Natural Eye Care with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist-logo

Natural Eye Care with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Leading Holistic Optometrist Dr. Marc R. Grossman, O.D., L.Ac. hosts the Natural Eye Care Podcast: approaches to vision problems, eye health, and overall health backed by research and his 40+ years of experience with patients. Most eye diseases strike seniors. Find out how lifestyle, diet, and nutrition can help maintain healthy vision and even improve eyesight. An Holistic Eye Doctor is dedicated to helping people with such conditions ranging from myopia and dry eyes to potentially vision-threatening diseases like macular degeneration and glaucoma. Dr. Grossman's podcasts cover a multi-disciplinary approach including nutrition, eye exercises, lifestyle changes, and Chinese Medicine. Dr. Grossman founded the Rye Learning Center in 1980, a multidisciplinary center for learning problems, in 1996 co-founded Integral Health Associates in New Paltz, New York, and in 1999 co-founded Natural Eye Care, Inc. His background includes degrees in Optometry, Biology, Physical Education and Learning Disabilities, coupled with yoga, bioenergetics, nutrition, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the Alexander technique and Feldenkrais. He is co-author of half a dozen books on vision, including "Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Health Vision and Healing" in 2019. Dr. Grossman takes an integrated approach to vision and its influence on the body, mind, and spirit. His lectures and private consultations are in high demand.


United States


Leading Holistic Optometrist Dr. Marc R. Grossman, O.D., L.Ac. hosts the Natural Eye Care Podcast: approaches to vision problems, eye health, and overall health backed by research and his 40+ years of experience with patients. Most eye diseases strike seniors. Find out how lifestyle, diet, and nutrition can help maintain healthy vision and even improve eyesight. An Holistic Eye Doctor is dedicated to helping people with such conditions ranging from myopia and dry eyes to potentially vision-threatening diseases like macular degeneration and glaucoma. Dr. Grossman's podcasts cover a multi-disciplinary approach including nutrition, eye exercises, lifestyle changes, and Chinese Medicine. Dr. Grossman founded the Rye Learning Center in 1980, a multidisciplinary center for learning problems, in 1996 co-founded Integral Health Associates in New Paltz, New York, and in 1999 co-founded Natural Eye Care, Inc. His background includes degrees in Optometry, Biology, Physical Education and Learning Disabilities, coupled with yoga, bioenergetics, nutrition, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the Alexander technique and Feldenkrais. He is co-author of half a dozen books on vision, including "Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Health Vision and Healing" in 2019. Dr. Grossman takes an integrated approach to vision and its influence on the body, mind, and spirit. His lectures and private consultations are in high demand.





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A Proactive Diet Can Help Prevent Eye Disease

Have you heard about the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet? It's part of a holistic approach to eye health that also includes sleep and exercise. The MIND diet combines aspects of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, both known for their health benefits. This diet helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are key factors in preventing eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Listen to the episode to find out more. For more expert insights and comprehensive eye care resources, please visit Stay informed, proactive, and empowered to safeguard your precious gift of sight with Dr. Marc Grossman and the Natural Eye Care Podcast. Don't miss out on valuable eye care information!


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Retinal Scans Can Detect Alzheimer's Disease and Other Diseases Early

Join Dr. Marc. Grossman on the Natural Eye Care Podcast as he explores the fascinating connection between Alzheimer's disease and the eyes. Discover how early detection through retinal scans can provide crucial insights into Alzheimer's development, allowing for preventive measures and holistic management approaches. With over 43 years of experience as an integrative medical optometrist and author of five books on natural eye care, Dr. Grossman emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to Alzheimer's disease prevention. Learn about the role of retinal imaging in detecting Alzheimer's in its early stages, along with its applications in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Explore potential underlying causes of Alzheimer's disease, including inflammation, blood-brain barrier damage, free radical damage, environmental toxins, gut health, sleep habits, and obesity. Dr. Grossman advocates for an integrative medical approach that includes regular exercise to enhance cognition and overall wellness. For more expert insights and comprehensive eye care resources, please visit Stay informed, proactive, and empowered in safeguarding your precious gift of sight with Dr. Marc Grossman and the Natural Eye Care Podcast. Don't miss out on valuable eye care information!


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Dr. Grossman's Primary Supplement for Helping the Eyes

Tune in to the Natural Eye Care Podcast hosted by Dr. Marc Grossman, a distinguished holistic optometrist with over 40 years of experience. In this episode, learn about Dr. Grossman's Advanced Eye and Vision Support Formula. This supplement is designed to address a wide range of eye conditions using natural and complementary approaches. Discover the importance of carotenoids and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin in maintaining macular health and visual acuity. Learn about the therapeutic benefits of organic ingredients such as prickly pear, spinach, corolla, tomato, bilberry, carrot, and turmeric—all combined in one convenient capsule. Dr. Grossman shares testimonials highlighting the formula's efficiency in enhancing night vision, and supporting retinal health. These testimonials include positive feedback from patients who experienced improvements in their eye conditions. For more expert insights and comprehensive eye care resources, please visit Stay informed, proactive, and empowered in safeguarding your precious gift of sight with Dr. Marc Grossman and the Natural Eye Care Podcast. Don't miss out on valuable eye care information!


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Natural Anti-Aging Strategies for the Brain and Body

Dr. Grossman explores natural anti-aging strategies and how to combat neurological aging, focusing on preserving brain health. With the global elderly population rapidly increasing, it's crucial to prioritize nutrition, exercise, and preventive measures against chronic diseases affecting both eyesight and cognitive functions. As an experienced integrative medical optometrist and author of five books on natural eye care, Dr. Grossman discusses the complex aging process, including neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. He highlights the role of genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices, emphasizing the concept of epigenetics in influencing health outcomes. Discover the benefits of natural products and whole food supplements in managing age-related conditions. Dr. Grossman explains how nutrients like vitamin C, resveratrol, and antioxidants found in green tea, fruits, vegetables, soybeans, and chocolate can support brain and eye health while potentially combating aging-related issues and diseases. For more expert insights and comprehensive eye care resources, please visit Stay informed, proactive, and empowered in safeguarding your precious gift of sight with Dr. Marc Grossman and the Natural Eye Care Podcast. Don't miss out on valuable eye care information!


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Tea Bag Compresses for Eye Puffiness, Dark Circles, Conjunctivitis and Dry Eyes

Discover the benefits of using tea bags as natural remedies for various eye conditions such as dark circles, puffiness, conjunctivitis, and dry eyes. Learn how different teas like black, green, chamomile, and eye-bright tea offer unique therapeutic properties for enhancing vision and reducing inflammation. Dr. Grossman, a seasoned integrative medical optometrist and acupuncturist with over 44 years of experience, shares practical tips on incorporating tea bag compresses into your daily eye care routine. Explore the antioxidant-rich properties of black and green teas, known to improve skin elasticity and potentially lower the risk of eye ailments like glaucoma. For more expert insights and comprehensive eye care resources, please visit Stay informed, proactive, and empowered in safeguarding your precious gift of sight with Dr. Marc Grossman and the Natural Eye Care Podcast.


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How to Help Myopia Naturally: Shortsightedness Epidemic

Myopia, or shortsightedness, has become increasingly prevalent, reaching almost epidemic levels. This condition often necessitates the use of corrective lenses like glasses. Close-up tasks, such as prolonged use of cell phones and computers, are contributing factors to its rise. What can you do to prevent it? Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out for a wealth of vision knowledge.


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How to Keep Your Eyelids Clean: Combat Blepharitis

Dr. Grossman discusses blepharitis, a condition that can disrupt daily life and even impact planned eye surgeries like cataract procedures. Discover the importance of maintaining clean eyelids. Learn about the different types of blepharitis. The products mentioned in this episode can be found on our website, OPTASE® Moist Heat Mask OPTASE® Eyelid Wipes Optase Protect Eyelid Spray LidHygenix Foam Eyelid Cleansor Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out for a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Turmeric & Your Eyes - How Curcumin Can Help With Inflammation

Inflammation is the body's natural response to stress or infection, but uncontrolled inflammation can have harmful effects on the body. Turmeric, also known as curcumin, has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with depression, pain, and diabetes. Inflammation contributes to certain eye conditions. Therefore, curcumin can be helpful. Listen to today's Natural Eye Care Podcast to learn how turmeric's curcumin can benefit your eye health. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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How Your Gut Health Affects Your Eye Health - Avoid Eye Disease & Stay Healthy

The digestive tract is filled with over 100 trillion microorganisms, many of which are important for your gut health and overall wellness, which are known as the "gut flora." Regarding the health of one's eyes, our gut's microbiome can impact inflammation that can lead to Age-related Macular Degeneration and dry eye disease. Listen to today's episode to learn more about maintaining your gut and continuous eye health. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Molecular Hydrogen: Helpful for Cataracts, Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Degeneration?

Molecular Hydrogen is surging in popularity as a potential treatment for a wide range of conditions, including eye diseases. Is this fascination with molecular hydrogen merely another passing supplement trend? Is there a substantive basis for considering it as a therapeutic option? Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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NMN - An Anti-Aging Breakthrough? Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplements

Dr. Marc Grossman has been looking into NMN - Nicotinamide Mononucleotide - which is considered to be an anti-aging supplement. Can NMN reverse aging? NMN is a NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) precursor. Studies are starting to show that NMN may increase energy, improve cognitive function, and boost metabolism. It appears to have benefits on the cellular level. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is available on the website, or should be available soon. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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New Research on Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and Alzheimer's Disease

Recent research investigations reveal significant connections between lifestyle choices and the aging brain. How can one take measures to prevent or postpone the onset of Alzheimer's Disease and other types of dementia? It's noteworthy that the retina, a component of the eye, is considered brain tissue. Scientists have identified links between Alzheimer's Disease, glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and lifestyle factors. What insights does the latest research provide? What is the evidence supporting the impact of nutrition, supplements, exercise, and avoiding smoking on Macular Degeneration, Alzheimer's Disease and Glaucoma? Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Why Eat Superfoods? Nutritious Foods for Better Health

What is a superfood? A small number of foods have surprisingly high nutritional value. Based on the latest research, experts have identified foods that provide a significant amount of valuable nutrients. For example, researchers have shown that beta-carotine is a powerful antioxidant and a safe form of Vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are considered to be superfoods because they are high in beta-carotine, plus Vitamins C and B6, manganese and potassium. They are also a great source of carbohydrates. Dr. Marc Grossman discusses several superfoods and superfood categories, such as nuts and seeds, orange foods, eggs, and omega-3 fatty acids - even for vegetarians. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Get Rid of Dark Rings, Puffiness, and Bags Under the Eyes

Dark bags can appear under the eyes at any age. They appear when we are fatigued, but there are other causes. Listen to this podcast to find out why the eyes look puffy, how to avoid dark rings, and ways to reduce bags under the eyes. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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An Easy Test for Macular Puckers - Avoid Epiretinal Membranes

The rate of macular puckers is on the rise. How is it detected, and how can you avoid them? Also called an Epiretinal Membrane, scar tissue grows on the macula, causing blurred vision, distortion, and other issues. Find out a simple home test for macular puckers, and ways to keep your eyes healthy. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Natural Eye Care for Pets - Cataracts in Dogs and Cats

Senior dogs are at risk of developing cataracts in their eyes. Some older cats can also grow a milky film in the front part of their eyes. Did you know that your pet's lifestyle and nutrition can impact their health? Dr. Marc Grossman discusses risk factors for pets developing cataracts, ways to help prevent cataracts and natural remedies. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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What is Natural Eye Care?

Dr. Grossman explains the basis of the Natural Eye Care philosophy. Vision health hinges on overall health and emotional health. Using the best of Ancient and modern-day healing methods, Natural Eye Care integrates medical therapies as they apply to vision and vision disorders. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help the Eyes

Why are Omega-3 Fatty Acids important for the eyes? Yes! The research shows that these oil-based nutrients can prevent and support Macular Degeneration, dry eyes, and glaucoma. Find out the sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, including fish and certain plants. And, check out the research on the Natural Eye Care website. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.


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Turmeric and Eye Health

The bright yellow spice turmeric is treasured for its health value. A traditional spice in Indian curry, turmeric combined with black pepper has been shown to support liver and gastrointestinal health. Listen to this episode and find out how this spice's high concentration of curcuminoids helps protect the eye, reduce inflammation and protect the cells from free radical damage. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode, as well as a wealth of vision knowledge.


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How Can Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract Reduce Intraocular Eye Pressure

A traditional Ayurvedic herb, Coleus Forskohlii can increase blood flow to the eyes. How is this helpful for eye diseases such as glaucoma? Dr. Grossman examines several research studies on Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract's ability to dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing intraocular pressure. Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.
