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Health & Wellness Podcasts

Helping you OUTPERFORM personally, professionally and athletically.


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Helping you OUTPERFORM personally, professionally and athletically.







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Not Taking Action? Here’s Why.

“If we’re not taking action towards something, it’s almost always because we don’t know WHAT, HOW, or WHY.” —Scott Welle. In this episode, I discuss something that plagues all of us from time to time: Inaction. Usually, a lack of action (for ourselves or others) comes from not having the “CRM.” In other words, we don’t know WHAT (clarity), we don’t know HOW (resources), or we don’t know WHY (meaning). If you can pinpoint which of these you’re lacking, you’ll be better positioned to take consistent action towards things that will genuinely improve your life…and the lives of others. Enjoy this episode and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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The Neuroscience of Tenacity

“Do hard things. There’s a specific, tangible, brain-related benefit to doing them.” —Scott Welle. In this episode, I discuss the value of doing hard things, plain and simple. ANYTHING worthwhile and challenging requires tenacity to be able to accomplish it. And there’s a SPECIFIC way for you to harness this tenacity to be able to get what you want. Enjoy this episode and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Prove Them Wrong

“Every successful person I’ve seen has, at some point, had someone that told them they weren’t good enough. And they were driven to prove them WRONG.” —Scott Welle. In this episode, I discuss the psychology of success that is not popular and not mainstream: taking the doubters, haters, criticizers, and proving them wrong. It is a tool used by Outperformers and is a pathway to motivation and high achievement. Just don’t live your whole life there, okay? :-) Because even though you may remember more vividly the people that told you that you couldn’t do something and you wanted to prove them wrong, I’m betting you also had a few people that told you that you COULD do something. Balance things out by also proving them RIGHT. Enjoy this episode and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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How to Elevate the Play of Others

“You don’t need to KEEP them there, but you do need to MEET them there.” —Scott Welle. In this episode, I discuss leadership and a foundational strategy to elevate the play of others. If you find that your message isn’t resonating with someone (team member, kids, speaking audience, etc.), chances are you’re communicating with them at a different “level” than where they are. A better way to think about it is to meet them there, then take them up. That’s what great leaders and highly influential people do. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Getting Complacent?

“Yes, you can be deeply grateful for where you’ve been and where you are, AND still be driven towards where you want to go.” —Scott Welle. In this episode, I discuss one of the most common traps that we can all fall into: getting complacent. It happens for a variety of reasons but the remedy is usually the same. And whether you’re personally looking to avoid complacency, or if you’re a leader hoping to keep your team members from becoming complacent, this episode will serve you with understanding the psychology underneath it and the best way to get out of it. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Never be the Hero of Your Own Story

“Never be the hero of your own story.” —Scott Welle. Have you ever wanted to be more influential? Have more people follow you, not just on social media but offline as well? Then there’s one specific strategy to consider using: Never be the hero of your own story. When you make OTHERS the hero of your story, people want to support you, follow you, pull for you. And this podcast episode discusses HOW to do it and WHY it’s so important. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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You Matter

“The single best predictor of life satisfaction and well being is the feeling that you’ve contributed something of VALUE to others” —Scott Welle. YOU MATTER, and that’s what this episode of the Outperform Podcast is about. Most of us know it, but we too often forget it, and it’s the primary reason why we either lack motivation to do the things we know we SHOULD do…or we feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled while we’re DOING it. I’m here to help you remember :-) Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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This is the Race You're Running

“This is the race you’re running. And as difficult as it might be, you must deal with it.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast is about the race you’re running—personally, professionally or athletically. Whether you consciously chose it or whether something was thrust upon you outside of your control, it IS your race and you must deal with it. This is the mentality of the Outperformer and it is what allows them to thrive through change, crisis, adversity and uncertainty. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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How to Become an Exceptional Leader

“Who has been a great leader AND who has been a poor leader in your life? Why? What did they teach or NOT teach you?” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast unveils how you can become an exceptional leader, all by asking, answering, and implementing, two very simple questions. Very few people will be reflective and introspective in this way and they wonder why they have blind spots and struggle to get the most out of people in their leadership positions…whether that’s with their family, community or company. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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HELP! I Need Motivation!

“Motivation is an emotion, a feeling, and it’s something we ALL need more of from time to time.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast is dedicated to the singular topic of motivation. How to get it, how to keep it, how to find it if you’ve lost it. The simple (but not always easy!) strategies of posture, pattern interrupt and power phrase are all ways that you can summon motivation immediately, on command. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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5 Ways to Improve IMMEDIATELY

“The Norm does information. Outperformers do implementation.” —Scott Welle. In this episode of the Outperform Podcast we discuss the five ways to improve your performance IMMEDIATELY: start, stop, continue, do more of, do less of. That’s it. And as long as you take your “information” and move it to “implementation” through one of these areas, you will never again stay the same after watching, listening or reading something that can genuinely benefit your life…if only taken action upon. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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The Stories That Keep You Stuck

“Your explanatory style determines your destiny, plain and simple.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast is about the stories we tell ourselves, specifically the “explanatory style” we use to explain the things that HAVE or HAVE NOT happened in our lives. Research has shown that Outperformers differ in three key areas of these stories: Permanence (temporary vs. stable), Pervasiveness (specific vs. global) and Personalization (internal vs. external). Once you recognize your own dominant patterns of thinking (or recognize these patterns in others) for both positive AND negative life events, you’re better equipped to flip the script and Outperform in the present…and future. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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STOP Overreacting!

“All Outperformers have mastered the skill of putting space between the stimulus and the response.” —Scott Welle. In this episode of the Outperform Podcast, we talk about a skill that all Outperformers have: putting space between the external environment (the stimulus) and what they do about it (the response). Do this and it will not only keep you on a more even keel throughout your days but it will also empower you to CHOOSE your emotional state and to not overreact. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Embracing Headwinds (Tailwinds Take No Talent)

“How you perform in headwinds is not only a testament to your character, it’s what makes you an Outperformer.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast is about “headwinds.” Figuratively speaking, this means how you deal with adversity and resistance. The Norm looks seeks “tailwinds” but performing in these is easy. It takes no talent. But if you can learn to lean into the headwinds through the correct mindset and a focus on moving forward, you’ll be better prepared to deal with ANY winds in your personal, professional or athletic life. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Define Your 2024 (Instead of Letting 2024 Define You!)

“Proactively define your 2024. Don’t reactively let 2024 define you.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast is about a simple strategy to make the most of your 2024: identifying ONE word or ONE phrase that will act as your theme for the year. It will not only constrain your focus but also drive your behaviors with intention in an area(s) you have not done previously. Sounds simple and common sense but that doesn’t make it easy and common practice. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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3 for ’23: The Questions to Ask

“Ask better questions, get better answers, get better results.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast unveils the three questions you should ask in evaluating your year. They’re simple, big picture questions but if you ask them, it’ll put your year in the proper context and help you get the most out of it as you move forward. 1) What are you proud of? 2) What lessons did you learn (about you, others, the world)? 3) What gave you energy AND what robbed you of energy? Please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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The KEY to Goal Achievement

“How can you find incrementally more enjoyment from putting in the WORK towards what you want.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast unlocks a KEY to goal achievement that almost never gets talked about: immediate gratification. We hear constantly about choosing meaningful, important goals (i.e., delayed gratification) and, yes, these are important. But they miss a critical component in perseverance and goal persistence: getting an IMMEDIATE payoff for doing or not doing something NOW. Enjoy and happy holidays! Please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Do You Have a Fear of SUCCESS?

“Many people say they have a fear of failure. What they ACTUALLY fear are the expectations and criticism that come with SUCCESS.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast dispels one of the most prevalent myths out there: the fear of failure. Most people don’t fear failure, they fear success. And the reason they fear this is that success brings expectations and criticism…both of which can be remedied by BELIEF (in yourself AND what you’re doing). Enhance this belief and you’ll achieve your greatest success—whatever that means to you. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Is Your Ego Getting in the Way?

“Outperformers play the long game. They know it’s not about starting small; it’s about finishing BIG. It’s not about where you are; it’s about where you’re GOING.” —Scott Welle. This episode of the Outperform Podcast unpacks something that often gets in our way: EGO. We all have one, and whether it’s comparing yourself to where YOU believe you should be or where OTHERS believe you should be, ego can hold us back from ever getting started. Don’t let that happen to you! Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!


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Losing Mom & Dad (we all have a story)

“Don’t be sad that it’s over; be glad that it happened.” —Scott Welle. This is the most vulnerable episode of the Outperform Podcast I’ve ever recorded. It’s my story of losing both my Mom & Dad before the age of 38. I share this not for clicks or for sympathy, but to share what I learned from the experience and how it may potentially help you. Remember - I have a story, you have a story, we all have a story. Let’s write an epic novel, not a Shakespearean tragedy. Enjoy and please sign up for OUTPERFORM Weekly for free at https://scottwelle.com. Also connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!
