeners are guided on how to approach potentially defensive individuals constructively. Dr. Price-Sharps emphasizes the significance of mental readiness, the strategic planning of conversations, and the art of listening without prejudice. This episode is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their communicative interactions, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve more harmonious outcomes in both personal and professional settings. Topics Covered: Approach StrategyWord Choice and TimingListening and RespondingMental Preparedness


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Balancing Act Part 2: Navigating Stress and Homeostasis

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 59 Description: In this sequel to our exploration of homeostasis, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps and guest Dr. Matthew Sharps provide an in-depth analysis of how stress affects our body's natural balance and what we can do about it. From understanding the fight or flight response in high-stress professions to identifying symptoms of chronic stress, this episode is packed with insightful discussions and actionable advice. Discover how simple changes in your daily routine can significantly impact your overall well-being, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle even in the most demanding circumstances. Topics Covered: HOMEOSTASIS EXPLAINEDSTRESS IN HIGH-STRESS PROFESSIONSTHE ROLE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEMPRACTICAL COPING STRATEGIES


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Soothing Tides: Releasing Stress Through Beach Visualization

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Visualization In this deeply calming episode, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps of Mind Pilot shares a special visualization for stress release that has profoundly impacted first responders. Picture yourself on a tranquil beach, where the tide's gentle advance helps dissolve the remnants of stressful memories, symbolized by a fading TV screen in the sand. This unique approach not only offers a method for confronting and releasing emotional pain but also promotes a peaceful state of mind. Let the soothing tides guide you toward a place of renewal and lightness.


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Balancing Act: Homeostasis in High-Stress Professions - Part 1

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 58 Embark on a journey with us and Dr. Matthew Sharps in the first episode of a series dedicated to demystifying homeostasis and its critical role for first responders and combat veterans. Discover the body's natural inclination towards stability, the intricacies of the stress response system, and the impact of living in a constant state of "running hot." Through expert insights and discussions, this episode serves as a foundation for understanding how to navigate the challenges of high-stress professions with grace and knowledge. Topics Covered HOMEOSTASIS: Exploring the body's natural desire to maintain a steady state, focusing on the role of the hypothalamus. FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE:An in-depth look at how the hypothalamus regulates stress responses, including adrenaline and cortisol production. IMPACT ON FIRST RESPONDERS:Discussing the physiological and psychological effects of constantly living in a heightened state of arousal. MANAGING STRESS:Strategies for returning to a normal state after prolonged exposure to high-stress situations.


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High-Stress Communication: Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 57 In this enlightening episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps and returning guest Dr. Matthew Sharps delve into the complexities of high-stress communication and its effect on conflict resolution. They explore the physiological and psychological responses in fight or flight situations, discussing how stress impacts cognitive functions like memory, decision-making, and impulse control. The conversation also offers practical advice for first responders and others in high-stress jobs, emphasizing the importance of de-escalating arousal levels for effective communication at home and in the workplace. Topic covered


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Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thinking with Dr. Matthew Sharps

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 56 In this episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps and returning guest Dr. Matthew Sharps examine the human brain's natural inclination towards negativity. They discuss how this tendency is amplified in high-stress professions and delve into the psychological underpinnings of this phenomenon, including the concepts of perseveration and heuristics. The episode provides valuable insights into how first responders and others can become aware of their mental scripts and start shifting towards more positive perspectives, ultimately leading to a healthier mental state. Topics Covered NEGATIVITY BIAS:STRESS AND THOUGHT PATTERNS:HEURISTICS IN PERCEPTION:STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE:


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New Year, Realistic Goals: Achieving Success Step-by-Step

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 55 In "New Year, Realistic Goals: Achieving Success Step-by-Step," Dr. Jana Price-Sharps shares insightful tips on setting attainable New Year's resolutions. She discusses the importance of knowing the 'why' behind your goals, avoiding drastic life makeovers, and the power of adding one new habit at a time. Tune in for valuable advice on making this year your most fulfilling yet, both personally and professionally. Topics Covered: HABIT ANALYSIS:REALISTIC GOAL SETTING:PROGRESS TRACKING:LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENTS:


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The Art of Routine: Mastering Daily Life for Better Health

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 54 Join Dr. Jana Price-Sharps in this episode of Mind Pilot, where she uncovers the secrets to mastering daily routines for improved health and well-being. Dr. Price-Sharps sheds light on the importance of quality sleep, the role of diet, and creating an environment conducive to productivity. From the intricacies of circadian rhythms to effective strategies for transitioning between work and home life, this episode is a treasure trove of tips for anyone looking to enhance their daily routine. Discover how small changes can lead to significant improvements in your life. Tags: #Health and Wellness, #Productivity, #Life Optimization, #Mental Health Bullet Points:


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Burnout Blues: Confronting Compassion Fatigue

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 53 This episode dives deep into the often-misunderstood concepts of burnout and compassion fatigue. Dr. Jana Price-Sharps expertly dissects the subtle differences and connections between these two states, specifically focusing on workplace burnout. This episode also touches on how personal life, such as caring for a family member, can contribute to these feelings. Essential listening for anyone struggling to balance life's demands, this episode starts a series that will explore not only the 'what' but also the 'how' of managing these challenging emotional states. Tags: #Burnout, #CompassionFatigue, #WorkplaceWellness, #MentalHealthAwareness Bullet Points:


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Checking Back Into Reality: A Guide to Mindful Living

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 52 In this enlightening episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps delves into the pervasive issue of digital disconnection in our lives. With a compassionate approach, she discusses how social media, online platforms, and the allure of the digital world often lead us to check out of real life, impacting the quality of our relationships and overall happiness. Offering practical advice, Dr. Price-Sharps emphasizes the importance of small steps to reconnect with our surroundings, from taking pictures of simple beauties to engaging in fun activities with loved ones. This episode is a gentle reminder of the joys and connections awaiting us beyond our screens. Tags: #DigitalDetox, #MindfulLiving, #MentalHealthAwareness, #LifeReconnection Key Points Digital Disconnection:Rediscovering Joy:Practical Steps to Reconnect:Mindful Living Advice:


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From Bitterness to Betterment: Embracing Emotional Recovery

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 51 In this powerful episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps tackles the challenging emotion of bitterness, guiding listeners on a journey towards emotional healing. This episode unpacks how feelings of betrayal and crossed boundaries often seed deep-rooted bitterness, leaving individuals feeling trapped in a cycle of unresolved anger. Dr. Price-Sharps offers transformative insights on the significance of empowerment in overcoming bitterness, emphasizing the need for recognizing personal boundaries and the power of making conscious choices in relationships. Through a blend of practical advice and compassionate wisdom, she navigates the complexities of trust and betrayal, especially in intimate relationships, and underlines the importance of self-responsibility in the healing process. This episode is not just about dealing with bitterness; it's a roadmap to emotional betterment, empowering listeners to reclaim their happiness and forge a path towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Tags: #EmotionalHealing, #SelfEmpowerment, #OvercomingBitterness, #PersonalGrowth Key Points: Exploring the Roots of Bitterness:Empowerment as a Healing Tool:Rebuilding Trust After Betrayal:The Importance of Self-Responsibility:


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Honoring Memories: A New Approach to Holiday Grief

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 50 Join Dr. Jana Price-Sharps as she tackles the challenging topic of dealing with grief during the holiday season. This episode delves into the innovative idea of creating a "Book of Life" to celebrate the lives of departed loved ones. Dr. Price-Sharps discusses how reframing our thoughts and memories can lead to healing and joy, even in times of sorrow. She offers heartfelt advice on embracing life and finding gratitude amidst loss, making this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking comfort and direction during the holidays. Tags: #GriefManagement, #HolidayWellness, #EmotionalHealing, #LifeReframing Key Points:


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Running Too Hot: Adrenaline, Cortisol, and the Toll of Chronic Stress

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 49 On this episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps delves into the hidden effects of elevated adrenaline and cortisol levels, commonly known as 'running hot'. Explore the physical and psychological symptoms, the difference between acute and chronic stress, and the profound impact these states can have on daily life. Guest Dr. Matthew Sharps sheds light on the physiological stress responses and the evolutionary factors behind our reactions. Dive deep into understanding how 'running hot' can both aid and hinder us in the modern world. Join us and discover if you're burning brighter than you should be. #StressResponse #AdrenalineOverload #MindPilot


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Reclaiming Self-Care: Finding Joy Beyond Duty

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 48 In this enlightening episode of Mind Pilot, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps delves deep into the challenges faced by first responders in prioritizing their personal well-being amidst their demanding roles. Drawing from her observations, Dr. Jana underscores the importance of self-care, finding personal joy, and setting boundaries. While acknowledging the innate desire of first responders to serve the community, she emphasizes the need for balance, urging listeners to evaluate their lives and reintroduce activities that bring them genuine happiness. Listen in for a heartfelt reminder that everyone, including our everyday heroes, deserves to lead a happy, fulfilling life.


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The Fine Line: Fixing vs. Listening

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 47 In this thoughtful episode, Dr. Jana Price-Sharp dives into the challenges first responders and military personnel face when interacting with loved ones. Drawing on their innate drive to "fix" situations, Dr. Jana offers valuable insights on when to offer solutions and when to simply listen. Learn about the balance between one's professional role and personal life, and discover strategies to enhance communication and understanding within relationships. A must-listen for those in high-stress professions seeking harmony at home. Don't forget to subscribe to Mind Pilot for more enlightening episodes.


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Overcoming Rumination: A Guide to Mental Freedom

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 46 Join Dr. Jana Price-Sharps on Mind Pilot as she delves deep into the complexities of rumination, a mental trap many of us fall into, especially first responders. Learn how to recognize when your mind gets stuck on an issue and discover practical strategies to break free. Whether it's anxiety over health, the actions of others, or everyday nuisances, Dr. Jana shares invaluable insights and personal stories to help listeners achieve a calmer, more controlled mental state. Don't let past hurts or future fears keep you from living your best life today!


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Day Intrusions Unveiled: The Brain's Call for Closure

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 45 Join Dr. Janet Price, Sharps from Mind Pilot, as she delves into the challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the lives of first responders and veterans. In this insightful episode, Dr. Price explains the concept of 'day intrusions'—unexpected memories of traumatic events that can disrupt daily life. She offers expert advice on identifying triggers, understanding the brain's need for closure, and employing practical techniques like visualization and positive self-talk to process past events. This discussion is a must-listen for those seeking to understand and overcome the lingering impacts of trauma, ensuring that your mind gets the care it deserves. Whether you're dealing with PTSD yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode offers valuable insights into achieving mental peace and closure. Topics Covered


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Disconnect to Reconnect: The Impact of Phones on Relationships

Have feed back, suggestions, or questions? CLICK HERE to Send us a Message. Mind Pilot Episode 44 With phones becoming extensions of ourselves, Dr. Jana Price-Sharps highlights the silent rift they create between us and our loved ones. This episode prompts introspection: Are we present in our relationships, or merely 'plugged in'? Learn about the power of intentional disconnection and reclaiming personal moments.
