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Morning Mantra

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Mary-Katherine Fleming is here with a microdose of confidence to kick-start your day! The Morning Mantra is a tool to manage all of the stress and conflict that can interfere with your best-laid (training!) plans, centered around one strategy MK has been practicing consistently since 1998: mantras. With this dynamic duo in your corner cheering you on, you will never doubt you are #coachedandloved and #winningatlife Are you facing a situation? Could you use a mantra to help you move through it? Email


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Mary-Katherine Fleming is here with a microdose of confidence to kick-start your day! The Morning Mantra is a tool to manage all of the stress and conflict that can interfere with your best-laid (training!) plans, centered around one strategy MK has been practicing consistently since 1998: mantras. With this dynamic duo in your corner cheering you on, you will never doubt you are #coachedandloved and #winningatlife Are you facing a situation? Could you use a mantra to help you move through it? Email



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Let's GO. (The Notorious RBG Mantra)

To many, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a symbol of endurance, a public servant we elevated to celebrity status during a period when it felt impossible to find anything or anyone to believe in. RBG was a unicorn, a woman who used her voice AND got what she asked for; a woman who fought the system and changed it for the better and eventually would be asked to uphold that very system for the rest of her life. She would want us to defend it, she would want us to know that Democracy is bigger than one...


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#QuaranTeam! A free support program

The Fitness Protection Staff and The Big Guns are donating their time to create free programming during the COVID-19 Coronavirus disruption. There will be daily live-streams with nutrition, anxiety relief, physical and mental strength, as well as reminders for newly minted homeschool teachers from a very experienced distance leaning instructor. The program is completely free and will last as long as the self-quarantine recommendations do. To join, go to ---...


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3/18/20: Still Going (A Mantra for Anxiety Relief)

Coach MK addresses the current anxiety-inducing climate and draws on the wisdom of Jummy Olawale, a Gottman Method ground us in truth. --- Send in a voice message:


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3/16/20: Station Ten (The Global Pandemic Mantra)

Coach MK refers to her favorite novel, Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel, to remind us that no matter how scary the situation, the beauty of humanity shines right through. --- Send in a voice message:


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3/11/20: They’re Out There (A Mantra for Finding Love)

On Coach MK’s 9th wedding anniversary, she tells you why she isn’t qualified to give marriage advice...then offers the advice on how to look for the kind of love that leads to partnership. --- Send in a voice message:


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3/9/20: True Jack@ss (The Breakup Mantra)

One of Coach MK's Runners posted the following comment in one of the Facebook groups: "Got Dumped. Feel like crap." That comment warrants a response, and Coach MK reminds us that the only parts of us that actually break during breakups, are parts that can be fixed. (She then tells us how her last breakup led her directly to her husband; they celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary this coming Wednesday). --- Send in a voice message:


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3/6/20: That’s Not Dumb (A mantra for New Runners)

A listener write in, asking for coaching advice for her 7 year old son, who is entering his first mile race. He is afraid of looking dumb, so Coach MK tells him what dumb looks like. James, don’t forget to send us race photos! --- Send in a voice message:


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3/4/20: It’s Real, and it’s GOOD (The Plan B Mantra)

Sometimes we think the things we want most are just out of reach, and Coach MK reminds us that usually means we have no idea what we are reaching for. --- Send in a voice message:


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3/2/20: COFFEE AND CONTEMPLATION (The Stranger Things/Hopper Mantra)

We can't control everything....but we don't have to respond to ANYTHING. Coach MK has a mantra for those mornings when it feels like everything is out of control. --- Send in a voice message:


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2/28/20: I Got It (The Schadenfreude Mantra)

Today's Episode was brought to you by Lexapro! With Mercury in Retrograde and a sick toddler, Coach MK is having more encounters with strangers than usual, and a mantra that makes those encounters easier to navigate. --- Send in a voice message:


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2/27/20: Big Booty!

Inspired by a game of musical chairs, Coach Sarah brings us a hilarious mantra from her college years for those moments need to be reminded that even the cool kids have their moments! --- Send in a voice message:


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2/25/20: Spell It OUT!

The word "Support" has multiple definitions....which could explain why we don't get it when we need it. Coach MK has a mantra and kind suggestion for those moments when we aren't getting the support we think we asked for. --- Send in a voice message:


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2/24/20: That’s Not Mine

A companion is not a pack mule, and Coach Sarah has a mantra for those moments you realize you are being treated like one! --- Send in a voice message:


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2/21/20: Yeah BUDDY! (A Mantra for Uncertainty)

Facing a huge day with two possibly game-changing things happening for Coach MK's family as well as Fitness Protection, she brings you a mantra straight from Tennessee- something all us Tennesseans say when we want, but cannot guarantee, that the answer will be 'yes'. --- Send in a voice message:


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2/19/20: Good Morning!!

Coach Satah --- Send in a voice message:


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2/18/20: NO! Just....NO.

Paralyzed at the thought of a 14th viewing of Frozen II, Coach MK reflects on how hard it can be for a people-pleaser to say 'no'. Link to the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Exercise she still practices HERE: --- Send in a voice message:


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2/17/20: Live It (A Mantra for Memories)

Coach Sarah discusses the pressure to savor every moment, and how quickly it can turn into anxiety about missing any moment. --- Send in a voice message:


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2/14/20: You Deserve Better (The Love Mantra)

Happy Valentine's Day from Coach MK! Today's ad-free mantra is for the people-pleasers, the rule-followers, the perfectionists, the folk who don't yet know they have CPTSD, and everyone who thinks that love has to be earned and doesn't value the love that is given freely. On a day when all kinds of people will be questioning if they are, or will ever be, loved- Coach MK dismantles the idea of what we have been taught to think love is, in order to prove to you that you are worthy of more than...


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2/13/20: MI SCUSI (The Italian Formal Mantra)

Dr. Coach Sarah kicks off some Shady Italian Lessons by breaking down how SUPER polite and SUPER formal speech can be anything but polite....and may be the perfect response to any uncomfortable situation! “Please excuse me” in the informal - “Scusami” feels like a supplication, a looking someone in the eye and asking for grace, while the formal “Mi scusi” can either be exceedingly polite or a TOTAL sorry-not-sorry." --- Send in a voice message:...


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2/11/20: Love You, MEAN IT! (A Mantra for Self-Love)

The Monster at the End of this Week is VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! So Coach MK takes a minute to break down the word love before she shares the method she used to cultivate love for herself after a lifetime of trying not to think about it. --- Send in a voice message:
