Rock Your Reinvention: Tips For High-Achieving Women Who Want to Successfully Exit Their Six-Figure Corporate Career-logo

Rock Your Reinvention: Tips For High-Achieving Women Who Want to Successfully Exit Their Six-Figure Corporate Career

Health & Wellness Podcasts

- Are you a high-achieving woman feeling the strain of corporate burnout? - Do you dream of leaving your six-figure career to start your own business, become an author, speaker, or a coach? - Do you long for more creativity, freedom, or flexibility in your schedule? If so, Rock Your Reinvention is the podcast for you! Join Karin Freeland, Corporate Exit Strategist & Life Reinvention Coach, Speaker, and Award-Winning Author, as she guides you through the transformative journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship. With her firsthand experience of exiting a high-powered corporate career, Karin is dedicated to helping women like you unlock their full potential and make impactful career transitions. In Rock Your Reinvention, you will: Discover Corporate Exit Strategies: Redefine Success: Hear Inspiring Stories: Gain Tangible Tips: Build Confidence: If you're ready to leave behind the corporate grind and embrace a new, exciting chapter in your life, this podcast is your go-to resource. Karin Freeland shares her secrets to fulfillment and success, helping you reclaim your life and make your corporate exit a reality. Sound like exactly what you need? Good! You're just one click away from transforming your career and life. Listen now! About the Host: Karin Freeland is a former corporate workaholic turned Corporate Exit Strategist & Life Reinvention Coach. After navigating a midlife crisis at 39, she made it her mission to ensure no woman ever stayed stuck in an unfulfilling career. Her book, Grab Life by the Dreams: The Essential Guide to Getting Unstuck & Living Your Purpose, is available wherever books are sold digitally and offers a deeper look at her signature EDIT™ Methodology. Learn more about Karin and her journey at


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- Are you a high-achieving woman feeling the strain of corporate burnout? - Do you dream of leaving your six-figure career to start your own business, become an author, speaker, or a coach? - Do you long for more creativity, freedom, or flexibility in your schedule? If so, Rock Your Reinvention is the podcast for you! Join Karin Freeland, Corporate Exit Strategist & Life Reinvention Coach, Speaker, and Award-Winning Author, as she guides you through the transformative journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship. With her firsthand experience of exiting a high-powered corporate career, Karin is dedicated to helping women like you unlock their full potential and make impactful career transitions. In Rock Your Reinvention, you will: Discover Corporate Exit Strategies: Redefine Success: Hear Inspiring Stories: Gain Tangible Tips: Build Confidence: If you're ready to leave behind the corporate grind and embrace a new, exciting chapter in your life, this podcast is your go-to resource. Karin Freeland shares her secrets to fulfillment and success, helping you reclaim your life and make your corporate exit a reality. Sound like exactly what you need? Good! You're just one click away from transforming your career and life. Listen now! About the Host: Karin Freeland is a former corporate workaholic turned Corporate Exit Strategist & Life Reinvention Coach. After navigating a midlife crisis at 39, she made it her mission to ensure no woman ever stayed stuck in an unfulfilling career. Her book, Grab Life by the Dreams: The Essential Guide to Getting Unstuck & Living Your Purpose, is available wherever books are sold digitally and offers a deeper look at her signature EDIT™ Methodology. Learn more about Karin and her journey at



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41: How to Sell Without Sounding Salesy

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Would you like to make more sales in your business? I mean, who wouldn't, right? Well, today we are going to be talking about how to sell without sounding salesy. This is one of the things that I hear from a lot of my clients who are new to entrepreneurship. They know they need to sell but all of the tactics they’ve seen and learned about feel spammy and disingenuous. If you've been feeling resistance to selling your services, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or brand new at business ownership, guess what? You're not alone. This is so common and something that all of my clients experience in one form or another at some point during owning a business. Key Takeaways: Change Your Mindset from Selling to Serving:Be Authentic to Your Style:Focus on Outcomes:Make Genuine Connections: Next Steps: If you're tired of struggling to grow your business or frustrated with your lack of income, I’ve got the proven strategies and systems to help you improve your productivity, boost your profits, and enjoy a balanced life with the freedom and flexibility that drew you to entrepreneurship in the first place. Let's talk! I'd love to hop on a complimentary call and see how I can help you EDIT Your Business™. Most women are right on the cusp of a breakthrough and just need a few tweaks in mindset, systems, or schedules to make it happen. Book a time convenient for you using my Calendly link: I can’t wait to see you on a call and help your business flourish. Remember: By incorporating these strategies, you’ll find selling can feel exciting and natural, rather than icky or pushy. Selling is about serving your clients and helping them achieve their goals. So go out there, ext If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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40: Is Your Self-Identity Holding You Back?

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! - Have you stopped to consider how your self-identity is helping or hindering your success? - Have you struggled to change your identity, worried that others will reject the real you? - Has societal pressure and noise impacted your ability to embrace a new identity? If you haven’t thought about these questions before, today’s episode is just what you need to challenge your thinking and get unstuck, so you can live authentically and fully adopt the real you! In this episode of Rock Your Reinvention, we're diving deep into the concept of identity: what it is, the elements that comprise our identity, and exploring how it can either support or hinder your journey. As high-achieving women in the corporate or entrepreneurial world, our self-identity often becomes intertwined with our roles and achievements, which can hold us back when we want to pivot or reinvent ourselves. Join me as I unpack the layers of identity, understand its impact on our choices, and learn how to reshape it to align with our true selves and future aspirations. Key Takeaways: Understanding Identity: Identity's Role in Choices:Dynamic Nature of Identity: Critical Component to Reinventing Yourself: Overcoming Fear of Change: Self-Reflection: Complete the Exercise: Take time to journal and reflect on the following questions:Next Steps: If you’re ready to dive deeper into your identity transformation and need personalized guidance, let’s hop on a call. We’ll discuss your insights from the exercise, explore how coaching can help you shift your identity faster, and talk about what working together would look like. Schedule an Empowered Exit Complimentary Call today: Future you will thank you! To see the list of things that make up your identity from Verywell Mind click here. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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39: No More Excuses: Why “I Could Do It If I Wanted To” Holds You Back

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Have you ever caught yourself uttering the phrase, "I could do it if I wanted!"? Maybe you glossed right over it without much thought. Or maybe it began to haunt you, wondering if you really could do that thing? In this episode, I want to challenge you to stop saying "I could do it if I wanted" and start taking action instead. Dare I say, “Put your money where your mouth is!” (At least, that’s what I’ve told myself on occasion.) Specifically, I’m sharing my personal journey from casual runner to training for a 5K for the Julie Valentine Center. Why? Because it perfectly highlights the importance of confronting your fears and truly committing to your goals. Plus, it demonstrates the power of dedication and perseverance, which is needed for any dream to take root. Key Takeaways Challenge Your Vocabulary: Confront Your Fears: Take Actionable Steps Forward:By the end of the episode, you’ll have a clear process for identifying how this phrase has been holding you back and what you need to do to reclaim control of your thoughts and actions. Would you like to support my campaign for the Julie Valentine Center? Please consider a donation to my run. My goal is to raise $1000 by August 3rd. Thank you for your generous contribution and showing abuse victims that they aren’t alone in this fight! If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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38: Setting Yourself Up Financially to Leave Corporate

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! “I’d leave my job, but I’m the breadwinner.” “I hate my job, but it pays the bills.” “I have to stay in my corporate job if I want to maintain my lifestyle.” Do any of these statements sound like things you’ve found yourself saying lately? I hear variations of them from my clients all the time! Making the leap from your corporate job can feel overwhelming, and even feel impossible at times. But there are several things you can do to make this transition easier and less financially stressful! In this episode, I discuss the financial strategies you need to confidently make the leap from corporate life to entrepreneurship. This topic, inspired by a listener's request, resonates with many high-achieving women who feel financially unprepared to take this crucial step, especially if you're the breadwinner. Join me as we explore practical tips to set yourself up for financial success and achieve your dream of leaving the corporate grind behind. Key Takeaways: Consult a Financial Planner: Eliminate Debt: Tighten Unnecessary Expenses:Make Your Money Work for You: Plan for Charitable Giving: Assess Your Earning Potential Post-Corporate: As always, I’ll share personal experiences and client stories about transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship. By implementing the outlined steps, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity needed to make your exit from corporate life so you can live a life you truly love. Share your progress and insights with us inside my Facebook Group, Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention, using #FinancialFreedom. Ready to start creating your corporate exit strategy? Book a call today: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 37: Harnessing the Domino Effect to Change Your Life

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Feeling stuck in your current job? Does making a change in your life feel like a heavy lift? Do you wonder where to get started to find a new job or make a move to a new city? For many women, even though we know a change would benefit us, we find ourselves stuck in the myriad of decisions, trying not to make the wrong choice. Spoiler alert: This approach won’t help you achieve your big goals. Instead, you can leverage a tool called the Domino Effect to make change easier for yourself. All you need to do is discover the first domino in your life, knock it down, and watch the subsequent changes come to fruition more effortlessly. If you’re ready to make a bold change but don't know where to start, this episode is for you! In today’s episode, I’ll cover the following: What the Domino Effect is: How the Domino Effect works: Pivotal Exercise: Real-life Examples: Practical Tips: By the time you’re done with this episode, you’ll be ready to implement the domino effect in your life. Get ready to make some serious changes! For more on the domino effect, check out my book Grab Life by the Dreams. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 36: 5 Tips for Effectively Unplugging from Work on Vacation

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are you excited for summer vacation or are you dreading it? If you're chained to your work or glued to your email inbox, enjoying your vacation may be more difficult to do. But fear not! I've got some tips to help you unplug and get the rest and relaxation you need this summer. In today's episode I break down 5 things you can try to make taking time off from work go more smoothly, avoid arguments with your travel buddies or spouse, and even empower your coworkers/team in your absence. And even if you find yourself having to work a little while you're on vacation, there are tips to help you communicate that and make it go over better with others. If you're ready for the best vacation of your life, listen now! And if you want even more support, you can download my free checklist: 15 Ways to Effectively Unplug from Work here. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 35: Client Success Story: Living Your "Vacation Self" Life

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! I’m thrilled to have my client Melissa Rauen join me for today’s episode. She’s been on a self-discovery journey for a while now and hired me at the beginning of 2024 to help her advance her career. Melissa is no stranger to experiencing burnout or changing jobs to experience more work-life balance. In this episode we unpack the following topics: The importance of rest and the role it plays in her everyday life. Her advice is not to wait until the weekend comes to rest.Why she decided to hire a coach and why she chose me specificallyThe value of having her own personal board of directors (which I, as her coach, am part of) Finding the right pace when pursuing your goals to avoid overwhelm or fueling impatience Two powerful activities that have helped her reinvent her life that you can implement today Be sure to listen all the way to the end to hear one of the most mind-blowing conversations she had during our sessions. It was certainly one of my favorite moments coaching her. Here’s the quote Melissa mentioned in the episode: "Instead of asking, 'Have I worked hard enough to deserve rest?', I've started asking, 'Have I rested enough to do my most loving, meaningful work?'" ~Nicola Jane Hobbs If you’ve been thinking about changing jobs, hiring a coach, or finding more balance in your life, this is the perfect episode for you! And if you’d like to explore coaching with me, book a complimentary 45-Minute EDIT Your Life™ Jumpstart Call today. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 34: 5 Tips for Dealing with Change

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are you facing a change in your life at the moment? Have you struggled to deal with change in the past? Maybe you’re even avoiding making a change that could benefit you in the long run because of the short-term discomfort? If that sounds like you, today’s podcast episode is exactly what you need. Change doesn’t have to feel difficult or scary. You can empower yourself to overcome whatever you face and do it with a grateful heart – knowing you’re going to grow and learn from this experience. I’m unpacking the following tips to help you cope with change whether you initiated the change, or it was something that was thrust upon you: - Why you need to understand the typical change cycle so you can avoid traps that keep you stuck - Change is necessary for growth; it can help you learn and expand your comfort zone - Why romanticizing your past is normal, but not helpful to your transformation so let’s be self-aware and avoid this temptation - Embracing the silver lining and benefits of difficult change (even in the face of death and other tragic events) - The value of baby steps when tackling changes in your life and career, there’s no need to make this harder than needed - How to anchor yourself back to your purpose and WHY you started this change in the first place to power you through the tough moments Remember: There’s no such thing as an overnight success! There’s a lot of change and mindset shifts that were happening in the background leading up to what the public sees. So, if it feels like change is taking longer than it should stop comparing yourself to others. Keep pressing on. Ready for the inspo you needed to conquer the changes in your life? Listen now! And as always, make sure you take the actions and complete the exercise I suggest at the end of the episode to implement everything you learn today. The Official Companion Workbook & Reflection Journal can be found here. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 33: How to Spot the 5 Types of Imposter Syndrome & Overcome Them

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Have you ever had a challenging experience at work and thought, “I’m not cut out for this. How did I even get hired in the first place?” Or maybe you’ve received some tough feedback and immediately let your inner critic take over with thoughts like, “See you don’t fit in here. You never should have spoken up.” These thoughts are typical for women who experience Imposter Syndrome, but this doesn’t have to become your norm. You can learn to spot when you’re falling into this learned behavior and put an end to it. How? By becoming more self-aware, learning the 5 Types of Imposter Syndrome, and how to overcome each one. Whether you’re the Perfectionist, Natural Genius, Rugged Individualist, The Expert, or Superwoman, you can start taking steps today to shift your thinking and reach your biggest goals. When you know how to properly address imposter syndrome, you can truly overcome it! Listen now! If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 32: 5 Signs You're Ready for A Side Hustle

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are you contemplating starting a side hustle but unsure if it's the right move? In today's competitive landscape, it feels like everyone is diving into side projects. But how do you know if you're truly prepared to take the leap? If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. Join me in today’s episode, where I break down five signs to help you determine if you’re ready to jump into a side hustle or not. And believe me, there is value in determining that this isn’t the right time for you to take this on. You’ll leave with actionable insights to help you make an informed decision and bring your entrepreneurial dreams to fruition. What are you waiting for? Dive into today’s show and finally make the decision one way or the other. If you know you want to start a side hustle but aren’t really sure WHAT the side hustle should be, I mention my book Grab Life by the Dreams and the companion workbook in this episode. You can get your copy of these resources to help you find clarity and sort through what you’d like to do. Visit to purchase these tools. You can connect with me on LinkedIn here. Please include a note and let me know you listen to the show. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 31: Reinvent Your Living Space and Declutter Your Life with Laurie Palau

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Does your home or office constantly get unorganized? Is your calendar or schedule a hot mess? Do you waste precious time and mental energy looking for things that have been misplaced? Is your clutter preventing you from getting ahead at work or in life? I can’t tell you how many of my clients have experienced these same things. I always recommend they hire professional help to declutter, so they finally have the capacity to design their dream life. If this resonates, this is the episode for you! The amazing Laurie Palau, Founder of Simply B Organized, and host of the podcast, This Organized Life, joined me to break down the following: The 3 types of clutter you experience Why you’re choosing to stay unorganized and how decision fatigue might be wreaking havoc in your lifeHow you can overcome your resistance to organizing Why clutter causes conflict and how she helps you reduce that The 5 pitfalls of clutter and how to avoid themHow to get started with the processAs a bonus we chatted about how she started her business with two small kids at home. Although she felt her story was anticlimactic, I thought it was the perfect illustration of how most women start their businesses. Get ready to be inspired. You don’t want to miss this episode! Listen now. To learn more about Laurie and work with her for your decluttering needs visit her website. If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 30: 3 Tips To Build a Business You Love

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are you an entrepreneur that has started resenting your business? Have you lost the passion you once had for your business? If so, your experience is a common one for female entrepreneurs. Why? Usually, it's because you're trying to build our business to look like everyone else's, haven't set enough boundaries in your schedule so you're burnt out, or you're working with clients that don't energize us. Here's the good news - this can ALL be fixed! In this episode I give you 3 really tangible tips that you can implement in your business today to regain your passion and love for your business. Your dreams are way too important to give up now! And if you want more support, book a call and let's discuss how I can help you love your business again! If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep.29 5 Ways Fitness Can Help You Bounce Back From Burnout

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Is your mind constantly overloaded to the point you feel like you can’t handle another thing? Do you get to the end of the week and collapse on the couch too exhausted for anything else? Have you ever felt emotionally drained and unable to give any more of yourself to others? Burnout is plaguing women across the board, from the C-Suite and middle-management to entrepreneurs running businesses large and small. The demands on your time and mental bandwidth feel endless. You’re overtaxed mentally, physically and emotionally! While there are a number of ways to manage burnout, fitness can be a helpful tool in combating it for good. How? Tune into this week’s episode where I’ll break down the 5 Ways Fitness Can Help you Bounce Back From Burnout. (Or avoid it in the first place!) You’ll learn different ways exercise can help you rebuild your life and career, so you can wave goodbye to burnout. Listen now! If you want more help beating burnout, join me on May 15th at 12 PM ET for a transformative webinar: Banish Burnout! In just one-hour we’ll: Uncover the symptoms associated with burnout (many of which you wouldn’t even realize are related)Discuss the 3 Phases of Burnout and how to treat each phase Hear stories of women I’ve coached and how they’ve overcome burnout Make your own custom action plan specific to your needs You don’t want to miss this! Sign up here: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 28 4 Reasons to Break Up with Busy

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! If there’s one thing corporate taught me, it’s that being busy is a badge of honor. Having an endless to-do list means you’re important. Not sleeping or unplugging is just par for the course - at least if you want to get to the top. And if you’re not busy, you’re a prime candidate for the next layoff. When in doubt, put your head down and stay busy! Well, if that isn’t the biggest lie I don’t know what is! This conditioned thinking, that only helps the company you work for, is toxic even on its best day. But don’t beat yourself up too hard if you’ve fallen victim to the busy culture. I’m here to help pull you out of it and reinvent your approach. If you’re finally ready for a more controlled and calmer way of life (or even just curious if this is actually possible), this episode is for you. I’ll share 4 specific reasons why you’ll want to break up with busy today. As a recovered corporate workaholic I’ve had to go through mindset shifts, learn to set healthy boundaries, and have a strong accountability system in place to overcome my love affair with being busy. (One that I still work on severing regularly.) Tune in now to discover valuable insights that will set you on course to a more productive and fulfilling life! Join the webinar on May 15th: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep 27 How to Get Unstuck by Envisioning Your Goals

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are you ready to finally get unstuck? Are you ready to explore the inconvenient truths you’ve been ignoring? Are you ready to get clarity and move forward enthusiastically? If so, this episode is for you! EDIT™ is an acronym that I created when I was reinventing my life, which I have now used with dozens of my coaching clients and perfected over the past several years. It’s 4 simple steps to take you from stuck and frustrated to thriving and fulfilled. The EDIT™ Methodology stands for: Envision Your Goal Document Your Goal Invest in Your Goal Take Action on Your Goal In today’s episode, I go deep and teach the Envision phase from my signature coaching process. This is the first step when you’re seeking clarity and direction in your life, whether you want a more fulfilling career or a healthier lifestyle. There are so many ways to apply this process to create your dream life! Don’t wait another minute - listen now! To learn more about the EDIT™ Methodology, grab a copy of Grab Life by the Dreams. It’s available in audiobook, eBook and paperback. Now introducing the Official Companion Workbook & Reflection Journal to help you put the tools and strategies from the book into practice: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep 26 Five Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! What if I told you that your mindset is actually your biggest Achilles heel? That your lack of progress and fulfillment actually has NOTHING to do with your skill level. If you’re like most of my type A clients, you’ll probably placate me for a second and then jump into all the training and skill-enhancing programs you can find. How do I know that? Because I used to do the same thing! From my therapeutic experience, mindset is the number one thing holding high-achieving women back from reaching new heights of success (not skill level). Every time one of clients rewires a negative thought, she sees exponential growth - and you will too. In this episode, I’ll share the 5 most common limiting beliefs I hear and explain why you can let go of that toxic thinking. It isn’t your fault that you’ve adopted these beliefs. Many of these limiting beliefs and thoughts are conditioned over time. They were given to us by friends, family, coworkers, teachers, society at large, etc. My goal with this episode is to empower you to examine these beliefs and let go of the ones that aren’t serving you. Be sure to listen to the end where I invite you to turn these thoughts around and give you examples for how to do that! With these damaging thoughts in the rear, you’ll be able to forge ahead and hit your goals faster than ever! If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep 25 Bringing Fun Back (Into Your Life and Career)

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Do you feel like your personality has changed and you’re a far cry from the vivacious woman you used to be? Long to go back to the days when you were having fun and experiencing joy on a regular basis? It happens! I remember being in my job craving laughter, wondering what happened to my lively spirit. Everyone always took themselves so seriously, and of course, I fell into the same trap. After all, we’re like the 5 people we spend the most time with. Whether you’re a new mom, a jaded female corporate executive, or just feeling frustrated with your current lot in life, these tips will make it easy for you to shift your mindset and take meaningful action. I’m sharing 5 tips to help you make the transformation from bored and unfulfilled to overflowing with joy and exuding fun! If you’re ready to inject some fun in your life, this episode is for you! If you’re still feeling stuck, be sure to visit to get my free e-guide: 6 Secrets to Get Unstuck. These additional tips will help you get the clarity you need to move forward. Don’t delay! If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 24 Following Her Heart into Journalism with Julie Rose

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Most people only know Julie Rose, Host of Top of Mind Podcast, as a journalist. But she didn’t start out in this field, even though she had always wanted to pursue journalism. Why? You guessed it! Societal pressures and fear, including fear that she wouldn’t be able to raise a family and be a successful reporter at the same time. She figured PR would be a better route and easier to manage. In this episode Julie shares her reinvention story and topics like: Plus, we discuss the power of the word YES! Where do you need to start saying yes in your life? Tune in now and find out. And wait until you hear her fun fact about how she decompresses! It’s not your typical take a vacation or rest answer. Learn more about Julie’s show Top of Mind with Julie Rose and connect with her on Instagram here: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep. 23 Why Your Money Mindset Matters When Reinventing

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! Are your thoughts about money preventing you from making a pivot? Are your beliefs about money repelling money you could be attracting? Is your money story holding you back? These are important questions to ask yourself! We all have a relationship with money, whether we recognize it or not. Some of us have a healthy relationship and some of us have a toxic relationship. (I’ve had both over the years.) If you’ve ever experienced a time in your life when money was tight, chances are you’ve had a scarcity mindset. However, for many women as they begin to make money and achieve success, they stay in a scarcity mindset, even if subconsciously. In today’s episode I’m sharing the following: If you’re ready to retrain your brain and experience an abundance mindset, download my free guide From Scarcity To Abundance - Money Affirmations For Ambitious Women: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.


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Ep 22 Reinventing Your Tech Career with Kathryn Rose

Send me a Text Message with your feedback! What do you do when you’re 8 months pregnant, your mom has a brain aneurysm and you get laid off? You start a consulting business, of course! At least, that’s what Tech titan and Founder of getWise and channelwise, Kathryn Rose, decided to do. She joined me to talk about her career journey and multiple reinventions over the years, including how she became an International Speaker. We discussed the following in today’s episode: Influence by Extensioncircumstance or design importance ofbeing a Learn-It-All deglamorize entrepreneurship rollercoaster of entrepreneurship I loved her motto: disappointment is inevitable, misery is optional. Isn’t that the truth?! She will inspire you to follow your reinvention dreams! Connect with Kathryn on LinkedIn. Check out channelwise here: Learn more about getWise here: If you're looking for additional support through coaching, visit my website to learn more about working together and my signature program EDIT Your Life™: Join my private Facebook community Successful Working Women Rocking Reinvention today and get the additional tools and community you need to reinvent your life.
