Porn, Betrayal, Sex and the Experts — PBSE
Health & Wellness Podcasts
Two sex addicts in long-term successful recovery are ALSO world-class mental health professionals who specialize in porn and sex addiction recovery. Drawing on 40 years of combined personal and professional experience, Mark and Steve get RAW and REAL about HOW to overcome addiction, heal betrayal trauma and save your marriage. If you're struggling with addiction—we get it. Recovery is hard. We've been there. We'll help you take the fight to your addiction like never before. If you're married to an addict—we KNOW what it's like to nearly destroy a marriage! We'll help you understand the world of your husband's addiction and begin healing your betrayal trauma, regardless of what he decides to do. You don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to keep suffering. We've made all the mistakes so you don't have to. Take back your life. Take back your marriage. Let's do this together! This is the PBSE podcast.
United States
Health & Wellness Podcasts
Two sex addicts in long-term successful recovery are ALSO world-class mental health professionals who specialize in porn and sex addiction recovery. Drawing on 40 years of combined personal and professional experience, Mark and Steve get RAW and REAL about HOW to overcome addiction, heal betrayal trauma and save your marriage. If you're struggling with addiction—we get it. Recovery is hard. We've been there. We'll help you take the fight to your addiction like never before. If you're married to an addict—we KNOW what it's like to nearly destroy a marriage! We'll help you understand the world of your husband's addiction and begin healing your betrayal trauma, regardless of what he decides to do. You don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to keep suffering. We've made all the mistakes so you don't have to. Take back your life. Take back your marriage. Let's do this together! This is the PBSE podcast.
With His History of Dishonesty, Should I Just Trust that my Partner’s Relationship with an Attractive Coworker is “All Business”?
Is it My Responsibility to Make My Porn Addicted Partner Feel Comfortable so He Will Consistently Tell Me the Truth?
My Porn Addicted Partner has ADHD. He Insists I MUST Manage His Recovery for Him to Succeed. Is This Right?
“Men will Just be Men—Live with it?” REALLY?!
How Can I Support my Partner (who I Betrayed) so She Can Enjoy Life Again?
What are the differences and similarities between male and female betrayal-traumatized partners?
A Close Friend Matches My Addict Husband’s Past “Porn/Fantasy” Woman. I’m Triggered Whenever I’m Around Her! What Can I Do?!
For an Addict Seeking to Overcome “Public Scanning,” is the “3-Second Rule” Harmful or Helpful?
My Addict Partner was Doing Well in Recovery. Then the Lies Started Again. I’m Shattered! How do I Come Back from This?!
Why is Knowledge of Horrific Abuse in the Porn Industry NOT Enough to Make Men Quit Their Porn Habit?
I’ve Disclosed my Sexual Addiction history to my partner—now what? How do I best support her going forward?
HOW Does an Addict Get to Real, Lasting SEXUAL & EMOTIONAL Sobriety & Recovery?
What’s the Point in Staying with a Porn/Sex Addict? What’s in it for the Betrayed Partner?
The PBSE/Dare to Connect Approach vs 12-Step Support Groups
Because He’s a Sex Addict—even in Real Recovery—I will still Never Be Enough For Him! How do I Cope with That?!
What Does “Real Restitution” for Serious Betrayal in a Relationship Look Like?
Do I Have to Accept that my Addict Partner, even in Successful Recovery, could Betray Me Again?!
As a Partner, I’m Falling and Drowning—HOW DO I STOP! How do I TAKE BACK MY POWER?!
I Need My Sex Addict Partner be “all-in” with Recovery, and to Stop Throwing Me Under the Bus with Family & Friends!
How Can I Share my Authentic Feelings when my Addict Partner Reacts with Depression, Anxiety and/or Shame?