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Really Real with Toni

Health & Wellness Podcasts

A podcast about living in alignment with who we truly are on the inside, exploring our gifts and loving all parts of ourselves.


United States


A podcast about living in alignment with who we truly are on the inside, exploring our gifts and loving all parts of ourselves.



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Ep #8 Selfish learning or Learning to awareness shift

After returning home from a Breathwork and Tantra retreat I now realise how in my head I am when I am learning stuff. Rather than having a somatic experience and EXPERIENCING the growth I had been THINKING that I need to remember how it was taught to me so that I can pass it on. Also came back realising that it is TRULY OK to be self serving. In knowing what brings ME pleasure and gifting myself this nurturing, I am no-longer at the mercy of someone else. I can fulfil my own needs and be...


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Ep #7 Cleansing and our Higher Self

Just a Saturday chat about some of the things that Ive been moving through this week. It's a bit of a mixed bag but that's me in a nutshell really so why would my podacst episodes be any different? lol I'm on a fruit and juice cleanse for the Humanity (breathwork and emotional release retreat) and after I recorded this I remembered more stuff I wanted to share but then forgot them again so I am trusting that all that needs to have been said was said. I also have a new understanding of what...


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Ep #6. Let's come together and love one another.

This past few days have felt really heavy as I observe some of my fellow humans being very critical of one another. There seems to be some strong separation getting about the place and it's heart breaking for my sensitive soul. I get it, we are all under lots of pressure right now, so many things are shifting and changing. I feel it is all for the greater greatness and just want to remind us to love each other, come together and support one another, that is what this time is calling...


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Ep #5 (not 4). Letting go of $exual shame and having more honest relationships

This week I'm being called to get clear on why I'm REALLY doing this podcast. Why am I REALLY sharing all of this about me to anyone with an ear? The answer is it's NOT REALLY about ME, it's about what my truth ignites in YOU... By hearing others open up on podcasts I've been able to move through my shit so it's my turn to do that for you. I share a bit more about my breathwork experience, letting go of $exual shame and feeling pretty great in my own feminine. If you resonate with me I'd...


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Ep # 4 - Imposter Syndrome - keep going, your almost there!

Today and in fact - this last week I have been feeling pretty great about things. I am finally stepping up and creating this podcast, a yoga community, a health & Yoga Retreat. I also know their value, I know I am in alignment and it feels really fulfilling. However, there are many pieces and all of them are brand new to me. Creating my own community, starting a podcast, even just using social media are all things I have not done before….hello imposter syndrome 👋. Recognise this is just...


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#3- Falling down is your greatest gift

How falling down and making 'mistakes' are my greatest gift. The more I do it the quicker I get back up, dust myself off, learn the lesson and start again. Each time I do it, I have less shame around the event because I know that we are all doing the best we can with the tools we currently have. Then I upgrade, buy new tools and reinvent myself. I will do this forever because there is no final destination, there is just life being experienced. If you want to connect with me more (I would...


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More truth & love ❤️

Sharing my goal of this podcast. It’s not to offer solutions to problems but to instead offer you a friend to relate to. As you can hear, we don’t need to do anything perfectly, we just need to show up as the most REAL version of ourselves in all our greatness and shadows. I want to inspire you to break free from hiding and speak your truth more. I want you to feel the freedom that is being who YOU are and that being enough. I want you to FEEL and CIRCULATE love and feel connected to...


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Who am I & why am I here?

This is the REALLY REAL me! This first episode I’m sharing my story. How I went from someone so disconnected from herself and others and feeling like a victim of this world to someone who knows without a scrap of doubt that I am powerful AND I’ve got a purpose and mission to fulfil. You can find me on IG: @consciousconnectedhealth or FB: Conscious Connected Health. I look so forward to chatting next week, so much love fam! ❤️❤️


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Really Real with Toni (Trailer)

