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Psych Up Live

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Psych Up Live turns up your psychological perspective on life issues. With a wide variety of guests, Host Suzanne Phillips passes forward the latest in books, findings, and information relevant to your life and the world you live in. She explores topics as varied as family relationships, binge eating and violence on campus. In a conversational style, Suzanne and her guests translate the latest in psychology to exemplify ways of coping with child rearing, divorce, medical diagnosis, campus violence and social anxiety. She engages her guests with questions, often voicing her own thoughts or sharing related stories. What is particularly exciting about Psych Up Live is the opportunity for you to call in with your own stories, questions and opinions. Psych Up Live captures your attention as it considers life issues that will intrigue and inform you each Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time, 2PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.


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Psych Up Live turns up your psychological perspective on life issues. With a wide variety of guests, Host Suzanne Phillips passes forward the latest in books, findings, and information relevant to your life and the world you live in. She explores topics as varied as family relationships, binge eating and violence on campus. In a conversational style, Suzanne and her guests translate the latest in psychology to exemplify ways of coping with child rearing, divorce, medical diagnosis, campus violence and social anxiety. She engages her guests with questions, often voicing her own thoughts or sharing related stories. What is particularly exciting about Psych Up Live is the opportunity for you to call in with your own stories, questions and opinions. Psych Up Live captures your attention as it considers life issues that will intrigue and inform you each Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time, 2PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.



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Encore Why Losing a Dog Hurts So Much!

There is little question that when a person suffers the death of their dog, the loss is excruciating. Why? In this episode, Dr. Frank McAndrew, evolutionary and social psychologist, draws upon his personal experience as well as cultural dictates and scientific research to illuminate our extraordinary relationship with dogs and the impact of their loss. In his discussion, he considers the unique interspecies bond with dogs and draws upon the work of Anthropologist Brian Hare who developed the “Domestication Hypothesis.” Dr. McAndrew considers what MRI’s reveal in terms of a dog’s attunement to facial expression and gestures as well as research on the misnaming slips we make between dogs and family members. Socially and psychologically he underscores what is emotionally lost when a person loses their dog. This is a powerful and personal show that will touch many.


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Encore Facing Addiction or Alcoholism - Finding Lasting Sobriety

In the US an estimated 20 million people have problems with alcohol and/or other drugs. Some seek help, many try to stop on their own terms but can’t, many never stop. In this show, Dr. Geoff Kane, who has helped people understand and cope with substance use disorders for more than 50 years, brings his expertise to Psych Up live to benefit our national and international listeners. Board certified in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine, and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Dr. Kane will be drawing upon his experience and his important book, The Two Pillars of Recovery Workbook: What People with Addiction Need to Know and Do for Lasting Sobriety. He will be clarifying the nature of alcoholism and drug addiction, underscoring what makes it so compelling and destructive and discussing the two essential factors that make sobriety and the end of drug addiction possible.


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Encore A Psychologist Addresses The Reality and Impact of Climate Change

The recent Texas Panhandle fires have burned as much land as thousands of wildfires did in 4 years in the state. The deadliest US wildfire in over a century devastated the Hawaiian island of Maui in August 2023. Flash floods in September 2023 ravaged Northern Libya killing 4,000 people, more than ever recorded. How do we recognize Climate Change and deal with Climate Disasters? In this show, Psychologist, Dr. Elizabeth Allured, Co-founder of Climate Psychology Alliance-North America joins us to consider the psychological impact of Climate Change. She will discuss how our human psychology has brought us to climate change and why we tend to deny it. She will clarify how the trauma, disaster and losses from Climate Disasters are different from single event traumas as the loss of a loved one or sexual trauma, and how our understanding of psychology helps us act effectively to tackle the problem, both on a concrete level and in terms of psychological resilience. Dr. Allured will discuss the impact of Climate Disasters on children, as well as clinical methods currently in use to address eco-anxiety, distress and more. Don’t Miss this Show!


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Encore 'Recovery from Bullying: An Insider's Journey and Mission'

Anti-bullying sites report that bullying has become an epidemic. One in 7 students K – 12, bully or are a victim of bullying. 75% of school shootings are linked to bullying and there is a strong link between bullying and suicide. Against this backdrop, Alan Eisenberg, Founder of Bully Recovery, Coach, and author of A Ladder In The Dark: My Journey From Bullying To Self-Acceptance and Crossing the Line, shares his childhood experience of bullying, his years of suffering with Complex PTSD and the path to recovery. What Alan offers is the story behind the statistics that few share and too few adults hear. Alan reveals the daily terror, shame, and self-blame that the bullied child or teen faces alone. He reports the loss of the authentic self, the need to fit in and his own misuse of violence. Bringing us to his adult story, Alan shares how his suffering continues until he seeks professional help and begins the steps and strategies that support bully recovery. His story offers answers.


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Encore: Coping With Life Stressors and the 7 Mid-life Tsunamis

Most people have faced unexpected stressful situations. There are even times, often in midlife, when it seems like the challenges just won’t stop. In this episode, psychologist and author, Dr. Pete Stebbins, using surfing as a metaphor, draws upon his clinical and personal experience to offer strategies for coping and proceeding effectively with life. Whether facing the stress of divorce, illness, bereavement, wedding plans or debt, we are guided to consider how to appraise the problem, understand our personal stress reactions, manage mindset, regulate emotions, and re-set lifestyle and purpose. Dr. Stebbins invites us to develop the skills to successfully surf the waves of life and ride out the Tsunamis.


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The Graying of Divorce: Home Will Never Be the Same Again

The Divorce rate in the US among middle-aged and older adults has doubled over the past two decades. This rise is significant given that half of the married population is aged 50 and older. On today’s show we are going to consider the impact of this trend toward later life divorce on children be they teens or adults. Our guest experts are Dr. Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg, LMFT who will be discussing their important new book HOME WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce. The book is as informative as it is emotionally stirring. It draws upon years of clinical work to consider how parents and children deal with the good, the bad and the emotionally complicated impact of The Graying of Divorce.


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This Show offers a powerful and eye-opening consideration of medical care for marginalized people. Whether from a patient’s perspective or the perspective of those who serve as medical caregivers, you will find Dr. Dean David Schillinger’s TELLTALE HEARTS to be an extraordinary book and Dr. Schillinger to be an extraordinary person. What Dr. Schillinger offers is the gift of his own story in tandem with the unexpected, tragic, impressive and heart-breaking stories of his patients. Both sets of stories offer a glimpse of how industrialized medical systems can be dangerous for patients who are misunderstood, stereotyped and overlooked and for doctors who are struggling with burn-out, bias and at times frustration and despair. What Dr. Schillinger believes, and shares is the power of the patient’s narrative. He exemplifies that when a patient is invited to be known, to tell their story, to be seen and respected– treatment and healing often become possible. Dr. Schillinger’s description of his journey and his relationship with patients who dare to share and be known is medically and socially invaluable.


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Encore The Power of Self-Compassion to Enhance Coping in Difficult Times

Dr. Kristin Neff is the recognized pioneer in the field of Self Compassion research and the author of the important book, Self-Compassion-The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. As individuals, families and communities we need to find a way to cope with the stress, fear and uncertainty we face. As you listen to Kristen Neff, you will hear something unexpected and important – the reasons and the research that reveal Self-Compassion as a powerful personal resource for coping and maintaining sustainability in difficult times. Kristin Neff will draw upon examples to share why self-compassion is different than self-pity or self-esteem. She will answer the paradox of why embracing our negative feelings with kindness actually empowers us, why self-compassion expands our comfort with mistakes, and fosters self-esteem as a by-product of functioning despite roadblocks. She will exemplify the use of self-compassion and Mindful Self-Compassion. We need Self-Compassion.


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Encore Mutual Rescue: How and Why Bonds with Homeless Pets Change Lives

In this show Carol Novello, founder of Mutual Rescue and author of Mutual Rescue, returns to Psych UP Live with an exciting and expansive focus on the power of people-pet rescue and connection. She discusses options for people who cannot actually adopt a pet but want to share in the experience of loving homeless furry friends. Discussing the stories captured in a new set of award winning mini films, Carol considers how mutual rescue addresses trauma, pain, othering, bias, and loneliness. She discusses the neurophysiology of the pet-person connection. With powerful stories she shares an animal’s ability to show us unfiltered affection and loyalty despite the heartbreaks and loss of everyday life and teach us about the courage to embrace any moment of connection. You will love this show.


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Encore Street Smart Safety for Women: What Women Need to Know

Violence against women is a global health issue. The threats women face today are unapparelled and more dangerous than ever before. When you add the toxic cocktail of technology and social media the danger increases. In this show, former Deputy Sheriff, Joy Farrow and Tech Engineer and trauma survivor Laura Frombach will discuss how women can avoid being victims of violence on many levels. They will discuss and exemplify how women can develop “A Safety Intuition for Defensive Living”, become “ Persuasion Proof,” “ Take a safe walk or a run,” Be aware of “Online Dating – Red Flags,” Travel “Solo and Safe,” handle “The SOS Situation,” and more. What you hear may increase your anxiety but it will empower you in many ways. Women and everyone who loves them should hear this show.


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Encore: The Story of a Transgender Marriage: When a Husband Became a Wife

Many of us know transgender men and women or have become aware through the media of the transitions made by transgender men and women. The increased media coverage has invited both compassion and support by some and discrimination and even violence by others. This episode will clarify myths and give you an insider’s experience of the transgender journey. Guest Kristin Collier will share her personal story of being a young mother with a toddler and infant son who learns that the husband she loves can no longer carry the secret of his gender identification as a woman. She will bring you into the emotional steps of her husband’s transition while facing you with the day-to-day details of her own necessary transformation. If your husband is a woman- Who are you? Can you love and support the woman he becomes? What do you tell your little boys? How do you meet your needs? Kristin Collier’s story of strength, compassion and unexpected answers is one you won't forget.


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Encore Alternative Medicine and the Surprising Power of Belief

The amount of stress worldwide is at an all-time high. Self-Care and understanding alternative ways of easing pain are important. This show takes a close look at the varied forms of Alternative Medicine from Energy Medicine, Acupuncture, Chiropractic to religious belief, embraced by millions seeking relief for chronic pain, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia etc. Our guest author, Melanie Warner draws upon her important new book, The Magic Feather Effect: The Science of Alternative Medicine and the Surprising Power of Belief, to invite us into a personal research journey which involves her meeting with clinicians, scientists, and healers world-wide, to answer questions like- Why have these Alternative Medicines become so popular? Why do some people report dramatic relief while others don’t? Can the results be subject to scientific proof? Is it the placebo effect? Do we need to recognize and use the surprising system of self-healing that belongs to us.


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Encore A Surprising New Look at the Benefits of Forgetting

In this episode Dr. Scott Small, esteemed neurologist and neuroscientist known for his work in Alzheimer’s disease, discusses his important new book, Forgetting: The Benefits of Not Remembering. In a culture inundated with information and worried about aging and forgetting, this is an extraordinary contribution. In a conversational style, Dr. Small offers the neuroscience of forgetting in a way that is as informative as it is startling. Drawing upon fascinating examples and personal history, he illuminates the reasons that we need “to forget” in order to think flexibly, prioritize, make decisions, be creative, address traumatic memories and remember what is needed. Toward this end he will consider: Why don’t I want a photographic memory? What part of the brain turns up or turns down memory and forgetting? What is the role of sleep in forgetting? What role does forgetting play in addressing trauma and PTSD? What is the difference between cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease? Listen in to an extraordinary guest.


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Understanding and Responding to Childhood Sexual Abuse

Research shows ( Darkness to Light White Paper on Prevalence) that one in seven girls and one in 25 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Many by people they know, love and trust. Evidence of abuse is not always obvious and children and adolescents do not report they have been abused for many reasons. Today we are going to lift the silence on childhood sexual abuse to offer an understanding and response to its impact. Toward this goal we are so fortunate to be joined by RICHARD BECK, LCSW, BCD, CGP, FAGPA an experienced psychotherapist with expertise in treating trauma working with individuals, couples and groups. Richard has not only responded to cases of sexual abuse, as a Senior Lecturer at the Columbia University School of Social Work has taught “ Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse” over twenty-four times. In our discussion today, Richard Beck will be addressing the reasons victims most often don’t report the abuse, the consequences of the Childhood Sexual Abuse on children and adolescents, the signs that might alert caregivers that abuse may have occurred and the rupture of trust and self-blame when a child or teen is victimized by a coach, physician or priest revered by the family.


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Encore Beyond Burnout: The Moral Injury of Doctors

During the pandemic, most people were grateful for the courage of medical workers. We have heard about the physical demands and emotional burnout they suffered; but far less about moral injury. In this episode, Dr. Keith Corl, an emergency and critical care physician offers a personal and professional understanding of moral injury of physicians, both before and during COVID-19. Dr. Corl defines moral injury and compares it with burnout and PTSD. Drawing upon examples, he considers the complexity of medical care overseen by a business model and discusses how it compromises the physician-patient relationship. As an associate of Moral Injury of Healthcare, a non-profit organization promoting public awareness and clinician support, he describes the importance of insuring sustainability in committed physicians in view of their risks of caring. He shares personal ways that promotes patient connection and care, both for himself and his medical students and staff.


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Encore: How to Survive and Thrive After Midlife Divorce

In this episode, Abby Rodman psychotherapist and author draws upon her own experience with divorce, her clinical experience and the responses of hundreds of women to a survey on divorce, to share what we rarely hear about divorce. Abby Rodman shares the insider story. She shares the fears, blame, hardship, parental worry and ultimate growth that is possible whether a divorce comes after two or twenty years, and whether it comes by choice, betrayal or mutual despair. As described in her book, Without This Ring, Abby Rodman does not advocate for divorce: but when there is no choice, she advocates for women to know they are not alone, to believe in themselves and to identify the feelings and dynamics that can be addressed with help on many levels. She will not be speaking about finding someone new. She will be speaking about the power of first finding you. Everyone will benefit from this show.


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Encore Living Well with Migraine

In this show Dr. Dawn Buse, Director of Behavioral Medicine for the Montefiore Headache Center and Associate Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine draws upon her extensive experience to discuss living well with migraine. She demystifies migraine and shares important treatment possibilities. Drawing upon her recent research, she addresses what has often been overlooked, the impact of migraine on a family. She offers strategies for managing migraine and living well as a parent and/or spouse with this chronic suffering. Her shared expertise will benefit the many people who cope with migraine and the families who love them.


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Encore Understanding Anorexia in Males

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation. Both professionally and in the public eye, this disorder has been associated with females. In reality, 25% of those suffering are males; but as a group, they have been overlooked, misdiagnosed or misinformed. In this episode, Dr. Tom Wooldridge, Psychologist, Eating Disorder Expert, Clinician and author discusses his groundbreaking book, Understanding Anorexia Nervosa in Males. In the discussion with host, Suzanne Phillips, Dr. Wooldridge addresses the symptoms, causes and unique issues particular to males who control their eating with dangerous consequences. He considers the impact of media on male body image, the role of bullying, and the anxiety about relationships and sexuality. In his discussion of causes and treatment, Dr. Wooldridge offers professionals, parents and males an integrative model that accounts for bio-behavioral, family system, medical, psychodynamic and spiritual factors.


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Encore Age-Proof Your Sex Life: Information, Realities and Strategies

In a manner that is personal, specific, at times funny and underscored with thirty years of writing and talking about sex, Tracey Cox invites us to age-proof our sex lives. Drawing upon her 17th and newest book, Great Sex Starts at 50, Tracey invites listeners, across gender and sexual orientation to consider that an understanding of the reality of body changes from hormone depletion, sensitivity, dryness, erectile difficulties etc. are inevitable and need not be a stop sign to sexual connection and intimacy. She discusses the six truths about sex that will never change regardless of age; four steps that will revolutionize your sex life; the challenges of menopause; what to do or say if you haven’t had sex in a number of years with your partner; the differences in sexual desire between men and women; the stages in a couple’s relationship from lust to love; being over fifty, single and sexual and the Media Misperceptions of Sex that impact all of us. Listen in.


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Encore “MORE” A Proven and Effective Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Someone has finally found a way to address opioid misuse and addiction among people with chronic pain. In this show, Dr. Eric Garland, the world’s leading expert on the use of mind-body therapies to treat opioid misuse for pain will discuss the recently proven effectiveness of “MORE” – “Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement.” Dr. Garland will define opioid use disorder (OUD), its relationship to chronic pain and what makes opioids so addictive. He will discuss the treatment components of “MORE” ‘the differences between this and other treatments and the research design used to test this treatment model. In the second segment Dr. Garland will invite the audience to hear and feel what it would be like to be in a Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Group. In the back and forth with Host Dr. Phillips, he will consider why the group format matters and why he believes a significant number of those who received this treatment to reduced their opioid use without being specifically directed to do so. Given the danger of Opioid Use Disorder, the number of people suffering, the importance of these findings and the need for available effective treatment, this becomes a show everyone needs to hear.
