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Rock Your Midlife

Health & Wellness Podcasts

ROCK YOUR MIDLIFE will help you get real, discover who you are, and give you the tools to navigate your life.


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ROCK YOUR MIDLIFE will help you get real, discover who you are, and give you the tools to navigate your life.



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Have More FUN and Step into Possibility at Midlife!

Get ready to play and step into possibilities because today’s show is going to help you have more fun at midlife and navigate what’s next. You’ll discover that having fun is actually good for you. As our first guest Dr. Mike Rucker explains, having fun is not just for pleasure, but a vital component of living a fulfilling life. When we let it, fun can improve our mental well-being, boost creativity, and increase productivity. Then we’ll be talking with life coach and podcaster, Wendy Green who is going to help you discover how to navigate the midlife transformational journey with more joy and ease.


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Step Outside Your Comfort Zone & Transform Yourself & the World

Are you feeling stuck? Wondering how you can change your life and have a bigger impact on the world. Today’s show is going to help you step outside your comfort zone and transform the world. I’m talking with full-time digital nomad Michelle Fishburne who traveled all over the United States interviewing people about what they lost and found during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Then I will be talking with humanitarian Jane Olson about her remarkable and courageous journeys to countries broken by violence and war. It's going to be an inspiring show that will help you find the courage to face your fears, act, and make a difference in the world.


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Healing and Transforming Your Body and Emotions Naturally

Healing and transformation are challenging especially at midlife when we have so many habits, emotions, and thought patterns that we are used to. Change brings up so many difficult emotions from fear and overwhelm to shame. Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly you can feel totally discombobulated. However, this is a natural part of the transformation and healing process. It’s what you need to do to Rock Your Midlife. Today’s show is going to help you process all that change and give you powerful tools to transform your body and emotions. I’m talking with two midlife rockstars. Top rated health coach Nagina Abullah and bestselling author, breast cancer survivor and warrior Dr. Veronique Desaulniers who will share her signature7 Essential system to heal and beat breast cancer naturally.


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Midlife Nutrition: From Fixing Meals Fast to Letting Dieting Go

March is National Nutrition Month. It’s the 50th Anniversary, and this month’s theme is Fuel for the Future. The focus is on eating with sustainability in mind. It’s a tasty way to nourish yourself during every phase of life and protect the environment. We’re kicking off the month with two amazing guests who will inspire you to eat right without all the dieting BS. My first guest is nutritionist Nicole Meyer, Founder of Nibble By Nic Nutrition. Nic is a wiz in the kitchen and she’s going to tell us how busy women can nail nutritious meals. Do you want to lose weight without dieting. Then you’ll want to listen to my conversation with Marina Cadore. She’s a best-selling author, International speaker and Executive Wellbeing Coach who will share her method for how to get off the weight-loss roller coaster and losing one kilogram a week without dieting.


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Get Energized: Elevate Your Relationship With Your Body & Food!

Are you struggling with your relationship with your body and food? Most women at midlife are. Negative body image doesn’t go away when you hit menopause and we don’t magically start craving carrots instead of chips. In fact, as your body changes – you gain weight, hair thins, skin starts to wrinkle… body image and eating habits can get worse. Today’s show is going to help you feel good about your body and eat right to feel energized and healthy and even help heal the planet. You’re also going to learn about how to eat to support your body during menopause and maintain a healthy weight. We’re talking with chef, cooking teacher, and cookbook author Alexander Gershberg about transitioning to a plant-based diet and psychologist and registered dietitian Dr. Supartra Tovar about how to let go of diet culture and tune into yourself instead. I’ll also be sharing information about my new Rock Your Midlife Community. You can learn more about it and sign up HERE:


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The Joy and Power of Pets

Do you love animals and pets? You’re not alone! A 2021-2022 survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) 70% found households own a pet. Among the 70%, there are 69 million U.S. households that own a dog compared to 45.3 million households that own a cat. According to Forbes 78% of pet owners acquired pets during the pandemic compared to only 17% of pet owners adopting a new pet before 2020. Why do we love our pets so much? Animals serve as a source of unconditional love, support, and comfort. They reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost mood. Plus, pets decrease stress and anxiety, improve heart health and help children with emotional and social skills. On today’s episode I’m talking with two animal experts who will share their passion for pets. My first guest is animal communicator, psychic, and medium Nancy Mello. Then I’ll be talking with pet therapy dog advocate Larry Grogan. They are going to help you learn how to better understand and connect with your pets and even inspire you to learn how to work with your pet to help others.


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Feel Confident & Secure Your Midlife Romantically and Financially

Do you believe in miracles - surprising and welcome events that are not explicable by natural or scientific laws and therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency? Are you ready for a miracle especially around your love life and finances? Then you’ll want to listen to today’s episode. I’m talking with celebrity healer and miracle worker Adrien Blackwell who teaches people how to become confident, miraculous, energy healers. Adriene is going to share her story of how she because a healer and developed confidence in her gifts. She’s also going to talk about her Making Miracles Happen Series and how to secure your midlife romantically and financially. Plus, I’ll also be sharing my own story of how I found love and romance at midlife and how you can too. Sign up for Making Miracles Happen Series HERE:


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Eat & Flourish: How Food Supports Emotional Well-Being

Are you an emotional eater? You’re not alone. All of us are! However, the term emotional eating has negative connotations and suggests images like having a threesome with Ben and Jerry or diving under the covers with Netflix and chips. Today’s show will challenge you to reconsider what emotional eating is! We’re dishing about the power food has to heal our bodies and nourish our minds. Plus, you’ll discover how to use emotional eating for your long-term wellbeing. Today’s guest is Washington Post writer and editor Mary Beth Albright. She will share her ground-breaking exploration of the way – what and how we eat it – shapes our mental and psychological health. As Mary Beth writes in her new book Eat & Flourish: How Food Supports Emotional Well-Being, food is pleasurable. We feel joy when we eat, whether it’s a juicy peach, crusty bread, or chocolate – and we especially feel uplifted when we’re sharing a meal. You’ll learn how to eat to support your emotional wellbeing, the role pleasure plays, how to use food to support your gut microbiome, how certain foods help reduce the inflammation that can harm mental health, and how to develop a healthful eating pattern for life.


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True Style Empowerment for Times of Change

Midlife can feel like you’re trapped in a chrysalis caught between your past and future, no longer a caterpillar and not yet a butterfly. While you can feel stuck and like you’ve lost your way, style mojo, and sense of self this is a natural part of the process of change. It’s also the perfect time to engage with transformation. One of the best ways to cross this life threshold through midlife and menopause in an empowered way is to embrace who you are now as you create who you are becoming. Discovering your True Style at midlife NOW – not when you lose weight, find the right mate, or finally become your future self- can be a major part of the process. Today’s guest, Style Empowerment Coach, Leesa Whisker is going to help you discover not only how to look and feel amazing but also how to find your True Style. Link to join the True Style Journey:


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Find the Courage and Midlife Mojo to Live Your Life for You!

Midlife can be challenging. It can feel like you are doing everything for everyone else but you. Whether it’s as a parent, partner, or employee, it’s so easy to lose yourself in your roles. However, it doesn't have to be that way. You can access your courage in numerous ways and take small steps to boost your confidence. The result, is that you will feel more joyful, energized, and empowered. Today's show will help you heal your past and find the courage to live your most authentic life in the future. I'm dishing with Midlife Courage Coach Sheree Clark who will share her recipe and secrets for creating an authentic fulfilling life. Here is the link to sign up for Sheree's January Talk Series:


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Reclaim Your Story: Become Empowered & Renew Your Wellbeing

Are you ready to reclaim your story? Would you like to become unapologetically powerful, prosperous, and peaceful? Want to renew your health and wellbeing? Then today’s show is for you. I’m talking with two amazing women who will share how changing your story and self-concept can transform you, your health, and your life. My guests are best-selling author Acharaya Shunya who empowers people to lead fearless, fulfilled, and enlightened lives and Registered Nurse, Wellness Coach, inspirational speaker and author Dr. Carrie Jarosinski. It's going to be an empowering, life affirming show that will help you Rock Your Midlife!


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Lose Weight & Feel Great: Real Midlife Wellness Solutions

New Year’s resolutions, we make them, we break them. In fact, research shows that 91% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions fail to keep them. And the most popular resolution year after year is being healthier. We want to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight so why do we fail and more important how can we succeed? Today’s show is going to provide you with simple, real solutions to boost your wellness and feel your best. I’m talking with Fitness expert Judy Arazoza who is going to share her secrets to building strength and confidence. I’ll also be talking with General Practice and Lifestyle Medicine Physician, Dr. Lucy Burns who is going to share her formula for real health and tell us how we can condition our brains to manage nighttime eating. START YOUR YEAR WITH A POWERFUL INTENTION. SIGN UP FOR MY FREE WORKSHOP HERE: It's going to be a great show that will help you finally lose weight and feel great in 2023.


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How to Make Your Own Happiness at Midlife

We all want to be happy, healthy and have less suffering. However with a so much bad news on all fronts and the increasing struggle midlife women face both at home and in the workplace, it doesn’t seem like there’s much to be happy about today. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for the world to get better. My guest Mary Mitchell is going to show you how to generate your own happiness, no matter what your current life circumstances. Mary has helped thousands of people, from inmates to CEOs, attract the happiness they want. She’s going to reveal the steps you can take now to ditch constant anxiety and worry, so you can seize joy and choose success every day – even if you’re surrounded by negativity. Sign up for the Intention Setting Workshop:


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Encore Up Your Midlife Mojo: How to be Confident, Courageous and Brave

“To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage.” – Steve Maraboli Three key ingredients for Rocking Your Midlife are: Courage, Confidence, and Bravery. In this week's show we're going to help you boost all three. Our guest Emily Zarecki is going to share how she overcame incredible challenges - including breast cancer - and turned them into opportunities. Plus, you'll learn: The difference between courage and bravery How to deal with fear and take action even when you're scared What is your upper limit and how to surpass it What women need to overcome challenges, adversity and advocate for themselves How to find your calling, passion and purpose Get ready to be inspired and follow your heart and calling.


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Become Who You Want to Be

Would you like to have more joy and less oy? Today's show is going to help you generate more joy in your life. When you follow the path of joy and do more of what lights you up you grow spiritually and start to become more of who you want to be. While it’s not always easy it is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. And you don’t have to go it alone. There are amazing guides and healers you will meet along the way. Today we’re talking with two women who have dug deep to find more joy and become who they want to be. First we’re chatting with Mel Trumble author of the Big Book of Bad Ideas. Then we’ll be talking with illustrator Allison Filice creator of The Journey: An Oracle Deck to Help you Find Your Place in the Universe. It's going to be a great show that will light you up so you can let go of who you’re supposed to be and become who you want to be.


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The Transformative Power of Kindness

Kindness matters! It is a strength, a superpower that has the capacity to transform lives and change the world. Unfortunately, as today’s guest Donna Cameron writes, “it is in short supply these days.” The good news is that we can all learn to be kinder to ourselves and each other. Today’s show is going to inspire you and give you the skills to live kindly. You’ll also discover the difference between kindness and being nice. discover why kindness can help you live a happier, healthier life and how to be kinder to yourself.


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Blooming at Midlife: Managing Menopause and Finding Yourself

Midlife can be challenging. There so many things to deal with from empty nest and finding your purpose to dealing with health challenges and menopause. The good news is that you can turn all those challenges into opportunities. Doing so will enable you to transform and bloom at midlife, and today’s show is going to help you! We’re talking with Claire Gill, founder of the National Menopause Foundation, a trusted and relatable resource to raise awareness and understanding of menopause through education, activism, and community building and Sari Botton, author of And You May Find Yourself… Confessions of a Late Blooming Gen-X Weirdo. It’s going to be a fun, informative show that will help you Rock Your Midlife!


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Midlife Tune-Up: Proven Wellbeing Practices

Our wellbeing needs change as we do. The good news is that it’s never too late to start working on your wellbeing and taking better care of yourself. On today’s show you’ll learn several practices that will help you tune-up your body, mind, and relationships. I’m talking with Dr. Lynda Ulrich, founder of the Goodness Exchange… THE place on the web for instant access to good news with no politics or ads. She’s going to discuss the power of gratitude and share 4 Simple Shifts you can make to have less fear and more joy in your life. I’m also going to be talking with author and coach Emily Madill who is going to share how to create a weekly planning ritual and how it’s a form of self-care no matter what stage or age of life you are in. Plus, I’ll be talking about 5 Lesser-Known Supplements + Why a Dietitian Wants You to Know them. It’s from a blog post I wrote for iHerb. You can read the article HERE: If you want to try one of these supplements or order your favorite products check out iHerb, The Place to Shop for Wellness check out the link in the comments. Use code DRELLEN to receive 10% off your first order.


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Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo

Midlife can be challenging. Perhaps you’re facing empty nest, navigating menopause, or just wondering why you never have time for self-care. However, it’s also an amazing time to say yes to your inner light, let go of limiting beliefs about your self-worth, and rediscover your magic. Today's show is going to help you get real and deal with whatever you are facing so you can rise and become your brightest, most beautiful self. I'm talking with Mindset Mojo Mentor and Intentional Living Guide, Linda Joy, who has spent the last three decades supporting women in creating an intentional life (and business, if desired) that aligns with the truth of who they are. Here's what we're dishing about: Linda's latest book: Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery and Transformation. How to rise above perceived obstacles Stories of healing and transformation The 2 mindset strategies that will help you on your midlife journey It's going to be an inspiring, uplifting show that will provide you with tools and techniques to reclaim your midlife mojo.


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Happier & Healthier at Midlife: The Joy of Giving Back

“Giving does not only precede receiving it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive.” -Isrealmore Ayivor Giving really does make you happy. Studies have found that giving boosts physical and mental health. A part of your brain associated with satisfaction starts to fire when you give. Whether you volunteer for an organization, offer emotional support to loved ones, or donate to charities helping others is good for you. The health benefits of giving include lower blood pressure, increased self-esteem, less depression, lower stress, longer life, and greater happiness and satisfaction. On today’s show we’re talking about giving to yourself and others. You’re going to meet a woman who will inspire you to give back and give to yourself by getting out your yoga mat. Her name is Jordan Ashley. She’s a yoga teacher, abuse survivor and founder of Souljourn Yoga, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness and funds for girls’ education through yoga retreats around the world. Here’s some of what we’re dishing about: Why giving back increases health, happiness, and joy How to find your path to giving back The benefits of yoga both on and off the mat for midlife women What is self-less service How midlife women can reinvent themselves and make a difference in the world It’s going to be a powerful show that will help you be happier and healthier at midlife!
