Porn, Betrayal, Sex and the Experts — PBSE
Health & Wellness Podcasts
Two sex addicts in long-term successful recovery are ALSO world-class Counselors who specialize in porn and sex addiction recovery. Drawing on 40 years of combined personal and professional experience, Mark and Steve get RAW and REAL about HOW to overcome addiction, heal betrayal trauma and save your marriage. If you're struggling with addiction—we get it. Recovery is hard. We've been there. We'll help you take the fight to your addiction like never before. If you're married to an addict—we KNOW what it's like to nearly destroy a marriage! We'll help you understand the world of your husband's addiction and begin healing your betrayal trauma, regardless of what he decides to do. You don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to keep suffering. We've made all the mistakes so you don't have to. Take back your life. Take back your marriage. Let's do this together! This is the PBSE podcast.
United States
Health & Wellness Podcasts
Two sex addicts in long-term successful recovery are ALSO world-class Counselors who specialize in porn and sex addiction recovery. Drawing on 40 years of combined personal and professional experience, Mark and Steve get RAW and REAL about HOW to overcome addiction, heal betrayal trauma and save your marriage. If you're struggling with addiction—we get it. Recovery is hard. We've been there. We'll help you take the fight to your addiction like never before. If you're married to an addict—we KNOW what it's like to nearly destroy a marriage! We'll help you understand the world of your husband's addiction and begin healing your betrayal trauma, regardless of what he decides to do. You don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to keep suffering. We've made all the mistakes so you don't have to. Take back your life. Take back your marriage. Let's do this together! This is the PBSE podcast.
I know my partner is positively changing, BUT how can I stay with a man who did such horrible things in his addiction?
What Is All This Recovery & Healing Work For? Is It Worth It? Why?
Since getting into Recovery, my Porn/Sex Addicted Partner went from Pleasant to Angry & Aggressive! What’s going on???
Is My Partner a Sex Addict or Just Getting Back at Me? He says He can Stop anytime.
As a Porn/Sex Addict, does, “I Want to Get Clean for Her” or “Be Worthy of Her” work as a Motive for Real Recovery?
My Porn/Sex Addict Partner Put Me Through Hell! Now He’s in Recovery & Wants to Reconcile—is it Worth the Risk?
As the Betrayed Partner of a Porn/Sex Addict, How Do I Know If/When I Know Enough About His Secret Behaviors?
Defensiveness Is KILLING Our Relationship - WHAT Do We DO?
Why Do Addicts Have Such a HARD Time Being HONEST?! How Can We DARE to Tell the TRUTH AT ALL COSTS?
How Do I Get to Find Happiness Again When My Addict Partner Keeps Relapsing? How can I be OK, No Matter What?
The Powerful Potential of “Consideration” in Recovery & the Betrayal Trauma Healing Process
Are You Fighting the Right War: Working Within the Facts, But NOT at the Cost of Connecting with the Feelings?
My Addict Partner has Certain Philias, Fetishes & Taboo Behaviors. What is the Impact of this on His Recovery & Our Relationship?
Why Do I Go Silent As the Partner of A Sex Addict, and How Do I Healthily Break Free of This?
My Partner Relapses, says He’s Sorry, does Better for a Time, then the Whole Cycle Starts Again!
Sex in Our Marriage has Always Been “Broken.” How do we Repair and Heal it?
I use Porn to Learn How to Please my Partner. That’s Healthy . . . Right?
As a Betrayed Partner, How do I Live “Empowered” Regardless of what my Addict Partner Does or Does Not Do?
Unless my Partner is “Diagnosed” as an “Addict,” his Porn Use is NOT a Problem . . . Right?
COLLABORATING as a Couple in the HARD Struggle of Recovery & Healing